olficei warehouse, dock rr.gh i. drive-in ol' street parking. Com to (rouvays 362-5660 Ksarny WH LEASE-MLNLO PARK Baysho'e eiposure. 35.000 SQ, ft. protessiorta'iy landscaped, warehouse mfg space with eicmlent oft-street Wnst side oil prestigious Bo-barman Industrial Park Good access to Baysnore Well dis-tnouted power, MOV, J00O amp.
3 phase Incl 5000 so. ft office. Call Doug Finney or Tom Lynch, CORNISH CAREY ISO University Ave Palo Alto (415) CANADA COVE Htff Moon Bay, 2 Bdrms, 2l baths, Quiet location near the Ocn. Only $36,950 ACCENT HOMES CALL (415) 726-5503 FOR SALE By owner. 12 60 Mobil on 45 1 120 tot.
2 awnings 4 shed. Easy care raro inruonery. Diock rom lake. Nr schools 4 shopping. Lucerne, CA $44,000.
707-274-1233; 274-1446 OWNER IN A PICKLE1 "Have Bought" Must sell 24X60 2 bed, 2 ba. fam. wet bar, new rugs, custom shutters, new exterior. Adult park. Ask $45,950.
Mak often EMPIRE REALTY 692-6297 YOUNGSTOWN Adult Mobile Horn Prk. 911 N. McDowell Blvd. Petatuma. have choice selection of Mobile Horn Resales.
Immed, occu- oancv. Financing avaiiab e. Call Pam Young (707) 763-9885 SONOMA, NAPA AND LAKE COUNTIES Several to choose from. Singles ft ooubies. century 21, Renner 12X56 2 br.
1 12 ba. $18,950 2466 Ig. 3 br, 3 ba. $40,960 24x64 Viking, family rm. View 24x64, Wet bar.
1 yr warranty ttNTUWT 21. AUWVlSwtrru BARBARA 756-6100i376-8354 Franciscan Park Security Park, oiui so much more! Many 10 cnoose trom in styi 4 one range. C-21 RENNER 342-8191, CHATEAU CALISTOGA- Never lived in. 78 24X56. BR.
GOLD EN WEST. Assumaole 12.25 loan Must sell By Onwer. 415- 421-4990; 707-SZ8-3262 FOR LEASE South San Francisco 22.000 SQft. Dist 2 dock-tii dr-in doors Ran Spnnklered Clearance Enclusive1 Call: Ralph S. Armeroo Cushman Wakefield (415 34M8HI United Farm Ph: 415-788-7787 (See TOLL-FREE phone below) Free FALL Catalog! UNITfO NEW ro-paa AU Catulo? dfttcrthM mu Ihtfl 2,700 FARMS.
fUNCHCS, ACMAG6S, RfcCmtADONAt, BUSJNf-SSfcS, TOWN and COUNTRY HOMfcS In 49 (( COAST to COASTt Piaat apacify typa procttrty and location proltrrad. Oldtimer's Sm PICTURE in catalog Two forks of an all year fishing craok run thru ihia rough A rugged 4 1 -a ere California wldarmsa haven. Alao ha a mining claim. National 2 aidaa ft tree farm everywhere) Private yet near cent down, owner financing. Riverfront Rarity Storybook 5-acre Oregon country place with 800 ft river frontage, aandy beach A good awimminq heiel On both aide state highway, near town.
Older 2 story 3-bedroom home, ptus garage-apartment. Storage build' tng, tack room. All irrigated (6-acre water ncjftt trom river), 6 apple trees, (65,000, owner financing. Mendocino County Mtn. Ranch See PICTURES in catalog' Follow an old homestead road 10 thia hidden 3t7-acre California ranch bordered on 3 ides by BLM lend Eet River only mile' Uniquely rustic 6-room home, knolty-pme paneling, big stone fireplace, sun deck.
Hot house, workshop, poultry house, barn, chute. Numerous springs, many fruit frees. S2 10,000, long-term owner financing Small Farm Buy Of The Year! KLAMATH FALLS, Ore 20 acres wpme trees. $45)ac. Terms.
(916) 397-4775 OKLAHOMA, Lake Eullula frontage acres, 2uy-2oaw 775 PROPERTY TRADES ALAMEDA Ct. houses 2 side by siue sap tots, very Dig demands for rentals or sales. Consider trading tor small resort or any rura, situation for making modest living cooking and or baking. Consider partner Wrirn this patter Ad 7307 CLIENT has two Out of State land parcels with Free and Clear equity of S175.000. Wishes to trade up and willing to assume lame debt or can add cash.
MILTON MEVFR 4 CO. 772-7000 45' SAILBOAT Cruising Sailboat, new, 3 state rooms. Win trade tor nuu.uuu cond or nous. Wr this Paper Ad 3'21 CODE PROBLEMS? Owner will trade his 35 apts. new kitchens ft baths tor problem properties.
Trad up or down. Agt. 668-5000 TRADE what you have for what you want! fio casn necessary GEDOLING 4 BURK 1808 Umen Realtor 929-8100 CHICAGO Suburb, new 2 story coioniat, Bff. jrm, 1 trpi, many amentities for E. Bay or Mann horn 312-879-198 WISH to use antiQues as down Bayment on income property.
to $250,000 equity, 346-5262 PORSCHE 928 trade ue $10,000. 415-849-1388 BIG Home Concord lor big boat or Eureka prop. 687-9385 780 REAL ESTATE WANTED AMREX Int'l. market day. Sept 20.
We reoresent pnn have- wants anywhere. 250K mm Broker Broker ok. Rey-Cal Inc. Trader Member. 415-981- CASH Domestic Buyer needs 2-3 mill, block of open ground suitable for walnuts or take out old vines or trees.
Mr Papola, Agt 916-273-13Uday, 273-1248 ev THINKING OF SELLING' I'll APPRAISE it tor you or TRADE it tor what you want or LIST 4 sell for best price or pay AlL CASH if you pre'er, Agt INo opi'gation) 586-8803 WANTED 20 acres in Sonoma area, suitable lor cattle with without improvements for pri vate party desiring to reio-1 cate. Call 415-364-2815 wkday? -nights. YOUR property is SO are we! Free appraisal! UNIQUE Homes Of F. REALTOR 441-582? WE PAY CASH tor your home or income property regardless of loc. For confidential ap praisal ai Baiami 58-6U7 WANTED; investment property and land Man info to; Dr.
Nel. 2j8S Jumpero Serra, Daly City, CA 94C15 WANTED! Peninsula Prop. All, Cash withm 48 hrs. any cond. I GOOPIN REALTY 697-41)80 WANTED your property any cond, Pav ail cash in 1 day SKYLINE REALTY 861-1111 VISA 3 REALTY We wilt sell your property for only 3 647-2601 REAL ESTATE WANTED.
Pay casn. anv condition. SAL REALTY 386-3111 WE will buy SF. or Penin. prop erty, any condition, quick cash.
Frank or Erme 586-7881 FAST CASH NOW for your Drooertv. any condition DREITH. Agent 334-4200 $950 RE COMMISSION Licensed RE agent. List your prop tor $958. 355-2758 WISHES to buy land in SF or Bay Area, casn, ovt orrers welcome.
This paper Ad 73006 MARINA Bungalow or flats by private party. 5b-B84j 885 MOBILE HOMES Rancho Grande LAST SECTION NOW OPEN Only a Few Homes Remain Hurry Selling Fast MOVE IN TODAY OR VISIT OUR MODELS H0MESH0W by r.c roberts Rancho Grande 5099 Snyder Lane Rohnert Park (707) 584-8543 NOVATO SALES CENTER 7049 Redwood Highway (415) 897-4195 ALSO COMING SOON The Orchard In Santa Rosa IF hunting, fishing, water sports, golf or relaxation is your bag, then the beaut, new "Willows olanneo community of manufactured homes is the place tor you! bell your present home, bank the rest 4 move to "The Willows" on beaut. Bethel Island, Calif's largest outdoor recreational area. Just a snort drive from the Bay Area, prices from $26,000 complete. For details, call collect: 415-684-2232 or 707-763-2474 WESTERN MOBILEMODULAR HOMES FRANCISCAN PARK "DALY CITY" 24X62 2 bed 2 ba.
fam. rm. New rues, shutters, wet bar 24X52 2 bed 2 oa. vitwi 12X60 2 ted, sharp. Extras! PALO ALTO 12 4 3 Bedrms $13,950 up! MOSS BEACH 24X53 2 bed, 2 ba, kids OK 12X40 1 bed.
