The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)



3 I NG I 3Y PHONE Firms. 'RICIANS. repairing a specialty. ph. 1269-J.

Mut 1927. DELIVERY. rapid delivery, bag-1 part clly; phone 999 01 AND EQGS. CR AND FRESH EG09 Mnrkct. fr Si Ave.

ed and Unfurnlihed. rooma cheap, rand. Baker 724 ROOMS. tis at 612 Walnut, over ifflee, for rent. Apply 10 ulh.

AND ROOM. hed rooms with board. home tor young men. Sl RENT. house larding, rooming or Ily located, desirable reasonable rent If irmer tenant made for-le will do the same, it NOW and take ad-falr crowds.

Address Des Molnea, la. bad tenants (manufacturer! transfer ve, desir- story brick with base-m street to alley, con. offices, shipping room, lne location. West side. fJ3, 1'ea Moines, la.

lij iNCE. W. Dth to entrance; striotty heat; porch and line Ice: references. McCLTCHKO.N. la.

9S1-M. (1417 modern house, mission ground, fruit, chicken is from car, north west right party until March 'ase for another year? Locust. 07 Jl Hotel. 4JU Court tel; hot and cold water; ugle cots; all cars pas the poaloltice; splen- 9th rry 6th 520 6th 110 lit J.S $5 of four rooms, first avenue; suite of six Kr, 647 Sixth avenue, rust Co. 773 6 room cottage down house and 10 acre month, B.

F. Loos 07 triodcm, well ven-d, ateam heat, outside 115. Apply suite 4. over 8i iern house. 2al7 Foret ell on easy 16 Ixcust St.

cool, pleasant furnished lultahle for one or two. Chestnut street. 171 jnis with alcove, fur-keeping; rem very rea-d avenue. 044 oom house for rent in 2X13 Forest Ave. 1H p)v furnished home for 30 Rutland Ave.

Mutual 497 ooms, bath, shade fruit, ir price. Mutual "7M-B. is rooms. Inquire at 1C1 use. Mut.

74H4-K. 8)9 use: 13.11 Center St. 13 rOK RENT. ner of furnishings In apartment In Det city; will sell for cash and give Immediate oc-Ting new and complete Will make very low '-246 care Register and fl721 Mini and bath; private campus of Drake uni-clean place for summer; See Brokaw. 2411 0 G2J flats for summer; rive strictly modern; jam-Cniverslty car.

Call 7H40 Mut. 171 papered. 6 rooms, Ktve possession at one. ill 171i Mut. phone.

CT8 ton Cth and School. 1 coolest flat In city. In-i Bank Itldg. OCT 5KM best flat In city, a phone 6i9 or call o'J3 en room brisk Hat, mod-nts. Hansen Drug oom apartments adults tlsrh.

Mut. 7M1-I1 191 'Al NOTICE. on Layton Agent of The inal Reservoir ampany )enver, Colorado. rentals, exchanges and emoved from 317 6th offices at 310 Crocker 074 )OM3 FOR RENT. floor new building, 7th suitable for mfg or Rolllna, 204 K.

P. Blk. 5ft7 store rooms, northeast mil Locust. R. Coskery, Trust Bldg.

0710 100x22 suitable for light or storage. Over 117 W. ED TO RENT. ENTXTuVnlseTllaTOT location suitable for first September 1. Address L.

Hotel Tama. 337 SIC1AN locating In Des room with well estab-kddress F-248, care Reg-r, 193 i for houses to rent. List ker, 610 I. L. T.

Mut. 173 ED TO BUY. feather beds; highest old feathors. Will stay Molnea. Address Simon and I will call.

t97 second hand furniture; st price; Iowa Furniture Jt Iowa phone 1722J, 077 EST in small established two partners preferred, are Register and Leader. 173 )UR old furniture and ee Furniture Store, sua 071 Itore before you buy or ture. 718 Grand. Iowa 722 good. Highest prices.

H. Grand. la. ph. 1140-X.

810 buy a stock merchandise (W Montezuma, la. US BUY Left handed J. Box 704. field 771 PROUDFOOT BIRD, Flynn Bldg. SMITH.

