The Manhattan Republic from Manhattan, Kansas (2024)

'1 'I' LOCAL XOTES. The annual exhibition of the High NEW ADVERTIsem*nTS. The Harrop Case. The case of State of Kansas vs. Geo.

The frame work of John E. Hessin 's new barn was raised yesterday. The building measures 18x30, In another column notice proposals for stone BROWN, BAKER LEMMON, Brpnblir Erportings. Old Soldier. Why can't we have a camp-fire in Manhattan some time this year, andinvite comrades to meet with us from all over the.

district. It is early to talk about it! Yes, but lets make up our minds soon, as to the rally. It is good to meet together, and they pay! At these gatherings of the old boys nothing is done or said to the the detriment of society or of the country. Some think that there is too much "old soldier" talk, but who are they who think so? Do not imagine fiat all the soldier measures brought out came from men who wore a uniform. The most vociferous of the "talkers" never heard any of the shooting, but they want to "stand in" with the veterans, you see.

There are very few of the men who risked their lives in the defence of the Flag who ask for anything unreasonable. II. C. Crump "How do I like railroading? Tiptop! Had a good time. Everything is lovely aud now dirt is more than flying.

The right of way has mostly been secured and not more than five cases will require the services With thirty years' experience We believe," Where trade is based on the production of the soil," That many of our best farmers can only have ready money When they sell GRAIN, CATTLE AND HOGS THESE MEN ARE ENTITLED To a reasonable credit without adding a LARGE ADDITIONAL PER CENT To the price of goods REMEMBER THIS FACT: That we sell everything at one price to all," And that price is always as low," And often times lower," Than the Cheap price Of the so-called Cash discount houses "We cordially solicit the patronage, both, of casli and good credit trade, and promise to treat all alike, and to sell all kinds of goods as low, if not lower, than any other house. Higinbotham, Stingley Huntress. an hatton, annas- Jan. 29, 1SSG. ALL Tbongh painM and wearing almost lieyond endurance, is not an incurable disease if treated in time.

Perhaps no other disease has so baffled the efforts of science and medicine as this, but at last a remedyhas been discovered in which CURES KHEUMA-lvwyAXAWTISM' and heartily endorsed by many of the Leading Physicians. WHAT THEY SAY: T0SOiU3ttisdoiMftlltliaticbiiineditWTndo.w G.cTSliraBT. M.D,CattU, DL FOR SALS BY ALL DRUGGISTS. A. A.

MELLIER, 8ol Proprietor, 70 ocnooi occurs Friday evening April 2, at the Opera House. A scene from the "Merchant of enice" will be present ed. It is to be hoped that order will be preserved in the further end of the bouse. We would not recommend police, or buck shot, but those who experienced the a nnoyance caused by the general disorder and uproar of last year will agree that some controlling luuueuce is necessary. A line from a old friend, comrade S.

B. Holler, from Illinois, with $1.50, states that he aud his are well. He thinks the B. V. R.

R. will be com pleted, aud says Gov. Green need not be alarmed about any shortage in pig-iron as there is no hog cholera in unio. The Randolph Echo says Two thousand feet will be the length of sine tracK on tne n. K.

and Col Jenkins says that the depot will be jdxdu leet, with platforms on sides, re spectively 12 and 14 feet wide There have been httv nine transfers of town lots in Randolph since the fore part of last weeK. Leslie H. Smith has purchased the Legore stock of boots and shoes, and has purchased a large stock of new goods. He is sure to do well, having aireauy made an enviable reputation as a reliable business man. Now Les lie only needs two little feet to help mm serve tne soies oi tne people.

At a meeting of the State House Committee, Tuesday, Maj. Adams was elected temporary chairman of the Board. A. W. Smith, of McPherson, declined the appointment as a member ot tne Board.

The resignation of J. G. Haskell, architect, was accepted. W. O.

Allen and Geo. McCormick of Zeandale go to Clay Center to-day where they will engage in the grocery trade. We sincerely hope that the Clay county people will buy liberally of these worthy men and pay for all tney get. Our old friend, Capt. Huey has been accused as being "Uncle Joe," who has turnished some Blue townsbm items His neighbors did not guess right: no article has appeared in our columns written by him, though he can write.

ana to tne point. The Leonardville Moniter says, "Leonardville is a temperance town. We have no saloons, and no drug stores mat sell intoxicating liquors contrary to law." We are pleased to welcome R. N. Wycoff and family back to Manhattan.

They have come to stay. r. Wycoff says be was homesick all the time he was in Indiana he likes Kansas, and Manhattan in particular. Everyone here is glad to see them back. A.

F. Durant.of northwestern Riley, was iu the metropolis Tuesday, looking as if the winter had been a mild oue. He says the winter wheat is badly killed by freezing. The Cement Works bid fair to realize the hopes of the proprietor. Two car loads have been ground at the Manhattan Mills and Kausas City and other manufacturers declare it is good.

investigations will be contiuued. A. J. Legore and family leave for California to morrow aud will proba bly remain. Mr.

Legore makes this change trusting that his health will be benefitted. The Republic hopes this worthy family will enjoy life ou the Pacific slope. We met a prominent commercial traveler to-day, just from Wafceeny, who says wheat looks splendid in western Kausas. There is a tremen dous rush to that part of Kansas. It is a very difficult matter for a company in this city to hx upon a night tor a meeting as every night is taken" by some one of the flourishing socKies, clubs, etc.

Manhattan is a sociable place. Crump Huugerford are prepared to loan mouey at better rates thau ever. Don't fail to call on, or address them. if you want to borrow money on im proved farms. Commissioner Condray was in town this morning.

He is getting ready for farming. He says work is going ahead all along the B. V. R. line.