Adults Slu.bliu Empire Realty 692-6297 LABOR DAY SPECIAL OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 264 Franciscan Lovely view and much, MUCH MUCH C-21 RENNER 342-8191 On 60 Arkansas acres! 60 tillable, 35 in improved paature. creek, pond, spring, well. Handles 30 mother cows. Cozy 2-bedroom home. 40x60 barn, 30k 50 pole barn, other buildings.
$44,450, down, owner WOODLAND HOMES SINCE 1943 Santa Rosa Mountain View (408)984-1106 FREE picture catalog shows 100 mobile home bargains, East Bay parks. Toll ttee 800-642-0171 Monile Horn Really DOOO BUY! Well Kepi 2 Bdrm Home, ww cpts, Built in Kit, Lovely Adult Park. $21,500 ACCENT HOMES 415-726-5MI1 CONCORD. Older 2 oedioom 1 bath. Air, storage, drapes, 4 tc.
Only $9001). Phone agent; 32-744 or cot- 2evuy SUNNYVALE Adult Security Park. 24x62, 2Br, 2Ba. f'pl, wel bar, sunrm, air, by ownr. 17 TRAVEL EZC 40, 2 Ti- Front kit.
Albany. 524-85'S 467-68MI ItxM. Good condition To moved $7000. 333-24'fi 10 55 '69. AiC.
Good condition. $9'50. 345-0409 ISF Par tin ifin td. transp, 755-6144 7a Sunnyb'OOk 12X52 1BR xtras. $11,090 Parks Sites 885-1 FREE Mobil Horn Park Director Get Yours Today Bv Calling 415-89-4195 or Stoo In And See Our Furnished Models HOME SHOW by R.C.
Roberts 2049 Redwood Hwy Novato MARIN RV Park Pool 4 Sauna 2130 Redwood Hwy, Greeurae. Nr. SF. (415) 461-5199 Rec Retreat on other sides, wtidine Interstate. $31,000, 29 per 29 per cent down, owner A Business? financing Gardener's Delight Road a end 2 Vacre California country place dotted with fruit A nut trees.
Attractive 3-bedroom, bath home, Workshop. Fenced ft cross fenced tor a cow or 2 (59.5001 LAKE Oroville. golf, lake vu, '78. 32 dbl wide MH Kelly Ridge Agent, 533-5383 NEVADA CITY 2 homes, excellent cond. Good investment.
$89,950. Agent (916)273-4491 or )916)273-0580 SO. LAKE TAHOE. quiet in town loc. 3 br.
hse. $75,500, MtKin-ney 4 Assoc.M 916-542-0200 916-S77-4135 SOLAR house city water 4 sewr, $59,500, 916-459-5109 or Rt. 1 Bog 34, Montague, Ca. 96064 TAHOC DONNER Resid. lot Prim loc.
nr' golf crs. Level Bidg. permits. $26,000. Call 40II-251-8494 aft.
5pm YREKA 24 ac. Gd. well, septic tank, pnone 4 electric. $60M Rust, Route 1, Box 90B, Williams, Ariz 86046 FREE PICTURE BROCHURE North Lake Tanoe Homes For Sale. Call (916)583-5581 Hauserman Real Estate INCLINE By owner.
Tyrol Chalet. 3br, ltoa, frpl, decks, beams, gas heat. Walk to ski lifts! $)02K. 702-831-2124 OVER half ac. w3br house, Dutch style barn.
House nds. much work. $22,500. 916-451-4979 4-7pm Sana RUSSIAN River, Guam vine Se cluded cottage. Nds work $32,500 TOWER PROP.
552-6300 SILVERADO 2BR. 2BA, convert ed garage to piayrm. New pamtcpts. By owner sia.iuo 707-963-9429; 942-6589 FT. ROSS 3BR new home for lease, aek.
ww cpts, ocean view, 2-car gar. Eicl. retired coi jnu mo (uU'V-tDUj ACRES. Must sell. Terms.
Write owner PO Box 1390, cieariake Highlands. OA. 95422 or call (707)94-5267 liUE Lake Springs- Custom 3BR-2BA, AEK, Cath. ceils, Rdw. deck, 24' stone fpl, 9.
assum. 13-jnb-3-rj LAKE Spring Valley, 4- ac. level tots, pvt. take, park, roads. Total price $10,000.
415-681-6935 LAKE COUNTY. 14 rm Victorian on 2 secluded ac. 2 fireplaces, ww carpet, bsmt, cellar 500. Call 707-994-41)46 MUST SELL 2i beautiful for ested mountain acres, 35 miles E. Klamath Falls, Ore.
$3,900. 916-756-8615 NEAR Redding at Cottonwood 150 acres with 21 unit subdivi sion can divide 10 down terms m7-it-W) NORTH LAKE TAHOE Beautiful lakeview lots, ready to build upon. Tanager Really. 70P-H31-5005 PLACERVILLE area, 10 acres road, power. EID waler 8.500.
209-229-7703 or 209-445-1988 SO. LAKE TAHOE tnuiei. Vaca tion 4 income. Exc. cond.
4 area. Buy all or part interest By owner, 916-542-1862 LAKE Co. Creek 4 Lake. 4-40 ac parcels $95M, also 80 $55M. 707-987-2519.
CORNING Realty otters 2.21 ac. Good homesite. Mobile o.k 916-824-4644 UKIAH. 50r. 2Ua.
in Russian River Estate. By owner, $84, 100. 707-462-1373 FREE 266-page Catalog STROUT REALTY (415) 820-4804 SHACK by the ocean. $15,000 down. Vmce Bramiet, Ocean Ave.
Realty 408-625-1343 CLEARLAKE KEYS on waler. NEW 2bor, 2ba. $56,500. (916) 87-4152; (70) RIVERSIDE Cty. 4.85 A nr.
Mira Loma zonea c-i a-i. CUTLER (415 221-3012 AMADOR CO. lOac whouse, barn, shed, well, phone, 28 mi Sacto $90K 'Ofr 916-823-9010. CLEARLAKE 3BR exc. cond.
$37,500 F.P. Assm loan 9. good tenants 707-994-6407 agt CLYDE, CONCORD. Large lot, all utilities at property. 415-689-4794.
POOR Mans Valley Ranch. 2280 ac. on Eel Mendocino Co' V0 ac. (707)459-4797 SIERRA Cnty. 160 ac.
Within national forest. Meadows-stream 916-966-9382l-8497 TAHOE Conner Skiers delight. Custom 3BR, 2BA, View! (415) LAKE OROVILLE 9.3 acres. Mount. DroD.
View. Trees, sur- veyed J42-08 MENDOCINO CO. 2 acres, ocean front. $21,000 terms, Owner, 415-228-4176. PLACERVILLE, Colonial charm, restored, 4 2 Bath, beaut, yd.
(209)928-4743 ON the beach. Condominiums at water edge. Fum.i-4 br. ParaiO Dunes (415)327-5709 $5000 DOWN. 60 ac.
N.E. Santa ara Co. owner fman. J52.5I u. C-21 LAMPLEY (415)921-4884 DUNLAP in Fresno Cntv.
40 ac. fronting lake, agt. coll. 4UB- GUERNEVILLE, 24 acs. at 1668 Neeley forest, view, utiis.
$85,000. Owner. (707) 996-7058 10. Tahoe Ig rustic hse, 3br, 3ba buildabie lot permits; $106,000 415-383-7895 PORTER REALTY Parcel Sac. Riv.
Dairies, ranches, sm. acreages cheap 916-865-3585 MONTEREY DUNES Perry Co. 408-63344033 INCLINE Tanoe super condo lOtS. Uwnr-Agt. 02-8J1-U19J CLEAR LAKE.
Large lot, $8500, MENDOCINO view, ocean 4 (or- rest, lot, $llj500 415-339-0156 10 Acres Trimtv Nat'l Forest jbo.uuu. Roaa. 444-2151 BLUE Lake Springs- Custom 3BR-2BA (415)366-5567 STOCKTON, Lodi triplex. $125K 415-581-7399; 209-952-2350 773 OUT-OF-STATE R.E. MUST SELL Mlni-Ranchette" in Oregon's Beautiful Willamette Vallev.
