Copyright Limbo – incompetech (2024)

Posted on by Copyright Limbo – incompetech (1)Kevin MacLeodPosted in Music

I’m sure it is no surprise to anyone that copyright is not a simple thing. When you deal in international law, things get even worse.

As base, there are compositions that are under copyright protection, and there are compositions in the Public Domain (no copyright protection).

Public Domain

If you were to record Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos (written around 1715) – the compositions are in the Public Domain, and you can release your recording with no worries about paying licenses to anyone.

Copyright in Effect

On the other side – if you record Regina Spektor’s (who is still alive – and also quite good) compositions – you would certainly need a license.

International Limbo

And then there’s people in Limbo. “Also sprach Zarathustra” was written by Richard Strauss in 1896. That means the work is in the Public Domain in the US (and many other countries). Strauss died in 1949 – which means the work is not in the Public Domain in Spain (and many other countries).

So, if I record and release “Also sprach Zarathustra” in the US – I’m all good… until you watch it in Spain.

Let’s go to the map…

Copyright Limbo – incompetech (2)
Image by Balfour Smith at Duke University

For every new color, there are some composers in a different kind of limbo.
Argentina-Canada limbo (e.g. Prokoviev) is different from Spain-Australia limbo (e.g. Gershwin).

While trying to figure out a good rule of thumb for worst-case worldwide copyright to Public Domain timelines, it becomes evident that there is not one.

You can be reasonably certain that if a piece of music was written before 1833 – it is in the Public Domain pretty much everywhere. There are certainly pieces of music written in 1910 that are in the Public Domain pretty much everywhere. There may be pieces written in 1828 that are still under copyright somewhere (I have yet to find an example, though).

I hope that I have cleared up one thing… international copyright is insane. Check with the laws in each country you plan to distribute your media.

Some or all of the information in this post may be highly wrong… I did the best I could.

Copyright Limbo – incompetech (2024)


Is all of Kevin Macleod music copyright free? ›

His music is free to use, but requires formal credit, as per the Creative Commons Attribution copyright license. Instead of crediting him, parties can pay a fee for a no-attribution license, which starts at US$30 for one song, US$50 for two songs, and $20 per song for three or more songs.

Is Limbo copyrighted? ›

International Limbo

“Also sprach Zarathustra” was written by Richard Strauss in 1896. That means the work is in the Public Domain in the US (and many other countries). Strauss died in 1949 – which means the work is not in the Public Domain in Spain (and many other countries).

Can you pass down copyright? ›

Similar to any other type of property you own, copyright can also transfer to your heirs. In the absence of a Will, state law will dictate the specific individuals who will inherit your copyrights.

How to copyright songs cheap? ›

To copyright a song for free, simply write it down or record it in some way. Your free copyright is automatic. To protect your music from copyright infringement, create an account on the US Copyright Office website and register your song(s) in their database for a small fee ($35 for a single song by a single author).

What famous song has no copyright? ›

Take Me Out to the Ball Game” was written by of New York City music publishers and songwriters known as Tin Pan Alley. As more than 95 years have passed, the original song is now in the public domain in the United States. This song is a cult classic, often thought to be the unofficial song of American baseball.

Why was Limbo abolished? ›

In a long-awaited document, the Church's International Theological Commission said limbo reflected an "unduly restrictive view of salvation".

Has Limbo been abolished? ›

Mistakenly, the media reported the Roman Catholic Church abolished Limbo. Actually the only thing that happened was the Pope endorsed a paper that debated the subject which included hope that unbaptized babies could end up in heaven. Limbo was and still is a debatable theory of the Roman Catholic Church.

Are there rules for Limbo? ›

All contestants must attempt to go under the bar with their backs facing toward the floor. When passing under the bar, players must bend backwards. No part of their body is allowed to touch the bar, and no part other than their feet may touch the ground. They must not turn their head or neck to the side.

What cannot be copyrighted? ›

Copyright does not protect ideas, concepts, systems, or methods of doing something. You may express your ideas in writing or drawings and claim copyright in your description, but be aware that copyright will not protect the idea itself as revealed in your written or artistic work.

Does copyright expire after 50 years? ›

As a general rule, for works created after January 1, 1978, copyright protection lasts for the life of the author plus an additional 70 years.

How long does copyright last before 1978? ›

Works published after 1923, but before 1978 are protected for 95 years from the date of publication. If the work was created, but not published, before 1978, the copyright lasts for the life of the author plus 70 years.

Is a poor man's copyright legal? ›

This rumor gets passed around a lot, but it's sadly false. United States copyright law offers no official protection for a poor man's copyright. While you might be able to prove that you created it first, you need to be the first to file in order to get full protection.

Does CD baby copyright your music? ›

CD Baby does not handle copyright registration on behalf of artists for any submission. Copyright registration can only be done directly through the U.S. Copyright Office. However, to simplify what can be a complicated process, CD Baby has partnered with Cosynd.

Is there a free copyright? ›

So the answer to the question "Can I get a copyright for free?" is yes. In fact, obtaining copyright is automatic, and your copyright over your work arises from the moment your original work is expressed in a permanent medium.

Is Carefree by Kevin MacLeod copyright-free? ›

“Carefree” is released under Creative Commons License (CC BY 4.0). You can use it for your videos (even monetized) for free if you credit Kevin MacLeod in your video description.

Can you use Kevin MacLeod music on roblox? ›

None of the songs are able to be used. Yes, Kevin Macleod's audios are royalty-free, I'm assuming Roblox doesn't want a chance of a lawsuit.

Is Fluffing a Duck by Kevin MacLeod copyrighted? ›

The song in question is a piece of royalty-free music called “Fluffing a Duck.” It's by Kevin MacLeod, a composer who's a bit of a legend in the space — his song “Monkeys Spinning Monkeys” recently became a TikTok hit, and he was even the subject of a 2020 documentary, Royalty Free.

What music is now copyright-free? ›

The recordings on the National Jukebox date from 1900 to 1925 and, under the Music Modernization Act, all sound recordings published prior to 1923 have entered the public domain effective on January 1, 2022.

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.