The cold wave flag was hoisted yes terday to give notice that there would be a tall in the thermometer ot lo de grees and the announcement was fulfilled. R. E. Lofinck was transacting busi ness in Kansas City yesterday. He purchased six tickets for Mr.

Legore for San rancisco, at $13 each. J. Shartel, attorney of Topeka, called Friday. He was on his way to Randolph, of course. Protracted Union meetings will be held by the churches next week.

Rev. Patterson, a distinguished evangelist will assist at these meetings. New goods A fresh arrival of pants at Lemmon it Holler's. Just received at J. Robinson's a fine lot of fresh garden aud flower seed.

Parlies wautiug seed will do well to call. Be sure, everybody, and see "True Blue" at the Opera House. True Blue Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. This is the best military drama ever presented in Manhattan. AH should see Mr.

and Mrs. Bert Miller in True Blue. The Tableaux in True Blue are worth the price of admission. Wm. F.

Allen takes naturally to the grocery business. Rev. Wm. Campbell's new residence will soon assume shape. B.

Rockwell, of Junction Citv. haa a new ad. this week. Our readers who trade in Junction City snould call on him. Subscribe stock for the street rail way.

Domestic Science Club will meet at Mrs. Fox's Thursday afternoon April 1st. If you want to buy a watch, a clock or a piece of jewelry, or silverware, call and get prices before you buy. I make a specialty ot the Kockford Railroad Watch, but will sell you an El gin, bpririghela or VVaitham' if you want one, tor less money than you can buy at any other store in Manhattan. Call and satisfy yourself that my prices are lower than the same goods can be bought elsewhere.

J. H. A. SHELDEN. Prices on FLOUR LOWER THAN EVER Victor at $1.00 per sack, cash or credit guaranteed better than any other dollar flour on the market.

For sale by ull Grocers in the city. 8. H. This is just the kind of weather when it pays to look out for your health. Johnston has all the standard remedies for colds, ague and other ills, Parties wishing to borrow money will do well to call on Mr.

Chas. W. Russell at his office, in Manhattan, over Fox's book store. On approved security, he is able to furnish money on very favorable terms. 4t.

Remember you can buy strictly first class Patent Flour at $1.60 per sack all home manufacture." Ask for Fancy Patent. Xone better. o. 1. A big lot of new suits just arrived and more on the way.

LEMMON KOLLER. Ladie Attention. Examine the improved Western Washer, the best labor saving machine and only lucceasful Washer made, at B. Purcell's. Mrs.

J. E. Huey died Wednesday evening after a long and painful illness. She was an excellent lady, was on the sunny side of middle life, a loviug wife and mother, earnest and ambitious, and her loss is a severe affliction. She was greatly beloved by all who knew her and many hearts will sympathize with the sorrowing relatives as the loved form is deposited in the sheltering earth.

Mrs. Huey Huey came from Pennsylvania with her husband, a few years ago. Last winter we were asked to bid on a column advertisem*nt for Dr. M. A.

Otterbourg. We gave regular rates for the month but our figures were considered too high, and another Datier took the work, which was all riirht. Now the Doctor orders the advertisem*nt, and is willing to pay any price, as lie says he must have the aid" of The Republic. At his previous visit in Manhattan Dr. Otterbourg made many friends.

Rev. Wm. Friend, of Council Grove favored us with a brief call Wednesday He was on his way to the Holton Conference. He will probably remain iu Council Grove another year, as the church there wont listen to his going away. Speaking of Mrs.

Molloy who labored there awhile, we said we never liked her appearance. "Neither aid said brother Friend. S. G. Hoytis numbering the houses in this citv.

putting on very neat figures. The council having ordered that all the houses must be numbered citizens should give Mr. Hoyt their orders, as he is reasonable in his charges and he is one of our citizens. He has numerous orders but can attend promptly to more. This is charming weather, says W.

C. Johnston, and pretty healthy. He is happy for all this, and had rather sell paints, oils, varnishes, or toilet goods to the ladies, notions and toys to the children, any day, than medi cines. But if people are sick he is always happy to furnish remedies that will put themou their feet, aud in har mony with Nature when she smiles. Hon.

Geo. S. Green was in Council Grove Tuesday. Business there is at a standstill because of the strike on the Missouri Pacific. Mr.

Green attended court iu Junction City yesterday. There are many cases of palpitation of the heart there because of the presence of Judge Nicholson and the sitting of a grand jury. Justice Wilder will decide an im portant point next Thursday in the Harrop case. have no doubt but that his decision will be sustained by the higher courts, should the mutter be appealed. Our private opinion is the case will not be tried again, as uo benefit can come trom any further proceed iugs.

A call from Dr. Holcombe, State Veterinarian, yesterday aud Prof. Shelton. Dr. Holcombe was recently in Montgomery couuty where hogs are dviiiK iu great numbers, fctiu, ne said: "The Legislature refused to do any thing to protect the swine interest.

There are aiso some cases of glanders in the State. We are authorized to say that machine made brick, of an extra quality, will be made in Mauhaitan this season. The brick will be equal to the best made iu Kansas City, aud work is to be begiu at once. Dr. Lee is making entensive repairs on his residence on Leavenworth st.

between 4th aud oth, making an im provement that will be a credit to that part of the city. Major Jenkins, or Col, as he should be called hereafter, was iu town Saturday from a successful campaign up the Blue. He stated that the right of way has been secured in all but three or four cases. How is the hotel committee making it, raising money? Clay Center is building a 50,000 house Manhattan ought to have a hotel costing $10,000, especially as this town has mouey euougb to buy up two Clay Centers, more railroads, and unknown possibilities. Mr.

and Mrs. Cooper returned from their Southern trip last week. Mr. Cooper saw peach trees in bloom in Texas and found things generally in good shape. The city election is coming, but there does not seem to be a rush of candidates for office.

