The Spokesman-Review from Spokane, Washington (2025)

D6 THE SPOKESMAN-KEVIEW June 3, 1987, Spokane, Wash. RECORDS (Continued from page 5) Legal separation petitions Wilhelm, Edgar G. and Karen Marriage disselutions granted Kreici, Glenn M. and Lorraine Meier, Larry A. and Karen R.

Yearout, Rebecca L. and Thomas Young, Janet L. and Donald E. Federal Courts New suits Edison Pipe Tubing Inc. Robbie Beck as American Welding Fabrication seeking claimed owed.

Bankruptcy petitions Manuel and Oralia Garcia, Granger, debts of $2.946. Neeley D. and Connie Smith. Clarkston, debts of $21.024. Lee S.

Perez, Kennewick, Hope C. Perez, Richland: debts 59, 140. Ken A. and Wanda S. Wolcott, Richland; debts of $73,545.

Anthony Philip Santos, newick; debts of $53,326. Nicholas Roger Campanelli, la Walla; debts of $10,091. Michael L. and Wilma G. Mores, Tooppenish, debts $81,764.

Denise Lorene Hunt, Yakima; unspecified debts. Gary L. and Sharon A. Bjorson, Grand Coulee, debts $32. 964.

Linda Kay Cowling, Four Lakes, debts of $8,755. Nance Lehman, E2918 Hoffman; debts of $15,392 plus. James R. and Janie S. Hoskins, Chewelah, debts of $13,797.

Donald E. and Nancy G. Haskell, N12119 Whitehouse; debts $85,806. Sharon Ann Bayley, E13810 Broadway; debts of $11,735. Eric M.

and Kandy M. Haupt, E2326 Bridgeport: debts of $9,764. Lowell R. and Tamra E. Richards, Rosalia, debts $129,644.

Wage earner petitions William C. and Sammi L. Krauss, 527 Haven; total debts unspecified, with scheduled payments of $310 per month. District Courts Only fines or forfeitures of $50 more are listed unless a jail sentence was imposed. Criminal Cases Judge Richard J.

Richard: Randall V. Dirk, 37, W820 Euclid, shoplifting, 30 days with 27 suspended, $100 suspended fine. Ronald E. Martell, 27, N2508 Pittsburg, shoplifting, 90 days with 85 suspended, $50 fine. Traffic Cases Judge Richard F.

Wrenn: Steve R. Karr, 46, W1223 Nebraska, driving while intoxicated, days with 89 suspended, $500 fine. Sharon L. Lawson, 25, N1617 Ruby, driving in violation of financial responsibility, 10 days pended, $100 fine. Robert L.

Lindstrom, 48, W1027 Augusta, operating a motor vehicle with a suspended license, 90 days suspended, $250 suspended fine. Judge Christine Cary: Ronald L. Hendershott, 28, Chattaroy, driving while intoxicated, 365 days with 355 suspended, $250 fine plus costs. Brennan J. Huffman, 21, W3205 Indian Trails, driving while intoxicated, 365 days with 364 suspended, $250 fine plus costs.

Gary O. Toulou, 29, E3223 321h, no valid operator's license, 30 days suspended, $100 fine. Dennis J. Welter, 42, N5718 Cook, reckless driving, 90 days suspended, $250 fine plus costs. Tamara L.

Burke, 20, N2813 Cincinnati, no valid operator's license, five days unless valid license shown, $100 fine. Judge Richard J. Richard: Ronald E. Martell, 27, N2508 Pittsburg, no valid Washington operator's license, 10 days suspended, $175 fine with $100 suspended if valid license shown. NOTICES 149 BID NO.

87-054 Dept. Utilities Attention: Request for ProposSEALED BIDS will be received by Spokane County until 11:00 A.M. local time on Tuesday, June 16, 1987, to furnish the following: CONTRUCTION OF THE SPOKANE VALLEY INTERCEP. TOR EXTENSION TO FRONT AVENUE AND ERIE STREET, 1 CONSTRUCTION PACKAGE NO. MAIL BIDS TO: Board of county Commission: county Courthouse Broad way SPOT In A 260-0100 CLOSING DATE! JUNE 16, 11:00 A.M.

Bids will be received by the Board of County Commission: ers 11:00 at the above address until! day. A.M. Thereafter, of the appointed at held in public the bid opening will be Commissioners Assembly Room, Spokane county Courthouse, W. 1116 Broadway Avenue, Spokane, WA 999260. Proptly at 11:00 A.M., after lat call for bids, they will be opened and read aloud.

Drawings and specifications may be examined at the offices of the Assoicated General Contractors, East Trent Spokane, Washington; and the Construction Council, East 102 Boone Avenue, Spokane, Washington. Copies of the drawings and specifications may be obtained at the office East of Bovay Northwest, 800 Sprague Avenue, Spokane, Washington. A $25.00 deposit for the plans and specifications is required subject to refund upon return of said documents in good condition (unmarked and not mutilated, within 10 days of contract award). Each bid shall constituted an offer to Spokane county as outlined herein and no bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the bid opening for period exceeding sixty therof, unless award is delayed (40) days. Prices bid are to include all materials, tools, equipment, labor, supplies, taxes, Incidentals and transportation, unless otherwise expressly stated herein.

Each Proposal shall be accompanied by a proposal guaranty cash, or cerfified or cashier's check payable to the order of Spokane County for a sum not less than five percent of the amount of the Proposal, or accompanied by Bid Bond, in an amount not less than five percent of the amount of the Proposal, of corporate surety licensed to business in the State of Washington. The bond shall be conditioned that the Bidder will liquidated pay Spokane County, as damages, the amount specified in the bond, unless it enters into a Contract accordance with its Proposand furnishes the Performance and Payment Bond with surety satisfactory to the counin an amunt equal to one hundred percent of the contract price plus Washington State Sales Tax, and Insurance Certificate within five (5) working days from the date on which it is notified that is the successful Bidder. If the Bidder fails to enter into Contract and furnish the Performance andy Payment Bond and Insurance Certificate within five (5) working days from the date on which if is notified that is the successful Bidder, Its cash, or check (or Bid Bond) the amount thereof shall forfeited to the County. THE BOARD reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, portion or parts thereof and to waive all minor irregularities in bidding. Special attention will be directed to the qualifications of the Bidders when considering awarding contract.

copy of the bid file with the Clerk of the Board in the County Commissioners Office. EACH PROPOSAL SHALL BE SEALED in an envelope which been clearly marked with words "Bid Proposal By" followed the name and adof the bidder, the Bid Number, and the date of bid opening. Each Proposal shal submitted only on the prescribed Proposal forms includwith the Contract Documents. Bidder shall be responsifor ensuring that its bid Is the possession of the SPOKANE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS located at W. 1116 Broadway, Spokane, WA 99260- by the appointed date and Spokane County shall asno responsiblity for any in U.S., County, any mail service resulting bid being received late by Commissioners office.

Neither the State of Washingnor any of its Departments employees is or shall be a to this contract or any subcontract. additonal information con- LEGAL NOTICES Washington as follows: B.R.B. File No. 345-87 CITY OF SPOKANE, Linwood Annexation tract Bovay. Northwest telephone (509 Donald L.

La Brecque Director of Purchases SR14 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a formal Public Hearing will be held by the Washington State Boundary Review Board for Spokane County on Thursday, June 11, 1967, at 7:30 p.m. in the Hearing Room, Second Floor, Broadway Centre Bullding, located al North 721 Jetferson Street, Spokane, and on Monday, June 15, 1967. 1:30 p.m. In the Hearing Room, Second Floor, Broadway Centre Building, located North 721 Jefferson Street, Spokane. A.

A. vs. money The area involved in the posed action is as follows: Beginning at the point tersection of the North right boundary of Francis nue with the West right of and boundary of Division of thence North along the right of way boundary of Streef to the Southeast corner of Block 6 of Pinewood Homes Additon; thence Ken- along Pinewood the South boundary Homes Addition Wat- the Northeast corner of of Bogart's First thence South along the boundary of Bogart's First of diton to the Southeast of Block 2 of Bogart's First dition; thence West along South boundary of Block Bogart's First Addition to East right of way boundary of Whitehouse Street; South along the East right way boundary of Whitenouse Street to the North right of boundary of Country Boulevard; thence Southwesterly along the North right way boundary of Homes Boulevard to the right of way boundary of of West right of way boundary street; thence North along Wall Street to the North of way boundary of Road; thence West along North right of way boundary Price Road and said right way boundary extended to East boundary of Block of Northview Heights Addition; thence North along the boundary of Northview Heights Additon to the east corner of Northview Heights Additon at the boundary; thence West, and Southwesterly along city boundary to the right of way boundary of cis Avenue; thence East the North right of way Boundaor ry of Francis Avenue to point of beginning. Af said time and place, mony and factual material concerning said proposal be presented to the Board any affecter person or agency. By order of the Wasington Stafe Boundary Review for Spokane County this day of May, 1987.

