The Montana Standard from Butte, Montana (2024)

Carl A. Perman Dies in Helena Carl A. Perman, 72, retired railway worker of Thursday night Veterans' Administration Hospital, Fort Harrison, where he had been a patient since June 21. Mr. Perman was born in Sweden April 1888.

He was a resident of Butte for the past 10 years. On June 30, 1918, he enlisted in the U.S. Army at Malta, serving as a private in the 117th Spruce Squadron until honorably discharged on Jan. 6, 1919, at Vancouver Barracks, Wash. There are no known relatives.

The body is being brought to the Duggan Merrill Mortuary. Ike, Herter to Talk Cuba Crisis NEWPORT. R.I. (AP) President Eisenhower and Secretary of State Christian A. Herter will meet here Monday to discuss the Cuban crisis and, to complete the draft of a U.S.

plan for improving the economic and social standards of all the American nations. The President's press secretary, James C. Hagerty, announced Friday that Eisenhower and Herter have been working on the plan for two or three months. He said it has no direct relation to the Cuban situation, but would be discussed against that background since Cuba is one of the 21 member nations of the Organization The of is American to be submitted plan to a meeting of the economic ministers of the 21 nations at Bogota, Columbia, starting Sept. 5.

Undersecretary of State C. Douglas will represent the United States at that session. Hagerty said Herter, who has been vacationing in New England arrived in Washington Friday to see Dillon before Dillon leaves for a tour of Europe. Herter will report back to the President Monday morning. Eisenhower is vacationing here.

The President was in a jovial mood on the first full day of his vacation here. He got in 18 holes of golf right after his arrival late Thursday afternoon, and was on the golf course again by 9:30 Friday morning. CARD OF THANKS desire in this way to exour heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our many and neighbors for the acts of kindness maniat the time of death and of our beloved Father, Peter Mac Millan. We to especially thank the the music, RevWhite, the many friends food, flowers and conto Boys Ranch and Valley Hospital. Family of Peter Mac Millan We press deep friends many fested funeral the late desire pallbearers, erend sending tributions Madison Butte Death RAIHA- The remains of John Raiha are in the drawing room of White's Funeral Home, from where the funeral will take place this (Saturday) afternoon at 1:30 o'clock with Rev.

Walter Daggett officiating. Interment in the VFW plot, Mountain View Cemetery. SNELL Lewis Snell of the Pheonix Building passed away Friday in a local hospital. His remains are in Drawing Room A of White's Funeral Home, from where the funeral will take place Monday morning at 8:30 o'clock, proceeding to St. Patrick Church where requiem high mass will be celebrated at 9 o'clock.

Interment in Holy Cross Cemetery. The Rosary will be recited in the drawing room Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock for Mr. Snell. Attention-BPOE Elks No. 240- all officers and members are requested to attend services Sunday evening at 8 o'clock for Mr.

Snell. COOMBS -Marie Coombs of 2830 Kennedy passed away in a local hospital Friday. Her remains are in Drawing Room of White's Funeral Home, from where the funeral will take place Monday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Interment in Mount Moriah Cemetery. Attention, Butte Pioneers Club: All members are requested to attend services Sunday evening at 7:30 for our late member, Mrs.

Marie White's FUNERAL HOME RUDY SAYATOVIC 301-11 W. PARK Phone 6531 CONNELL-Funeral services for Norine Connell will take place from the Daly-Shea Chapel this (Saturday) morning at 9 o'clock. Requiem high mass will be celebrated in St. Joseph's Church at 9:30 o'clock. Interment will be in Holy Cross Cemetery.

Daly-Shea MORTUARY HOME 101 S. Idaho St. Phone 3981 FRANCIS X. DOLAN-DENNIS F. DOLAN OWNERS Richard Funeral Home 15 19 South Montana Street Telephone 7282 Arlo T.

Axelson, Mgr. McDONALD The remains of Mrs. Valencia "Len" McDonald of 2614 Edwards Street are in the Duggan Merrill Mortuary and Mop-1 Post. Saturday, July 9. 1960 Sweetcars TOKYO (AP) The Tokyo Transport Department will give its 800 streetcars and buses a garden atmosphere for two weeks beginning Monday.