The people are getting educated. A seat in the council or on the school board is not so near heaven as some have imagined. We beg to call attention to the Ladies Muslin Underwear and Child-rens dresses in our Dry Goods Department. E. B.

Pl'RCELL. Harry Ewalt returned from his trip to Wilson aud Ellsworth the first of the week, and reports the latter town as booming, water-worns oeiug in progress. Shakspere Club will take a vacation for three weeks after which time the usual meetings will be resumed. fresh supply of those 25 cent ties at Lemmon Roller's. We are under obligations to Dr.

H. S. Roberts, of the State Board of Hea'h, for a copy of the First Annual report of the Board. S. A.

Foster, of Leonardville, is con sidering the propriety of building a new house, lorn is in tireen selling lumber and loaning money. John Pridmore has given up hotel keeping in Leonard for stock feeding. He gives good and plenty of rations to man or beast. S. Secrest, of Randolph, is receiving piles of new goods.

Socks for all at Lemmon Holler's. Underwear for men and boys in an endless variety and at prices to suit all at E. P. Purcell. The social given by the P.

B's, at Mr. Huntress' Tuesday evening was largely attended and highly enjoyed. The next social is announced for Apr. 9th at John Elliot's. The Adgate case by consent has been postponed to April 14th.

C. P. A. B. Dewey's sale of 18 mules comes oft at 1 o'clock p.

m. Saturday. The roads are getting in good shape fast. No place like Kansas for good roads. R.

Elliott is in Parsons. Clarence Bowen says buisness is better at L. R. Elliott's than ever. Several sales this week.

Mr. Hamilton of Topeka called today. H. P. Dow reports an increase of business.

California Canned Fruits 20 cts. can at E. B. Purcell's. A full line of Spring Underware at Lemmon Holler's.

Ladies should read Miss Thomas' notice. Short Brothers say asparagus will soon be ready to serve. Ask for "Frost King" or "Golden Rule" flour warren ted the best and at the lowest pricest. S. A H.

Allen Brothers have just received from the east some nice eating and cooking apples. Also fresh Oragnes and Lemons. Stone delivered In any quantity or kind to suit purchasers. F. D.

Randall. New Dry Goods arriving daily at E. B. PurceU'a. W.

Harrop, occupied all Thursday, Fridav and Saturday, of last week in its second trial before a jury in Justice Wilder court. 1 tie must of iliurstlay was consumed in obtaining a jury, as stated in our last issue. As soon as the jury was sworn and the State began to UlmHluce lis evi'ieuue, lb nei-aiue veiy aouarent that Mr. Kimble, attorney for tiie defense, had determined to fight tiie from a very defensive n.l noiiit. At the hrst trial of this case tiie defendant felt disposed to have all th- facts presented to a fair minded iiii let them decide, but feeling that in the trial they were pre vented from presenting their defense, a different course was determined upon this time and accordingly the State was met with objection at every tenable point and every step was fought by the attorneys with energy.

As a result the only evidence present ed was the applications made by the purchaser and the testimony of Messrs Ritchie and Mensing, to show that Mr. Adgate attended to his duties at Mr. Purcell's store regularly during the month of January, 1886, and on cross examination it appeared from Mr. Ritchie that Adgate was a young man of good reputation, industrious aud attentive to business; did not know of any improper use of intoxicating liquors, and "so far as he knew, Mr. Adgate was, ana snouia oe, received in the best of society." The State sought to introduce Dr.

C. F. Little, as a medical expert, to show what quantity of liquor a man should use, but the defence objected and after a vigorous fight their objection was sustained. The State then turned, and sought to introduce the Doctor as a drug expert, but this position was also fought, aud finally the Doctor was dismissed without being allowed to tell anything. To add to the multitude of diflculties the defence proceeded to raise the jurisdictional questiou, which, as near as we can get it, was.

that inasmuch as it had appeared from the testimony of L. R. the prosecuting witness, that at the time of making the complaint he had no personal and actual knowledge of the facts sworn to positively by him in the complaint, that the court had in fact acquired no valid and legal juris diction over tne person or tne aeien-dant, and that he must be discharged. This position was ably presented and argued by Mr. Kimble, assisted by Capt.

McClure, and some of the legal proposition, and discussions, presented bv them occassioned deep interest. Justice Wilder however felt that he had no right to sustain the motiou, and tbereup in the case went to the jury. the aetenee retusea to oner any testimony, claiming that no case bad been made. Saturday was con sumed bv the able argument of Mr. Hessin for the State and Kimble and McClure for the defence, and the case went to the jury at afternoon.

At 11 o'clock Sunday forenoon Justice Wilder, in the absence of the county attorney, as also of the defend ant, aud his attorney, discharged the jury on the ground mat it was not protiabletuey could agree, it is learn ed that thev stood from first to last six for acquittal and six for conviction. On Mondav. Mr. Kimtile riled a motion and asks the discharge of the defendant, claiming the action of the justice in discharging the jury as he did on Sunday in the absence ot de fendant and counsel, was without warrant of law, and is a complete bar to any further action against Mr. Har rop.

Mr. Hessin asked tor ten days to look into this matter, which was granted, and so we cannot state for certain what wilt be the end ot this noted ease. It must be evident, by this me, that twelve men cannot be se lected who will agree upon a verdict. No case that has come up in Man hattan for several years has excited so much interest as this oue. As the trains go out from Manhattan citizens of neighboring counties inquire of the railroad officials, rlow is tne riarrop case Three Important Sales.

Wm. P. Higiubotham's short-horn catalogue for his fourth annual sale has just been issued. S. A.

