The Montana Standard from Butte, Montana (2024)

S6. Heme for Sal Montana Standard, Sunday, September 11, 1960 35 4. For Rent, Miscellaneous Want Ads 38. Buiineti Opportunities AUTOMATIC LAUNDRt; SeDUUIvq WANT AD. LOCAL RATES One-line ads charged two lines on less than monthly orders.

1 Day 30c per line per -day 3 Days 20c per Una per day 7 Days Ue per Una per day Minimum Charge 60c Above rates are (or consecutive Insertions without change of copy. All want ads to start and stop la the Montana Standard. Want ads ordered by telephone are accepted on a memorandum charge only In return tor this courteay the advertiser Is expected to remit promptly. Contracts for lower rues. Non-commercial Person-to-Person rates: 3 lines minimum Two llnea 1 week $2.00 Additional line 11.00 per week.

Bent or Bale ads must state price. Want ad rates are lor publication In both the Montana Standard and the Butte Post except Sunday which is a full Iruir: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING OFFICE 25 W. Granite Phone 54515452 HOURS: 1:30 A.M. 5:30 P.M. Weekdays and Saturdays ANN KELLEY, Inc.

NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES New York, Chicago. Detroit. Los San Francisco Personals STUDENT GOING TO OHIO WOULD share travel expenses, pn. 3-2770. DRIVING TO ST.

LOUIS. SEPT. 15. Will take 1 rider to shar expenses. 312 W.

Broadway. WOULD APPRECIATE CONTACTING man who aaw woman sitting on floor after fall in Woolworth's store near Galena Street entrance about 4:30 p.m.. October 16. 1959. Leave message or write Box 148, co Standard-Post.

WANTED SOMEONE TO DRIVE '56 Chev. wagon to Frisco before Oct. Ph. 4933. Homes for Sal 2836 BAYARD 2 BEDROOM, FULL basem*nt, baseboard hot water beat, double garage, 220 wiring.

Ph. 2-0309. 3-BEDROOM HOME, 1338 MISSOURI. Lawn fenced yard, garage. Will sell Ph.

2-833. 2 BEDROOM HOME. WALL TO WALL carpeting, drapes, double garage, landscaped. 3011 Floral Bird, Ph. 2-7324.

NEW BRICK HOME FULL BAsem*nT. Built-in appliances, comer location. Floral Park, Ph. 2-2242. 4 BEDROOM.

BAsem*nT, OARAGE, landscaped, 1200 block W. Gold. See from Inside to outside. $13,000. Ph.

$333. 1 1 WEHAYETHE RIGHT Silver Bow. Park A fine S-room modern plus utility room, good roof, new siding, built-in features, gas eo ulpped, garage, lawn excellent condition Inside and out. Terms. South Butte $2500 Good three-room modem home, gas equipped, basem*nt, features, garage, terms, a bargain.

Harrison Ave. Large 5-room modern bungalow, built-in kitchen and dining room features, gas hot water heat, electric range, combination washer and dryer, lawn, double garage. Hardwood floors. Terms. Lovers Roost 4-room modem, features, cement basem*nt, terms.

Emerson-St. John $9000 6-room modern, features, inlaid linoleum, 2 lots on corner, fenced, lawn, garage, terms. South Butte $3500 5 room modem with a 2 room modem In the rear, gas equipped, full basem*nt, 220 wiring, terms. Emerson-St. John $9500 6 room, 3 bedroom, new gas hot air heating plant, new wiring, new siding, features, 2'4 lots, fenced, lavn, terms.

Westside $8000 9 room modem, newly painted, inside, full basem*nt, corner, $100 balance. Government contract Westside $8650 i room modem, features, garage, gas hot air heating plant, $100 down, bal ance government contract. South Butte $6500 room modem, features, garage, gas equipped. $100 down. Balaiicc government contract.

Northwest $5,500, 8 room modern, features. Inlaid linoleum, fireplace, garage, terms. Longfellow $7500 5 room modem, newly remodeled, all new electric kitchen, new plumbing, new wiring, extra toilet, terms. Clarks Park or Grand 5 room modern, built-in features, hardwood floors, large yard. Terms.

Walkerville $1500 5 room. 3 bedrooms, built in features. Inlaid linoleum, gas equipped, garage. Terms. South Butte $8600 Fine well-built 8 room home, 2 bathrooms (one, new fixtures) built in fixtures, hardwood floors, plastered, storm windows, cement basem*nt with knotty pine den or playroom, gas hot air heating plant, garage, good terms.

McQueen $5500 Two rooms, comer lot, face on 2 streets, good plumbing, features. 2 bedrooms each, gas equipped, excellent condition inside and out, New Duplex Emerson-St. John, 2 bedrooms each, features, utility room, 2 electric ranges, 2 refrigerators, excellent eondilon Inside and out, lawn, garden, fences, 4 garage, terms. Appointment only. East Side 4 room modem, features, gas equipped, 2 bedrooms, garage, terms.

Timber Butte Large 4-room modem, Plus 2 sleeping porches, built-in features, gas equipped. 2 corner lots In lawn, garden, shrubbery, garage. Terms. East Butte $4,000 4-room modem bungalow, features, plastered, gas equipped, garage, terms. Centervine8 4-room modem and 4-room modem, 4-room has full cement basem*nt, gas hot water heating system, features, 2 new hot water tanks, 4 lots, abstract title, 2 garages, gas equipped, terms.

Centerville $3700 Fine 6-room modern home, features, gas equipped, wall to wall carpet, Venetian blinds, new plumbing, tile bath, garage in basem*nt and garage in rear, terms. Junior High 10,500 New 2 bedroom home, features, full cement basem*nt, Inlaid linoleum, electric range. Venetian blinds, 2 lots, lawn, double garage. Bargain, terms. $300 Down $3500 South Butte.