They will be scented with lilac and decorated with artificial flowers. Nixon Welcomes Rocky's Ideas WASHINGTON (AP) Vice President Richard M. Nixon was described Friday as welcoming Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller's suggestions for the 1960 Republictn platform.

The chairman of the GOP Platform Committee said after a 212- hour conference with Nixon, the likely Republican presidential candidate, that Nixon was "delighted" the New York governor will air his views before the committee in Chicago July 19. Nixon invited Charles H. Percy. 40, Chicago business executive and No. 1 platform drafter, into his Capitol hideaway for breakfast and a full discussion of key prospective issues of the campaign.

Their meeting followed a conference Percy held in New York Wednesday with Rockefeller. Percy said Thursday he had no idea at this stage whether the committee could come up with a platform acceptable to both Nixon and Rockefeller on such issues as medical care for the aged, agriculture and defense. Rockefeller will be one of a number of outstanding Republicans slated to make major presentations before the Platform Committee. Percy said he and Nixon, who is expected to play a major role in drafting the platform, reviewed Nixon's views on all the major key issues, including policy, national security, education, agriculture, medical care for the elderly and civil rights. Lloyd May Get Another Post LONDON (AP)- Minister Harold Macmillan Friday night was reported planning.

to replace Selwyn Lloyd British foreign secretary-and switch him to the prized post of treasury chief. The end of Lloyd's eventful fiveyear term in charge of the Foreign Office is expected to highlight a reshuffle of Macmillan's Cabinet later this month. Thus far the name of Macmillan's new choice as foreign secretary has not leaked out. The Cabinet shakeup has been forced on Macmillan by the announced decision of the present chancellor of the exchequer, Drick Heathcoat Amory, to quit this month. day morning at 9:30 o'clock will be taken to St.

John Episcopal Church where Rev. Carl LemmMarugg will conduct services at 11 o'clock. Interment in St. Patrick Cemetery. JAMES -The remains of Mrs.

Freda James are in the Duggan Merrill Mortuary pending funeral arrangements. PERMAN At the Veterans Hospital, Helena, Thursday evening, Carl A. Perman of 632 Utah Avenue. His remains are being returned to Butte and will be taken to the Duggan Merrill Mortuary. Funeral notice later.

PATRICK J. STANTON CARD OF THANKS -May we take this method of thanking our neighbors and friends for their kind expressions of sympathy extended us in our recent bereavement in the death of our father, grandfather, brother and uncle, Patrick J. Stanton. We especially wish to thank those who sent the floral offerings and spiritual bouquets and those who called to pay their last respects. The Family of CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this means of thanking our neighbors and friends for their kind expressions of sympathy extended us in our recent sorrow in the passing of our beloved husband, father, grandfather and brother, the late Edward Edwards.

We especially wish to thank the sisters and priest of St. James Hospital, Father Gannon; those who sent the floral offerings and spiritual bouquets and those who called to pay their last respects. The Family of EDWARD EDWARDS Duggan Merrill Mortuaries (Air Conditioned Chapels) GEORGE PERRY. Mgr. Telephone 3239 213 North Montana WAYRYNEN Homer SERVICE Formerly SHERMAN REED GOLD FUNERAL DIRECTORS GOLDEN RAY WAYRYNEN RULE JOHN LORENZ Meticions 3221 Ex-Anaconda Alderman Dies ANACONDA--Former Alderman Robert J.

Daly, 45, was stricken about 6:30 p.m. and died in St. Ann Hospital two hours later. Mr. Daly, 521 Oak, was a commissioner for Deer Lodge County for six vears and Democratic candidate for reelection this year.

He was born in Anaconda and attended local schools. He also attended Mount St. Charles High School in Helena. He was a member of the of and the Fourth Degree, Elks and Ancient Order of Hibernians. He was employed at the Club Moderne and was a member of the bartenders' union.

Survivors include his wife, Mary Phyllis: three daughters, Ann. Roberta and Nancy: son, Jimmy: brother and sister-inlaw. Mr. and Mrs. John Daly; mother-in-law, Mrs.

Nora Collins and nephews, nieces and cousins, all of Anaconda. The body is in the Finnegan Co. Funeral Home. Mine-Mill Votes (Continued From Page 1) 1 1 1 1 1 1 ner called. for unified action against major companies.