New, deluxe-custom built, t-Vi ac, wriver view, secluded but ez commute to tugene-cor-vallis. All electric, 2211 sq. cedar siding exterior 4 interi or, 3 bdrm. 24 bath wmaster bath complex, kitchen wall built-ins. microwave 4 break- 'fast bar.
stone frplc wheat-a- lator in tarn rm, vaulted liv rm wexoosed beam ceiling, for mal din rm, 2 decks, intercom Af-rM tnru out, tuny carpeted, 2-car garage. OK well, septic. $149,500. If interested please write; 28260 Lark Lane Shedd, Oregon 97377 OZARK RANCHES 1 the mild climate of Missouri. 430 ac.
all in im proved grass; 350 ac. could be farmed. $700 per acre. 810 ac. ranch watered by creek oona.
tiooa rences. a vr. ranch style 4BR home. $460 oer acre. 170 Grade A dairy; farmable balance in pasture.
Fully re- mod, nome. vu per acre Many listings of all sizes DAT KbAL tb I A I LU. Rt. 2, Lockwood, Mo. 65682 (4)7) 232-4816 OREGON Arwiegate Vallev nr Meororo.
16 irngateo gras sy acres, prime property tn Beaut. Mtn. Valley, with great weather, hunting and fishing. Land borders 800 ft. of Steel Head River.
Mature family orchard grapes, berries 4 veg. garden. 2 Dr. nome, guest house, targe, green hse, barn and shop. (190,000.
Assume $90,000 8 loan. Owner carry 2nd. 415-928-0506 OREGON, WILLIAMS, house 4 barn on 4 useable acres, winter creek 4 pond $59,000, 408-426-6484 RENO, Nev. By owners, 4 ac. Of R-3 prooerty.
All or part. 702-875-0388; 702-826-2710 ROGUE River! 3 br. 2 ba 2000 SF. w21x27 Game rm 200' wtr frnt $125K 415-493-7689 KANSAS Loveiy home, water, out bidg. 14 miles no.
Topeka. 40 ac. 913-986-6428 6 7 TAHOE LAKEVIEW HOME on 2 acres, many extras. Hi brick fence. Rm.
for parking boat Nr. Cave Rock dock. Cash does talk. Owner desperate. 702-588-5332 LAKEFRONT AT TAHOE Sundrenched 4 BR.
3 BA. home on rare white and oeacn. $325,000. terms. Call Craig Miner, 916-583-1770.
REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATES REODING 3BH tri-level, 1850sa ft. custom crafted excellent view tmm large balcony. Was $126,000 reduced to $116,000 Can collect eves (916) 628-5114 SONOMA CO. 40 ac. High ill the run of Cazadero.
2hrs from SF. Power avail. Yr-round spring 4 maintained roads. Many bldg sites. Owner fin.
$23,000 dn. 707-528-7022 TAHOE Filtered lakeview 3 BR. condo in newer laketront project. Pool, tennis, beach, iacuizi 4 pier. Call Craig Mmer, 916-583-1770.
REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATES TRINITY RANCHETTE ac. of meadow 4 woods in Weaverviiie area on paved road lower. Level sites views, Priced at only $24,850 ml terms. Agent 415-856-6111 UNSURPASSED river property New contemp. spiu-ievei home on 2' ac.
site interest in 132 surrounding ac. w2.000 ft river frontage. Agt 916-527-5514 STREAM Babbles on 4.6 beautifully wooded acres. N.E. of Jackson.
$17,900. Terms. Owner Agent, 415-521-2200. GRASS VALLEY acres. Magnificent view prop erly r-dvrru coumy iudu cuutr to town.
$22,500. Agt. 916-272- 7083. TRUCKEE NORTH STAR CONDO 75 acres Glenshire $49,950 $25,000 Call Brian Lance 916-583-0606 REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATES INCLINE Racquet CiuD. New 2-unit conoo Sips, 10 Excel, furniture.
Owner finance at 10. $126,900. (702)831-5984 (415134.3-7185 MERCED, CA. 55 acres level, 2 BR, house. 300Ton barn, Ig.
corral, MID waier. $195,000, 29 down, owner will carry bal 209-723-0135 1280 acs, already suortivided into 40 ac. parcels, Tehema C8 tot of 32 parrels, wseii biks of 16 or 32. $360ac. Pub reprt.
Ownr. NR. Varaviiie once in a lifetime mm. Hearst castie, 4iuu sq. ft.
on 20 ac. enormous rooms. $375,000. 916-666-4112 or see your broker. 160 acres to 730 acres roinng ranch land, own water d'S-l trict, $650 an acre, owner financed, Parkinson Realty (916) PONOEROSA PINES.
Nr Georgetown, 2ac, 2090 sa ft 3BR. Carport, Sep. Lg gar, ideal for home buss. $92,000. 333-4715 TRINITY Co- Hayfork CA.
1400 SQ ft. JBK. 2bA. ooie gar, 1 acre. $72,500 916-243-0591 or Hidaway PO Box 538, Hayfork CA WIU4 LODI area, 5 acres; 3 Or; guest rm: pool; Ig.
trees; barns; cov ered horse arena; on Badger Creek $92,500. By owner. 91b-687-6334 RED BLUFF. 10 Ac. close to town 4 F-Way.
Oak covered mils wipeautirui view power. $27,500. Terms. 916-527-1430 flays, 916-527-5724 eves WILLITS. By own.
New 3BR- 2BA near airport, urooktraiis Hedwooo rk Heav wooded. Beaut vactn area $72,500 707-1 462-9080 Roy. no apt GRASS Vaiiey area between Sac 4 Tahoe. 2bdr. cottage on 5 wooded acres.
Sunset view. Top of hill. Rdwd. soa Owner; $69,500 916) 273-2008 INCLINE Conoo. 3 BR, 2 BA, furnished.
Color Tv. wash dry. Next to creek. Walk to shoos, beach. Terms avail able $97,500.
(415 573-9649. INCLINE Vie Condo 3BR. 2 new turn Frpic, pauo. Walk to, Terms avail. Mtg assume.
$97,500. (4151 573-9649 INCLINE Vlg. Free-standing chalet 3BR, 2BA, furn'd. wash dry. TV, gar.
Sips 8-10. Next td! goit course, uwner wm carry NEW home in Denair, Stams- laus Co. 3Br. 2Ba. built-m stv.
DW. etc. Has central ht. 4 air. Large lot 60x125, $69,500.
Owner 209-527-8933 NO. TAHOE Mtn. frame BR2 BA. Sunny Beach priv. $89,500.
Mark Treadwell 916-546-5550 REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATES NORTH LAKE TAHOE New lakefront home under con struction. Priced to sell uoo. can Tanager Realty, U2-831-5005 OLDE TAHOE 3 BR. double garage with in-law apt above. Owner will finance.
Call Tom Watson. 916-583-0861. REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATES PLACERVILLE. Pilot's, sports- mans paradise! Brand new 3 Bff nome nestled in pine trees View, fish ponds, nearby air strip. Agt.
5-liUU PLUMAS CO. 28 mi. from Reno. Ad. to highway 70.
20ac. wi power, $30,000, 20 dn. Bal. at 7e. lv.
name ft address, 415-461-3811, RESTHOME, Mendocino Coun ty. $60,000 gross, Stream, trout oond forest. See to be lieve. $179,500. Pierce Rlty (415) 45J-354U SACRIFICE SALE! Homesite nr Maxwell.
Owner must sell im mediately. All offers consid ered. Excel, hunting 4 water SPOrtS. 415-332-5044. SANTA ROSA.
4Br. 2Ba fam. LR. Tiled kitcrt 4 baths. fully dked.
bkyd. 16x16 glassed rm. on 7 hot tub. JH6.5UU. 7U-542-IU2 S.E.
HUMBOLDT 2 adi. 40's, gd. water, views, access. pwr. ft onone avi secluded.
$35,000. ea. Terms. Open to orrers. Agent u-45y-2bl TAHOE City, North Shore condo reduced to $152,500.
Best lakefront buy. 2BR 2BA, beautifully decorated. Connors As 1916)983-693 TAHOE furnished 2 1 BA. condo. In prime No.
Shore location. Tennis 4 pool. U. Call uhUCK, 91b-58J-Jb22 PfcAL ESTATE ASSOCIATES TAHOE 2,500 sq.ft. furnished take view nome.
owner will finance. Call Tom Watson, 916-583-9861 REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATES TAHOE LAKEFR0NTS Call Craig Miller 916-583-1770 PEAL ESTATE ASSOCIATES FREE Catalog: UNITED FARM Alitor iui5-A Monadnock Bidg. 681 Market St. CA 94105 788-77871 TAHOE only 29 down for Incline lake view wpaid plans permits, umy S49.5UU. uw agt.