3 room modem, excellent condition, gas equipped, features. garage, easy terms. Reduced $25,000 New split level home, brick, electric kitchen. 3 bedrooms, plus extra large family room and laundry room, fireplace with brick planters, wall-to-wall carpet, picture windows, brick double garage, appointment only, terms. $100 Down garage, gas equipped, good roof, easy terms.

Store plus 4-room modern living quarters, features, equipment and features, stock extra, corner, close In southwest, terms. Reduced $1800 Bargain, 2 bedroom home, gas equipped. Interior in excellent condi tion, nice built-in features, inlaid linoleum, 220 wiring, easy terms. Whittier-St. 4 rooms.

2 bedrooms full basem*nt, new gas hot air beating plant, new 40 gallon hot water tank, new plumb- ing, terms. Emerson-St. Johns $3200 Large 2 room modem, plastered, fea tures, lawn, glassed-in front porch, terms. $100 Down Centerville, 4 room modem gas equipped, some new plumbing, features, why pay rent. "-I Iff 36.

i vjnurA it am 36. Hornet for Sale G.I. EQUITY FOR SALE, LONGFELLOW district, 2 bedrm. new roof, garage. 1M1 Sampson.

4 YEAR OLD, 2 BEDROOM HOME, FULL basem*nt, Whlttier-County Hospital District. Take over 44 loan See after p.m. 3104 Princeton. 2 BEDROOM HOME, 3 LOTS LAND-scaped, wall to wall carpets. 220 wiring, range and aU window coverings.

Moderately priced, .1910 Reynolds. Ph. -540 or 9742. UST1- Wult Realty NICE 3 BEDROOM HOME WITH beautiful family room on main floor, basem*nt and car port, near Whlttier and St. Anns schools.

Will seU below FHA appraisal. .2805 Nettle. FOR RENT 707 W. GRANITE 5 room flat, heat and hot water Included, close to schools, on bus line. $60.

803 W. COPPER Three rooms and bath, partly furnished, quiet neighborhood, garage. 3S. 501 8. IDAHO 3 room flat, street grade, some furniture, bright and cheerful.

Only $25. 323 N. MONTANA 5 room flat, heated, stove and refrigerator, close to town. $55. OKLAHOMA 1 rooms and bath, clean and bright.

$20 per month. Additional rooms $5. UPTOWN APARTMENTS 2 and 3 rooms, private bath, fully furnished. $12 per week. STORES.

OFFICE8, WARE HOUSES, COMMERCIAL LOCATIONS. Lawlor Gr Rowe -Phone 3229 KISSOCK REALTY Ph. 4337 4 bedroom, living and dining room, oasem*nw utu biubsc BRAND NEW DELUXE 3 bedroom brick, 2 fireplaces, run basem*nt, double garage. BRAND NEW 3 BEDROOM Brick trim, fuU basem*nt, double garage. $22,500.

5 ROOM HOME Longfellow district, new double garage, 2 lots. $8,500. 10 YEAR OLD HOME. East side of Flat. 3 bedrooma, living room, dining room, large utility room, tile bath, attached garage.

120 ACRES SOUTH OF BUTT. For sale or 10 YEAR OLD ROOM HOME. St. Anns District, living room. 40' long, fireplace, patio, garage.

EMERSON DISTRICT. room home, fireplace, garage, lovely trees and yard. EMERSON DISTRICT 3 BEDROOM. Wall to wall carpets, steel kitchen, rumpus room, patio with fireplace, 3 BEDROOM HOME. ATTACHED 1 room apartment, double garage, well landscaped yard, on Wyoming.

4 ROOM HOME ON WALL. $8,500. LOTS FOR SALE. On Farragut. 60x100.

5 ACRES WEST OP COUNTRY CLUB- gmall house, bam, pasture, fenced. McCarthy 3 Ave. 2-yr. old In better-tran-new condition. Hardwood floors, closets plus, combination living and dining room In twin-dows, wonderful kitchen, tile bath, full basem*nt with shower and toilet.

Lenox gas forced-air furnace, utility room and room for 2 additional bedrooma or a game room. 3 Ottowa A spacious 1232 sq. ft. with open hearth fireplace, tile Bath with vanity, large kitchen, full basem*nt, 12x32 carport. double garage, patio and only $20,000 for this bomemaker I dream.

3 Bedroom Sacrifice Hardwood floors, large living room with fireplace, modern Youngstown ktichen. DrastlcaUy reduced to small down and assume loan. $500 Down I nicely furnished rooms at 308 W. Porphyry with full basem*nt. Pay ments leu than rent.

Hurry on this one. 2700 State St. Here is a beautifully landscaped comer with an exceptionally well-kept 2-bed room home. The basem*nt has a spare bedroom and utility room. For a nicely appointed home see the mahogany pan eling and sliver Teat maple ceilings.

Sure! There's a patio and double ga-rage. Ask us to show you this home-maker's dream. 2-Bdrm. St. John Dist.

1200 sq. feet of ultra modern living. Latest kitchen with eating area. 2 fire-places. 2 baths, basem*nt with full kitchen, Jamil room and garage.

This luxury home can be yours for less than $20,000. N. W. I. C.

District Bungalow style 2 bedroom family home with dining room and small basem*nt. AU maple floors and nicely kept. The garage sits In a landscaped flowered lawn. Of course It's a real live fireplace. We will offer terms on $1200 today.

2225 Center Dr. You get a Warm feeling when you enter this 2 bedroom home. And home It Is with spacious kitchen, fuU basem*nt, hot water heat, wall to wall carpeting, beautifully decorated and kept. Lifetime aluminum siding on this horns and oversize garage. The rear lawn Is fenced.

We will take $12,500 FHA terms and give Immediate possession. 719 So. Montana rooms fully furnished with garage and -patio with fireplace for $5,500 on easy terms. BUTTE'S SOUTH SIDE REALTY 1225 Harrison Ave. Ph.