WETHER ELL GAGE, architects, joo Youngerman Bldg ANALYTICAL CHEMI8T8. MACK CO. Analytical and consulting chemists Science Hall. Highland Park College. CIVIL ENGINEER.


Notice ia hereby given that the undersigned have axeiocialed themselves together as a body corporate under tula nine of the code of lowa as amended. 1. be name of this corDoralinn hImII ha I. FKANKEL ESTATE. iNCORPoRAT- EDt and its principal place of business shall be the city of Des Moines, 111 the county of Polk and slate of lowa.

6. itie general nature 01 the business to be transacted by tins corpoiatlon snail be: lo acquire and hold for DurDoses of In vestment and lo sell, exchange and deal in, real estate and personal property. It Ghall be authorized to acgulre real estate or any Interest therein, leasehold or otherwise, to own, hold and dispose of tha "me, and to let and sublet tne same: and It also may buy, own. hold and sell personal property of all kinds, Including tne capital stocks of hanks and other corporations; It may alxo construct Improve. nients upon Its real estate, and shall nava power tu borrow money and mortgage or otherwise pledge any real or personal property owned Dy 11; ana may loan lis surplus funds or Invest them In any legal manner, including the power to Invest its funds In mercantile enier-prises and businesses, and to that end may acquire an Interest 111 such enterprises and businesses.

3. The amount of the authorized capital stock or this corporation Is the sum of one hundred thousand dollars which shall be divided into one thousand U.imo shares, each of the par value of one nundied dollars (tii'i). The capital stock shall bo issued under the terms uid conditions mat maj; be prescribed by the boaid of and the board ot directors may from tune to time direct the issue of portions of the shares of stock not Issued ai the time the corporation commences business, uo this may be deemed Lectsaary or expedient ny the b. ard. At ieael sixty tnousaiid dollais of said stock snail be Issued be, ore tnid ccriKiration transdcis bumnees oilier than that incident to us organization.

4. Tins corp "ration commence on the 27ih day 01 June, and 4liul! continue for tne tciin of twenty (jui years tlieiealier, with tile right ot renewal as plovided by law, subjert to the right of the holdcra of a majority of the stocK tc dissolve such corporation by vote ot a majority of the stock issued and outstanding. j. The affairs of this corporation Bhnll be conducted by a board ot not less than three W) nor more than live to) directors. Unlti such limits lite number of sucii directors may be fixed by the stockholders at any regular or special Until otherwise hxed by tne stockholders tha board of directors shall consist of five members.

Tne officers of this corporation shall be a president, vice president, treasurer and secretary. One person may hold two of such offices at tha Same time. All otneers and directors oi tnis corporation shall hold ofthe for one year or until their successors ara chosen snd qualified, and any vacancy In any office or in the board of dlrectora rosy be Qlled by the remalnlnn dlrectora until the successor of the person thua chosen to till such vacancy Is elected by the stockhobleis or directors at an annual or special meeting and has duljr tiualified. The directors shall be chosen by ballot at the annual meeting of the stockholders of tins corporation, which shall be held on llie first Tuesday after the lot li of January In each sear, commencing with year A. D.

l'JOS, st the principal oilice of the company In the clly of Des Moines, county of polk and state of lowa, at such hour as may be hxed by iho dlrectora or by the bylaws. The officers of this company shall be chosen by th board of directors at their annual meeting, which shnll he held Immediately after the annual meeting of the stockholders. Until the annual meeting of tha stockholders In the year A. D. 1D0S, and until their successors are chosen and qualified, A.

Fiankel, M. Frankel, N. Frankel. H. Fninkel and Meyer Rosen-field shall constitute the board of directors of this corporation, and Its officers shall he Frankel president, N.

Frankel vice president, nd A. Frankel treasurer ind secretary. 6. The highest smount of Indebtedness to which this corporation shall at any time subject Itself shrill be sn amount not In excess of two-thirds of Its capital slock. 7.