"Since the 1959 strike it has been apparent that many more unions are interested in unified action against the companies than there has been in the past," he said. The leadership conference also acted on committee reports concerning legislative activities, unity, leadership and education. The forth coming Mine- Mill convention in Denver was also brought up. Ernest Salvas of Butte, executive board member, opened the twoday session with a disclosure of its purpose. He stressed unity, political action, and leadership in union affairs.

Reports 011 Problems Paul Maness. president of Coeur d'Alene's Local 18, reported problems his union has encountered in its present strike. More than 2.200 members of the union are currently on strike. The walkouts were staged as the result of differences in negotiations which followed the expiration of contracts in June. 1959.

Others attending the conference and speaking were: Irving Dichter of Denver, international union secretary: Nathan Witt, union atof Washington, D.C.; Charles Huppe of Helena. an attorney: Al Root, vice president of the state AF of L-CIO and a member of the Commission: Unemployment Compensation Leonard Kenfield of Great Falls, president of of d'Alene: and several the Farmers, Union; Rudy Hanson members. of the Butte, Anaconda, East Helena, Melrose, and Great Falls locals. Russians Claim Bulls- Eye Hit MOSCOW (AP)-The Soviets reported hitting a bullseye at about 8,000 miles in the second firing of their, new multistage rocket. The Soviet news agency Tass, said the two launchings into the Central Pacific.

Tuesday and Thursday, "yielded all data necessary to complete the development of a carrier rocket designed for further conquest of comsic space." The announcement said the test series was over and the 50,000 square miles of target area were open to shipping. 9347 SIZES 36-50 by Menion Martin Styled-to-Slim Sew this airy, tab-bowed casual now, and transform hot dressing from a problem to a pleasure. 'Smart, simple detailsswift sewing for you. Printed Pattern 9196: Half Sizes 241. Size requires 4 yards 35-inch fabric.

Send FIFTY CENTS (coins) for this pattern-add 10 cents for each pattern for first-class mailing. Send to Marian Martin, Montana Standard, Pattern 232 West 18th New York 11, N.Y. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. JUST OUT! Big, new' 1960 Spring and Summer Pattern Catalog in vivvid, full-color. Over 100 smart styles all sizes all occasions.

Send now! Only 25 cents. Hike in Sugar Need Announced WASHINGTON (AP) An increase of 200,000 tons in the sugar requirements for the United States for 1950 was announced Friday by the Agriculture Dept. It raises the total from 9,400,000 to 9,600,000 tons. Lawrence Myers, head of the department's sugar division, told newsmen the decision was not a direct result of the cutback by President Eisenhower earlier this week of 700.000 tons in the Cuban sugar quota. The 9,400,000 sugar quotas for 1960, of which Cuba's share, had been 3,119,655 tons.

were announced Dec. 17, 1959. Myers said no action is expected before next week on reallocating to other foreign suppliers the 700,000 ton Cuban quota cut. or an additional 156,000 tons which would have gone to Cuba to make up a deficit from other areas. Meyers said the President will determine whether the 156,000 tons would be allocated to domestic suppliers or go to foreign sources.

The department also said the replacement sugar will be purchased (1) from countries in which it is produced and (2) in general on the basis of prices prevailing in the U. S. rather than lower world market prices. The department announced new quotas for 140,000 of the 200,000 boost in requirements and said the remaining 60,000 tons which would have gone to Cuba will be allocated later. The new quotas and amount of increase in each include: Domestic beet sugar 2.088,245 up 44,765 tons; mainland cane 573 and up Hawaii 444 and up 24,982.

Castro (Continued From Page 1) pears that our northern neighbor (the United States) is closing the doors of its friendship and understanding in the face of the yearnings, of the Cuban people to live pendence." liberty, and economic inde- Repeat Attitude "We, the representatives of the people of Mexico, repeat to the Cuban people our same attitude of solidarity." he continued, "and we wish to tell them that we are certain that their right to live in social justice and economic liberty will have to prevail in this continent in the hope of peace and reciprocal friendship." The congressional leader said he was speaking for the Party of Revolutionary Institutions (PRI), which has an overwhelming majority in Congress. The Cuban news agency, Prensa Latina, bombarded Havana newspapers with messages of support Castro from many parts of South and Central America. Some of the messages quoted labor leaders or left-wing newspapers. Makes Headline Government newspapers headlined Sanchez Piedras' statements and appealed to Cubans to turn out for a Castro rally Sunday at the presidential palace. Castro is seeking a show of support from the Cuban people in the wake of government seizure of foreign-owned oil refineries and rejection of American and British protests.