Sawyer, compiled the book and the printing was done at this office. The pedigrees are the most complete in their arrangement of any we have ever seen. Our modesty forbids any comments relative to the printing. There are 28 cows and heifers and 16 bulls sketched in this work and these animals will be sold May 4th to the highest bidder. The stock is in excellent condition of course for Wm.

P. Higinbotham believes in the gospel of good living for man and beast. As for their individual merit they will speak for themselves, and as for their pedigrees a glance through the catalogue will satisfy the most fastidious breeder of shorthorns. Imp Double Gloster, the head of the Blue Valley herd, and other noted animals, are sires of these 44 choice blooded short-horns. Mr.

Higinbotham has faith in the future of the stock interest. Good cattle, he declares, will always sell well. We have no doubt but that his sale will be highly successful. Another catalogue just issued from The Republic office is oue for J. J.

Mails aud F. M. Neal.twoofour noted breeders, who have a sale in Denver on the 31st where they will dispose of 29 of their choice shorthorns. As these gentlemen state in their announcement, this sale is made solely for the purpose of reducing the size of their herds. The animals are all well bred and individually good, and in taking their stock to Colorado tbey will advertise their herds, which will be of great advantage to them in the future.

Col. Sawyer will make the sale. The stock will leave Monday in charge of the proprietors, and we hope Colorado Breeders will appreciate good thoroughbred Short-horns and the enterprise of Messrs Mails Neal, who have an enviable reputation all over Kansas as conscientious, enterprising breeders. Their catalogue is one of the neatest ever issued. Success, gentlemen.

Bill Burnham's two catalogues will be out in a few days. They will sell 60 blooded Poland China swine and ten Short-horn cattle and 20 Norman and Clyde horses at Salina on on Saturday, April 17. Bill Burn-ham have 100 head of Shorthorns, 200 head of bogs, 80 horses, and they make this sale, as do other prominent breeders of thoroughbred stock who are in the business to stay, to reduce the size of their herd. The reputation of Messrs Bill Burn ham is as good as gold. They have been raising blooded stock for many years and have been buving the best animals they could find, frequently paying $S00.

to $1000 for a cow, and more for males. They have the largest herd of Clydesdale horses in the state, and their Poland China hogs are good ones. No doubt the go ahead people in the vicinity of Salina, who must know that stock raising is their best hold, will be glad of Bill Burnham's offering. For Sale or Exchange. A good residence property corner of 1st and Houston streets.

Will take good stock for part or all. For particulars inquire of T. E. Williams. For Sale.

At out ranch 6 miles south-west of Manhattan, eighteen large, well broke mules. C. A. B. Dew ev.

Meat and Groceries. The best to be had at Shultz Co's, fresh and salt meats, and Winchester sells standard groceries at bed rock prices. work ouMr. Hessiu's dwelling. The postponed meeting of the Man battan Horticultural Society will take place at 2:30 this p.

m. at Horticultur al Han. R. I. Lee, of Topeka, a prominent horse raiser, was in our city Saturday.

He will probably bring his noted horse here this spring. Cards are out announcing the ap- proacuing marriage ot Ur. Fane ol-lettaud Miss Bertie Waring. March 24th is the happy day. We reserve further comments until next week.

H. Jenkins, of Leonard, has been obliged to employ a secoud clerk to keep up with business: He is a worker. Mr. Geo. Skelding the eenial con tractor ior sens great moral circus.

called to-day. The entertainment will arrive here May 21st. I. W. Martin of Magic P.

O. was in town to-day. Wheat is badly killed but he has 3o acres that looks well, mat was sown on new land. The progressive euchre party given by Miss Joe. Ferguson last Thursday was one ot tne most en lovable ever giveu in iuannattan.

But little freight is shipped at Leon ardville on account of the Missour1 Paeific strike at Leavenworth. Mark Brown left for Boston, yester day on a business trip. Sheriff McCord was in Leonardville yesterday. April magazines for sale at ox's book store. E.

K. Shaw returned from Florida Saturday. Hogs off somewhat. Price to-day $3.50. Read all the new notices.

Business begins to boom. Charles Waring is able to be about to the joy of his friends. Prof. Olson, of Randolph, was a caller Tuesday. J.

W. King furnishes 'New Homes' and organs for the people. Bear Zeigltr's implement sale in mind. O. E.

Castor, of Leonard, was in town yesterday. He will soon engage iu the agricultural implement trade. Notice that J. W. King is sellim; implements at cost.

Be sure yu are right end then go it Brushes of every sort at Johnson's. Paints, Oils, and Varnishes at W. Johnston's. Our Canned goods are not excelled in quality by any dealer. Call for the best at Allen Bros.

Onion Setts. Onion Setts. By the quart, bushel or barrel. Will be sold at living prices, leave orders at Allen Bros. Nice fresh Cranberries at Allen Bros.

Buy your groceries of Allen Brothers and save money. We keep the best flour. Allen Brothers. Buy FANCY PATENT. FROST KING aud VICTOR Flour at $1.60.

$1.35 and $1.00 per sack, cash or credit one price to all and fully warranted. 8. H. Having experienced marked relief from nasal catarrh and hoarseness by the use of Ely's Cream Balm, I recommend it to singers, clergymen and others afflicted. Louis E.

Phillips, 1428 New York ave, X. Washington D. C. Mauhattaa Lodge o. 190, A.

0. V. Manhattan, noted as the home of clubs and societies, now numbers a new order. Deputy Sheen, of Lawrence organized a lodge.of A. O.

U. W. on the oth iust, with 21 members. The main purpose of the order is to furnish safe aud cheap life insurance. And as with other societies, the sick and dis tressed brothers are cared for.

The orders is sure to have a large increase in membership, the following are the officers Lewis Geaugue, V. Shepherd, VV. OS A Atwood, Foreman. Marsh, Overseer. Ed Knostman, Recorder.