The prlvnle property of the stockholders of this corporation shnll be exempt from liability for corporate debis. Signed this 1st day of Julv, A D. 1M7. M. Frsnkel, A.

Frankel, N. Frankel NOTICE TO OCCITYINU CI.AU1AN T. Slate of lowa, FJolk county, To all whom it niHy concern: The commission appointed to locate a highway, coniinertcirg at ih? southeast Corner of the tn1' Hvtt section li-7-2r lit Polit county; running ihenee west 0 roda termination at the soutlieHst corner of the sw' ss', section has reported in favor of the establishment thereof, and nil objecnons thereto or claims for dutmics must he bled In the county auditor's oftice on or before noon of the nlnet'enth day of August. A. 1).

or such liicliwav will be established without reference thereto. Witness my hand and set), this nineteenth day of July, lld.7. Lew Burnett, County Auditor. Drainage To Be Let Bids will be received by the auditor of Osceola county at Slhlcy, up until noon of the loth day of Sept. for tha construction of ehout 8 miles open ditch.

About 103,000 cu. yds. excavation. For specifications and further Information write. A Co Auditor Rail Tab! auway lime es NORTHWESTERN.

Arrive. Depart. d.U pin. Sioux City St. Paul.

am Omaha 4. it) pin, 2:15 pm b.lj am. s.eo ptn 1.46 ant 'U am. city 2:40 am 7.45 11: 15 am 5 am. Los A.

Overland Llin 2.40 am am Chicago Express. 4 pru ROCK ISLAND, UOiNU EAST. Chicago Local am 7:30 ML 7:30 am 11:58 Passenger. ...12:10 pm 6:10 pin. and 6.20 pin :42 "Big Jim towa Limited.

pm Local 2:16 atu ROCK. GOING WEST. 5:46 Rocky ML 6:60 pm 5:00 am. lowa 7 :0 ara 6:66 am. 6" 9:00 am 11:10 am Fast Mail ant 4:10 pm Omaha Local 4:23 pm 3.46 am Omaha Flyer 5:60 aiu k.uu Des Moines Local.

C. 1. P. TO KistvUK. 10:46 pm Keokuk 600 ara 3:43 pm Keokuk 12:25 am 10 46 am Eluon 6.30 pin I pm.

aim So. 12:06 pm WINTERSET BRANCH. 11:00 internet lnd 7:00 am 4 26 Winterset 5:66 am 816 Winterset lnd 6.10 pin GREAT WESTERN, GOitvG NORTH. 6 46 pm. Chicago St.

P. Lim. pm 7 66 am. St. P.

Ex. am 2 27 am. Clly 2 :36 mil Marshalltown L.ocal 6 u0 pin GREAT WESTERN. GOING SOUTH. 6 10 City 6.30 am 11:66 am Day Express ,..12:10 pm 6.i6 Nigul i-xpress K.Jo pin 1 40 Local.

BURLINGTON. 7 65 Peoria 7:45 am 12 20 Peoria, Chi. 7:46 pm 10 40 P- 12: pm 6 16 C. Pacific Coast. am M.

ot ST. P. FONDA LINE. 7:66 Spirit Lake 4:36 pm 110 pm. Sioux C.

8 40 am C. M. ST. LINE. 1:26 and 7:10 am 8:16 Mall ajid 4 16 pm 5:06 9.35 pm II 10 a Chicago 10:36 am 12 36 am.

City 1:30 am MINNEAPOLIS ft ST. LOUIS. Trains leave Union Station, OO pm Pay Express 5:15 am 7 20 am. City 9:06 pin 2 45 ft 170 pm WABASH RAILWAY. 8:00 am.

Loula 8:10 pm 9 00 pm. Louis Est. 6:60 ain IOWA FALLS SHORT LINE. 7:33 pir. lowa Falls 4 00 pm am Iowa Falls 1:20 ana Indicates dully.

Choice Iowa Farm Sacrifice Price On account of health must remove to the count ani will my farm at much tnan actusl value. Constats of SM H're, miles from good market. All fln level land, except about 60 acres, nillinn; bt of Roil; ideal attention. Kiv good of buildings each conslMlnir of aut'Stanilal house, b.irnn. cribs, windmill, etc.