TRICIA SMITH Chief Cierk ADVERTISEMENT FOR Sealed proposals will received for the following project: PROJECT 86-123 90 TITLE: Reroofing Various Buildings Washington Penitentiary Walla Walla, Washington AGENCY: Dept. of Corrections ESTIMATED BASE BID COST RANGE: $425,000 to $525,000 Bids will only be received tween the hour of 2:00 and 3:00 P.M. 3:00 Wednesday, June 24, 1987 BY: Bureau of Public Works Department of General ministration LOCATION: Chamber of Commerce, 29 East Sumach Walla Walla, WA 99362 Contractors may obtain plans and specifications from office of the Consultant, non D. McFall, Architect, Denny Building, Walla Walla, WA 99362, telephone (509) 2700, upon the deposit of $50.00, or they may be viewed at following locations: Associated Builders Contractors, Spokane; Associated General Contractors, Seattle kane; Blue Mountain Plan Center, Walla Walla; Columbia Basin Construction Council, Moses Lake; Construction Data News Eastside Westside, Portland; Construction Data News, Seattle; Scan, Seattle; Eastside Plan Center, Bellevue; Northwest Plan Center, Portland Seattie; Spokane Construction Council, Spokane; Tri-City Construction Council, Kennewick; Wenatchee Construction Council, Wenatchee; and Yakima Plan Center, Yakima. All prime contractors planning to bid this project should tend the Pre-Bid Conference convening In the conference room of the Administration at the Washington State Penitentiary, at 10:00 A.M..

Wednesday, June 10, 1987, the purpose of visiting the site and the buildings. All Interested Sub-Contractors and suppliers are invited should to attend. Participants RSVP contacting the Architect's Office (509) 529-2700. The State reserves the right reject or accept any posals and to waive informalities. STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL ADMINISTRATION, BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS SR ADVERTISEMENT Request For Proposals The Colville Indian Housing Authority will be accepting proposals for design, technical assistance, and inspections on an upcoming project.

The work entalis assistance construction of porch coverings of 20 units and woodstove installation in 416 units. The entire "Request For Propacker Is available upon request. This request for proposal openn to any and all qualified organizations. This proposal subject to Indian preference in accordance to Section 7(b) of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Act and Section 3 of the Indian Financeing Act of 1974. Spectic application is set forth in (24 CFR Part 905) Indian Housing: Indian Preference Final Rule as published in the Federal Register on December 4, 1986.

Award will be made by the thority to the firm with the highest point total. Of a total possible points of 100, 15 shall be given to each qualified Indian owned economic enterprise or Indian organization. Firms should be cautioned that the section of subcontractors material suppilers of by the firm as well as selection subcontractors and material suppliers by any subcontractors shall be by a Request for Proposal. Specific instructions for the method of Request for Proposal are set forth in the proposal package. Indian preference requirements apply to all awards.

Qualified Indian enterprises and organizations shall receive an award of points in an amount set forth in the proposal package. All proposals shall be sumitted no later than 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 17, 1987. The Colvill Indian Housing Authority retains the right to reject or accept any proposal and to waive any irregularity. For more information contact: Executive Director Colville Indian Housing Authority P.O.

Box 528 WA 99155 (509)634-4767 Indian Preference will apply SR7 CALL FOR BIDS SEALED BIDS will be received by Spokane County, Washington, until 11:00 A.M. TUESDAY JUNE 16, 1987 at which time Office they will be opened in the the Board of County Commissioners and publicly read aloud for furnishing the following: BID NO.87-042FURNISH AND INSTALL NEW ELECTRICAL SERVICE IN THE EMERGENCY SERVICES BUILDING, CONFORMING TO SPECIFICATIONS TOUR OF THE AREA WILL BE CONDUCTED JUNE 2, 1987, 1:30 P.M. FOR ALL INTERESTED BIDDERS. THE BOARD hereby notifies all bidders that It affirmatively Insures minority business enterprises will be afforded full no person or organization shall response to this invitation and opportunity to submit bids a in be discriminated against on the grounds of race, religion, color, age, sex or national origin in consideration for an award issued pursuant to this advertisement. THE BOARD reserves the right to reject any or all bids, portion or parts thereof and to waive all minor irregularities bidding.

A copy of The bid is file with the Clerk of the Board in the County Commissioner's EACH PROPOSAL SHALL BE SEALED and clearly marked with the words "BID PROPOSBY" the BID NO.87-042 and time and date of bid openBibs MUST BE SUBMITTED a special form which may obtained from the PurchasDepartment. APPROVED BY THE BOARD 2 day of JUNE, 1987. CLERK OF THE BOARD WILLIAM E. DONAHUE ROSANNE MONTAGUE, DEPUTY CLERK A43 NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR CONSULTING SERVICES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the Okanogan County Department of Public Works, is requesting consulting services siting and design of central landfill for the ares and preparefion of closure, plans for the Ellisforde Okanogan landfills. The work will be preformed in phases as outlined in the pro posal packet.

The sequence of the phases will be preformed as directed Public Okanogan County Works Department. Any firm Interested will be reposals to the forward Public Works De- proquired to their partment, Okanogan, WA not later than June 12. 1967. For a proposal packet or further information contact the Okanogan County Department of Public Works, Box 232, Okanogan WA. 98840 (509)422- 3350.

Attention: Richard B. Sele Assistant Director. SR96 Let it be known that DEER PARK SCHOOL DISTRICT has purchase opened bidding for the of three (3) 65 passenger diesel buses. bids will be opened at the regular meeting of the board of directors heid on June at 8:00 p.m. in the administration building located at E.

900 Crawford Avenue, Deer Park, Washington 99006. Bids are to be sealed in an envelope marked SCHOOL BUS BID and returned to the Deer Park School District Administration Office by no later than 4:00 p.m.. June 10, 1987. For specific requirements, call or write George Dyd, Transportation Deer Park School District Box 490, Deer Park, WA 99006 phone (509)276-5776. SR94 BID Sealed bids Tor Photocopier supplies will be received by ESO 101 operative Purchasing at West 1025 Indiana Ave nue Washington 97205 until 1:00 PM, Pacific Daylight Time (PDTT June 19, 1987 on behalf of member disfricts and private schools.

Complete specifications and other Information pertaining to said bids are available the above address. Further information may be obtained contacting Mr. Ed Milota, Director of Co-op Purchasing at (509) 456-7690 or by calling in person. By order of the ESD Board of Directors, Dr. Brian Talbott, Secretary to the Board.

SR9 NOTICE Notice To anyone having parental interests to the minor, MICHAEL ALLEN HAINES, D.O.B. 5-17-84, is hereby notified of a hearing on Termination of Parental Rights scheduled for July 2, 1987 af 1:00 P.M. at the Wellpinit Municipal Center in WellpinIt, Washington. If you have parental interests and fall to show for this hearing your rights may be terminated. For more Information, write or call, Debbie Payne, Court Clerk, Spokane Tribal Court, P.O.

Box 225, Wellpinit, WA 99040, (509) 256-77 17 SR8 11 SERVICES CEMETERIES, LOTS Burial lots, Garden of Honor, Greenwood Memorial Terrace, will sell all 6 for $3000 or will split. 233-2057. choice emetery lots at Greenwood, $200 489-9608. 12 DEATHS ENOS, Verne W. Passed away June 2, 1987.

Survived by his wife, Mildred L. Enos, at the home; two daughters, Susan J. Gangnath, Spokane, Sharon L. Wilson, Pacific, WA; four grandsons; one sister, June Bowler, Spokane; two brothers, Clay Enos, Tum Tum, WA, Len Enos, Spokane. Lifetime resident of Spokane, Veteran of ww I.

Friends who wish may make memorials to Ambassador College, Pasadena, CA BALL DODD FUNERAL HOME NORTH, W5100 WELLESLEY, in charge. MARK, Charles V. Passed away May 31, 1987. Survived by four sisters, Florence Haavisto, Rancho Cordova, CA, Mrs. Melvin (Ellen) Koch, Brookfield, WI, Phyllis Detzig, New Berlin, WI, Mrs.

Eugene (Sylvia) Syriala, Marenisco, MI; numerous nieces and nephews, other relatives, many many friends. Member of the community 25 years, Veteran of ww at US HENNESSEY Funeral pending SMITH FUNERAL HOME, N2203 DIVISION ST. SANDERS, Ernest Victor Passed away May 30, 1987 in Oakland, CA. Survived by Havi- two sisters, Mrs. Antonette land, Concord, CA, Mrs.

Lee Bidwell, Aberdeen, WA; Brother, Martin Costello, Seattie, WA. Funeral pending at HENNESSEY SMITH FUNERAL HOME, N2203 DIVISION ST. SHAY, Stella E. Passed away May 30, 1987. Survived by one son, Robert S.

Edwards, Spokane; three grandsons; one one sisfer, Nellie Soike, Spokane. Former member of First Presbyterian Church. BALL DODD FUNERAL HOME SOUTH, 421 SO. DIVISION ST. charge of arrangements.

YTREEIDE, Harold P. Passed his away wife, June 1, Esther 1987. T. Ytreeide, by the home; two sons, Robert and his wife Carol Ytreeide, Spokane, Gary Ytreelde, Detroit, Mi; grandson, Rick and wife Bothell, WA; granddaughters, Jean Ytreeide, Tamara Ytreeide, Portland, OR; two great-grandsons, Benjamin and Jeffrey Ytreeide, Bothell, WA; sister, Elaine A. Ytreeide, Spokane; brother, Roland Ytreeide, Kent, WA; numerous nieces and nephews.

Member the community for 50 years, Salem Lutheran Church and Treasurer for 28 years, Moose Lodge 35 years, Sons of Norway. Memorials to Salem Lutheran Church, W1428 Broadway, Spokane, 99201. Funeral pending at HENNESSEY SMITH FUNERAL HOME, M2203 DIVISION ST. N. 13 FUNERALS 13 FUNERALS LEGAL NOTICES 3 FUNERALS a DARLING, Helen M.