A Crise, Financier. Samuel Lemmon, Receiver. Towers, Guide. Chas Irvin, I 8 A Geaugue, V. DrHS Roberts, Med Ex.

Dissolution Notice. Xotice is hereby given that Leslie H. bmitn having tins day sold all of bis interest in the tirm of Allen bnntli to Wm. F. Allen, that the business will be conducted under the firm name of Allen Bros, who will assume all liabilities and to whom all accouuts should be paid.

John A. Allen, Leslie 11, Smith, Wm. Allen, Manhattan, March, 1880. Allen Brothers Dealers iu Groceries. Come and see us and satisfy yourselves that we can give value received in the line of groceries.

We propose handling first-class rather than cheap goods. We will sell one price to all and guarantee satisfaction in every particular. Allen Opposite P. O. For Farmers.

Have you ever heard of or seen the Acme Harrow If not this wonderful implement at E. B. Purcell's. People. Before buying your spring Clothing, be sure to call and see our bargaius.

We think you can save money at E. B. Purcell's. Mot Ice. Sealed proposals will be recei ved by the undersigned at the office of Green Hessin in Manhattan for the carpenter work, material, plumbing, plastering, paintingand for furnishing cut stone work for a dwelling house, until the 27th day of March, 1886, at 5 p.

m. of said day. Plansand specifications and detail drawings may be seen at the office of Green Hessin. Bids will be received for any or all of the work above specified. The right is reserved to object any or all bids.

Jxo. E. Hessix. Pants Plants I have some fine asparagus plants for sale. Call soon and get some before they are all gone, now is the time to set them out.

B. F. Short. Dressmaking. Miss Francis Thomas will do dress making and family sewing by day or week.

Residence Gove House between 2d and 3d sts. just south of saw mill. Flonr Flour Prices again lower. Buy the Fancy Patent at $1.60 and Victor at $1.00 per sack both guaranteed better than other flours sold for more money. Ask your grocer for these brands.

S. H. Galvanized iron. To all who wish to improve their residences 1 wish to say tbat my 8-foot galvanized iron eave trough cannot be beaten. It will not rust, scale or wear out in a hundred years; aud I sell it as cheap as tin.

1 have come to stay, and guarantee my work. A Emery Dr. Otterbourg, SIKGEOX IX CHIEF OF THE KANSAS CITV Z2. Medical Dispensary, On account of his many patients in Kiley county, will make his 2d visit to Manhattan, Friday and Saturday, lGth and 17th. aud will remain TWO DAYS ONLY, at TIIE COMMERCIAL HOUSE.

fa th latest improvement. No hooks or buttons tocatch or strain the kid, pall off, or pinch too wrist They are instantly lnced or unlaced by simple jmllinp of the cords, and fastened with small slide. For durability and simplicity of cocatrution, ease and quicknean of operation caa never be equalled. Be persuaded to take no other, as an gloves datI this lacing can be do nanded upontosivesatiauction, Handsome Dress Goods. Embroideries, Laces, Handkerchiefs aud The best 60c corset we have ever sold.

and see us. Sheriff's Sale THE ST-1TE OF KANSAS, kUivy county. la the District Court in and for said county. Peter J. Teberg, Plaintiff, vs.

John Hall and Fanny Hall, Defendants. By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the District Court tittm wittim aud for said Count of itney, t-iaie ui Kaua. and tome directed aud denveivd as ttie frucritt 01 saia Kiley county. 1 will on the is day of April, one o'clock i. in.

of that uay, at the east door oi tiie court Houee, in Mauhaitan Citv. lusaid county, otter at public tuie and will bell to the highest binder, tor oath band the toiiowiuK uVs-cnued real estate situated iq said Kney county, KuiiMtb. to-wit: 'i ne eoutb-eait quarter ot seetiuii in iowuthip Eleven ill). Boutn oi ttanire Eleven east oi the oth principal meridian, taken as the property ol said john Hall and 1-auuy Hall on an oraer of sate ls-s-uea out ot said jJistrict Court sitting within aud lor taid itney county, Kansas, and to me directed as Sheriff of said county. Given under my hand this 25th day of Feb ruary, A.

i). Loco. P. H. Mcco*kd, Sheriff ol itney Kansas.

iFirst published JIarch Leiral otice In the District Court of Kiley county. Kansas. Adelaid Caldwell, Plaintiff. 1 vs. Nelson Caldwell, Defendant.

The defendant. Nelson aid well will take notice tnat be uas leeu sued, in the district Court oi uiey county, Kansas, by the piaiutitl, Adeiaid Caldwell, aud mat her eti-tion was hied in ouiceot Clerk ol said Court on March il. l.vo. praying tor a decree of divorce oujrroundsol aauitery. and gruti neglect of duty and tor alimony to-wu; luattne plaintiff be decreed ttiv ansoiute ownership ti tne undivided oue-haif ot tne lollowin real estate situated in Kiley county, Kansas, to-wit: ine ne1 of ne 1-4.

tne s'i oi ne the et ot sw 1-4 anu se 1-4 oi Section i wenty-MA and the ne 1-4 of ne 1-4 ot section Hiiriy-tive to-V', all luvnbuip south ot Kune a-ix (ti east, and that the said elson taidweJl ie barred of ail ribt tine and interest tnereiu and Jartner that she te decreed to have and own an personal pruerty now on said land and loruieriy tne joint property of piaiutitl and deleudaiit. And iurther tiiat she be decreed the care, custody aud control of her two minor children, Cora A. Caluweil and iieiie Caldwell. And you are notified that you must answer petition or thereof on or betore the day of Aprii, JSi. or tne same will be Uuieu as true and judgment anddeci-ee rendered acctndi.i to prayer Hereto.

itucr-s my hanu tiie liin day ot A. D. lN, witn attestation ot the CierK ot said District Court. AUEI.AIO By Sam Kimble, Her Attorney. Attest: R.