Fflim could be divide Into four frirms of 160 acres ench and one of 320 acres ith (rood Improvements on ea-h farm. Want to sell whole tract at once. If you cannot handle. It ail, interest some of your friends to locate with you Must sell now. Address B-268, Register and Leader.

192 Look Here A widow is compelled to sell country home at a sacrifice, s-room house with flne porcelain bHih, toilet, furnace, In midst of big shade trees. Good barn and 4 acres with all kinds of fruit trees, raspberries, peaches, etc. It a only hi mile from the stale university and the. city Is building toward U. You can m.ike a living here and educate your children.

I'rlce 00. Easy terms. Possession Sept. 1st. The place will be worth In years.

Address. Mrs. D. D. Flckes, Iowa City.

la. 730 SO A. near iMltchellvllle, Jasper all good farm land, $5 per A. 160 A. 2 ml.

from Colfax, fine land, nice home, $92 00. 60 A. In Jasper at $80 per A. worth $100. 260 A.

In Warren all good farm land well Improved $65 per A. 80 A. near good town In Boone $100 per A. Write us what you want, location desired and we will aond speclsl list Corn Belt Land Trust Co. Successor to Frank Hall Land Co.

MADISON COUNTY, farms for sale. Write for new and best list. Over 200 (arms. Central Land Winterset. la.

728 MISSOURI. Missouri Fruit Lands $5 Per Acre $5 DOWN $5 PER MONTH. In the famous Osark region. Own a 5, 10, or 20 acre tract of this land and it will grow into money for you faster than any other Investment. Wouldn't you like to lay claim and possess a deed to 6 or 10 acres of the best fruit producing land In the United States? This Is a proposition worth the attention of every man In every calling.

If you are poor better make the sacrifice now and lay by per month for a few acres of this land which will be worth much mor than this In a few years. The rich have already invested In Missouri fruit lands, nnd on the easy terms offered every man and women ought to. This is guaranteed fruit land and is located In the greatest peach, pear and apple producing section in the wrrld. Doesn't an offer like the above attract you It ought to because there are few like It on the market, today. You are not buying stock.

You are buying land, to which you will receive a guaranteed title. Write us for particulars as to what fruit lands Improved are worth and what thev will produce In dollnrs. IT WILL STARTLE YOr. Better Investigate this at once and then send your first payment to the Mechanics Savings Bank. Dea Moines.

Iowa, payable to the Missouri Fruit Lsnd Co, upon delivery of deed, or aend direct to Missouri Fruit Land Co. 414 Manhattan Des Moines, la. Bank references furnished. Five agents wanted. Write today 192 OKLAHOMA.

FOR SALE 287 acre! mostly tine bottom land. A. J. Parker, Oakley. Oklahoma.

7 SOUTH DAKOTA. SOUTH DAKOTA We are located In the Blue Blanket valley In Utter and Walworth 8 II. Best of soil and well improved farms. Auents wnnte.t For particulars call or Packard at Company, Hoven, 8. tun INFORMAHON regarding clie.m Dakota lands along the new railroad extension In Walworth county, address james coney, immigration Agent, tielby, B- D.

061 A FINE improved 100-acre farm near Kenreld. H. new house and barn $21 per acre. Write for our bargain lift Fuller lvtnd 130 4th St. 0715 HYDE and adjoining S.

land lor sale. Reliable agents wanted Moiden Land Loan 676 Good Des Moines, Ia. 036 SOUTH DAKOTA LAND lor sale. seres of choice land In central Soulh DHkois Address t. T.

Felland. Slou Falls, 8 D. TEXAS. WANTED Salesmen sell Texas farms few more good responsible men who can earn as others are doing livio a month selling me nest land In Texaa, situated between two railroads, and near town of 6.0i) people at pi Ices and terms to suit piirrnnsers: also nave a wholesale tract mr sale; tne best proposition in stale A. M.