2-4814. LOTS. 10 down. Easy terms. Ph.

2-4762. 38. Business Opportunities HOTEL FOR SALE. PH. J-9287.

AUTO AGENCY DOING $850,000 YEARLY In city on Puget Sound. Washington. Price $25,000. half cash. KA8HFINDER.

Wichita, Kans. AUTO AGENCY. OARAOE, SERVICE station, doing 8275,000 in county seat town in Washington. Priced right. KASHFINDER, Wichita, Kans.

Pi Hemes for Sal NEW BEDROOM. 1 BATH. DOUBLE garage, Brcesway, near school. Ph. 41 ROOM BRICK HOUSE AND OARAOE.

close in. West Park. Ph. 3074. 1 MODERN BOOM HOUSE; ROOM house, garage: $2,200., small down payment, MM Banks.

Phone 2-9205 NEWER TWO-BEDROOM; ATTACHED garage, on flat 1821 Elm Ph. 2-lM. 4V4 ROOM HOUSE, GOOD GARAGE, BIO yard, close to town, W. as, 750. Ph.

SIM, 3 BEDROOM BRICK. LOCATED IN MC- Klnley school district. FHA approval. Ph. J-S154 after except Sat.

and Sun. OLDS Cr CO REALTORS Phone 2-6756 RENTALS 3304 HARRISON 1 -bedVoomr U55 SAMPSON 1 bedroom. 333 X. BROADWAY 4 bedrooms. 1915 MASSACHUSETTS 3 bedrooms.

NO. JACKSON (APTfl.) 4 rooms, newly aecoratea. 3 bedroom borne on flat. No down pay ment. Buy uus lor gioo.oo a month.

See Doc First Harrington 158 West Granite Phone 2-4356 or 5649 Joe Walker. Salesman Phone 2-6456 Garden Avenue 200 block, rooms. 3 bedrooms. 1 complete bath and bath and utility room combined. Immediate occupancy.

Very low down payment. 6 Blocks From Town South, 3 bedrooms, utility room, large llvlng-dlnlnt room combined, hardwood floors. Easy terms. $3,000. 2000 Block Florida Large family home.

Has 4 bedrooms with space for another bedroom If needed. 2 complete baths, large garage. 2 lota. Sr. Ann's District 1200 block on Thomas.

large rooms, additional room partially completed. Also modern cottage In rear. 3 lots. Make An Offer Southwest, rooms, spacious living and dining room combined, utility room, central hot air heat, garage in full basem*nt, glassed-in front porch. FHA approved.

i Close to Town 3 bedrooms, corner location, new sld-tnr, gas range and living room carpet, central hot air heat, garage, 1 1,000 down, balance like rent. Total price 12300. Assume C.I. Loan Clarke Park area. rooms, corner location, double garage.

Call for more Information. 500 Blk. S. Colorado 4 1 1 flat, recently renovated throughout. 3-room house in rear.

Good condition. 16,500, terms. Northwest Assume Ol toad, 4 nice rooms, recently remodeled. Immediate occupancy. loan.

Some furniture. 500 Blk. N. Henrv Large family home. 4 bedrooms, I Baths, corner location.

IVs lots. 800 Blk. W. Galena Nice family home. Bungalow style.

4) oea rooms, wau-to-wau carpets, central heating system, 230 wiring, some furniture. FHA or OL 800 W. Park Large family home. 4 bedrooms, I bath, central heat. 900 Block, S.

Colorado Duplex, rooms 1 side. 4 rooms other. Down payment not necessary to right party. Northwest Side 5 rooms, excellent condition, hardwood floors and plenty of closet space, fireplace, full basem*nt, central heating. St; Ann's '3500 Block Moulton.

1 lots, with new double garage. Make an offer. Easy terms. 700 Block W. Park Large family home.

4 bedrooms. A-l condition. Hardwood floors. Fireplace, den, utility room. Hot water beat.

Asking price of actual worth. 2250 North Drive 3-bedroom. Wall to wall carpets. Plenty of closets and bullt-lns. utility room, hot water heat, 220 wiring.

Oarage. Assume loan. Easy down payment. Immediate occupancy. Northwest 1100 block Lewlshon, 5 nice rooms, hardwood floors.

All in A-l condition, loan available. All forms of Insurance. Lew rates tor Flre-Auto-Llfe. Bonds, etc Grand Avenue Three bedroom home, Ideal location. comer lot.

beautifully landscaped. Hardwood floors throughout, full basem*nt, central warm air heating system, double garage. Ample built-in closets through out, newly painted Inside and out. Priced right at 222.500 on FHA terms. Locust Street Three bedroom home near Junior High School.

Hardwood floors throughout, plenty of bullt-lns, central warm air heat, Youngstown kitchen, aluminum siding, thermopana windows, i garage. $14,000 on FHA terms, or can be fin anced for $soo down. 2017 California three bedroom noma In tip top condition, fenced lawn, garage, basem*nt. Buy owner's equity and take over Ol loan with payments of $55 per month. ruu pnee.

siu.sou. $100 Down Will Buy Anv of the Following 4V Mile Tue. 3 room modem, large let axis. za wiring, 7 South eelliar. mnm.

hrfok wm garage, S58 W. Silver, 3 bed- rooms, iuii DMemeni, comer lot, S62 South Main, 4 room brick, basem*nt, garage, Duplev. 523 West Cou-per, 2 bedroom apartments up and down, $5,000. SEE OUR ANNOUNCEMENT ELSEWHERE IN THIS PAPER nmusnmn OUR OFFER OF GOLD BOND STAMPS OH ALU TRANSACTIONS. FOR MORE INFORMATTnw OK THESE AND OTHER LISTINGS, CALL CONTINENTAL REALTY RENTALS INSURANCE FIRE AUTOMOBILE CASUALTY PROPERTY BOUGHT SOLD ESCROWS APPRAISALS Corner Park and Main Sts.