J- pm 415-421-J863 SOxflO ft. lot located in Tahoe valley. Homes developed arouna area. Asking The Real Estaters 681-6667 INVEST at LAKE TAHOE. All types of properties avail.
Rtu CAKPtr fftALTORS Call collect: 916-544-2272 SO. Lake Tanoe. $63.000. 3 BR, 2 BA. laundry rm, patio, fenced, dbl.
car frplc. Good area 9ib-544-t)9J5 5.6 acres. Beautiful view of the Napa Valley. Owner may carry 2na. vu.uuu loacn stop Keai ty 107)252-82.
S. LAKE TAHOE, by owner, 3BR 4 den, 2BA, 2000 sq.ft. 1 mi. to pvt. beach, marina.
$123,000. TAHOE KEYS. 3bdr. 2 car gar. On water, views, decks.
rj vuu Bicentennial Invest ments 916-544-6567 BODEGA Harbour- lot. read to build-on 1st golf hole. 2blk to ciuonousetennis. 44K. own er, assum.
loan 4l5-l-2ib LAKE WILDWOOD. Nevaoa Co. waterfront deluxe homes, 1155.950 $229,500. Golden Sierra (916)272-4271 OLD N. Tahoe cabin.
Quaint. cozy, rustic 2BR, 2BA, pier 4 oeacn priv. suouu. t9tb)5Bj- 6381, Dy owner 20 A LAKE DON PEDRO COUNTRY ACREAGE 1-5 ac. par ceis.
129 mi. trom Bay Area. Water, paved roads, elec. Good fin. avail.
Great boating iisning area nni J'i-i4i ext. 20 i cam. Beautiful, OROVILLE acre parcel includes 10 ants -I- 2rjf) nciuse view of Lake Oroviile. Commercial zoning on Hwv frontage. Call Polly Gtilmore tor details LANGLFY-TACKES 621-8450 SQUAW VALLEY Beautiful wooded lot on Sandy Way wunobstructed view of meadow.
Approved plans tor architect-design, 4 br. home incl. Sewer permit sb avail. $72,500 916-587-2995 LAKE TAHOE WEST SHORE TAHOMA Super custom hideaway 2 BR. 1 ba.
wJacum Redwood inside 'out All appis. Beach rights Was $97,000 now (702) 588-6406 wooded ac in Tnnity Co. mountains w300' frontage on year round creek. Power 4 phone avail. Good access.
wterms WEAVERVILLE RFALTY 916-623-5551; eves BEAUTIFUL horse ranch. Moth- eriode country. 13 ac. Oak studded, 3 wells, year round creek. Elkms bit 10 stall barn w50'x72' lighted indoor arena.
2BR, 2BA home. $179.1100 Woodfield Prop 707-762-0056 CLEAR LAKE area, 6-1(2 pano acres, rolling to level. 50 oak trees. 1049' of Tuie lake frontage, well, 8" casing. 2HP submersible pump, electricity mi from Hwy 26 on County Rd.
$60.000 707-263-6274 GOLD COUNTRY Sonora's finest neighbor hood: Old Spanish style la Re custom home; detached guest room; Indscpd $185.0130. S-327 CENTURY 21-MACON REALTY 209-532-5104 NAPA VALLEY RlTREAT Stone 4 redwood 2 BR, 1 BA home on ac. Fantastic view. $84,500. Open 92.
1389 Tucker Rd. 5 miles north of St Helena. Davidson 4 Bennett Realtors, 707-253-0220 NEVADA County in mountains. Only motel between Nevada City 4 Downeyviiie on 22 3 acres. 2 Unit motel, permit for more.
4 2 separate houses. $179,500. Agent 916-292-3497, 916-273-3334 PARADISE AREA, historic town Of Inskio for sale. 57 ac. incl furn Intbin Inn rartifiorl torical site" ski.
tishmg. Camping, eC. 06 OlVIUeO. Submit vour offer. Terms.
Realtor 213-691-5663 BminrK PINFc owm-i? rin Sly Park Road. 2-aioint 3' prime view ac. parcels, spring. 14 mi. to Jenkinson Lake.
Fish, boat, ski. camp, hunt. Tahoe exc terms 916-644-4543 1 BR condominium, mcelv swim pool 4 club house facilities, great place to relax alter Skiing, $119,800. Call EDWARD HANCOCK ASSOC. Realtors (7021831-2120 ALBION, near Fort BrasB; taou- lous beautiful wooded level 2 acres witn large lake on nearly of pronerty.
A bargain at $15,000. Dick Rome-nek Realty, 707-528-4008 or Lee at 707-525-0942 iCOASTAL GUEST RANCH. Bodega Bay. 378 ac. ooeratmg horse 4 cattle ranch on Sonoma Coast wpermits tor additional 30 units.
$1,500,000. Keith or Charles, 707-525-1214. Robert Butler Co Ritr. INVESTORS homes on 1 lot, 1-3BP hear air. 2BA, 1-lBR, wail Both in prime cond.
Convenient to downtown Sac. 950. Agent. 916-635-1120 Jeanne Drennan, Realtor LAKE Snastma for the retired or soon to be. Trent-Jones golf course, eouestnan Mt.
Shasta views. Secured, planned community. Homes start at $60,000, lots at $7000 Juniper Realty 916-938-2713 OWN YOUR OWN MOUNTAIN Spectacular views, year round spring, seclusion, yet 2U mm. td Santa Rosa. 130 acres m-l.
Call for preview of this unique property, bionewooa Keaity, Kenwood TRINITY COUNTY 5 level acres wseasonal creek 4 untin- aerfeTel'vTood SS 1 next to government land 000terms. Many others. Rob-erts Realty, 916-628-4149. AUBURN 10 acre estate for horses. Grassy meadow, huge oaks, tremendous water, close in.
Owner. Terms. Agt. 916-265-4010. FORECLOSURES (10) HIDDEN VALLEY LAKE Full amenity development, 90 miles from San Francisco.
Terms. Buy 1 or all. Agent, 568-5603. 7 Ar.RFS Beautiful view. 180, Penryn exit, 35 mm.
dwntn. Sacto. Well natural soring, paved rd. utili ties, w.iuu. By owner.
i6-726-0671 SAN MATEO COUNTY Beautiful country homesites, wonderful for horses, 16 to 40 acres, from $120,000 uo THE RANCHMAN REAL ESTATE, (415) V41-44'). TAHOE SOUTH, Sparkling new uearm. nome in exc. area. $93,000.
RED CARPET REALTORS (408) 446-1600 SEBASTOPOL. 1.22 acres, 240' wen, trutt trees, privacy, pool. 4BR, 2'iBA, formal livdin rms, oen. RED CARPET REAL ESTATE 897-5135 TAHOE KEYS. 3bdr.
2 l2ba car gar. muu sq.ft. Huge oecks, views, frplc. Keys aminities. Bicentennial Investments (916) 544-6567 LAKE TAHOE 10 cottages mgrs home.
Beach rights. Hwv 89 frontage, zoned TC in Tahoma. Asking $375,000. Mc-Kinney 4 Tami 916- 542-ua; yib-54-j4 eves BODEGA HARBOR New solar home wspectacular views. 2100 sq.
ft. 2 bedrooms, soiarium, 2 fireplaces. F.H. Allen Rltrs. 707-584-7900 NO.
Calif. 14 contiguous lots. rranges from ac. to 2.4B ac. Water shares for ea.
lot. Exc for mini ranches. 5 min. from Orland. Terms avail.
HohgoodRlty (916)824-21 SO. TAHOE. Unusual redwood round house. 2 bedrooms, 2 Dams, loft, native trees, Nr Truckee 4 Lake. $73,950.
Agent Mr. Learned (415) 32-7474 or Loretta (9161 541-4457 CLOVERDALE HIDE-AWAY 4 br, 3 ba; AEK, fm. rm, fab. view; 20x50 solar pool; unfinished guest hs; barn; 12 ac; woods 4 irrig. pasture.
Fin. $275,000 707-894-3508 IRON HORSE RANCH, 36 stalls, 5 padds, 2 wells, 40 Ac. past. 2 BR home. Lge.
arena bit to rodeo specs. 26 Mi. trom Stkn. $275,000. Glenn Perry, Agent 209-478-5040, 957-0210 CLEAR LAKE OAKS.