Passed away May 29, in Spokane. Survived by three sons. Darling Spokane, Jacob Darling of Tacoma, seph Darling of Snohomish, WA; six daughters, Mrs. Clare COx, Mrs. Marion Green, Mrs.

Marie Saywers all of Spokane, Mrs. Rose Saywers of Tacoma, Mrs. Opel Fox and Mrs. Bernadette Lake. both of kane; numerous grandchildren and one brother, Herman Bos Mitchell, NB; two sisters.

Josephine Brown of Chadron, Mary Nodobney of Rushville, her husband, ward H. Darling preceded in death in 1970. Rosary, Thursday, June 4. 1967 af 7 p.m. ROSE CHAPEL HENNESSEY SMITH FUNERAL M2201 DIVISION ST.

Sister Carol Lee SHJM, officiating. Funeral Service, Friday, 5, 1987 at 10 a.m. St. Joseph Catholic Church, W1503 Dean, Rev. Charles Skok, officiating.

Interment, Holy Cross Ceretery. HOKENSON, Clarence Passed away May 30, 1987 in Othello, WA. His home, Moses Lake, WA. Clarice Survived by one daughter, Simpson, Spokane: one son. Leroy Hokenson, TX; one sister, Alyce Hollenbeck.

Othello, WA. Graveside Service, Wednesday, June 1987 af 11 a.m. Goldenrod Cemetery. Tekoa, WA, Rev. George Westefeldt, officiating.

KRAMER'S FUNERAL HOME, E309 Henkle St. Tekea, WA. JONES, Kenneth Eari (81) His home, Opportunity, WA. Passed away May 31, 1987 his home. Born, St.

Lawrence, his SD, May 12, 1906. Survived wife, VL, at the home; one daughter, Mrs. Ardelle (Ron) Holmquist, Spokane; two sons preceded him in death, Marvin L. Jones, Jan. 11, 1987, infant son Kenneth Earl Jones five grandchildren; five greatgranddaughter Brother, Tioge, ND; three sisters, Edna Elifs, Mable Butterfield, Shirley Ward, all of Bremerton, WA.

Funeral Service, Thursday, June 1987 at p.m. ENGLISH FUNERAL CHAPEL, Coeur d' Alene, ID, Burial, Forest Cemetery. Memorials may be made fo Marvin L. Jones Memorial at North Idaho Museum, Box 812, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 or Kidney Center, Sacred Heart Medical Center. MARK, Charles Passed away May 31, 1987.

Survived by four sisters, Florence Haavisto, Rancho Cordova, CA, Mrs. Melvin (Ellen) Koch, BrookWI, Phyllis Detzig, New Berlin, WI, Mrs. Eugene (Sylvia) Syrjala, Marenisco, numerous nieces and nephews, other relatives, many many friends. Member of the community 25 years, Veteran of ww I US Navy. Funeral Service, Thursday, June 4, 1987 at 2 p.m., Sunset Chapel, Fairmount Memorial Park, W5000 ficiating.

Wellesley, Rev. Bob Smith, ofPrivate Interment to follow. HENNESSEY SMITH FUNERAL HOME, N2203 DIVISION ST. in charge. SANDERS, Ernest Victor Passed away May 30, 1987 in Oakland, CA.

Survived by two sisters, Mrs. Antonette Haviland, Concord, CA, Mrs. Lee Bidwell, Aberdeen, WA; Brother, Martin Costello, Seattie, WA. Funeral Service, Thursday, June 4 1987 af 2:30 p.m. Holy Cross Cemetery Chapel, N7200 Wall, Rev.

Charles M. Depiere, officiating. Interment, Holy Cross Cemetery. HENNESSEY SMITH FUNERAL HOME, N2203 DIVISION ST. in charge.

SHAY, Stella E. Passed away May 30, 1987. Survived by one son, Robert S. Edwards, Spokane; three grandsons; one great-granddaughter; one sisfer, Nellie Soike, Spokane. Former member of First Presbyterian Church.

Memorial service Thursday, June 4, 1987, at 3:00 P.M. at BALL DODD FUNERAL HOME SOUTH, 421 SO. DIVISION Rev. Earl G. Mortiock officiating.

Cremation. STECKER, Leon H. Entered into rest June 2, 1987 in Spokane, His home Spokane. Leon is survived by one daughter Louise Wittkopf of Four Five Two sisfers, Hatie Sage and Esther Ellersick both of Spokane, Several nieces and nephews. Leon was a member of the Eaales Lodge in Spokane, Funeral Services will be Thursday June 1987 at 10:00 A.M.

CHAPEL OF FLOWERS, RIPLINGER FUNERAL HOME, N4305 Division Officiating will be Reverend Robert Warren and Eagles Lodge The family suggest that memorial contributions be made to the Eagles Aeries Heart Fund 315 E. Francis, Spokane, WA 99207 STEVENS, Harold L. Entered into rest May 30, 1987 in Spokane. His home Spokane. Survived by his Wife; Inez Stevens at the home.

Two Sons; Frank Stevens and Jim Stevens both of Spokane. Five Step-sons; Robert Marks of Glendora, Edward Marks of Spokane, Jerry Marks of Sparks, Larry Marks of Melvin 'Skip' Marks of San Diego, CA. Two Step-daughters; Eleanor May of Portland, Joyce Parkins of Spokane. sister: Frances Russel of Chewelah, Wa. Mother; Edith Carey of Wa.

Thirty three Grandchildren, Thirty eight Great Grandchildren, Three Great Grandchildren. Numerous Nieces and Neph: ews. Graveside Services and Interment Thursday June 1987 at at Riverside Memorial Park Cemetery. Family suggests contributions may be made to Cancer Patient Care, 402 Boone, Spokane, Wa. 99201 or Eagles Lodge Aerie or Eagles Heart Fund, 315 Francis, Spokane.

Wa. 99207. INGER FUNERAL HOME, 4305 DIVISION, SPOKANE, WA. 90207., in charge. WALCH, Thomas Entered into rest June 1, 1987 in Spokane.

Tom was a lifetime resident of Spokane, WA. He is survived by his wife, Eva Walch, at the home, two daughters, Lori Payton and Ron Payton, Uyeda both of Bellevue, brother, three Lloyd Walch, Las Vegas, NV. nieces and one nephew. a sister in law, Arlene Walch, Spokane, WA. Tom was Member of Eastgate Masonic Lodge, Kafif Scotfish Rite Katif BodShrine, El Shrine Band, El Katif Shrine Bowling league, Past Associate Grand Guardian for Job daughters, Spokane Lilac Festival Eagles Lodge, Aerie Spokane Police Guild, Spokane Naval Reserve, SpoU.S.

kane Retired Firefighters, Navy Veteran, graduate of John Rogers High School. Funeral services will be held Thursday, June 1987 at 2:00 the CHAPEL OF FLOWERS, RIPLINGER FUNERAL HOME, 4305 N. Division El Katif Shrine Chaplain Herman Smith officiating with the Rose Croix participating. Private interment to follow at Fairmount Memorial Park that Cemetery. memorial The family suggest confributions may be given to the Hospital for Crippled Children, 820 99201-1598 Summit Spokane, WA.

or the Gary Allen Kendall Memorial Scholarship fund, Spokane Teachers Credit Union, P.O. Box 5264, Spokane, WA. 99205 WOOD, Thomas L. Passed away May 30, 1987 in Spokane. His home, Spokane.

Husband of Julia Ranzenbach Wood, at the home; Step-father of Gary WA, Janice Madhu, Rochester, NY, Brenda Phillips, Manchester, CA; nine grandchildren; Brother of Robert Tacoma, WA, Elizabeth Stuart, Silverhill AL; several nieces and nephews. Spokane resident 40. years. Member of National Assoc. Retired Employees, Assoc.

of Retired State Employees, South Hill Seventh Day Adventist Church, affiliated with St. Paul's Methodist Church. Was active Widowed Person Services, Happy to be a member when Men were taken into the Goodwill Auxiliary. Funeral Service, Wednesday, June 3, 1987 1:30 p.m. St.

Paul's Methodist Church, N1620 Monroe. Private Family Burial, Fairmount Memorial Park. Memorials may be made to South Hill Seventh Day Advenfist Church Piano Fund, $5607 Freya, Spokane, 99223 or St. Paul's United Methodist Church. HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME, N1306 MONROE in charge.

TREEIDE, Harold P. Passed away June 1, 1987. Survived by his wife, Esther T. Ytreeide, the home; two sons, Robert and his wife Carol Ytreelde, Spokane, Gary Ytreeide, Dehis troit. wife MI; Kim grandson, Ytreeide, Rick Bothell, and WA; granddaughters, Jean St Yireeide, Spokane, Tamara Ytreeide, Portland, OR; two great-grandsons, Benjamin and Jeffrey Yireeide, Bothell, WA; sister, Elaine A.

Ytreeide, brother, Roland Vireeide, Kent, WA; numerous of the community nephews. 50 Member See nieces and for years, Salem Lutheran Church and Treasurer for 28 years, Moose Lodge 35 years, Sons of Norway. Funeral Service, Friday, June 5, 1987 at 1 p.m. Salem Lutheran Church, W1428 Broadway, Rev. Gerald Hoffman, officiating.