680 bay Laura Wheeler How to Save Money Sagging springs? Webbing torn? New upholstery needed? Do the job yourself NOW- save! If you've never tried, these detailed instructions show how. Instructions 680: directions to repair and upholster furniture. Every step carefully explained. Send Thirty-five Cents (coins for each pattern- add 5 cents for each pattern 1st mailing. Send to Montana Standard, Needlecraft P.O.

Box 169, Old Chelsea Station, New York 11, N.Y. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. New! New! New! Our 1960 Laura Wheeler Needlecraft Book is ready NOW! Crammed with exciting, unusual, popular designs to crochet, knit, sew, embroider, quilt, weave -fashions, home furnishings, toys, gifts, bazaar hits. In the book FREE-3 quilt patterns. Hurry, send 25 cents for your copy.

Pentagon Acknowledges That Delays Have Occurred in Building Atlas Missile Sites WASHINGTON (AP) -The Pentagon acknowledged Friday that substantial delays have occurred in building launching bases for Atlas missiles. Secretary of Defense Thomas S. Gates ordered that procedures of government agencies and con- Butte Man Named To Eagles' Post MISSOULA (AP) Work of Eagles lodges for youth and the elderly were noted Friday at the state convention by the national president, Phil Bigley of Viroqua, Wis. Bigley said he came to Missoula from the dedication of a $200,000 building constructed by the lodge at Home on the Range for Boys, just the Montana border at Sentinel Butte, N.D. over, The ranch was started by the Eagles to fulfill a dream of a Catholic priest, Cassidy.

Judge W. W. Lessley, Bozeman, outgoing state junior vice president, reported the new building will make it possible for him to send to the home a boy he has under his jurisdiction. At Friday's business sessions, Ray Thrailkill, Hamilton, was elected state outside guard to start the automatic climb through the state offices to president in five years. Other officers elected were John T.

Plovanic, Lewistown, president: J. Miller Smith, Helena, junior past president; Stanley Babco*ck, Butte, vice president: Willard Spencer, Billings, chaplain; Frank Lepiane, Missoula, conductor. and Nate Young, Great Falls, inside guard. A. D.

Tognetti, Lewistown, was elected to a new three-year term as secretary, and Leon Jacobs, Lewistown. was re-elected treasurer. Smith was presented the golden eagle award for outstanding service to the state organization. Powder Puff Derby Will Start Today TORRANCE, Calif. (AP) -The Torrance Municipal Airport was crammed with lady pilots Friday as last -minute preparations were made for the 14th running of the Powder Puff Derby.

Beginning at 9 a.m. PDT, Saturday, 79 planes will take off at 20-second intervals headed for Wilmington, 2,509 miles away. Eighty five planes originally were entered in this year's edition of the all transcontinental air race. But six cancellations cut the field to 79. Most of the planes carry co-pilots.

All told. 152 women are slated to make the race. The list includes two mother-daughter teams, and four former race winners. Two of the contestants are physicians, one a golf pro and several make their living in the aviation field. The entries are handicapped according to their planes' performance and range.

Progress of the contestants will be relayed to race headquarters here via a ham radio network. The ladies, who will fly only during daylight hours, have until noon Wednesday to cross the finish line. They will be checked in and out at 11 airports. as they cross the country. Material from under a pocket may be used for mending a patterned skirt.

Replace the hole under the pocket with other material. LEGALS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Nos. 16.727 16. 729 ESTATE OF CORNELIUS P. O'NEILL, also known as CON P.

O'NEILL, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, Administrators of the estate of Cornelius P. O'Neill, also known as Con P. O'Neill. deceased; to the creditors of and all persons, having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them.

with the necessary vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this notice to the said administrator at the home of John K. O'Neill. one of said -administrators, 111 West Iron Street, Butte. Montana, the same being the place for the transaction of the business of said estate, in the County of Silver Bow, State of Montana. DAVID O'NEILL JOHN K.