Fish from your deck, new 2BR 2BA AEK frplc, open all wknd, 13430 Ebbtide (in the Keys). Just $65,000. Real Estate Center LARGE Duplex blk. from Donner Lake. Ideal vacation home, income property or half 4 half.
$129,000. Agent: Mike at Boic Realty, Truckee (916) 587-7432 SACRAMENTO Shown bv own er, Greenhaven area. Cust. 4br 2ba Bit-in pool, indoor laun dry. Many extra cust.
fea tures. See to apprec. $94,500. 916-422-2291 NORTH LAKE TAHOE large 4 BR home on wooded lot. Great for family or entertaining.
$175,000. Call Frank at FDWARD HANCOCK ASSOC Realtors (702)831-2120 SISKIYOU CO. 1 Br. Mod. kit Guest area 4 colorful landscpng are a few features of this mtn.
fresh retreat. $59,900. Call Lassen Rlty for more info today. 916-244-6900 11 5 1 NORTH LAKE TAHOE-IN NE VADA 3 BR, ba. furn condo.
Like new cond. $97,500 Seller will fman. Also, 3 BR, 2 ba. homo exc. cond teller will fman.
3 BR, 2 ba. home on championship loir course, exc, cond. S00; sell will fman. GARRETT REALTY. Realtor (202)831-2888.
931 Tahoe Blvd Incline Village. Nevada CONDO OHIO- UNITS 4X GROSS. 10 yield. Posi tive cam now. Aim.
financing GEORGIA. 64 UNITS 2X GROSS. Positive cash flow Appreciation. Land available to build additional units. RONALD KENT WERNER (213) 822-274 Pacitica Realty EUGENE, OREGON.
20 acres. secluded term w6 Dedreomi house, guest house, modernl workshop, big barn, all year! creek wconcrete irrigation dam. big garden wrdeer tenet, Oak 4 Fir trees, pas ture, pono site, ins uuu cash prize or owner ttnance. suj-484-2888. SCAPPOOSE.
OREGON S-70acs. 30 mm. to dwntwn Portland. View of cascades from Rainier oast Hood, new Of coiumoia River Basin. Pas tures 4 timber, unzoned, in aggi.
use. 2 gorgeous barns old farmhouse, cottage, well. electricity. Pvt. owner, SF.
S1-5J1. 2t hours. WILLAMETT VALLEY Secluded 16 6 ac. 35mi SE Portland, owner transferred to utan. Lg.
4or vict. nome Lg. barn 4 pond. Cement milk ing parlor, orchard. On green Belt.
Assunteabie Ore. St. Gl vwi kudn, musr CflSP our vniy $125,000. Call (503)824-6621 Or LAKE TAHOE Panoramic lake views, one acre parcel two 4 acre oarceis These Incline Village properties are contiguous. You can build 5- houses on this acreage.
Incline Village. NV, Lakesnore Rlty, PO Box 3678 7Q2-831-2H60 beautiful wooded ac. in the Suiet Hamlet of Obnen in Sa. re. On county mobile ok.
gd. well area, drive in, garden spare, sm. cabin, jii.suu Large down, once firm (503)596-2764 or write Box 662, OOnen, Ore 97534 802EMAN. MONTANA 4-PLEX Must sell immediately. Large units, excei.
location condition. Price $135,000 down. No Qualifying to as sume exist. VA Loan Pay ments $976rmo. Rents mo Princp only (406) 587-1590 NEW constr cust.
hse. Incline Viil. Nev. Lake Tahoe 3 Br 3 Ba 2 car gar. hot tub, frpl filtered lake view, lots of xtras.
$168 500. Call 916-583 0370 or 702-831-O298 Owner salesperson HIGHLY Productive row crou farm tor saie or to take in on partnership basis. May buy into this years contracted crop ft operations for approx $800,000. Located in Nevada. 702-623-2241 MOVE to Beautiful Colorado Springs or mak an investment in high equity area Ranch style with 6 Br.
3 full tarn, rm, 2 frpl Bpst schools, view of mtns, $82,500. 303-635-0784 BRAND New 3Br, 2Ba. 1210 sq ft home in Eugene. Oregon Vaulted ceiling, cedar paneling, cstm cabinets, Schrader stove. $56,500.
10 dwn, Full mgmnt avail, pos. cash flow, exc. upS'de 834-6104 GOLD HILL, ORE. 3 84 Ac. 2 tax lots.
14X60 mo bile, 2 br. 1 ba. 8X52 addi- tion. 2u Ac. nooaea.
i.ooo gold prospecting area $72,000 (503lb55-970 RENO, NEVADA. New Un.qut view conoominiurns. 2U' down. Non-owner occupied units avail, rental program. Models open 1 5.30 Daily BART REALTY COLORADO SPRINGS 84 unit modern apartment complex.
5 yrs. new. Excellent location. Seller motivated. $1,570,000 7.1 gross.
Princais oniy Call 415-938-1820. NEVADA -Nr. Truckee River, mntn. vu. great neighbors, Obi.
wide mobile home. Irg. lot. Jrdn, worksnop ft more, wv 00 Pictures upon request 702-345-0474 evs. PORTLAND; ORE.
S.E Widow must sell 2 story 4 Br. 3 Ba 3327 sqft, lot 107x150. beaut view. Fruit trees, close to Schools, $96,000. Call 415-782-8002 evewknd BOISE, IDAHO Rim view.
4 BR. den, 3 BA, heated swimming pool. Nr. Hillcrest C.C. Sale by owner.
$105,000 (208) 375-5171 wkdays; or (208) 344-9928 eveswknos. 3BR. 2BA 8-yr old; lot sz 97x136 a unimproved lots. 2 at 75x100', 1 at 57x136', all on city water 4 sewer. 4 mi N.
of Ashland, Ore. $100,000. (503) 535-3774 OREGON. Older well built 5 BR home on 3 12 ac. Midway betw.
Salem 4 Portland nr. I-5. EZ fwy. access. City water 4 sewer.
$150,000. (593)981-9387 PO Bex 404 Hubbard Ore WATERFRONT Condo, com Diex. Panoramic lake view condo w3 BR, 2 frpls; over-l sized dbi-car priv. oeacn $250,000. 702-831-2660 LAKESHORE REALTY APARTMENTS 144 Units Dallas $2,000,000.
Net Cash. Becky Robbms Bozeman Real Estate (214) 526-4517 or 324-2468 OREGON Beaut. 4 br. on Mc Kenzie River. 20 mm.
-Eugene. 2 v. be. 2300 sq ft. lOOOsq.ft.
rec. rm. Many Xtras. $115,000. 5UJ-4b-2W8.
UTAH Investment orosertv 50 to 3M9 ac. vwuu per ac. joining property, selling for $7000 ac. Will carry contract. Call John 8U1-295-49UU IDAHO.
10 wooded acres, 181 miles No. of Coeur d'Alene. mile off US highway, Nat'l! forest nearby. $22,500. Exc.
terms. 2UB-2-528. OREGON Rec. property, 1 13 12x60 mobile home well. septic 4 pumphse.
mi. from Little Deschutes Hiver, La Pine, Or. $33,500, 503-760-1301 FOR SALE BY OWNER. 240 ac 130 ac. irrig.
Gd. waterpply B.L.M. grazing avail, tor cat tie. West of Homedale, Idaho, 5UJ-J39-J515 GREATER SEATTLE EVERETT TOLL-FREE Relocation information: Benton-McCarthv RityBetter Homes 4 Gartens l-B8U-2b-9Une LAKE TAHOE NEVADA. Panor amic lake view.
280 ac. Estate property. Lakeshore Rlty. 0. box 368, incline village, ntv B945U 702-831-Z66U NEW 2 Stsry Luxury Home lhr.
from laneeft rosemite. luac. adiacent to Gov. land 3Br. 2 WBa $139,000 or trade.
Owner (702)465-2415 THINKING OREGON? Giants Pass is a nice place to live. Free Catalog. Red Carpet Bill Heinlein Realty, 1217 NE 6th Grants Pass, Ore. 97526 RENO. 60 income units built 1977; 79 units available I9su.
Commonwealth (415)461 S100. lo mo. payment: Must sell because of marriage lotsac. $600 to Jiu.uuu. Mr, linen gaj-juji.