Interment, Riverside Memorial Park. Memorials to Lutheran kane, Church, 99201. W1428 HENNESSEY SpoSMITH FUNERAL HOME, N2203 DIVISION ST. in charge. 20 L08T REWARD, black light brown tabby, knee high white boots.

white mittens, red collar, red tag flea collar. Neutered male. Name very special pet. Any into call 924-0600. Lost Male Brindle Pit Bull in NE area, answers to Sabbitt, family pet missed much.

Wearing chain collar. 424-4291 LOST Male Dog. Clear Lake area, Light blond, cross between Golden Lab Golden Retriever, if found 299-3375 REWARD for Mix, brown, white chest, white streak down nose, black spiked collar, Hillyard ares, 534-1317 REWARD for spotted fem. Cat 7 mo's. Blue collar area.

Anyone please call 838-1961 PET Ferret missing, 25th Bowdish, recent surgery, must find 924-1081 REWARDI Casa Blanca gold rope bracelet sent. value. 483-1637 aft 5pm $75, male cat, long hair, black gray tiger stripe, white nose paws fummy 1 YR. Siberian Husky, Male, E. Valley area.

Please call 722- 0520 or 927-8493 Reward. LOST gray white please please call 924-2461 LOST Keys, KEZE 106 Keyring, 534-3202 after 5pm 21 FOUND Spokane Humane Society Now Housing All City Strays DOGS FOUND Tuesday, June 2, 1987 NORTHEAST Shep Doble Mix black tan Shepherd Mix- black brown Doberman black tan Shepherd Mix brown black Lab Mix brown black (2) Pointer Mixes liver M's NORTHWEST Weimaraner Mix grey wh SOUTH Lab black G. Shorthaired liver white (3 legs) IF YOUR PET IS MISSING PLEASE CHECK IN PERSON (breeds and descriptions are not complete) The Spokane Humane Society N. 6607 Havana 467-5235 ALL black cal, male, young, NW area. 326-6388 4-9pm Lg white male Cat, long hair.

Identify pay ad. 535-6671. 22 SENIOR SERVICES CITIZEN ADULT FAMILY HOME 24 HR NURSING Private room bath, lovely home, exc meals, special diet If required. Ref's. 924-6075 HAVE, semi-private room for elderly lady in my home.

Good food, excellent care. Licensed. 926-7065 Caring Christian home has opening for loved one. 922-3203 Franklin Prk, lovely clean home, Irg-small barms 484-3415 LOVE caring southern cooking for the elderly 924-4068 LOVING CARE for Elderly in Our Family Home, 926-5291. Loving Cple would like to share home Citizens 483-6337 Not ready for nursing home? Senility? 926-0799 or 466-4100.

Room for 2, exc care. Alzheimers Welcome 325-2401 24 ANNOUNCEMENTS Anyone witnessing an accident af Fredrick Upriver Dr 8pm Sun May 31st, between Bronco Toyota, Please respond: Occupant, PO Box 141629, Spokane, WA 99214-1629 BANKRUPTCY $100 DIVORCE $75 INCORPORATION $125 459-0557 27 HAPPY ADS HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM WE LOVE YOU Katy, Becky Christine 28 PERSONALS PERSONALIZED DATING SERVICE 326-1683 Why do single executives to P.D.S in new Porsches sign up? Call today! For busy Spring season, lines now open 10am-8pm days a week. Office open days a week also, call hours. Our members tend Above Average gence, Moral Character, cation, Background, Looks Income Levell We are upon Christian Views. E.

Indiana, P.O. 5024, Spokane, WA 99205 DIVORCE $75 BANKRUPTCY CH7 Filing Fee-Uncontested be fooled by non Lawyers don't have to go to 4,000 cases handled. is important Lawyer consults with Free Initial Consultation WASHINGTON LEGAL DENNIS M. WALLACE N.910 Washington As Seen on TV BANKRUPTCY DIVORCE DWI PERSONAL INJURY Deglow, Peterson, O'Coyne Phillips 328-6779 N.1231 Washington VALLEY DIVORCE SERVICE UNCONTESTED $75 FILING FEE Consultation paperwork competent attorneys. appearance not required.

BENJAMIN PERREY Tupper Building Trent Argonne 922-5345 DATELINE 1-976-6666 DIAL- A -DATE 24 HRS A DAY New phone personal ads daily Friendship, Romance, Fun No dating service fees $2.75 per call. BANKRUPTCY Chapter 7 wage earner consolidation. Free initial consultation E.M. "Lisa" McBride 838-0435 Attorney Af' Law S. 520 Walnut Adult and GP Video movies, rental, 2 for $14.95 up.

retail. World Wide Video Stores N.118 Division 747-8268 N.3818 Division 328-0653 E.4612 Sprague 534-6734 Open 24 Hours FREE DIRECTORY ASSISTANCE When you need a product, vice or business Call We're the ing Yellow Pages Accomplish whatever want! New techniques to effect easy, instant change; private counseling support groups for relationship problems. LIFE DIRECTIONS 922-3915 BANKRUPTCY DIVORCE $50 325-2868 am looking for 8 decent, healthy, man, late thirties, who knows a relationship with a woman make him even happier. P.O. Box 4814, Spokane, 99202 ACCIDENT INSURANCE Dennis Scott Jim DeWolf.

Broad law practice-bankruptcy W.505 Riverside 747-5668 MASTERCARD-VISA. No For Credit Info call Needed. Apply now. 24hrs. 1-619-565- 1522 ext.

C.705WA Woman over 40. Emotionally and financially stable. Good sense of humor. Seeks male companionship. Write WA ER Spokane, 99209 Private Counseling support groups for readers of WOMEN WHO LOVE TOO MUCH.

LIFE DIRECTIONS 922-3915 TERRY, know would have been there if you could. love you. Same address, same phone LYNN Anyone seeing accident at 6th and Coleman on please call Dennis 326-0338 PERPLEXING Problem? Contact Dr. Opus, PO Box 7272, East Wenatchee, Wa, 98801. FREE pregnancy tests.

Call Birthright. 487-5028 OVERWEIGHT SINGLES class 28 every Sundav. To place your Classified ad, call 456-SELL or call toll free Inside Washington 1-800-225-2053. 28 PERSONALS Save On Air travel, 204-283-2010 OFF ON ALL FARES SPOKANE CAB 481-1800 29 SHARE-A-RIDE TRANSPORTATION Substantial Air Travel DELTA SYSTEMS sells buys TRAVEL ALMOST FREE Phoenix Kailspell Auto Driveway 224-7006 32 GET AWAY FROM IT ALL CALGARY STAMPEDE July 6-11 ppdo $358 EDMONTON MALL KLONDIKE DAYS July 18-25 ppdo $350 LAKE CHELAN CRUISE-AUg 1 2. $90 RENO 165, LAS VEGAS $209 RT air, 3 nites hotel Sunseekers Holidays On put Lake Cd'A, 6 theme rms Free spas, frpic.

adult movies. 200-664-6 1681 35 FITNESS, BEAUTY HEALTH LIFE Time Membership Stroh's Fitness Center $500. 1-659-1611 Giorgio's Gym lyr special, $159. E. 10502 Montgomery 922-6833 Schwinn air drive exercise bike, Call after 5.

FINANCIAL 50-99 50 FINANCIAL HELP FAST SERVICE R.E. LOANS Homes 'Commercial Contracts bought sold Call anytime. NELSON RLTY 467-5427 55 MONEY TO LOAN LOANS SECURED BY REAL ESTATE Your equity in owner nonowner occupied residential, commercial, recreational, farm properties unimproved land, can be used to acquire the cash you need for business or consumer purposes. Also real estate contracts can be used as security or sold. Call Gene Brazington, Stan Brazington, or Jerry Vanhook.

CLS MORTGAGE, INC. 928-6545 IN FORECLOSURE? BEHIND IN We'll make up your back pmts YOU STAY. H.C.I. Strictly confidential, Call Gary 466-6161 FORECLOSURES We make new loans we will buy property for cash. Colonial 509-747-2957 anytime.

real LOANS to estate. $100,000. Please Secured by call 5:30. The Associates 928-0725. Cash for homes Ron Taskey James S.

Black Co. 838-2511 604 TO MONEY BORROW WANTED Need $210 per month int. on 3 BR home, 1st mtg. at $21,000. 624-8441-Spokane.


W.929 Sprague, Spo, WA.99204 CALL US FOR BEST PRICE For your contracts, deeds of trust. We purchase full or partial term without brokers fee. We pay all costs. Quick service. For a quote call Jim Hawley or Bob Guthrie 624-0183, or write 525 Peyton N.

10 Post, 99201 PACIFIC SECURITY CO'S. SAVE 10 SAVE TIME SAVE ENERGY HIGHEST PRICES, HIGHEST AMOUNTS, PURCHASES NATIONWIDE, individual contracts, ATTENTION BROKERS- Bulk purchases- any amount. Quotes by telephone in writing. If you call us first-you will us last. High Country Investments, Inc.

466-6161 DON'T DISCOUNT Your contract or trust deed. THERE IS A BETTER WAY! 8800 ANY AMOUNT, ANYWHERE 206-467-6594 1-800-556-2333 JOHNSON MORTGAGE CORP SURE TO CALL US Before 1000 Selling. Very competitive quotes. Options, sell all, or sell 10 or 15 yrs of payments. Call 5000 484-5260.