Phone 2-9266 Sundays and Holidays Phone 2-3741 36. 30. Female Help RELIABLE PERSON TO BABYSIT. MT home weekdays. Call 2-8076 after 1:30.

BUTTE HI GIRL TO DO HOUSEWORK after school. Ph. 2-7381. MARKET RESEARCH STORK AUDITOR. Interesting work checking movement of drug Items through drug stores for a nationally known company.

Work Is part time; no selling is Involved. Must be a high school or college graduate between the ages of 25-45 and have a car. Experience helpful but not necessary. Reply to Box 151. Standard-Post.

ENROLL NOW New classes starting. Look to the future. MoCarroll'a Beauty School. Ph. 2-1503.

20 W. Granite. WOMAN WANTED AS B0OKK2EPER- Receptionist. Vt days beginning October 15. Do not apply unless experienced bookkeeping; and have friendly personality.

Write 153, eo Standard Post. All replies will be kept confidential. 31. Female, Domestic WANTED; HOUSEKEEPER FOR ELDER- ly lady and son. Live in borne.

Pleasant conditions and above average salary. A good home for the right person. Bex 448. eo Standard-Post. 32.

Male or Female Help MALE OR FEMALE PRINTER AND dark room technician for portrait Studio. Write P.O. Box 152, Helena, giving age. experience, references. NEEDED AT ONCE! FULL OR PART time.

"Man or woman to supply established customers In city of Anaconda with famous, nationally advertised Watklns products. Weekly profits of 165 and up at start possible. No Investment. Write Watkms Products, D-91, Winona, Minn. 33.

Situations Wanted Male BAsem*nT DIGGING FOUNDATIONS and carpenter work. Phone 2-4125. Septic Tanks Pumped, $20. Ph. 2-8432.

ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN, 7 YEARS experience U.S. Navy and U.S. Alrforce. Needs work. What have you? Wm.

1. Evans. Box 111, Melrose, Montana. TRASH" Yards, garages, bsmts. cleaned.

2-1022. 34. Situations Wanted Female EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS WORK earing for sick or Invalid. Ph. 2-1896.

WILL CARE FOR ONE CHILD. DAYS, my home. Ph. J-1730. BABY SITTING MY HOME, or weekly.

923 S. Main. DAY-NITE WILL BABYSIT 3 OR MORE CHILDREN in my home days. Ph. 2-3470.

EXPERIENCED WOMAN TO CARE FOR children days or evenings. Ph. 2-8537. Situations Wanted Female EXPERIENCED COMTOMETER AND office machine operator desires part time office or bookkeeping work. Ph.

7908. KNIT SKIRTS SHORTENED, CIOARET-te burns, moth holes reknlt. Ph. 2-4829. BLOCKING AND SHORTENING skirts a speciality.

Ph. 2-4076: KNIT LADY WANTS WORK AS HOUSEKEEP- er for apartment house. Box 149, 8td. Post. 36.

Hornet tor Sale 4 ROOMS, BATH AND OARAGE. 26.000. Large yard. Ph. 3019.

FOR SALE BY OWNER, ROOMS, I bedrooms, full basem*nt, steel kitchen, all new bath fixtures, gas heat, garage, newly remodeled. 2041 Johns. (12,500. Terms. Ph.

9494. For Sale by Owner 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, double garage. 2 lots, lawn, fenced. Ideal location. Buy equity, small monthly payments.

Vh O.I. loan. Ph. 2-0200. For Sale New, Large 3-Bedroom home.

Double garage. Choice location on flat. Petersen-Johnston Ph. 2-6542 For Sale By Owner Comfortable 3-bedroom family home, garage. Newly painted.

aluminum storm doors. Fenced. New water heater, 220 wiring, electric range, near shop ping centers. On 3 bus lines. "See all parades from front door." $8,200.

Low down payment, terms. 1547 Harrison Ave, Ph. 2.4J29. 2 BEDROOM HOME. A-l CONDITION.

Oarage, fireplace, eto. F.H.A. praisal. 103 Placer. Ph.

6401. ON FLAT. NEW 2 TILE BATH Walk-in closets, hard wood floors, built- in Birch'' kitchen, double heated garage, iVi beautifully landscaped lots. Assume O.I. Loan.

3136 Busch. BOLEVER, REALTOR We Need Listings "NOW" 200 W. Park Phone 5309 2 and 3 BEDROOM Contract Forfeitures McGLONE HEIGHTS Reduced Prices Contact T. C. WISE Kenwood Realty Co.

250 Irwine Street 715 W. GRANITE FHA appraised, room home, 1V4 baths. For Information write Box 134, co Standard-Post. 421-421 Vz N. Washington Can be used as 2 3-room apartments or aa a family borne of 6 rooms.

2 baths, very reasonable. For information, write Box 133. co Standard-Post. WHITTIER-ST. ANN DISTRICT, 2 BED-room home with double garage plus rental unit.

Pb. 2-0941. OWNER MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY, 3 bdrm. finished basem*nt, yrs. old.

garage, fenced, Vi loan, near Whit-tier-St. Ann-Jr. Hi. Make offer. 1908 Adams.

Ph. 2-5756. WESTS IDE, 3 BEDROOM, FULL BA8E-ment, fenced yard, near public and parochial schools. Ready for quick sale. Ph.

2-5788. OWNER Transferred Forced to Sell ONE OF BUTTE'S, FINEST NEW HOMES IN THE COUNTRY CLUB AREA Large Living Room Dining Room Wall-to-wall Carpet Cork tiled Entry Hall Colonial Fireplace Four Bedrooms Two bathrooms Large Kitchen, Birch Cabinets Built-in Range Disposal, Dishwasher Lawn and Landscaped Shaded Patio CALL OWNER FOR APPOINTMENTS v- Our Want Ads Get Results! SINGER SEWTNO MACHINES FOB RENT $5 monthly. Singer Sewing Center. Pa. 3348.