J. Clerk, ol District Court, Kiley Kansas. 5otice For Publication So Land Office at conco*kiha. Kansas iarcU 1-c6. Notice is hereby given that the folio wing--named settler bus Hied notice ot his intent ion to make final proot 111 support ot his claim, and tuat said proot will ue made but ore the Juthe.

or, in his absence, betore the Clerk oi the JJistrict Court, at ivauas. on April viz: Ainus liaiian. iiome Eutry r.ur tor tiie e-se-4, -ee. ti, iowu. ts, Kaiire ce.

He names the loliowmg witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said laud, viz: Wm. tarindal, James H. Price, O. VV. craw lord, Win.

White, ail ul Manhattan. Kiley county, Kaunas. H. DooGt, Kegister. Jiotice For Publication So.

4957. Land Office at Concouiua. Kansas, Marcn lx. Notice is hereby (riven that the following-named settier uas niei notice ot his intention to make final proot in support ot his claim, and tuat sad proof will ue made betore the Judge, or, in his aoseuce, betore the Clerk of the District Court, at Manhattan, Kansas, on April M. liv, viz: Ora W.

Crawford, Home Entry No. lti7, for the sw ee. '-K Town. s. Hange e.

He names tne toiiowing- witnesses to prove his continuous reMueuee upon, aud cultivation ot. said laud, viz: Amos Hall ah, Wm. Ormdal, M. F. tiresser, james brooks, all of Manhattan, Kiley county.

Kansas. S. H. Doooe, Kegister. Notice for Publication So.

45.7. Lamd Office at Concohdia. Kansas. February 1., livb. Notice is hereby (riven that the following-named settler ha tneu notice of his intention to make final proof in support ot his claim, and that said proof will be made betore the Judge, or, in his absence betore the Clerk ot the District Court, at tt estmoreiaud.

Kansas, on April 10,1, viz: Ail red Wens, Pre-emption D. S. No. -11 for the S' jse1 and nwse' Sec. 1M.

Town. ts. Kaiue e. rie names tne following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. said land, viz: John conroy, George Mevens, James Mccarty, M.

Glenn, all ot Manhattan, Kiley county, Kansas. S- H. DiMiE, Kegister. First published March 4th ltS. Commissioner 7a Sot ice.

Notice is hereby given that we, the undersigned commissioners appointed by the Judge of the Court ot Kiley county. Kansas, will on the 5th day 01 commencing at leu o'clock; a M. of said day, proceed lo lay orf a route for a railroad of the Mauhaitan A Ktue Valley Kailway Company, not exceeding one hundred leet in wuIlu, throuu a portion of Kiley county, Kansas, trom at or near the north liueut Lot 4 in section 18 in Township 8 Si. of Katige 7 in Kiley county, Kansas, to the north line of said county, aud that we will also at the same time proceed to lay otf along said route such additional lands as shall be necessary for side tracks, depots, work-shops, stations, switches, water stations, aud other appurtenances necessary to said railroad, and that we will at the same time according to law, ascertain the quantity of land necessary tor the purposes above specified, out of each quarter section, or other lot or parcel ot laud through which said route may be laid otf, or upon which lands may be laid otf lor side tracks, depots, work-shops, stations, sw itches, water stations, and other necessary appurtenances to said railroad, aud will appraise the value of such portion ot every such quarter section, or other lot or parcel ot laud, and assess the damages to every such quarter section or other lot or parcel of laud. L.

11. Patterson. Kowland Davies. Commissioners. Albert Nichols.

Sheriff's Sale. Ransom Shove, Plaintiff. .1 Alexander Chambers. Delendant In tiie ljetncl Court ol Kney county, by rirtu of an alias oraer ot Pale iued out ot the iJititnct Court within and lor ililey eouu-ty, in tne 'iwenty-r irst judicial iJit-tnct ot tne fctate of Kanga. in the above entitled action and dated the 2tith day ot February, A.

1. In. 1 will on Tuesday, April tne 0th, A. 1. at 10 o'clock a.

m. ol said day, at the east door ot the Court House in Manhattan city, Kiley county, Kansas, oiler at public sale and sell to the highest lor cash in band, the following described real estate, to-wit: The east halt of Sjection numbered fourteen J4t, in Township numbered Eleven ill, south of Range numbered iSeven 7i, east of the sjixtft principal meridian, containiiijr three hundred and twenty acres, more or less, in Kiley county, Kansas, appraised at the sum ot twelve hundred and eighty dollars taken as the property of Alexander chambers on an order of sale issued out ot the district Court of Kiley county, Kansas, and to me directed as Sheriff of said county. Given under my hand this th day of March A. D. lw.

P. H. McC)Rl, Sheriff of Kiley county. Green Hessin, Attys for Planum. We keep nothing in the Iineof butter but the txsst dairy.

Allen Bkos. Window shades in all the latest Styles, at Buell Loug's. of the commissioners. There is but one settlement to make between Swede creek and the north line of the county, aud not over twelve more to make east of Swede creek. The depot at Ran dolph has been located on 8.

P. Johnson's land, half a mile from Beck man's store. The location gives general satis faction. The road is being well built the B. V.

will be the best road in the State; the line is straight as can be made, and solid, level and above high water mark. The people are generally satisfied, and Maj. Jenkins tried to do the fair thing. By this time 160 teams are at work grading, aud the iron will soon be in place. E.

K. Shaw Florida is in good shape. I found the damage done by the freeze very slight. Xoue of my 1,300 trees were touched. A correspondent of the X.