Enterprises W. 201 Francis BUY, SELL LOAN LRG YEARS of buying selling contracts. Fast service. Jack Gillespie, NW Contracts, W.324 Francis, 467-5800. CONTRACTS PURCHASED HOURS PRICE JAMESON MORTGAGE CO.

509-535-5660 208-664-8131 US LAST for a higher bid. for Contracts. Stolz, 1-800-422-4093 H.C. Co. Howser Ritrs 328-4121, 838-1200 for Orchard, good first 624-6177.

contracts, N. N. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES sale or trade, Prime valley commercial property with building shop, good traffic Trade for home acre- On or acreage, near valley. 926-7658 or 924-5750 way mobile truck, potential income Business 0600, 3 popcorn vending maequipment. Asking, $15,000.

avail. L.V msg, 535-9301 GIFTWARE business, mall retail, $90,000 wholesale inventory. No reas. offer refused. Consider trades for mo.

estate. Dennis, 1-575-3793. South sell due to health. The 1120 work is done. Establish- close reputable, professional cleaning service with a 3yr 299-5219 after 5 ANNUAL Guranteed return CDA fast growing company, secured investment 1000 diversified assets, $100,000 min.

922-2827 CERAMIC STORE 6,000 our lease all inventory for sale 534-8389 534-6185 Yogurt Family RestauHeritage Village, ready operate, 6 mo option to lease N6619 sale 928-5953-45, 926-2686 office Distributors or dealers wanted ible one of North Americas fin- IDEAL truck canopies. Info call Dennis, 1-403-454-8292 lease, Video Store Comm. basis. Sml investment req. Exc.

opportu- $300 Phone 928-5956 after 6pm Nationally, Vending Advertised Bic 10,000 Machines for view. established locations, prices. 489-6504 interest in high traily Silent downtown mail locA747-1262 or Tom active partner, feet or Bob. sales pet business, grooming for more re- 2 Bay THRIVING write to: SSAC, PO Box S.HIll. Bozeman, MT 59772 2500 equip Tavern kitchen "Happy bar, new door, down.

paint, ready to go, 924-9579 Eves. 4,000 Salon on N. Division, 7 tion. Phone grossing over $68,000 year. Price $30,000.

325-2514 must sell. Used 1100 Retail Calls, Serv. Stn, U-City. SpraAve. 291-4786, 926-3729.

E. RECESSION Proof business storage cash 326-5307 flow. For more call bus, T-SHIRT BUSINESS N. 1902 Idaho $60,000. tail.

208-448-2696, 208-448-2800 Office Clean, de- equp. Exc. financing Roger Cochran Co. ft, Consulting Business Information 459-4862 $298 924-5484 LAKE tavern for 1,200 or 534-5857 922-0099 self-service laundry 2,560 investments. 924-3379 Incdyd, 905-3rd Cabinetry Tile Store.

4,000 535-7300 cond. DELIVER ADVERTISING SIGNS TO LOCAL BUSINESSES Fastest moving product on the market Family vehicle ideal Product sz approx 2 20 lbs No selling 12-15 Hrs per week Avg invstmi return 30-40 Mo income avg days Investment $8900 invsimt gurntd by escrw acct Refund guaranteed For more information, call collect at 918-748-5550. Calls taken 24 hrs per day. LIQUIDATION SALE VALLEY TAVERN OWNERMUST SELL IMMEDIATELY. DANCING AREA, SEATS 275.



489-4332. REAL ESTATE PUBLICATION Well established distribution. Good financial history. Excint opportunity for couple or enterprising Real Estate Co. Terms are cash.

David at Classic Investments 624-5172. $9.99 ONE PRICE SHOE STORE! Open either a shoe or fashion non-franchise store with the Liberty Fashions advantage. Over 1,300 brand names. One-time fee. Inventoplies, fixtures, instore buying training trip, sup.

and more. Call any time. Dan tecky 501-327-8031 IF You are really serious about having your own business, we have the answer. High profits with bulk candy machines. You must have at least $3500 be willing to learn.

We set the route, You service. Tri-Vend, 916-736-1007 RETAIL SALES Hard to find business. Grossing over $700,000 in 2 locations. Owner netting. over $80,000.

Price of $275,000 Includes $125,000 in inventory. Bob Hanson at Watson Co; Inc. 624-5291 END AND TERMINATE Your search for 8 business. ONLY $45,000 will put you into 8 unique HIGH FLOW franchise. Shops already in NV, TX, CO, WY.

Contact Bob Murray (303) 632-0235. Well estab, local window mfg business, first class products, owner relocating, 1 mil, sales last 3 yrs. all trucks, equip, supplies stock. 75K takes all. Write Box A-28 this paper COMPANY trucks for sale haul, west coast beer grocerles, conventional Kenworths sleepers, sharp.

Must have own financing. Sac Transport. E4010 Main 535-0614 90 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Mobile Home Park Ground for sale. 67 units, zoned approvals and water well. INVESTORS Have small large investment properties for sale cial and multi-family, Call for details Matt Hawkins, CCIM.

JAMES S. BLACK CO. 838-2511 or 327-7630 2713 E. SPRAGUE BRICK BLOCK BLDG. 3,400 SQ.FT.

SALE OR LEASE. SELLER SAYS SUBMIT ALL OFFERS! REGIS KING. McCARTHY CO. 489- 4332. FOR sale or trade, Prime valley Put commercial property with building shop, good traffic count.

Trade for home acreage or acreage, near valley. 926-7658 or 924-0750 HAWAII Calls, must sell. Used cars, Serv. Stn, U-City. Spraque Ave.

291-4786, 926-3729. E220 Jackson, 8000 s.f. bido, 50,000 s.f. lot. 926-8518, 233-2731 SALE: 2 sml off.

bidgs. 2 close in. Slavin 624-4336 93 INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT NEW used restaurant equipment: coffee cups, glasses, slicer, soup warmer, other misc items 484-6569 BELLY DUMPS, 1980 Cook, $14,000, 1979 Cook $12,000, exc or cond, 406-642-3163, 406-961-3069 WAREHOUSES FOR SALE FOR SALE CLOSE TO 1-90 FREEWAY NEAR POST FALLS, IDAHO 3,780 Sq. Ft. (MOL) bldg.

has storage or manufacturing possibilifles acres, near 3BR, Flying J. acres (MOL) Lt. Industrial, city, water and sewer, all or mi part, excellent freeway visibilMake offer. Office We'll build, you lease your custom officewarehouse, 2 miles east state line near Flying J. Jack or Rand 535-0254 JACK HATCH REALTORS E.

5325 SPRAGUE horse barn. 41'x64' metal bldg. Clear -span, steel trusses, 57500, you move Bogner (208) 773-9518 ea. sq ft WH Office 5 Walk Liberty Lake interchange. Motivated sellers.

James Slavin 624-4336 WAREHOUSES, sq' plus 500 sq' balcony, 16' door, Ideal for small subcontractor. E815 Rosewood 482-7420 FT, ceiling, dry, secure, loading dock. Downtown. Low 328-9534 truck shop, Irg warehouse, Gov't Valley. Reas.

Eves, 927-8382 In sq.ft. Fancher area. PeteRothrock Carstens 747-6160 ONE 5000 sq ft, downtown, secure 624-5288 COMMERCIAL Low 96 RENTAL PROPERTY VERY Gar ENERGY EFFICIENT Alum Retail-Office-Warehouse 12012 SPRAGUE 13817 SPRAGUE FREE 10014 MONTGOMERY or 10502 MONTGOMERY cated 11616 MONTGOMERY 12411 EMPIRE LANE 2610 VAN MARTER We 2721 VAN MARTER Call Bob or Jim 924-9730 VILLAGE SQUARE REALTY SELL OR LEASE TRUCK SHOP Repos, Broadway close to Broad- $60,000 Truckstop, 7,100 S.F., 6 overhead doors, 12x14', drive through operation. Call 928- 924-2559. DOWNTOWN, wholesale and or storage store front space.

2, approx 1400 sq.ft. units. High cellings, loading zone, off parking close freeway access. Heat lights inc. Trade 448-9328 Hill retail office space sq.

on site parking, room, to city. Dick Edwards JAMES S. BLACK CO. FOR wood, Excint loc on Ironwood. DW, or 2000 sq ft.

Negot rent, depending on lease term. full eve ta, SQ', Whse. MUST Combo. Downtown. By Owner.

WE WILL DEAL 747-7492; 747-7197 MILE Cedar BUSINESS PARK Walnut next to Tidymans, warehouse space, flexrates sizes. 467-6654. NW Valley business location GAS E.9718 Sprague. Details: 534-1113. Northside, 1400 sq', brick, well subdivided, high traffic area, OR mo.

328-1734. 489-2323. OFFICES WAREHOUSE sq.ft., N. River bank, N8901 Close downtown 327-1155 By 1000 sq ft, visible er, af door, cen- dated schools, located mediate approx 1,000 square in high traffic skywalk lo747-1262 Tom or Bob. Equipped Shop for lease, 7am-10am Chuck 326-0963 rancher, New sq.

bldg. sprinkler 2 offices, E. 1606 Holyoke, 487-1535. SQ.FT. Bldg.

Ideal loca- BY Corner 2 292-8005 or 466-2300. steel 800 or N. office, DIVISION 1250 ST. W3911 auto sq. ft.