Anaconda, LO $-5651. Plumbing Tools ilfaWTffft ifaffljfr 1(D) 12. Transfer and Storage r-l .11 Local distance moving. Phone Mil. Kitto's Transfer Ph.

5405 PurBiure moved anywhere la DC B-Line Transfer Ph. 1-6786. Bekln'i Vanllne Dahlman Transfer Moving anywhere to the state. Tree eettmates. Phone 2-5915.

Mazzolini Trucking Authorised I. C. ore, mining, milling, smelting, machinery and supplies to points In Montana. Idaho, Washington and Utah. Phone.

6127. 14. Carpenters CARPENTERSERVICEPH 8431 Fritz AposteT StS' sanding, cabinet. FHA loans. 8-2242 knuckey ssszr? modeling, floor sanding Phone SSlt.

VVIN INLLL Hamilton Ph. 5514 New or remodeling Free est i WONNACOT1 GENERAL PAINT teg and caper banging Dhoee t-8638 CAH I LL-MOON EY Construction General Construction New or remodeling by experienced ear-centers Phone 4368 15. T.V. and Radio Service John Olson TV Service Phone 2-0713 BTU'S TV REPAIR SERVICE PH 1-075? HOUSE CALLS $2 16. Roofing Contractors ROOFING AND ROOFING MATERIALS Southeide Hardware POO PC, Cahlll-Moona Coos.

Co all types of rooting. Including Membrane waterproof and damt proofing Phone 4361 1220 Cast Front FRITZ APOSTEL CONST. PH. 2-2242 SULLIVAN ROOF CO. TIN SHOP AUTO radiators.

104 8 Montana Pb -3129 I lastering and Cement KEARNEY BROS. SIDEWALKS. PLAS- tering, cement work. 2-4803. JOLLEY It ddODY CON STRUCTION CO Plastering, cement Ph.

2-9574 or 5780. Ready Mix Concrete When you want it In any quantity Fast, efficient service days a week. Free estimates. Ph 5435. Pioneer Concrete.

18. Carpet Cleaners INDEPENDENT ROG UPHOLSTERY Cleaners 1536 St. Phone 5667. MONTANA RUO AND CJPHOLSTERT Gleaners 1170 Kraoa Phone J3498 SHAMPOO YOUR UPHOLSTERY. DO-IT-yourielf with a professional machine for rent at The Floor Store, 701 Utah.

Ph. 2-2107. 25. Plumbing, Heating, Gas Fitting $5.00 A Month For any water heater in stock. Nothing down.

Have your heaters checked now for winter. The Hottest Spot in town for heaters. Grlbbens. 1807 Florence Ave. Ph.

2-0407. ED (C) Male Help MEN TRAIN FOR HEAVY EQUIPT-ment operation. See Northwest School ad under Class 5, Instruction. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO EARN spending money. Check with Bobby at Hi-Lo Marina on Harrison Avenue between 3 si 4 on weekdays.

FAMILY MAN OR COUPLE WANTED by Big Hole rancher. Strictly modern home and utilities furnished. School for children handy. Man must be experienced In livestock operations. Write Box ISO, Standard-Post.

E3WERIENCED INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY salesman to travel western and central Montana for well established wholesale concern. Good salary. Car and expenses furnished. Reply Box No. 14L care Standard-Post.

MEN TRAIN FOR HEAVY EQUIPMENT operation. See Northwest Schools ad under Class. S. Instruction. Geological Draftsman Experienced in Topography and Ore-Section mapping and volumn calculations.

Steady employment. Dormitory facilities available for single man. Married man must have trailer. Write qualifications to Western Neuclear Inc. Jeffrey City, Wyo.

BOYS WANTED TO SELL BUTTE DAILY POST ON STREET CORNERS Llvewire bustler can make from 50c to $1 25 per day. See street sale distributor at Post Building any day between 3:30 and 4:00 did F87 Salemen Wanted VF YOU CAN SELL, I WANT YOU Good commissions. All material furnished. Write Box 146. co Standard-Post MAKE BIO MONEY WEEKLY.

NOTHING to sell. No collecting. No Investment National firm, established 1928, and bonded. Experience unnecessary. We furnished everything.

152r Standard-Post. YOUR OWN BUSINESS WITHOUT Di vestment: Sell advertising matchbooka to local businesses. No experience needed free sales kit tells where and how to get orders. Part or full time. Big cash commissions.

Match Corporation of America, Dept. PS, Chicago 32. BOLSTEFt YOURBAn1k ACCOUNT Use your sparetlme to show our extensive line of Advertising Specialties, Executive Gifts and Calendars to local businessmen. Develop your own business without Investment. No quotas, collections or reports.

Weekly Commissions. Bonus arrangements. We are strictly a low pressure small town firm, rated AAA1, in our 52nd year of business. May be developed Into full time business. Fjr further particulars, write Harold Lufkln.

Dept. 428, Newton Mfg. Newton, Iowa. SENSATIONAL NEW LONOER-BURNINO Light Bulb. Amaxing Free Replacement Guarantee never again buy light bulbs.

No competition. Multi-million dollar market yours alone. Make small fortune even spare time. Incredibly quick sales. Free sales MER-LITE (Bum 114 E.

32nd, Dept. C-78T, New York 1. WANTED SALES REPRESENTATIVES for excellent line STUDIO CARDS. Many choice territories open. Box 232, 1501 Bway.

N.Y.- 36, N.Y. 29. Agents Wanted FULLER BRUSH CO. HAS 2 OPENINGS In Butte. Also part time.

Must be married, have car. Bondabla. Ph. 3866 for appointment. NEED CASH? Sell famous Knapp A ot Shoes.