O'NEILL, Administrators of the Estate of Cornelius P. O'Neill. Deceased Dated Butte, Montana, this 16th day of June, 1960. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF MONTANA. IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SILVER BOW.

No. 16,710 In the Matter of the Estate of ELSIE LONGLEY. Deceased. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE Emmett Kelly, the administrator of the estate of Elsie Longley, deceased, having presented to this Court and filed herein his verified Petition in due form praying for an Order for the sale of all of the right, title. and interest of decedent and of her estate in and to the real property hereinafter described, for the purposes set forth in said Petition, and it appearing to this Court by said petition that it would alleviate expenses, pay the indebtedness against said estate, put the estate in condition wherein' it can be closed and thus be for the advantage, benefit and best interests of the estate and those interested in said estate, to sell the said real property; IT IS HEREBY ORDERED by Court that all persons interested in the estate of said deceased appear before said Court on the 22nd day of July, 1960, at 9:30 o'clock A.M., at the Court Room of Department No, I of said Court, at the Court House in said County of Silver Bow.

State of Montana, then and there to Order show should cause, not if be any they have, to the why said an granted administrator to sell the whole of said real property at private sale. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, that copy of this Order shall be published once a week for two consecutive weeks in the Montana circulation, Standard. a and newspaper published of gen- in printed said Silver Bow County, Montana. The following is the description of the real property hereinbefore referred to and which is sought to be sold under said Petition: Lots number Twenty-one (21), Twentytwo (22), Twenty-three (23), and Twenty-four (24), in Block numbered One (1) of the Melrose Addition to the town of Melrose, Silver Bow County, Montana, according to the official plat and surin the office of the County Clerk, vey thereof now on file and of record Recorder of Silver Bow County, Montana. DATED this 30th day of June, 1960.

JOHN B. McCLERNAN, Judge. tractors be "tightened up or changed." The delays, primarily at two locations Cheyenne, and Omaha- set back by as much as five months the time when missiles could be used from those bases. About 30 missile launchers out of a planned total of 130 are involved in the delay. An announcement said a meeting of Gates and top Pentagon officials was held Friday.

It said attention was focused "on slippage that has taken place in the operational readiness dates" of the missile squadrons. The official announcement blamed the delays on several factors. These included a build the launching requirement actual operational use without having prototypes on which to pattern the new sites; some delay resulting from the steel strike of last year; and management procedures. BIG SPENDERS JERUSALEM. Israeli Sector (AP -More than 56,000 tourists spent 10 million dollars, in Israel the first six months of 1960.

WANT ADS WANT AD LOCAL RATES One- line aas cuargea tWO dines less than monthly orders 1 Day 30c per line per day 3 Days 20c per line per day Days 18c per tine per day Minimum Charge 60c Above rates are for consecutive inser dons witbout change of copy All want 908 to start 4DO stop the Montana Standard Want ads ordered by telephone are 40- cepted on a memorandum charge only to return for this courtesy the advertiser to expected to remit promptis Contracts tor tower rates. Non- commercial Person- to-Person rates lines minimum Two dnes-1 Additional lines $1.00 per week. Rent or Sale ads must state price Want so rates are For publication ID Doth the Montana Standard and the Butte Daily Post except Sunday which full run CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING OFFICE 25 W. Granite Phone 5451-5452 HOURS 8:20 A.M. Weekdays Saturdays JANN KELLEY.

Ine NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES New York. Chicago. Detroit, Los Angeles San Pran sce Personal Interest (A) 1. Personals SADDLE HORSES FOR RENT. DUE TO the lack of horse pasture at Gregson Springs.

We are moving our saddle club back to the Stagborn ranch near the Butte Skt Club. 5 miles south of Butte. For Flavor Try Butte Beer 2. Lost and Found LOST: BLACK MALE LABRADOR AT Cardwell. Ph.

5767 LOST: GIRLS WRIST WATCH ABOUT June 30 near Butte HI School, Call 7693 or 2641 Princeton. LOST: NEAR HUTCHINGS ON THE Madison billfold with identification cards. Reward. Ralph S. O'Leary, Ph.