HAWAII, prime land 17 acres in Laupanoenoe. uwner 111, must sell. 916-438-2845 at ter 5 pm. TAHOE Studio Conoo. Frplc.
view, next to Heaven Ski. Expansion possible. $48,500. 702)586-32421 )8 Jl-5449 BEND, Oregon- Priced for Quick Sale. 6 parcels over 1 ac.
ea. $7000 per ac. or $40,000 total. 503-686-9293 at 4 KONA Coast, Hawaii. Nu cstm Redwd.
Octagsn 2 Or. Land scaped, golf 4 tennis. ooo. ownr. aw-BBj-uu.
LAKE TAHOE. Beautiful view. stone, 2br. cottage, east side ot tne lake, si.uuu, U2-B2 4117. LAKEfRONT Properties avail able.
Contact Lakeshere Rel-ty. P.O. Box 3678.lncline Vil lage, NY 89450 U2-8il -2bWJ NEVADA- Prpty. wants waler frtg. Carson River, Lake To- pez or Lahontan Res.
2-20 ac. 213-860-l32 eves. PIIILI Beach Carnisl Cult nom. 28UU soft. 4 Ig.
BR 2 WBA. Lg fenced lot. Family room, om, liv, library, Indry, Cusl. drps 4 Indscpng. Decking, balcony, private patio.
2 car garage wwork rmoftice. Occupancy approx. 5-l-'80. By Owner. $725,000.
408-242-5415 eveiwknds tflUlSTRIANS Paradise. 2032 acres, geological wonderland. West V010 Co. surrounded by govt. land, fronts on white water creek, canyons, meadows, Oaks, reservoir, sulphur springs, barn, $275 per acre Bassett Associates, 30-A Main SI.
Woodland, CA 95695, 916-, 662-7361 ASSUMBABLE 9 LOAN Approx. $46,950 to assume ex isting loan monthly pay-i ments of $414 82 move into this 1 yr new 3Br home on 16. ac. nr. Tollhouse, CA Beauti-1 ful view Too many amenities to list.
$99,950. Broker Cooperation, Dean Ener Realtor, Fresno 209-225-6824 SOCIAL SECURITY. 12X64 Fleetwood wlge. liv. room added fireplace, 2 norm 2 bath, dm.
area, wash, dry, cooler all for $36,000. incl. land, fenced, shade trees, fruit treea. sm. garden, metered utiis.
100 yds. to Clear Lake. Gd. fishing, taxes only $81 yr. Agent 415-883-9552 TAHOE HOME Lowest price in exclusive neighborhood nr.
Oonar Point on N. Shore. 3BR, 2BA, overseer) one-of-kind land-Scaping on Ig. cor. lot, next to 5 mm.
walk thru woods to beach $109,500. Owner, 20 ACRES BETWEEN Marysvme 4 Lake rvnn Car Wocl ar lioat views no hn.sh Mnhile homelln OK, from $29,900, Low own. pvmt. with owner terms, limited number avail, with take line frontage, owner. Tom Clark, 916-366-3193 GRASS VALLEY RANCHETTE acre ranch.
3 bdrm. Huge fam. rm. All useable ground. Meadow, barn, paved road frontage, walk to schools.
$110,800. Golden State Realty (916)273-221, (916)265-4893 $275 AN ACRE Wheat and barley productive farm land. Over 8000 acres. Call Mr. Atwater for details.
H. KENT ATWATER 343-3656 mmmmmmmmmmm THIS IS lYour Hideaway In The Country! Near Berryessa. 5 acres. Com- tortabie house. Cement block barn.
Large shop. Surrounded by producing orange trees, $159,000. Call Dorothy Haus-sler. Agent, today tor details. 916-758-3080; 756-4880 nean Estate with unsurpassed ocean view.
6 4 oaths. 1 fireplaces, Approx. 6000 Sq.ft., 1 plus Acres. $1,250,000. Herma Curtis, Broker, Her-ma S.
Curtis Real Estate, O. Box 5114, Carmel, Ca. 93921. (408) 624-0176 SANTA ROSA Beautiful coun try home on 1 14 acres with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, spacious kitchen, new plush carpet. Added bonus is 2 bdrm 1 ba mobile home ideal tor in-laws or guests.
Fruit trees, patio, fenced, close in, $109,500. F.H. Allen rltrs 707-523-3000 GINGERBREAD MANSION Famous Humboldt Co. victorai-an. Mam hse restr'd, 5 rental units, elegant living or possible country inn.
For pictures 4 details, write Sharon. Ming Tree Realty. 1364 Myrtle Eureka. 95501 NAPA VALLEY VINEYARD. Prime variety, con-dihon A location, AH irrigated.
3Br, 2Ba home beautttul setting. 7 ac. owner financed. $260,000. C-21 Buller Realty.
St. Helena, CA 707-3-3678. Open Sun: closed Sat SIERRA HIDEAWAY .40 acs, beautiful 4 remote small pond, strong year-round soring, creek 4 pretty Alpine meadow. Cut some trees for log cabin. 6000 ft elev.
$32,000 terms. Agent Debra Leeds 916-895-1933 Or 916-345-6458 TAHOE Donner lot Wplans, hlrlD IcoiAior urmit 177 nnn piuS at your ootion, Eberliart Li nur'JBS mil uunu mi3 ucduuiui 1600 sa ft. mtn. home garage for you for $70,000. Call now 4 enjoy Christmas in your new home (916) 583-6830 $29,990 Win buy 10 full acres a new 2 BR, 1 BA home.
Good terms. perfect for weekend hideaway; steelhead 4 salmon fish- ing or retirement. 10 mins. from Sacramento River. It in- terested call 937-6666 Agent It ac fenced, wooded, mead- springs, i pastures, oarn, on, (.
dm iaui.li iiuuae, nun. I caretaker house. oedui view, uasy crcxts. to Paradise. (415) 221-6283 Mon thru rnur eves.
LAKE Tahoe. North Snore ex ecutive retreat. Fantastic lake view. 4Br, 4Ba. Assume a 9,7 loan possible owner fi nancing avail.
$390K. Ask for Leila or Oloi, Century 21, Bick Read Realty, PO Box 21, Tahoe City, CA 95730. 916-583-2358. GRADE A DAIRY FACILITY Prime San Joaquin Co. Location.
Automated 400 cow setup. $450,000. For Info; Bob-ra Exclusives, P.O. Box 777, Cotatl. Ca.
707-795-8280. Working Ranches. Livestock Brokerage. State Wide. 10 Acres.
Over 100 olive trees. Multi-trunk ornamentals. Property loc. 12 way betw. Corning 4 Sacto River resort area.
$27,500. Good terms. Owner financed. Brundage REalty, Clark Evison Jr. Salesman (916)824-3466.
arpec Eas, cess to this beautiful 4 very pryate acreage tna, onv 1 minutes trom me piaza. 000 umivickutv a mciccrr. int ISonoma 707-938-5164 F'RST COME BASES. Shelter Cove subdivision. Humboldt co.
Lot 20 in block 194, tract 42. Appraised $12,000. Wtll sell $8500. $1000 dn. lOi int.
only monthly, ah due 5 yrs. princ. only. P. O.
Box 648, Monterey CA iu lHELp, Redding contractor needs helo. 3 acres 22UUsq tt. custom nand-cratt-ed home. Year-round creek. I mm.
Redding. Appraised $140,000, was $147,000, now selling $129,000. Call collect eves (916) 628-5114 I LAKE TAHOE NORTH SHORE KINGSWOOD ESTA1 tb Brand new 3BR, 2Ba large 3- car woodburning stove. redwood hot-tub in deck. Best priced home in quality area.
S118.5UU. DYER RLTY. 916-583-0255 VERY attractive owner financ ing! Splendid level lot in Bode ga Harbor subdivision. Golf course, country club. pool, tennis, yacht club, private bar 4 restaurant.
$45,000. Priced to sell! Diane Ohlsson. 841-7481 TEPPING REALTY 843-5353 WESTERN SIERRA Chalet type home; furnished; 11 acres; can split; meadow; pond; forest; fenced garden; chalet guest house; mobile nome pad; much more, no bat calls! $109,000. Terms. 916- 675-2724 YOLO COUNTY 675 acres mountain range land.
Run cat tle, firewood Dusmrjss, treat. Privacy and springs. S250ecre. ctNTUKY 21 r-riea-rich Gribbon 1828 Mt Diablo Blvd Walnut Creek (415) 932-2100 40 ACRES $13,500 Terms. Just off Hiwy.