Full or part time. High commissions plus bonus. Complete line for men and women. Equipment furnished free. Write to W.

J. Theisson, Knapp Bros. Shoe Mfg. 6401 E. Flotilla Los Angeles, 22, California." 30.

Female Help WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE you would enjoy working I hours a day calling regularly each month on a group, of Studio Girl Cosmetic clients on a route to be established In and around and are willing to make light deliveries, write to STUDIO GIRL COSMETICS, Dept. 9025-C, Glen-dale, California. Route will pay up to $3 50 per bour. 27. BOLEVER YOUR DEPENDABLE REALTOR 200 W.

ni ir rnuiNC DA Dl It 5309 r-vriN Evenings, Sundays and Holidays Call Mr. Moore, 2-4784 EXTRA SPECIAL Wonderful new. five room, strictly modern and up to date; fully finished basem*nt with extra bedroom and work shop or recreation room AU large, bright sonny rooms, lovely kitchen with built-in oven range and cabinets, dining area, double closets In all bedrooms, waU to wall carpet, drapes In living room, beautiful hardwood floors throughout, ail aluminum storm doors, windows and screens, many other modem features, two large windows. Extra large double garage, 2V lots all In lawn. The price has been drastically cut for quick sale.

See this today. Choice Location Immediate Possession junior High SchooPDrst. Very fine new six room (3 bedroom) strictly modern home with all hardwood floors. Forced hot air baseboard heat. Large living-dining room with southern exposure picture window.

AU bedrooms have double closets. Lovely kitchen with all steel Youngstown cabinets. Tile bath room with shower, all copper plumbing. 220 wiring, fully Insulated, glass lined gas hot water heater. Two lots all In lawn.

See this home today at only $13,000.00. SPECIAL Grand Avenue Near Junior high school, five large, bright, beautiful rooms, just newly decorated throughout, lovely hardwood floors In all rooms; delightful large ultra-modem bathroom. Five large picture windows, large kitchen with loads of built-in cabinets, breakfast nook. Two large bedrooms with fine closets. Forced hot air furnace.

Bright, cheery finished basem*nt with laundry and room for one or two nice sleeping rooms. Double garage, three full lots. This home Is only 3i years old and in new condition inside and out. Call us for further details. 2947 Keokuk Country Club District! PRICE REDUCED TO $11,000.00 Six-room modern In choice location.

Front room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, utility room (or extra bedroom), full basem*nt with gas hot air furnace. Hardwood floors, aluminum storm windows and screens, Insulated. Newly painted and decorated Inside and out. New roof, 220 wiring, heated ga-- rage. Corner location with beautiful hedge and trees, lawn.

F.H.A. approved. Make an appointment to see this one soon. This home must be sold immed- ately. No reasonable offer re fused.

Dewey Blvd Dist. PRICE REDUCED WAS 110,900 NOW $1,500 S-room modem home In excellent con. ditlon. 2 gas floor furnaces, built-in features, full basem*nt with laundry facilities, storm windows, doors and screens, good roof, good paint, cedar lined closets, 220 wiring. Oarage for I cars.

Low taxes. 2 lots with lawn, trees and' shrubs. This Is a nice 2-bedroom home. Immediate possession. PRICE REDUCED TO $7,000.00 291 1 Keokuk Pour-room, (i-bedroom) modem cottage, gas waU and one gas floor furnace, some wood paneled rooms, waU-to-wall carpet, Venetian blinds, I't lots, all tn lawn, fenced, garage, basem*nt.

A fine little home In this choice location. Immediate possession. Silver Bow Park 4-room modern home near Continental Drive, 2 bedrooma, living room, kitchen and bath. Oarage. Ocod condition.

Built on 4 lots all fenced and In lawn garden. AU good to ronly $5,250. Northwest. On Antimony Street a comfortable, clean, 4-room (2-bedroom) cottage in this choice location. Oas floor furnace, new roof, storm doors and windows.

220 wiring for range and dryer. Low taxes. 2 lots all in lawn, garage, A wonderful buy at only $5,500. Grand Avenue Very nice S-room. modern home In fine condition.

Hardwood floors, wall-to-wall carpet, hot water baseboard heat In aU rooms. Newly wired, Venetian blinds, built-in features, garbage disposal, dishwasher, storm windows and doors, basem*nt, garage, out-door babrecut, 2 lots, lawn fenced. Priced right at 111,000 or $12,000 furnished. Walnut Street Four room (2 bedroom) modern cottage. Oas quads and range, pantry, cellar, fine garage and shop.

Two lots, fenced, some lawn. Storm windows and doors, low taxes. Only $4850.00. Silver Bow Park Six room (3 bedroom) home at a bargain price. Oas heat.

Kitchen has built-in cabinets. Basem*nt with laundry, garage, storm windows. Two lots In lawn. A good home for a right price of $5500.00. Whittier-St.

Ann's District $8950 Very fine four room (3 bedroom), plus utility room, in choice location. Excellent condition throughout. New roof, storm windows and doors, gas range, Venetian blinds. Two lots aU in lawn and fenced. This Is a fine borne.

3346 Sanders St. 5-room (3-bedroom) modern, gas heater, gas range, garage, lawn, IVs lot. See this one. Priced low at $7,000. 816 Caledonia Street Duplex: One fire room upstairs and on four room downstairs.

Private baths In both. Gas floor furnace and range down, (as heater up. Full basem*nt, garage. A real buy at $5,900.00. $1,000.00 down, balance terms.

Emerson-St. John Dist. room, modern home completely and nicely furnished In this popular location. Front room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom and bath on ground floor, plus large work shop or storage room and attached garage. Two small bedrooms upstairs.

Hardwood floors, gas hot air furnace, built-in cabinets and features. Small basem*nt, good roof and paint. Btorm doors and windows, glassed tn porches, front and rear. This place Is being sold to close an state at the low bargain price of $0,000. West Silver Street Walking distance to town, close hospital.