Jennings, State Agent. Excursions nrst and third Tuesdays. Newton. Ia. VIRGINIA.

VIRGINIA FARMS Send for catalogue. Three hundred special bargains. Poilard and ttaghy. Rlrhmono. Virgins.

WYOMING. Several ss. fcki-aore traols for sale in the neit farming districts In Wvoming Every one a snap Also several good ranches Homesteads free. c. L.

Beattv Pine Bluffs, Wyo. 728 Choice grain and stock lands, whole sale and retail. Homesteads free. L. Kern.

Pes Moines Oslt GOVERNMENT LAND. GOVERNMENT LAND Where and how to obtain It? You csn learn by Inclosing Ihc In stamps for reply to Box 3L Dea Moines. Ia 172 FARM LANDS FOR SALE. SNAPS 40 acrea adjoining Superior, $2 000; 40 acres In Chicago. $18,000.

To close estate. VV. M. Anderson, Devils Lb ke, N. D.

67J FOR SALE Farms of all kinds, from 50 to $1 per acre. Apply to J. E. Moore, over 6 North Seventh Richmond, Ind. 830 87 ACRES at $S0 per acre, carrying 6 year lease with annual rental $5 per acre.


112 W. 5th Street. Snd floor. OSCAR STRAUSS. 60K-T Crocker Des Molnea PARSONS A PARSONS.

Suite 4o Iowa Loan at Trust Bldg. 043 N. T. GUERNSEY. Manhattan Bid.

rUDLEY COFFIN, $01-2-3 4 Iowa Loan Trust Bldg. F. KORNS. W. G.

BONNER. 701-7i2-7(B-7fi4 Ia Loan and Trust Bldg. DUN8HEE DORN. Offices 615-617-620-523-524 Clsop Block. BUKKHE1MKR CHURCHILL.

Clapp Block. CARR, HEWITT, PARKER ft WKIUHT. Toungerman Bloclr J. B. WEAVER.

Rooms 415. 417. 411 and 419 Citizens' National Bank Bldg. SURGEON. J.

W. OSBORN. M. Burgeon. $oi Clt-aena' Nat.

Bank Bldg OCULISTS AND AURISTS. Dr. Duncan, 644 Good eye. ear, nose, throat diseases. Spectacles to fit any eyes.

0712 DR. F. E. V. SHORE, 511 Cltliena Bank liidg.

DR. A. H. WEBER. Over (20 Walnut St DO YOU WANT to get Into business in a NEW TOWN? Then "hit the trail" for MOFF1T, N.

D. New town. Just starting, 2 railroads; future summer resort, as it is on lake shore. Country filling up fast with Iowa farmers. Hard to believe it.

but it is true. "Corn, bogs and hominy Is the future crop. Can seil you corn land for $i5 an acre close to the new town. E. E.

Secor, Mofflt, N. i i-'7 ELECTRIC light plant for sale; I will sell the complete station, equipment of my electric light plaat as I am enlarging tna same; this equipment Is suitable for a town of from to population, or for large office building. A snap for some body. Jll care Register and Leader. g74 FOR BALE Good paying drug store in southern Iowa town.

Population 6.Mi. Street paved. IStock including fixtures Invoice about $3.110 Located In brick building. Will sell building or rent at $25 per month. Address Camphor, care Regular and Ieader 475 FOR BALE Small stock of goods, about $S00 worth of shoes, $160 worth of underwear.

$226 worth of fixtures; fixtures in clude a Hallwood cash register; must sell; Dig discount. Address A. Miuiaen, Pocahontaa, la. 775 FIRST CLASS restaurant tn one of the very best towns tn central Iowa; doing good bublness; good location, good room and town located on main line ot uock Island R. R.

Write your wanta to R-107, Register and Leader, Moines, la-JMs $7,000 CLOTHING stock for sale. Fine lo- cat on. cltan stock and fine fixtures. Largest established clothing trade In live town of Owners going into wholesale business. Good cash proposition.