395. 40 miles no. or susanvme. 4 Wheel Drive Country. Call owner.
Jo Kroessen Secret Valley Ranch -D $69-4771. Eves 652-4718 LAKES STREAMS 5 beaut, acres in the pines 9 mi. East of Placerviiie. Access to Nat Forest. Priv lakes, streams 4 Amer River.
Utls avail. $17,900. Terms avail. Owner Agent 415-347-8091 Want Ad Supermarket- 7-7777 68 10 2 CIEARLAKE JSO0 OOWN 20 AC. SECLUDED DRFAM Hurry, just W0.500.
$500 down ana only Ub SI mo. GREAT LEVERAGE 184 mo at 88 APR 9 12 int. U1AU aeferred). MOBILE HOME LOT SALE 1 $50 dn $117? mo Buys view lOt mO at 181.72 APR 9 1 2 int. $Mt4 4 deterred) Full once I4'IM 2 $2990 Camping lot Owner Agt 408-248-403 263-1384 anytime EXECUTIVE'S RETREAT Overlooking Foisom Lake J.
Sacramento vauey, 20 mm. from Sacramento. An architecturally unique study in design, reflective light varying textures. Generous views of glass provides unobstructed panoramic view i brings tne beauty of the natural surroundings inside. Passiveactive solar 3200 soft, of warm earth tones dynamic blends of wood, tile brass stained glass.
$298,000 Shown Dy anpt (916)67-1488 MUST SEE! MAGNIFICENT RUSTIC MONTEREY HOME Beautiful wooded area, antique designer oecor, enciosso swimming pool, 5 BR BA frplc, ig foyer. $260,000. NORTH BAY REAL ESTATE 1415) 454-2802 Wine Country Living Executive estate raneno A rare 22 5 acre parcel in Alexander Valley. Charming country home, stream, pond, 2 wells, farm buildings, 12 acres irrigated by overhead sprinklers includes 7 acres Sauvig-non Blanc 4 5 acres kiwitruit. Appro 6 more acres tor pasture or grapes-prime agnc land.
Price dn. OwnerBroker will cons. tin. bal Call 707-433-4532 NAPA VALLEY 10 acre horse ranch fenced with barn, house cottage pool. $295,000.
20 acre ranch off Silverado1 Trail 20 30 acre parcels available. From $150,000, 38 acre ranch with house suitable for vineyards. Owner finance OBJECTIVE RLTV 707-252-2970 HORSE TRAILS 20 ACRES TPEES-FISHING-SECLUDED PRIVATE LAKE ACCESS. Private road. 2 hours from Will accept small lot or property in trade as down payment.
Low financing. Write owner PO BOX 2130, Oakland, Ca, 94614. Please include phone number PLUMAS Co. Beautilul Lake Almanor, CA Country club lot, Size S. 286.60.
R.S. 90'. Unspoiled vista of trees, sun 4 sky unobstructed, undergrnd utiis, cleared area for your new home across from golf course, nr rec. area, tennis els. swimming 4 boating at the Lake within walking dist Good fishing.
$40,000 cash. 916-596-3494 after 6om MENDOCINO COAST AREA Little River Cal. Enjoy "Forest beciusion" in lovely 3BR, 2BA homeon 2 12 acres of Redwood Trees 4 Ferns. Your own stream 4 nice walk to Little River Golf Course. Wonderful Weather makes this a most delightful area to live on the Pacific Coast.
Just Pennington Real'y. 1060 N. State St. Uk.ah. 95482 PINES $4,900 PINES Own an acre or more at lovely wLir-uKNi rirvtb, surrounded on 3 sides by a gorgeous national forest.
Camp-mg-boating-fishing. Build a cabin or bring a trailer. $4,900 FULL PRICE. Easy terms available at interest rates as low as 6 APR. Call Mr Charles, Agent 415-568-8853 CHICO.
RUSTIC ELEGANCE on an acre. Spacious 3br, ranchettewlgblt-mpool Fully fenced, bam, corral, fruit 4 nut trees EZ mamt. IndscpR. Features incl. cental heatair.
brtck fplc, shake roof new w-w cpts. Real country living, mint frnm crhnnlc JL chnnc 1 mins. from schools 4 shops. Priced for Immed. sale by owner.
no agents. 916-891-5753 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 320 ac, wstream $130acre 1520 ac. farmland $150 acre 27 ac. hwy. frntg $5700 20 ac.
level farmland $6000 80 ac. level farmland $8000 40 ac. level farmland $12,500 80 ac. farmland well $27,000 2 lots on Shasta Lake $27,000 160 ac! ranch 2 wells' ifcnai- Pnuuor mil vK 1 VALUE LINE Rlty 916-244-6303 HORSE COUNTRY Custom contemporary, 45 mm. to bf.
24X22 Master buite frplc. 4 sunken tub. 4bdr. 2ba indoor garden 4 pond. Deco rator everything.
20 acres fenced, barn, creek, riding trails. 1 min. to freeway. Nat gas, city water, etc. Absolutely unbelievable' By owner $325,000.
(707) 864-1963 PINE MOUNTAIN LAKE RETIRE WITH SECURITY This private recreational area with lake, golf course, beach es, swimming ppols, club house, horseback riding 4 what have you, all goes with this beautiful immaculate 3 2 BA. rancher. All this for onlv $68 500 PETTY REALTY 583-8217 A-l chance, get away from crowded rat race. Passive solar, beaut. 3 yr old rdwd home 4 10 splitable acs.
Lovely wooded retreat, in foothills nr Colfax. 2700 ft. elev. Clean air, 2200 sqft 3-4 Br's, game rm. spec, uo rm 2 ig oecks, SSS'sJiSioP-i? or 916-265-6195 12-5pm VACAVILLE Country living at its' most gra- nous his aree custom nome located on 5 acres with trees en.
auimcn nvm family rm. wlrplc. 4 formal dining rm. Call for details. $165,000.
M.Rollins. Ltd. Vacaville 707-447-0700 24 hours MARYSVILLE PROPERTIES 1. Redevelopment area has 2 roof 4 stucco. 2.
4200 sq.ft. M-l lot $6500. 3. Country acreage mi. town 6.5 ac.
approx. $37,500. Call (916) 742-2438 or write, William G. Henry 4 Assoc 1204 Buchanan Marysville, QUICK SALE PRICED. Beautiful setting for family.
Acre of Rdwds. 3bdr. 2ba dbl. wide mobile. 1 blk.
school bus. Access Auftin Crk; grt. swimming. Nr best fishing on Russ. River.
Horse corral. Ex. water Gd. roads. Nr.
Duncans Mills. $50,000 firm. Some finishing touching touches will double value1 (707 632-5584 SEBAST0P0L See this beaut, all redwood view home wcountry lane setting. 3BR, 2BA. family rm, frplc, dining 4 breakfast area.
Excel, view of Mt. St. Helena 4 Santa Rosa Valley. $99,800. TIERRA WEST REALTY 555 So.
Main St. Sebastoool 707-823-7476 707-584-9400 NORTH LAKE TAHOE Lake view condo, 2BR, furn. $95,000, Exec. Northstar 4 Tahoe Donner homes, all amenities. $230,000, Charming OWe Tahoe.
exc cond. Cozy A-frame, $87,500. Both ownr finance. Other homes 4 cabins avail. Wells 4 Bennett Realtors, (916 563-2301 TEXAS ACREAGE 530 prime ac.
in fast-developing resort island. Hiway frontage waccess to Bay 4 Gulf Idea! for condo develop. Adj. to developed property. Nothing down wLetter of Credit.
OWC 1st loan at 9.. $4,250 per at. Mr Temptm. Watson 4 Watson, SF 781-6760 Owner Almost new 3BR, 6 ac. Tennis cts, garg or tackrm.
Exc. Aronas area View terms. 408-724-8622 5 I I WHSE LEASE SO SF 3370' at 655 mo. er 5080' at 11050 mo. gr.