4-room modem cottage in excellent condition, gas wall furnace, 3 bedrooms, front room, kitchen, electric range. Lawn, patio, good roof, basem*nt, garage. A fine little home for only $6,750. We have plenty of other good listings. Let ujs know your needs.

We may have what you are looking for. Shop our windows for pictures. Call or see us for price and details. 1 BOLEVER, REALTOR 200 W. Park Phone 5309 bath house, dry cleaning agency, Washington State.

$18,500. ASH-FINDER, Wichita, Kans. FOR SALE IN PHILIPSBURG: A OOINO Cash Grocery. $4,000 down. $2500 on terms.

You'd have to see it to appreciate It. Just the thing for a young couple. Has been in continuous business for the past 30 years. Pb. 135 or write Box 505.

PhUlpsburg. UP TO $1,000 MONTHLY Distributing nationally advertised automotive product. Millions already sold. Work full or part time. SALES GUAR.

ANTEED. Write for FREE National Dynamics, 212 East 23rd, New York City. MAIL ORDER FRANCHISE No experience needed. Spencer Gifts. -a weli'-establlshed and successful mall order firm, starts you in business.

Supplies catalogs with your own name imprinted. No investment In stock. No shipping merchandise. Catalog items pre-tested for salabillty. Initial investment of less than S50 can get you started.

Write for FREE Information kit, SPENCER GnTSKZ-54pencer building, Atlantic City, N.J. FOR SALE: LARGE WRECKING YARD and completely furnished body and mechanic shop. 4 acres completely board fenced, over 500 wrecked cars on hand. Large stock of new and used parts. Excellent location on Highway 10.

Just outside city limits. Taxes low. $100,000 gross 1959. Must sacrifice for other Interests. Terms If needed.

Writ Box $13, Bozeman, Mont. HALF INTEREST IN TWO-STATH franchise. Investment covered by stock. Excellent opportunity for man or lady who can devote 2 hours a day to bust, ness. No selling.

Box 154, eo Standard-Post. 39. Income Property DUPLEX APARTMENT, GOOD LOCA- tlon. 525 and 527 W. Silver.

$3,900. Ph. J-7943. FOR SALE: i APARTMENT FLAT. WEST Granite, reasonable.

Call at 405 S. Montana. Ph. 2-8004. DUPLEX FOR SALE: 2 BEDROOMS.

full basem*nt, garage, landscaped and fenced. 10 on your Investment yearly. -aU 2-S822 or 1551 Elm. ROOM FURNISHED DUPLEX, NEAR hospital and schools. Box 155.

I ham IE) 42. Wanted to Rent 3-BEDROOM HOME IN ST. JOHNS Dis trict, unfurnished. Ph. 2-S398.

43. Furnished Houses NICELY FURNISHED 3 BEDROOM borne, garage, yard $85. Ph. $-7945. 1460 Holmes Ave.

4 ROOMS, FURNISHED $40. NEVADA. Ph. 8050. 2 BEDROOM, COMMUNITY HOSPITAL district, furnished.

Ph. 2-3169, evenings. 2 ROOM MODERN HOUSE AND GAR. age. 2003 8.

Wyoming. Ph. $737 or 2- 2910. 1 ROOMS, CLEAN. ADULTS, NO PETS $35.

408 Shields. 4 ROOMS, NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE. 1 child. 616 Colorado. $45.

Ph. or 420 W. Aluminum. 2 HOUSES FOR RENT, 4-3 ROOMS. furnished or unfurnished $23 mo.

1804 Banks. COZY, SMALL HOUSE, NEWLY REDEC- oratcd. Suitable for one or two people. $35 per month to right party. Close to school of Mines.

Phone 2-0524. 2 ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. -422 E. oalena. 1 ROOM FURNISHED.

NEAR SAFEWAY store. Ohio St. 3 MODERN, FENCED BABY O.K.. aiec. range.

Apply 1713 8. Washington. 3 ROOM COTTAGE, FURNISHED RE- frlgerator modem. 235 W. Copper 2 ROOMS, COMPLETELY FURNISHED with garage and TV $45.

1858 Georgia. THREE ROOM FURNISHED HOUSB $37.50. Ph. 2-4762. 44.

Unfurnished Houses 4-ROOM, EMERSON DISTRICT. YARD, garage, child, pet ok. Ph. 2-9785. RM, BDRM, DOUBLE GARAGE, OIL heat.

46 Columbia Gardens. Ph. 5 ROOM HOUSE, UNFURNISHED. 45 W. Center.

Ph. 8258. CLEAN, MODERN. 3 ROOMS $35. 538 K.

Park. Ph. 2-8097. NEW 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX. WASHER, dryer, range, garage, Jr.

High district, adults. Ph. 2-4762. 4 ROOM, 1 BEDROOM, COUNTRY CLUB) district. References.


casem*nt, yard. Pb, 5708 or 83. 2 BEDROOM, NEWLY DECORATED. 1144 Hobson. VERY MODERN.

SMALL BEDROOM: house, refrigerator, stove, heated garage. Ph. 3547. 2532 Edwards. MODERN 2 BEDROOM ON ORAND AVE.

Fenced. Inquire 510 W. Quarts. ROOM HOUSE ON FLAT FDR RENT. Cell i-3359.

SPECIAL Rent with option to buy: Emerson District. 8 room home, fireplace, garage, lovely trees and yard. Klssock Realty, 8 8. Wyoming. Ph.

4337. LARGE 2 BEDRM. CLOSE TO SCHOOLS. Ph. 2-5318.

ROOMS OR WEST PARTLY furnished, adults. Ph. 1-3110. 5 ROOM. COMPLETELY REDECORATED new floor coverings.