Lots of prkg 327-1155. MUST sq.ft. areas, Holyoke, 1500 Office sq.ft.. 483-1461 3bdrm, sq offer, Maple 1500 sq' ofc or retall, prkg, $450. 466-0126 Hamilton.

Office or re- 325-9069. warehouse 1318 Mile Maple, 326-7260, or 466-1852 BY RIVERPARK SQUARE 1250 sq kit, prime retail space. 534-2702 kier, dining 300 sq ft, sublease, month, 747-0070 10AM-6PM 4BR SQ FT, N. Argonne Rd. Al Schools, closing sq ft, retall fratge, off, 3 BD, fl N.side, 487-1957 ten sq newer, Cheney, exc Prop Trade $500, 924-8811, 924-8927 97 OFFICE FOR RENT ACROSS FROM COSTCO E.

905-3rd Ave. Virginia City Office Bidg, cellent selection of attractive suites ranging from 600 to 4500 sq. ft. All services provided inc parking. ANTHONY, $4.95 per sq.

up. BAKER BURNS 747-4091 $110 Stock Peyton Bldg, home of Spokane from Exchange, private view offices $110 per mo. Call 624-0183 or stop by Suite 525. We're centrally located on Post St between Riverside Spraque Avenues. 1717 N.W.

BLVD. Main floor 870 sq. ft. 5 private offices. recpt area.

$525: Includes all services and parking. Also 550 sq. ft. suite upstairs. $325 ANTHONY, BAKER BURNS 747-6091 -MART SHOPPING CENTER N.6510 Division 1346 sq ft, recently remodeled, 2 restrooms, adminability, high istrative ofc, immediate availCall Ron Chester 415-443-2575 W.1801 Broadway, exc.

location, variety of sizes prices. Prime N.side, on Division, varlous sizes available, excellent prices. Call Joe Spring, Equity Brokers, 467-2202. EXECUTIVE OFFICE SUITE CBD, phones, swering copier, conference rms secretarial service Inc. Call word Donna Blair, processing 747-3211 typing.

ROCK POINTE CORP CENTER CORNER BOONE WASH. Beautiful views from corner suites starting at $11, Full service. Ready for occupancy, 90 days. Walt Worthy, 466-7356 offices with access to Secretarial services, easy parking, rents from $95 per mo including utilities. Stop In af 5.165 Howard or call 838-6959.

QUALITY North Division Office Reception area. More space avail. needed. In brand new bus, complex. 467-1113 UP to 3000 st avail in the fully restored.

historic Fernwell Riverside Stevens. Heritage Group 624-5664 Attractive E. Sprague prof. bidg. Multi office avail.

from $125. Off street prkng 535-7661 priv off, util pd, ans serv, repro. secy avail 924-9547 Valley prof. space, up to 4800 sq ft. On Sullivan Rd near Spraque Ave.

1-235-2876 VALLEY, 2 rooms, total 600sq.ft., util pd. On-Site Ina. $350 mo. 456-2120. REAL ESTATE 100-199 100 FOR HOMES- SALE, GENERAL $43,000.

Seller's anxious. Central, 483-9150. FOR TRADE PARK VIEW spilt-entry, 2br, Exceptional, Sundance Hills, Iba, full bsmt, 2 frpic, Irg fncd bdrm, 2 bth home featuring yd, dishwasher, refrig, range, new carpets, lino, counter washer, dryer, nice Shiloh Hills tops, tiles appliances. Also area $53,900, 489-3917 features 2 masonry frpics BY OWNER! 2 bedroom house insert, Offered able gar fenced yard. 770 sq ft full basement.

at $75,900 trade. Call rage, $33,000. Flexible terms. PLESE Russ Curtis 482-2790. E3718 Grace.

489-3888 REALTY 489-2323 W. 201 FRANCIS E423 EMPIRE; OWNER, BADGER LAKE By clean, owner, comfy. must 2 br, 1 sell, ba, cute, near BY dock, on deeded fron- Northtown, $36,950. 483-1498 tage, spectacular view excellent 3 bedroom, 2 bath BY OWNER 2 bdrm, FHA mobile home. Year around liv- $23,000, terms $4,000 ing, $65,000 with contract 217 Bridgeport, 328-1637 terms.

Only 35 minutes from FOR SALE BY OWNER small downtown. 1-235-2612 2 barm house, lot. $20,000, negotiable. 466-4641 CAPE COD REDUCED 2 bdrm 2 in bsmt, frpic, DW, This one has It all. 3 BR, 2 gar, must sell, $33,000.

1324 baths, Alum siding, metal roof, Klernan 747-5617, 747-4118 Gene car gar. fenced, only $56,000. FIXER-upper $26,000. 2-br, gas, Owner will look at all offers. fncd E2317 Providence 448-0819 Ken or Sharon ROUSE REALTY INVESTORS 2 br, lg kitchen, 624-0395 dbl gar Apt.

$29,500. 238-9145 $950 DN, $240 MO sq' LOVELY Sacrifice Home, $38,500. 3-Bdrm, 922-3470 1020 $31,000 wood with swimming pool, SM 2 bdrm, gar, appis, lg fncd 2Br, finished, 11 stove, bsmt partially yd. $22K owner terms 926-9582 30 yr loan Rate Ken $40,000 house car gar, APR App for $35,000, as is. Sharon ROUSE REALTY E.

1111 Courtland 466-2384 appt. 624-0395 br on R-3 lot, $18,000 or trade forbestacreageoffered. 484-3372 $1200 DN, $300 MO bdrm, w-W crpt, family Duplex, live on ground floor, appics, gar, fncd, $33, 800466-6684 rent upstairs for $250 only 2 bdrm, $39,000. 30 APR App 106 HOMES FOR SALERate, ROUSE REALTY year 624-0395 loan. Ken SOUTH storms, 1 ba, 2 pasture, car garage shop, SOUTHRIDGE satellite, new roof well, oil, 50 CULD-E-SAC So.

of Spokane. Nothing Large daylight rancher, main down, $600 mo. on $35,000. 509- family rm, large master 648-3485 bef 7am or aft 7pm suite spa. 6 Barms, 3 JUST LISTED-LOVELY 3 lots baths, of den, extras.

game $179,950. rm, 4 Princi- frpic, bdrm rancher in good NW pals only 448-0293. area. Fam rm, bsmf, dbl gar, 2108. deck, fncd.

$72,500. REALTY. BARB, 328-5420 466- LEASE OPTION United Nat'l Wa. W. 1612 13TH (509 )684-5005.

Let us make your $38,950 2-story older home in property avail. to the self- good condition. 4 borms, dinproclaimed buyer list received Ing room. Low down pmt. Call week as a result of Nat'l Adv.

Larry Howes 466-8410. La Vigne to Northtown Franklin Howes 467-7711. Park. formal Main floor 3 bdrm, family 2 rm, Must sell 1964 sq' executive dining, like bath, rancher in cul-de-sac, Mullan remodeled new. $39,500 Rd area, main fir util fam Fairwood Homestead Prop 467-3333 rm, 1BR or formal office LR dn, DR, fin rec 3BR Up, 4 Level, rm, bath, all amenities, appraised heat pump, air, $135,000.

Need quick sale, $105,000. Days 747-7033, eves $105,000. 466-8829. 534-5252, wknds 276-8416. GOV'T BARGAINS By Owner, TOWER Custom MTN.

built Cedar down! EZ terms, all areas Basalt Home, 5 view, priPeacock Rity 2600 vacy, ft. 5 min. Lncin Hgts, schis, all areas owned. of town. Bargains, Call for galore frpic, 2 heat pumps, deck, main 3 Ba, 3 formation showing, G.

W. 3 car $205,000. grge, 448-2500 Shown aft. 5. anytime.

Curry Rity 928-0600. rage), In acre, the huge city E. shop, Brick rancher, new oak EXCLUSIVE COMSTOCK kitc, refurnished 5 bdrm, $37,500 3 formal fpics, 6 dining, Irge main fir family, dn, owner contract 535-4893 New FAG BR, 5000sq Neat 3-BR, gas furn, AC, $160,000. Cash or conventional. central air elec opener, sprink syst.

Serious inq. only. 624-8125 windows, Range, $29,500. Cash offer only 483-1824 MANITO WOODS taken HOUSE down must be moved fam Beautiful 3 new 4 bdrm, 2 frpic, in Green by Bluff. July 1987.

Lo- S.4903 rm, gar. Master 1-545-6749 Hogan. See to appreciJUST WANT OUT ate. Wknds: Wkdys: 326-1800; 535-2401. 448-8647; 448-3940 assume your loan 624-6347 Irge OWNER, 2 bdrm, dbl gar.

BY Government Owned Bargains maintained, kitchen, near immac. well Dickerson Cooke 327-2282 Manito, hosRancher, acres $46,900 corner lot. southern Great for exposure pitals, Wanda Bervar Rity 747-8111 ment or starter. $48,500. 624-0212 retirebest buy In town, SOUTH HILL home with 4 466-1599 La Vigne Howes ished levels, 3 barms, 2 baths, finBest Deal in gov't owned frpic deck, wooded homes.

Paladin Rity 928-2800 yard, $34,000 garage. $48,500 including HOMES FOR SALE- loan. Must sell! 534-5912 FHA assumable 102 NORTHWEST WONDERFUL BUY! 3 bdrm WILL TRADE en, rancher hardwood with bath, floors, new new kitch- carPANORAMIC VIEW pets, fenced stove yard. $47,000. refrigerator, GRAND for smaller house REALTY, 747-7125.

income bedroom, property family or room, boat. rec $950 DN $240 MO $110,000. 3 baths, 467-7125 car garage. $31,000 Split entry, built '79 F.P., APR app. sale owner, Old World Note Rate.