6000' at I'M mo. er 10.000' at 11000 mo gr 12.000' at $2280 mo. gr. NEW concrete spnnklered Bldgs. Ofc space as needed at moo.
add I. cost. Immeo Avail IND.D&L 583-2700 INDUSTRIAL BIDG WITH TENANT For sale, Possidie terms. Ca'l 632-0100 Agent RIO LINDA M2. Dismantling use.
acs. jjuu.ouo. For info; 916-334-2550 Of 332-1210 770 COUNTRY PROPERTY NORTH LAKE TAHOE Relax by the stone fireplace in this nicely decorated 3 BR home on large wooded lot. $157,000. Terms avaiiao'e Call EDWARD HANCOCK ASSOC Realtors (7021831-2120 COME UP TO THE GOOD LIFE Tired of congestion 4 cloudy skies' Come to a small cordial town with clean air 4 open space yet freeway close to Tanoe, Sacramento 4 Bay Area.
From the beautiful high deck of your new 4 3 BA. home look out over a panoramic vw of the snow capped Sierras valley night lights. 2,200 sq. thermal windows, food center, fireplace, cedar exterior. $188,000 Your kids will love 22 acres of pines 4 oaks for their own farm animals.
Mom, you'll love the antique stores, fresh eggs 4 milk from local people. Good schools. Dad can dsn. hike or lust enioy the solitude. Don't let life pass you by.
Call collect nght now! We have other homes 4 laketront lots REAL ESTATE CENTER 918-878-7555 or 273-6133 In Quiet Country Kelly Ridge Estates Lake Oroville Choice resale mobile homes, for the QUALIFIED Prices from $43,900 24x48 npt 4 lot (NO RENT), to $69,500 for 24x64 net, m.h. 4 lot. Many have excellent views, some on GOLF COURSE, fireplaces, wetoars A few original sale lots for mobile homes -10 down! Several excellent lots for conventional homes. LAKE 1 very good Irg 3br, 2ba conventional home firpolace, shake roof, etc 4 only FREE BROCHURE No salesperson will call. Kelly Ridge, 5263 Royal Oaks Dr, Oroville CA 95965 916-589-0152 Fox Carskadon South Shore LAKE TAHOE Build your dream home on this ii acre cul-de-sac facing Heavenly Ski Slopes in Bijou Park acres, near new school.
Plumbing line already paid, but not connected, and your own well on property. An incredible investment. $25,000. (415) 574-1010 FREE! Fall-Holiday Catalog! Look! Over 5.400 properties described, pictured! Land, Farms. Homes Waterfront, Recreation, Business Buys! Selected Best thruout the U.S.
I from the World's Largest! Get your New STROUT Catalog now Mailed FREE! Write address oeiow or can Anytime; STROUT REALTY 360 S. Hartz Ave. Dept 8520 Danville, Ca 94526 (415 8204804 WILD OAK. a private family community offering you the uniciue combination or rural elegance 4 city convenience. Overlooking picturesoue 4 historic Valley of the Moon.
Marvel at our incomparable family environment. Equestri an hiking trans meander casually thru wild oaks, tree-studded hills bordering beaut 5.000 ac. Anadel State Park. The ultimate family paradise. Custom homes trom l42.iuu.
Homesites from $39,900. Open daily 10-5 or by appmt. for your convenience. OFFERED EXCLUSIVELY BY WILD OAK REALTY 597 Wild Oak Drive Santa Rosa, CA 95405 (707 526-4600 OWNER will fman. Plumas Co.
Beaut. Lake Almanor, ca Newly remod. home, new rugs, drps, painted inout. All fenced ac. deaui.
garden, many pines. 2 BR, 1 ba. extra large rm for BR or den. 1550 sqft. Many windows.
Tongue 4 groove paneling livr 4 brkfst rm. Large rock frolc. Baseboard elec. neat Across the street blacktop easement to the Lake, to swim or lodge the boat, large dbl garg with room for work shop. Hb.uuu cash, win assume 1st trust deed for bal.
of $70 000 916-596-3494 aft. 6pm SACRAMENTO Vicinity, 4 br. 3 ba home on 14 ac. Nr. airport 4 golfing, $199,500.
4000 sq ft. horn ac $215,000 Quality custom home under construction. 2 ac. Nr. lake with outstanding mtn.
view. $255,000 Everythmgs her incl. solar pool, $340,000. River view 4 3800 sq, ft Barbara Frago. 916-929-i 2Mor WHIiam Lyon 4 Assoc.
916-481 -30 Equlpt Nevada Ranch Towering mountain ranges on each side ot this working 280-acre ranch, tnctudes 2 tractors, other equipment! 270 tillable acres, 60 acres irrigated, numerous truit trees. Two 1 -bedroom cottages, mobile home hookup, bunkhouae. barn, machinery shed. $200.00, $55,000 down, long-term owner financing. Highlands Cow Country Beautiful Washington spread overlooking famous Okanogan River, Creeka ft springs (none developed), lots ot lush grass, clusters of pine ft aspen-ciad draws.
Quite a buy at $300 per acre, $83,900 down, owner financing. Recreation Farm With Chalet Scenic 82-acre Missouri farm borders, national forest. Year-round spring plus 7 smaller sprmss. 30 acres in pasture. Newer 3-bedroom furnished CHALET, western cedar exterior, cedar shake shingles, dishwasher, fireplace, cedar deck, furnace, t't baths.
Bam, corral $75,000. Canyon Country Estate Towering buttes surround this magnificent 26-scre California showpiece. Beautiful 10-room tri level home, over 3. 100-aq. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, glassed-in solarium, study, gourmet's kitchen cemalete with Jenn-Aire range, huge deck.
Free water from spring, 12 apple trees, 6 pear, improved pasture. Quite a place for $173,500. Minnesota Farm On of the largest diversified livestock operations in the upper Mid-West. Owner states tsrm can handle 12,000 hogs and 6,000 fat cattlel 2.330 acres cropland! See PICTURES in catalog. Total confinement heusmg facilities, mostly all automatic feeding system.
60x500 cattle barn. 36x400 hog barn capable of handling 2 OO0 butcher hogs. 40x220 hog finishing house. 40x400 hog barn. Approx.
4,000,000 gal. liquid manure storage, a large Harveatore ailos, 3 Harvestore slurry systems-Peed mill, grain storage. Flow dryer. Other buildings. Excellent 10-room home.
$5,000,000, one-filth down, owner financing. $35,000 Mo. Ozark Hideaway Pretty 11-acre retreat on U.S. highway within mile of famed lakel New aluminum siding on house garage. Home has 6 rooms, 14 baths, fireplace.
Disability forces eale. Equlpt Farm Buy See PICTURES in catalog! Untold potential for this easy-to-work 186-acre Oregon ranch. On highway at edge of college town 16 MILES SALEMI Includes 2 traciora, full line of machinery. 178 acres tillable 150 used tor wheat, 1 1 acres improved grass, city water, spring. Nice 2-story 4-bedroom home, fireplace.
2 barns. $435,000, $125,000 down, owner financing. Oceanview Rancho Beautiful 2 Vacre California country place on bluff looking down on ocean about a mile awayl Attractive 3-bedroom home with fireplace. Perfect tor garden, spring. $106,500, 29 percent down, owner financing.
U.S. Hwy. 101 Ranch-Estate Incredible 367-acre California showpiece in an area of superb ranches. Long frontage on U.S. highway ft county blacktop, magnificent vlewa of oak-studded hills.
Ranch produces lima beans, gnrbanzos, ft grams in addition to cattle operation, 117 tillable acres, 72 acres irrigated. Unique 3-bedroom redwood home. 2-bedroom home plus guesthouse. 2 big barns, corrals, other buildings. Recreation building with enormous barbecue.
liberal owner financing. Powder River Ranch See PICTURES In catalog! Road's end 400-acre Oregon ranch with spectacular scenery ft. 1 milea river frontagel 100 aores irrigated, rest native pasture, springs, caaed well. Comfortable 4-bedroom home, barn, other buildings. $276,000, financing.
Considering Ask for a FREE copy of UNITED' "Business and Income Property Bulletin" of over 600 exciting buys coast to ooastl Send a FREE UNITED Catalog to: Nam MHHHWrMM St or RFD City 8tete R.V. park) 1 I DIRECT Bus Ferry to SAN FRANCISCO I New Accepting 1 I Monthly Tenants 1 I Pool Sauna 1 2130 Redwood Highway) Highway 101 Greenbraef I 1 lln mil if MFL 1 I (415)451-5199 UNITED FARM AGENCY 1015-A Moiadnock 681 Market Sai Francisco. California 94105 Off le 8:10 to Monday-Friday III Sat Francises Phono 7 days i ml to 5: 788-7787 OutiM S.P., phon from onywhoro In California: TOLL-FREE: 1-800-252-0350; 9 to 5, nun.