2 or children ok, 806H E. Galena rear. 2 BEDROOM HOUSE, ST. JOHNS-EMER-son district, built-in cabinets, electris) stove, wired for washer and dryer. May be leased.

Ph. 2-6817. 45. Furnished Apartments 1 OR 2 ROOM APARTMENTS. REASON able price.

102 N. Montana. 235 N. WASHINGTON, 4 ROOMS, BATH. completely private, $45 per mo.

3 ROOMS. MODERN, RENT VERY HEA- sonable. 423 N. Jackson. 2 ROOMS.

FRONT CLEAN 418 W. PARK. BEAUTIFUL 4. WEST, PRIVATE AUTO- matlc washer, adults. Ph.

6958. 314 8. IDAHO. 2 RMS, ALL FURNISHED. For one woman.

Call after 3:30. 2. 2, $65 TO $35. PH. 2-9268 or 2-374L COLONIAL APTS.


43 E. BROADWAY. NICELY FURNISHED; CENTER OF town. $4 Oranlte. Largs front apartment, call" 1 ROOM COMPLETELY FURNISHED cabin.

Close In $15 mo. Ph. 2-1375. 3 ROOMS. NICELY FURNISHED.

307 N. Washington. Ph. 2-521L 2 ROOMS. GAS, LIOHT3.

REFRIGERA- tor, adults $30. 231 E. Granite. 3 ROOM. MODERN.


er of town $50. 8. Montana St. COZY APARTMENT AT D.A. APART- ments.

322 8. Montana. Call at Apt or Ph. 5796. 1 ROOM.

KITCHENETTE. NEAR ST. James hospital, everything furnished. Ph. 2-1373.

ROOM PARTLY FURNISHED APART-ment, adults, no pets. Pb. 5381. 3 ROOMS. NEWLY DECORATED $23.

Inquire at W. Broadway. 2 FRONT ROOM APARTMENTS. 14 N. Washington.

Leonard Hotel-Ph. 9827 Furnished, all utilities, bachelor and rooms. Furnished or Unfurnished APARTMENTS FOR RENT 3 and 4 Room Apartments Rent from $35 to $60 Various Locations CONTINENTAL REALTY, INC. PARK AND MAIN PHONE 2-9266 Our Want Ads Get Results! WANTED: BOY GOING TO SCHOOL IN Dillon to drive back and -forth from Butte on weekends. Ph.

2-0342 between 4 and S. SPECIAL Milk shakes 25c Root Beer gal. 55c. Pork chop sand, plus choice 10 cent drink 50s. A Drive Inn, Pine A Continental Drive.

Ph. 2-0525. 2. Lost and Found LOST: ST. JOHNS AREA.

LOE. BLK. RosaryKeepsake. Reward. Ph.

477, POUND: DARK GREY RIMMED OLASS-es. Owner identify, pay ad. Standard-Post. i PAIR OP ROSARY BEADS. K.EEP-sakes.

Vicinity of St. Mary's. Liberal reward. 413 N. Washington.

Ph. 2-2965. LOST: SMALL SQUARE BLACK LEATH-r covered watch, leather quite worn. Reward. Call 6128.

Cost or stolen: golden male co*cker, yr. old. Under vets care, needs attention. Call 2-6968. 274 E.

Broad way. REWARD For Information or return of Mo-Ped motor scooter taken from 414 S. Washt, lngton St. Ph. 2-5524.

Joe Froehlich. LOST: SMALL CLOTH PURSE WITH several pieces ol Keepsake Jewelry. Tinder please call 3446. Reward. LOST: LADIES WRIST WATCH ON Dakota between Park and Broadway.

Keepsake. Reward. 637 B. Montana. 5.

Instructions MOTEL MANAGEMENT Mature women and couples wanted for Immediate training. Excellent future. For home Interview slve age and tele phone. Route numbers give directions. American Inc.

Box 142. co Standard-Post. Train to Be a Heavy Equipment OPERATOR on easy budget terms while holding present job Complete training- program for heavy equipment work now offered by one of the nation largest and outstanding train-tog institutions. New superhighway and construction pro grams planned, tn every pare ol the country. Trait) NOW to become a specialist in this vital Industry many opportunities for advancement.

Get full Information today on how you can become a HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR. Pill coupon below and mall to: HEAVY EQUIPMENT DIVISION Northwest Schools Dept. 9-240. Box 144, so Standard-Post Nam MEN WANTED IBM DATA PROCESSING AND AUTOMATION YOU CAN earn a top salary as a specialist in the field of automation Butte Business College, Montana's oldest and largest business school for the training of qualified men. You will learn wiring planning, programming and all phases of machine operation plus professional business training to prepare you for a position In office management.

AIRLINES, trucking companies, railroads, oil companies and other major concerns offer top salaries for automation specialists. ALL Butte Business College GRADUATES receive free Job placement service, Call now and make your appointment for your FREE D3M AUTOMATION Brochure. BUTTE BUSINESS COLLEGE, INC. 335 West Galena Phon 8-2391 Butte, Montana IBM KEY PUNCH ONLY 4 WEEKS" TO A TOP JOB If You qualify DO YOU LIKE MACHINES? WOULD YOU LIKE TO SPECIALIZE IN A CROWING AND SECURE -t FIELD? You can become a trained Butte I.B.M. KEY PUNCH OPERATOR in just 4 weeks.

Top-paying jobs are waiting you. FREE JOB PLACEMENT DAY OR NIGHT CLASSES FOR your free Information and personal Interview appointment, CALL 9-2381 NOW BUTTE BUSINESS COLLEGE, INC. 331 West Oalena Phone 2-2321 Butte, Montana Address City Age Steto Ph. Srs. Wkd: from to TRAILER SALES AND SERVICE DOINQ $500,000 yearly.

A leading Oregon city. Priced at appraisal value. KASHJTND- ER, Wichita. Kans. I.

The Montana Standard from Butte, Montana (2024)
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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.