30 yrs. or charm, almost all natural Sharon, Rouse Realty 624-0395 windows, leaded modern beveled kitchen glass Lovely. 3BR bungalow, quiet WWP insul, newly painted schools neighborhood, bus shopg, nice mtg yard, near carpeted. 3BR, sunroom $41,500, 916 34th. 448-4518 assmbl bsmt, $39,500.

Augus327-7686 MANITO GOLF CLUB AREA SELL. Reduced $50,000 to 124 bath, basement rancher, 1663 rec, sq. dble ft. 3 Brick $110,000. By builder, new brick gar.

$92,000. 448-8203 3BR, stucco 2BA, with tile excellent roof, 2000 quality sq Older 8 bdrm, 3 bath home, materials workmanship. beamed hardwood firs. ceilings. stained glass, Landscaped view lot, corner of down $69,500 low Cedar Rd.

Call Walt owner contract 624-6741. Worthy, 466-7858. PRIME Cannon Hill Park loc. SHADLE CENTER BR $59,950. (2 up Tom 2 dn) bsmt, fncd yrd.

BORMS MAIN FLR UTILITY 838-0901 or FUR FD YARD $300 TJ Meenach Co. 535-1416 MONTHLY INC TAXES IN- ROCK WOOD area, beautiful SEE IT NOW 467-7737 POS- level 3 bdrm, DR, fam rm, SURANCE frpics, deck, courtyard, whirl466-3333. PLESE REALTY pool tub, AC, $129,500. 536-7720. MODERN Cape Cod, 3 bedOPEN COUNTRY SUN 1-4 rooms, E4120 den, 2 baths, sq HMS BLVD f1, 29th.

534-6024, $67,500. owner, Whitworth Immac brick ranch- Mead SOUTH Hill rancher, 3 Br 1 decorator area, drapes, Up, 2 Br ba down. $52,950. ba carpet bathrooms, up- E.2808 38th. For apt 448-9345 possession.

Call' for S.Hill Split Entry, 3 bdrms, 2 ba, appointment $68,000. 466-7999 frpic, unfin. bsmt, reduced to PACIFIC HEIGHTS $67,900. Bale Realty 299-5197 HUD REPO S.3510 Manito Blvd. 3 bdrm, Fantastic buy! Full daylight bath, exc cond location.

3 barms, bfhs. Lyd, many extras, efficient furnace, $25,900. Excellent Rental or sys. Carper $48,500 467-0474. minimum Starter, assume loan.

S.4107 Grand Blvd. 534-1750. LaVigne Howes 467-7711 3 OWNER view home. 2 bdrm, refrig BDRM, W209 frpic, 29th full 747-3517 bsmt, stove, siding, new bsmt, roof, dbl fenced, 2 STORY $29.000 frpics, FAG, 747-3307 Rockwell. 327-1315.

115 HOMES FOR $57,400. SALESELL, Woodridge, 3500 VALLEY ft rancher, exc. 4-BDRM. 2 N9635 baths, Alpine 3 Ct, frpis, 466-4593 make home, 3 frpics. Air cond.

3 car Bath, Quality 489-6850 low gar. Unique appraisal setting. $89,500. Well 226-3500. beBEAUTIFULLY home decorated CROSBY HOMES Spectacular city on view approx from 3 ac.

5 Open 4-7pm. 5300 Evergreen prairie. Phone 466-0948 3 BR RANCHER 534-4112 OWNER 3 Br, ba, eat in Low derosa, down, $62,500, low Vic Interest, Ponfrmi living frmi Cox, Bates Priest 928-3413. 924-9334, gar, bsmt. sprin- 8525 E.

MAIN. 2 bdrm house 2 FOR SALE BY OWNER tory. $42,000. mobile. 928-6612 Good eves rental hisbdrm rancher, assume loan ac, Mead pay E8419 Sinto, 1BR, $24,300, $2000 costs, $60,000.

467-2482 down, 534-7478. bsmt, bth Va, central air. by owner, low dn, yd, dbl car orge, $38,500. 206-643-2066 N5119 equity Belt. for 489-4286.

Recreation kler barm, 3 system. bath $67.950. split level, 924-7137. sprin- NEW Listing. spacious 3 Price drop $8,000.00 bedrm baths, carpets, drapes, fireplace, lots built-ins, main floor family rm utilities.

acre, large garage workshop $59,750.00 good contract. NORTHTOWN Work for dn. 2 bedrm baths, carpet, drapes, fireplace, fenced yard, garage. $34,950.00 FHA, VA terms refrig. 489-44 eve 328-5240 CARDINAL REALTY REAL ESTATE SALES AREAS Northwest 103 BY CLASSIFICATIONS Side 106 115 OT UNITE NORTHWEST NORTHEAST Ciasalfication Classification 102 103 GARLAND LUNGS VALLEY TRENT Classification 115.

SOUTH SIDE Classification 106 Let this handy map help you find property quickly and easily area and by the for corresponding property or have classification property num- to ber. Whether you're looking sell, this service is provided for YOUR conveniencel proof inof Aveway Streef; West Divi- West of Block 2 Additon; East Adcorner Adthe 2 of the of thence of way Homes of Country West Wall the of right Price the of the of East Northcity South the North Franalong the testi- may by Board 12th SR15 BIDS be State 5 beP.M. p.m., Ad- the Ver417 529- the af- for by in to his 16 of COULTAS, G. W. (Win) Passed away May 31, 1987 in Spokane.

His home, Spokane. Father of Leola Muench, Spokane; Grandfather of John Rueff, Muench, Concord, CA, Louis, MO, Stephen St. Greg Coultas, Portland, OR, Laurie Wall, Sandpoint, ID, Jan Driggs, OR. Corrita Jones, Portland, OR; 12 greatgrandchildren, two greatgreat-grandchildren; numerous nieces and nephews. Spokane resident since 1907.

Prominent Spokane Sportsman, had been in Retail Sporting Goods Business (Ware, Cochran Coultas) for 60 years. Member of Spokane County Sportsman Life member of Spokane Gun Club, member of American Legion Post Golden Age Eagle Spokane Aerie 60 year member of Downs Lake Duck Club, member of Hy-Yu Gun Club, formerly of Hayden Lake, ID. After retirement from his Business he was Employeed by Jensen Byrd for 15 years, Service, WW I Veteran. Funeral Thursday, June 4, 1987 at 2 p.m. GOTHIC CHAPEL, HAZEN JAEGER FUNERAL HOME, N1306 MONROE Rev.

Arthur Jacobson, officialing. Interment, Riverside Memorial Park. Memorials may be made to Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children, N820 Summit Spokane, 99201. DUKE, Pamela Jean Passed away May 31, 1987 near accident. Chewelah due to automobile Survived by her husband, James Duke, Valley, WA; one son, Joshua; one daughter, Virginia, at the home; Father, Fred R.

Brown Il, Deer Park, WA; two brothers, Fred R. Frank Lacey, Seattle, Brown Park, WA; two sisters, Karen K. Rader, San Diego, CA, Letha Brown, Deer Park, WA. A1- tended and Graduated Deer Park High School, 1974, one year at WSU, attended Seventh Day Adventist Church, Chewelah, WA. Employeed, Chewelah Safeway Store.

FUneral Service, Thursday, June 4, 1987 at 10 a.m. SCHANZENBACH FUNERAL HOME, Chewelah, WA, Pastor David Woodruff, officiating. Interment, Woodland Cemetery, Deer Park, WA. ENOS, Verne W. Passed away June 2, 1937.

Survived by his wite, Mildred L. Enos, at the home; two daughters, Susan J. Gangnath, Spokane, Sharon L. Wilson, Pacific, WA; four grandsons; one sister, June Bowler, Spokane; two brothers, Clay Enos, Tum Tum, WA, Len Enos, Spokane. Lifetime resident of Spokane, Veteran of ww Il.

Graveside Service, Thursday, June 4, 1987 at a.m. Fairmount Memorial Park, Mr. Valden White, officiating. Friends who wish may make memorials to Ambassador College, Pasadena, CA. BALL DODD FUNERAL HOME NORTH.

W5100 WELLESLEY, in charge. HEATH, Wilfred D. Passed away May 30, 1987. Survived by one son, Gordon Heath, Spokane; one daughter, Marilyn A. Taylor, Richland, WA; one sister, Jackie Haugland, Vashon Island, WA.

A 50-year life member of Prairie Lodge, A.M.. Craigmont, ID; veteran of World War Vish tation Tuesday, June 2, 1987 from 12 Noon to 8:00 P.M. at BALL FUNERAL HOME NORTH, W5100 WELLESLEY AVENUE. FUneral services Wednesday, June 3, 1987 at 1:30 P.M. BALL DODD FUNERAL HOME NORTH, W5100 WELLESLEY AVENUE, Rev.

Jon Wright officiating. Interment Park. Fairmount Memorial HOMES FOR SALE102 NORTHWEST 90 bedrooms, 11 bath, car to garage, playground in back yard, fruit Shadie school district, trees, $49,000, 326-2632 9-5. ASSUME loan on nice 3br hm in af Suncrest. Worth $59,000.