9111. REWARD for information leading to the whereabouts of large male yellow Labrador, tatoo in left ear. Ph. 2-5601. al chair.

North and BroadLOST: PINK UPHOLSTERED OCCASIONway. Reward. Ph. 2-6016 LOST: MANS BLACK WALLET ON 4TH of July, Basin Creek Reservoir area. Reward.

Ph. 2-8668. LOST. FOX TERRIER. WHITE WITH brown spots.

Called Reward. Ph. 2-4094. FOUND: KEYS BY NINE MILE. OWNER identify, pay for ad Standard-Post.

3. Wanted, Miscellaneous WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM PARTY interested in tearing down and hauling away large frame building. Call 5457, 4. For Rent, Miscellaneous FOR HIRE: DUMP TRUCKS WITH drivers. Ph.

7639. 1801 Princeton. SINGER SEWING MACHINES FOR RENT $5 monthly Singer Sewing Center, Ph 3348 LO 3-5651 Plumbing Tools Gribben's 1807 Florence 2-0407 5. Instructions FOR JOB SECURITY Good Times of Bad Learn Shorthand to ONLY 6 WEEKS With Speedwriting SPEEDWRITING will qualify you in weeks for well- paid secretarial position even if previously unsuccessful with symbol shorthand! Because 1t uses ABCS Do symbols Do machines SPEEDWRITING 18 easiest to learn most accurate and reliable! WRITING secretaries and stenographers are in top positions everywhere 1D Civil Service and leading business firms Be prepared for good times or bad SPEEDWRITING gives you "Job to. surance.

EASY PAYMENT PLAN BUTTE BUSINESS COLLEGE '325 W. Galena Batte. Montana Phone 2-2391 Summer Courses in BALLET AND MODERN DANCE From July 11 thru 2 29 2035 Locust Special Classes for Women 6. Resorts VACATION COTTAGES Flathead Lake Family Units As Low As $40 Week Rocky Point Cottages Marina Box 806 Polson Business Services (B) 12. Transfer and Storage Christie Mayflower and Loos lone distance moving.

Phone 6411. Kitto's Transfer Ph. 5405 Purnture moved anywhere in 0.8.4. Dahlman Transfer Moving anywhere in the state. Free estimates.

Ph. 2-5915. 13. Painting-Papering M. WONNACOTI GENERAL PAINTing and paper hanging Phone 2-8628.

14. Carpenters LESTER CONSTRUCTION CO. NEW AND remodeling. Free estimates. Ph.

2-5979. MAC'S CARPENTER SERVICE. 2-8384 Construction. General KNUCKEY carpentry New or modeling, floor sanding. Phone 8319.

O'CONNELL 113 N. Construction Hamilton. Co. Ph. 5514.

New or remodeling. Free est. Fritz Apostel modeling. construction, Floor sanding, cabinets. PHA loans.

CAHILL-MOONEY Construetion General Construction. New or remodeling by experienced care Denters. Phone 4368 15. T.V. and Radio Service STU'S TV REPAIR SERVICE PH.

2-0752 16. Roofing Contractors FRITZ APOSTEL CONST. PH. 2-2242 ROOFING AND ROOFING MATERIALS, Southside Hardware SULLIVAN ROOF CO. TIN SHOP AUTO radiators.

304 S. Montana Ph. 3-3139. ROOFS All types of roofing, Cons. include Cos ing Membrane waterproof and damp proofing.

Phone 4368. 1220 East Front. 17. Plastering and Cement KEARNEY BROS. PR.

2-4803 SIDE walks, plastering, cement work. JOLLEY GOODY CONSTRUCTION CO. Plastering, cement Ph 2-9574 or 5780. Ready Mix Concrete When you want it in any quantity. Fast.

efficient service 6 days a week. Free estimates. Ph. 5135, Pioneer Concrete: 18. Carpet Cleaners INDEPENDENT RUG UPHOLSTERY Cleaners 1536 St Phone 5667 MONTANA RIG AND UPHOLSTERY Cleaners :170 Evane Phoor 2-3496 SHAMPOO YOUR UPHOLSTERY.