Y. Si'n sent a greatly exaggerated report of the damage done by the freeze, and many papers copied the same article, but there was little truth iu it. Florida will continue to attract emigratiou and as Florida oranges are being sought after by Europeans, aud the supply cannot meet the demand in this country, there is no danger of over productions. Jerome King. Winter wheat on Wild Cat creek suffered considerably by the severe 2oid in January.

Clover somewhat damaged. Stock came through in good shape. Grass, corn. cattle aud hogs will be principally cultivated, as usual, in this valley. om II'.

I believe that the next step will be to restrict the sale of liquor to agents appointed for that purpose by the district Judge. No profit should be made on sales aud all necessary restraints should be imposed. Have never used anything with such success in neuralgia and rheumatism as Tougaline. J. V.

Flanders, M. Wrights- ville, Ga. Sttck Xotcs. The Blue Valley Herd and Stud sold a beautiful l'i uiontus' old dark red Shorthorn bull at i-JM last Saturday to go to Saliue county, and ou Tuesday of this week a span of Diamond Messenger gray tuares, four to six years old, for 5o00 to go to the western part of Kiley county Good stock always sells readily at fair prices. Tha Blue Valley Herd aud Stud were never in so good condition as now and buyers recognize the advantage of buying from a regular breeder.

A line from Fred GiiTord a few weeks ago stated he would be iu Mauhattaa soon. We know well enough why he has not called, lie has much to keep him busy, looking after 125 heard of blooded Shorthorn and attending to the young Lord aud Kose of Sharons. The Elniwood herd was never before in so good condition. Aug. Lind, of Zeandale, has 100 acres in wheat; excepting that sown in the cornfield the crop is badly killed.

Mr. Hunt's wheat also suffered considerably. Bear in mind that the Dewey sale of 18 niuies, well broke, kind and gentle, takes place ou Saturday at Houghton's stables. The 100 acres in wheat on Wm. Baker's farm is mostly dead.

Sorry tor Baker, Whituiore and (iolicnu for this. Wheat in Ashland says Mr. Dix, is badly done for except that planted in tne cornfields. Geo W. llarrop has traded stock this week, securing a pair of uormau mares, beauties.

There is considerable hog cholera in the State. Take care of your stock. Ely's Cream Balm received. My head is now liquifying; Cream Balm is simply dynamite for Catarrh iu the head. Its application is magical.

Thomas Lander, Augusta Ga. Special Notice. In order to make room for a new lot of goods coming I will sell at cost Plows, and Cultivators, and Corn-planters aud Check rowers for less tnau cost Call without delay and secure a barga in. J. W.

King. Farmers! Farmers! Take notice that the best Lister, the celebrated Weir, can be found this year, at a considerable lower price than any previous year, at E. B. FureeU's. For Sale.

Two young draft stallions, two mares, one fresh cow, aud Chester White hogs of both sexes. Original stock purchased of Potts Chester Pennsylvania. Chas. W. Kimbai.l, Manhattan, Kansas.

Prices again reduced on Flour by Blue Valley Mills. Best 1.00 flour in town. S. H. Wanted.

500 able-bodied men and teams to come to Manhattan, Kansas, Poyntz avenue, No. 212, aud buy farm implements, plwws, cul-tivaUirs, Brown corn planters with Barnes' ire check-rower. Star corn planters, one-horse corn drills, harrows, all new aud perfect. Will have auction March 20th, ltwi, :30 o'clock p. at my office.

P. W. Zeigleb. CIELING DECORATIONS that SURPASS anything of last year can be seen and bought CH AEP of BL.ELL LONG, Farm for Bent. About two miles from Manhattan, 40 to 50 acres of good bottom land, some bluff, a house and stable, good water.

Inquire of H. W. Stackpole. 1880. The imported Holstein bull Prince of Eluiah No.

3220 H. H. B. wiU stand for cows. Terms five dollars in advance for season of three months sea-sou dates from first service.

Geo. W. Harrop, ease of Inflammatory Rhemnattan of nearly all the laje jointo. Gave Tux.aLISK, and to-day my patient is out and doing well." W. W.

Baxxxs, M. Eeraman, HI. "In my opinion TmQAunrt supercedes all other Sft-nalhHl fheometio remedies. S. O.

WobshaM. M. Marengo, El. Hae ttffm TOWOatET fair and think it the best remedy I have ever foond for KhenmamBn." B. 7.

Davis, Stnrseon, Mo, PRICE ONE DOLLAR FEB BOTTLE. and 111 WASHINGTON AVENUE, 6T. LOU8. disturbances tatte place. Great palpitations of tuo suunn couipieLv auue oi luiot- vuru a wuicu is iue secoiiu cases, and a heallby restoration of the geuito-uri- (His large practice at the Dispensary prevents his remaining longer,) Where he may be consulted on the Throat and Lungs, Catarrh, Kidney and Bladder, and Female Diseases, as well as aii JS'eryous and Chrouic Cases.

M. A. OTTERBOURG, M. D. Proprietor, Assisted bv a full corns ot coiniwtt-nt and skilliul puysiciaus and surgeons.

lr. ut-rbourg the bnr-Ktwu-iii'hVf. oi the Metiu al uispiiary. editor ol the M-dicttl Private lecturer aud Profess-or veneral aud IH-rmaunoyv ami title House ure-ju i. -H.

Hospital lor uroim; Disease attends pt-rsonal ly to every case. He tia be eiuiutniiy successlui in the past, and wiU give his patients tiie benefit oi" this ripe and larye experience. The Necessity for the Specialist Has long leen acknowledged, and more so ut this day than any other. The vaM held oi medical science is ever increasing, and tU numerous Oraiicne are brought nearer and nearer Lo perihelion and uo can anv longer grasp mem all; hence the necessity lor dividing tne labor. And is true beyond all doubt thai disease affecting the geuito-uriuary organs need special study more than any thing else, it we WMUld utidersiand and know bow treat them properly.