Loan bal $51,000 BY OWNER charming 3br, frpl, gro, Shadie, Providence don't miss. 328-0735 $45,900 1137 OWNER $65,000, 24 barm, Mead Schools, FHA assumabie at 467-1092 BY OWNER. 5 Ac. Newer 1g, 3- Bdrm, $81,500. Call for detalls, EZ terms, 467-0064; 276-2849 INDOOR POOL 2BR, 2-car gar $50K, N6423 Washington 928-3635 New house, Pacific Park, level, $5000 dn.

assumable loan, 467-6582 after 5pm SHADLE Immac Cape Cod, 3 barm, 3 bath, dbl gar, sprinkiers, much more. 328-1861. 2BR. Contract. Weatherized, elec, heat $20,000, 466-1267 103 HOMES NORTHEAST FOR SALE- HEY BUCKAROOS! Best dang horse set-up at the best dang price you-all ever fine hereabouts! Close to town, great condition! Barn tack room.

3 bdrm, 2 bath home bsmt. Almost Acre! Only $69,000111 Call right away 328- 1090. WM. J. CARTER CO.

W. 1047 Garland 328-1090 ONE OF THE FINEST. Like new 14x70 Marlette mobile home barms, roomy LR, country kitchen, much more. On beautifully landscaped 85x120 lot in quiet area near Peone Pines. A steal at $39,900.

By appt only, 467-0602. BY owner 4br, full bsmt, garage, covered patio, new dishwasher, disposal carpets, auto sprinklers. $48,500. 2320 Mission 535-1554 WELL kept Callf-split, 3 bdrm, fen.yard, across from May assume HUD 265 financ- 115 VALLEY HOMES FOR SALEOPEN HOUSE 10820 E. 23RD WED.

JUNE 3RD 2 TO 04 5 TO 7PM See ad class 462 REAL ESTATE AUCTION SAT. JUNE 6 bath, 5 car garage, Open House Don Russell Broker 325-3944 DON WILSON ASSOC 928-7777 38 SAVE THOUSANDS by assumIng a low Interest loan, NO QUALIFYING, FAST POSSESSION Several homes available with or less down from $30,000 to $96,000, some seller walk aways with just selling COSTS DOWN. Call Chuck Anderson for detalls on these homes. 926-2992, Cox, Bates Priest. WORK FOR DOWN Prime CV lots or 1 acre lots.

New homes; you choose colors! Over 1,000 sq. f1. finished; more space in daylight basement. Approx. $900 down closing costs.

Payment 407.68 principal Interest only A.P.R. 9.56%. Call 928-1995 or 928-7674 Star Tupper LOOK-4 Car garage or shop for Dad. Mainfloor utilities, finIshed bsmt for Mom. 3 barm Rancher, 2 ba, 2 frpics, 1 insert, central air, covered pallo, gas heat, garden, fruit trees, new paint, McDonald School.

Appoint, by owner 924- 3477, 12610 15th, $72,500 "MOST ALLURING" CAPE COD home MSTR. BDRM SUITE. This 4 bdrm, 2 bth home is new on the market only $49,950 won't last. A lge lot full bsm't offer plenty of rm to grow. Call NICK 326-1687 or KESTELL CO.

836-2002. $1000 REWARD Spo- is is you send the person that buys this 4 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 frpic, car gar, lg family rm bar BBQ all on extra lg facd lot. Priced below market. $63,500. E8114 Jackson, 926-2092 Down, owner contract, acre, Ponderosa 4 barm.

day: lite rancher, main floor family room, over 1600 sq.ft. on main floor. $96,500 or less depending on down No qualifying! Int. Call Chuck Anderson 926-2992. Cox, Bates Priest, BY OWNER CV schools, barm, 2 bath, inground heated Holiday pool, sprinkler system, fncd, beautifully landscaped, cov'd deck patio, lots of extras.

13303 E. 10TH 928-4771 KOKOMO SUB owner, barm, bath, fam rm, rec rm. RV prkng, many more features, owner anxious, transf. $69,900. 10921 18th.

928-9035 BEDROOM California Split. ba, finished rec room, brick fireplace up, wood stove down, Irg 2 car garage, large lot, Many other extras. $55,500. E11312 Fredrick. 924-3371 JUST GO LOOK! Lower Ponderosa $3611 Mercy Court, offers wanted.

Peter 466-8852, Quantum 487-2745 3200 sq. ft. Brick Home. 4 spacious bdrms, 2 baths, 2 frpics, hardwood floors, and much more. $68,950.

Call TONY 924- 0840 or 922-5636 ROSE CO. acre fncd lot, Irg workshop, sprink syst, patio, brs, 3bths, rec rm, air cond, fam kitchen, garage, $75,000. 928-7467 Easy assumption- qual. low down. have several from $45,000 to $90,000.

Vic 924-9334, Cox, Bates Priest 928-3413. IMMAC. Rancher bsmt, 5br, dbl gar, oak kit, 2 fp, E. 13315 Blossey, (21st Owner fin. $69,900.

255-6500 116 SUBURBAN PROPERTY 2 bdrm gar. Lg incd lot. $22,000. N310 Lundstrom, Airway Heights, 244-4034 120 HOMES WANTED drive to our phone for to IntelliEdu- based 104 $200 Court. you CLINIC 326-3600 call BE 5, Rob L-P by Court 22 48 CALL Cash Cash F.G.

debt 88 FOR count. age FOOD all Also chines der ser- cost 747- talk- real MUST You hard ed, tory, from fully liquid Lost equip Delirant, will to or for est FOR line nity. sale, lowest RETAIL; traffic tion. details tall Info 3862, Valley fully crot $10,000 BEAUTY station, per HAWAII cars, que excellent info. VIDEO North 928-6100, BUILD LIBERTY sale.

MAYTAG business Retail VRBB REAL ESTATE COMMISSION For Details, REALTY of a do In al ty It and be on has the dress be ed The ble in 0100, time. sume delay other a the ton nor party For 328-5420 WE will buy your home or apt. for cash. (48 hr commitment). Call Ron Taskey, James S.

Black 838-2511 SELLING FAST! We need homes to sell in all areas! Call 328-1090. Wm. J. Carter Co. I BUY HOMES FOR CASH Pat.

326-7750 or 624-2031 125 FOR LOTS- SALE, WANTED LITTLE SPOKANE RIVER ESTATES Be a part of the best! Lots of 24K to 62k, acre to 5 acre 466-1445, lots. Call Nancy Soukup or Star Provincial 467-6640. SOUTHHILL LOT FOR SALE 75x150 ft, 5 mins from town. All util. $12,500.

Ann Nicholson 624- 1996. Meenach Co. 535-1416 ACRE Ponderosa area in Valley. Ferret Dr. $19,900.

926-1561 926-4307 83'x MOBILE, 186', Greenacres, privacy, $14,900. 206-773-4982 contract, 2 Nice Bldg lots N.side, side by side 80x150 ea, close to shop: ping schools $15,000 ea 466-0963 Beautiful valley lot, ready to moveon. Lrg Valley Lots, new sub-div. Nice quiet ares $12,900, 924-6399 126 MOBILE HOMES OVER STOCKED Repos and used homes 10, 12, 14's plus dbis $3,995 up, del. set N.W.

Mobile Homes 244-3684 1975 NASHUA 14X70, bdrm, security windows, would make nice office or home, owner. MUST SELLI Sacrifice $5950. Call Jim at 489-6611 1978 DBL wide mobile home, 24x48 Titan, 2 barm, 2 foIL baths, din rm, liv rm, fam rm. Irg kitchen appis. $16,600.

924-2062 Double ground wide, sprinklers, large lot, 14x42 under: 10x20 steel buildings, good location, 534-9345, S415 Chronicle EXC. wwP COND. 12x60 2 bdrm, weath. central air, Best covered deck, storage bidg, Offer. 535-3428.

NEED bedroom, CASH, car 1978 Champion, 3 lot, 4 chain link fence, E. 13322 garage, large Rich, $30,000, 926-9460 Quality homes and servicell Marlette and Golden West Homes, Spokane Home Center, E. 4505 Spraque, 535-1793. SGL-DBL WIDE LOTS $80 New Days repo dbl wide setup 292-2350, Eves 12x60 Rawhide TAMARACK, 2 Bd, 1 bth, wood stove, Washer, Will appl. Patio, metal shed, $6,350.

finance. 535-2175. 1978 walls, 14x70 bow Breighton Manor, 2x6 2 windows, $9995. MOBILE CORRAL E. 5106 Spraque 535-3002 1979 14x56, 2-bdrm, bath, reduced to $7500.

MOBILE CORRAL E. 5106 Spraque 535-3002 Clean '75 Academy 12x50, wood stove, washer shed, cov'd deck, $5500. 924-3105 10 Acres, South Valley, $25,000. or Easy Terms. 928-4172 924-8639.

Brkrs. Bd, 14X70 BROADMORE rent 2 ba, present $14,750. May move or space 1-796-5171 28 44. MH, assumable loan, small down payment, 3 bdrm. 276-5786.

276-5247. will buy your mobile home, any 467-6291 dealer. $85 MO LOT RENT-NEW PK 14f1 free move Donna 238-4570 bd 1-235-2573. mobile home $130 Cheney 1957 General, 8x46, 2 bedroom $1500, 1-235-2435 '81 14X48 2 barm bath, exc cond. $8,495, 327-9279.

The Spokesman-Review from Spokane, Washington (2025)
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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.