DO IT: yourself with a professional machine for rent at The Floor Store, 701 Utah. Ph. 2-2107. 25. Plumbing, Heating, Gas Fitting THE HOUSE OF WATERHEATERS Nothing down.

$5 per mo. We install Gribben's 1807 Florence Ph. 2-0407 Congo Leaders Joseph Kasavubu (bottom), 43. militant leader of the Abako Party, was elected president of the new Congo republic in central Africa. It became independent on June 30 after more than 50 years of Belgian rule.

At top is nationalist leader Patrice Lumumba. 34, the new country's premier. Congo Troops (Continued From Page 1) berlake was reported to have stood off a group of Negro soldiers who invaded the U.S. Embassywhere American families had taken refuge. Advices the U.S.

State Department said the troops were demanding that Timberlake turn over a photographer to them. Tentative estimates were that under 40 of the 200 Americans living in Leopoldville had left the city. The U.S. Air Force rerouted two big air transport planes. to Brazzaville for possible use in evacuation of Americans.

Civilian planes also were being diverted to that city. Denies Assassination Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba's Cabinet issued a communique denying he had been the target of an assassination attempt. The communique said a group of Europeans wanted to kill Lumumba, but were nabbed by guards at his residence. (The Belgian radio said it was a case of mistaken identity--that the Europeans were agents assigned to Belgian plainclothes security, ba, and were when their identity was disclosed.) Lumumba, seeking to keep the situation in hand, Friday turned over the command of the man army to President Joseph Kasevubu as commander in chief. The army chief of staff will be a European officer and the big military base in Leopoldville will.

be commanded by a Congolese officer. Want More Pay The troops had mutinied to enforce demands for more pay and replacement of white officers by Negroes. They forced the resignation of their white Belgian commander this week. Lynn Heinzerling. AP correspondent at Leopoldville, said Kasavubu and the Cabinet appealed -to the population to maintain order and return to their jobs.

Advices received in Brazzaville said Congolese troops threatened harm to visiting dignitaries, including Ralph J. Bunche, Negro undersecretary of the United Nations, and an Israeli envoy who came here for the independence ceremonies. Cooking Is Fun By Cecily Brownstone SUNDAY NIGHT SUPPER Combine. pantryshelf ingredients for new flavor for soup. Hearty Quick Asparagus Soup Crusty Rolls Fresh Cherry Pie Beverage Hearty Quick Asparagus Soup Ingredients: 1 can ounces) condensed cream of vegetable soup, 1 jar ounces) all-green asparagus, 1 tablespoon onion soup mix (from an envelope).

Method: Turn condensed cream of vegetable soup (undiluted) into a medium-sized saucepan. Add liquid from asparagus to soup can; fill can with water; slowly stir or whisk into vegetable soup. Heat slowly, stirring occasionally. When almost hot add asparagus stalks (cut into 1-inch lengths); save asparagus tips for salad. Stir in onion soup mix just as it comes from envelope, making sure you add a good portion of the small pieces of dry onion as well as some of the fine solids.

Continue heating until very hot; the onion should stay crisp. Makes 4 servings. 14 Are Killed In Landslides TOKYO (AP) Heavy downpours set off landslides and flooded homes along the inland sea coast of western Japan Friday. Unofficial reports said 14 persons were killed. Eight inches of rain fell in slightly more than 12 hours on Iwakuni, where a U.S.

naval air station is located. Employment (C) 27. CONTRACT TRUCKMEN MAKE Trailer furnished. If over 22 write MAYFLOWER. Box 107, Indianapolis 6, Ind.

YOUNG MEN-PART OR FULL TIME employment See Mr. Lanning. 214 Silver Bow Block, weekdays between and 10 a.m. I.B.M. Branch Office Administration Excellent opportunities.

Advances 08 merit. Exceptional company benefits, CAN QUALITY? age 19-32. examination. Must have knowledge of accounting and bookkeeping, be able to type 50 words per minute and use adding machine. Good appearance and ability to get along with people necessary.

State qualifications. International Business Machines Corporation 311 Fuller Helena, Mont. WANTED: HIGH SCHOOL BOY FOR errands and odd Jobs in store. Start now and continue after school in fall. Apply 16 N.