Da. OT iKHBuUHb is mlly aware that thr-re are many physicians, and some sensible people, who will condemn him tor niaKm this class oi diseases a specialty, but he is glad lo know iih persons of renue-ment and intelligence a more enlightened view is oeiug taken ou Uie subject, and that tne physician who devotes hinisetl to relieving tne aiU.cied and saViu Lueni from wre uau iletii ia no les a philanthropist and a beneiactor to his rack than the surgeon or physician who by che application excels in any otner branch o. his proiessiou; ana, loriuualeiv 10. humanity, the da is dawning wneu the lalse philanthropy that condemn eu the vic*ms ol tolly or crime, use tne lepers under tne Jewish law, 'to die uucareu ior," has passed away. I1.A1 FACTS.

At one time a disscussion oiiii secret vice was entirely avoided by the and medical works ot but tew years would hardi mention it. To-day the pnvsiciau isot a diiterent opinion; ne is aware that it is his duty disagreeable though it may be to handle luts mailer without giuVeS and speak plainly abuut it, and intelligent paieuia ana guardians win man it mm ior it. Tne reuiLS attending this destructive rice were toraierly not understood, or not properly estimatea and no importance uein attacued to me subject, by its nature doe uot invite dose mvesligation laTueUuabitgisgeuerally contracted by the young whiie attending school; older companions, by thir example, may be responsible tor it or it may Oe acquired by accident, i ne excueiiim once e.yei lencea tne practice will be repeated again and again, uuui at lal tae nao.l becomes nrm and completely enslaves Lhe victim. Jleulai aud nervous ailecuoiiaare usually the primary results Ol sell-abuse. Among the injurious edects may be meuiioueti laMtuue, rejection or inascibiiity ot temper aud general debiihtj -The boy seets seciusion and rarely joins in me sports oi his companions.

Ii ne oe a you.ig man ne will be litlle loud oi company wim me oiuer sex. anu is iroumed wun exceeding and auuov uig oasniuiness iu their presence, lascivious dreams, aud eruptions ou tne lace, ele, are ai-o promiueut If the practice is violently persisted in, more serious the heart, or eiepliccouvuisious are experience, auu To all those eugMgeU iu mis dangerous habit, or practice, I would say first of all, stop at once make every iwssioie ellon to do so; but i. you tail, your nervous sysieui is 100 much auauered, and, cue-uuentiy. your win power aruten, laie some nerve louic lo a.u you in your eitort. Hav ing ireeU iroui tne habit, 1 wuuiU lurtuer couuei you to go inrouu a reguiar course oi treatment, ior it is a mistaae to suppos mat any one may tor somettme-oe it ever so mulseli up lo luis lancinating hut Uaneeroua excitement wuuoul siidenug irom some oi its evil couseq.ieiices ai souie auuie time, int uuxnuer ut young men wuo ar lucaacuaia to nil the duties enjoined by wedlock is alarmingly large, aud in most oi sucu caxxi luis uuiortuuate coudit.ou oi tpings cau oe traced to me practice ot rl l-auue, which uad heed aoauuoued ywaTs Deiore.

Indeed a lew mourns practice is oiteu smuoietit to induce apexmatorruea laiter years, aud 1 nave many sucu ease under treatmeut at me present time. YOUAG who may be suffering from the elfc-ca ol youlhlul lulliei or inuucretions will ilo well to avail them selves oi mis, me retesi Boon ever lid l. lue Hour ui suuenug imuuuiiiy. es remember un 1U1 some satreu pearl Urotn iroiu iiie jewel uiread of friendship, soott aM heavenly lyre, lo wuicn we uuve oeeu worn lo listeu, has oeen uusued lorever. Kemeniiier "iu ualun-s garden mere is a balm ior every ul There are many at lhe age ol JU to who are troubled with to irequent evacuation of the bladder, often accompanied wuo a slignt smarting or ourmug a -caeuiug oi system in a manner lilt! nalltlll UUIUOl WWUUl wr I a-rmim-ll twrtio.

will appear, or me eoior wui le ten oi ai tk uia huh uie uim me uruiary uepojuts, ivy jruiuinu There uia" men wuo die ot mis are dudcuity iguoraut u. me appear a stage oi oerlect cure in all siininal weakness. nary organs- MarHed person, or th "SSiTSI tSJZJESFZ power, impoteney or any olhero ou SfS ah" 'by uU.earoed wuo teep Luu uioulU Jfiir mimn? Simg injurious and poisonous compound, suooid apply al once. XXI.S1S OF W03IEX k4rlalnini lhe origin and seat ol disease, and cau reier lo tne thousands ol paueo-i whom he has cured ifad Tbeen treated bv the most emineni geuecoiogists iu vaiu. ot ouiy has ue unraveled SSSaiSaMiaSSai his treatment is original, mild, sate aud thoroughly reliaule.

il. alwaya irlvf relief and whenever a cure Is praclicanle ue rstor the oauaiil 10 uwiio leiarekeptoiguorrntofthrorganizatioo tuat they do not understand the value of many of tbelrMlns land aches and other symptoms, and oiten neglect themselves until tlx complaint has They should consult him whenever oul of "soris or health, as comfort and CTM lulitaVlf can thus be secured. i. otterbourg hearUiy invite, all alluded ladies to consult h.m either in person or by letter. CONSULTATIO FREE.

Chanres moderate and within the reach of all who need scientific treatment Those who at distance and caunot call will receive prompt attention by mail and be lurulsned ith pn ww A questions upon which to write thmr ayniptoins. by simply writing aud mclosiug a J-ceul stamp, Aduresa A. OTT lltlJO LKGr, AI. 13., P. O.


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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.