Montana from 8:30 to 10:30 Sat. BOYS WANTED TO SELL BUTTE DAILY POST ON STREET CORNERS Livewire hustler can make from 50c to $1.25 per day. See street sale distributor at Post Building any day be tween 3:30 and 4:00 p.m 28. Salemen Wanted AUTO SALESMAN, SALARY AND COMmission, insurance benefits. Personal interview required.

Turmell-deMarois Oldsmobile Missoula, Montana. 29. Agents Wanted FULLER BRUSH CO. HAS 2 OPENINGS in Butte. Also 1 part time.

Must be married, have car. Bondable Ph. 3866 for appointment. 30. Female Help Special Perm.

$5 McCARROLL'S Beauty School Ph, 2-1503 33. Situations Wanted -Male BLACKTOP DRIVEWAYS. SIDEWALKS, patios, Guaranteed 3 yrs. Ph. 2-1154.


PA. trol and loader work, plus hauling. Ph 5919. SEPTIC TANK Cesspool cleaning. Butte 7587 3459 or Anaconda.

3-8120. Larue MAN WITH TRUCK FOR HIRE. PHONE evenings 9154. Septic Tanks Pumped $20 Ph 2-8432 MAN WISHES PART OR FULL TIME EM. ployment of any type.

Ph. 2-5388. FOR THE BEST BLACK SOIL IN TOWN, with peat moss added. large dump truck load, $10: also sacks Ph. 2-5357.

TRASH HAULING Yards, garages, bsmts cleaned 2-1023. LANDSCAPING, DIRT AND MANURE hauling. Ph. 9134. Lawn Mowers Sharpening.

repairs. All types. Ph. 9725. 1947 Phillips Ave.

34. Situations WantedFemale EXPERIENCE CHILD CARE IN MY home day or night. Ph. 2-5060. COUPLE WISHES TO CARE FOR APARTment house, apartment.

Box 37, HOUR WORK. BABY SITTING. Ph. 2163. Real Estate I (D) 36.

Homes for Sale 2 BEDROOM HOME ON CORNER LOT. Nice yard. Ph. 2-9813. 3 BEDROOM HOME ON FLAT.

Ph. 3185. ROOM HOUSE. $3,500. DOWN, balance rent.

720 S. Dakota. Ph. 2-4393. G.

I. EQUITY FOR SALE: 2 BEDROOM, garage, lawn, trees, South Butte. Ph. 2-9998. 3 BEDROOM HOME WITH BEAUTIFUL family room.

basem*nt and car port. FHA approved. 2805 Nettie St. 3 BEDROOM BRICK VENEER, FHA available, large yard, $16,500. 2815 Amherst.

Ph. 9166. 3 BEDROOM HOME ON 1 FLAT, DOUBLE garage wall to wall carpeting. $2,500. Equity 2625 George St.

Ph. 2-5901. 7-ROOM HOUSE: 5 DOWN, 220 basem*nt, garage. $14,800. PHAT available.

2005 Florence. BATH AND GARAGE, $6,000. Large yard. Ph, 3010. New Homes For sale, Call Clyde Novak.

Ph. 9362. LEAVING TOWN, SACRIFICE EQUITY for $700. 2-bedroom house. garage.

Ph. 2-8397, 2016 Massachusests. EXTRA LARGE 2-BEDROOM, POLL basem*nt, with many extras, big double garage. In Clark Park. Ph.

2-6663. BEDROOM: NEWLY REMODELED kitchen, wall-to-wall carpets plus drapes: attached garage: 2 lots. 1940 Silver Bow Street. Phone 2-8575. FOR RENT OR SALE: 2-BEDROOM home.

2014 Garfield. Inquire 2450 Bayard. SUMMER HOME, SOUTH SHORE Georgetown. Ph. LO 3-3205, 523 Spruce, Anaconda.

EMERSON-ST. JOHN. 3-BEDROOM, CORner lots. Birch cabinets, dishwasher, double garage, below FHA. Ph.

2-2221. NEW 3-BEDROOM BRICK HOUSE: baths, attached garage. Ottawa. $17,900. Inquire 8601 Continental Drive,.

The Montana Standard from Butte, Montana (2024)
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.