S. w. tseinen aon, yrmneii, is- urn FINANCIAL INVESTMENT 8 per cent bearing, gilt edge, guaranteed securities for sale. Only those meaning buslnees need apply. Address Lock iiox 47, Des Moines, la 174 l- ui.u-A ni4l cairn uouriling liouju, close in.

Rooms tun. A good invest ment to right party. Cheap rent. Rea son lor 1 want to leave city, au-dress V-64. curs Register and LcHiier.

OM Your business Incorporated, capital fur nished, discharges in bankruptcy, estates settled, damage claims and all legal busi ness given prompt attention. Merrltt st Odel. Attorneys, 307 Mil. Mo FOR 8ALE Restaurant and bakery In a town of about oJ. A good Ice cream businesa In connection.

This is a paying business and will bear Investigation. Ad-dresa V-12i, care Register and Leader. 0717 HA1RDRESSING PARLOR doing excel lent business, with large patronage, is malm Tlt-ml Irtcjltpri tn flnori rea sons for selling. Address (5-41, Register and Leader. WE GUARANTEE to sell as cheap as any.

Watches, diamonds, jewelry on credit to the people. Smiih plan, $1.00 a week. Smith, News Arcade. Open evenings. Repalrlng: 192 FOR SALE Only drug stock, with build- ins: In good town; owner aoing to t.m- cago to study medicine; price moderate.

Address w. s. care Register ant Leader. FOR SALE On easy terms an up to date barber ship In good town; good business; have other business. Address A 176 care Register and Leader.

74 FOR SALE One of the hest paying drug stores in touihein lowa. It in the market don't miss this. Address, V-134 care Register and Leader. 4:7 FOR SALE Restaurant uouig a good business in a cliy of 12, uw Going out of business on account of health. J-lii, care Register and Leader.

FOR SALE Drug store. Invoice $2,500. Snap. Good prescription trade. Going west, must sell quick.

Y-136 care Reg-lsier and Leader. bl7 FOR 8AI.E Drug store In good Iowa town doing nice business, good reason for selling Address 163, care Register and Leader. H18 FOR SALE One of the cleanest and best locHt-d gen. mdse. In northwest lowa.

No trades. Address, D-35 care llegltti'r and Leader. (M A SPLENDID halrdresslng outfit, complete with small Selected slock, i'rice $UW. Must be sold at once. Dr.

Ada Fuller, lowa phone. 044 ON THE ACCOUNT of Illness will sell well ptivlng bakery and resmuraut In county seat of 1.200 inhabitants. Address, Box 7ft2 AlRdrld. la. FOR SALE-Half Interest or of a profitable maifufactui ing buHiii-ss located In Des Moines.

For particulars address Box 31, City. 172 BEST RESTAURANT In will Invoice. 4 year lease $60 per mo. Write C. M.

Allen, Waterloo, Station A. 813 FOR laundry plant; profits per year. For particulars address V-rtH care Register and Leader. FOR SALK-Up-to-date drug store, city lowa. Bargain If sold soon.

B-a care Register and Leader. 811 DRUG STORE for sale. Worth Investigating. Must be sold at once. G-Sl, care of ReglsJerandLeader: FOR PALE Fine, up to date, dress club.

doing satisfactory business. Address 7 care Register and Leader. 0714 BARBER SHOP for sale; two chairs; good location at Carroll. Ia. Roy Sup-plee.

Carroll, Ia. S3 DRUG STORES for sale all over the U. 8. and Canada. F.


Moving West Reduced rates on shipments of household goods to ail points in CALIFORNIA, WASH OREGON, NORTH DAKOTA, MINNESOTA AND COLORADO- Through oar service and saves ou 25 or more from regular rates. Write for folder giving full particulars for packing and shipping. BLUE LINE TRANSFER 200 6th Dea Moines, la. 0223 t.iW ACRE IMPROVED RANCH NEAR FORT COLLINS, COLORADO, to sell or trade for any kind of property. B.

F. LOOS 207-s Watrous Blk. 061 KANSAS. 12,000 A. RANCH, house, barns 5i0 acres in half ran be plowed.

Watered bv 2 streams and wells. Clark Kan. Price, $4 60 per A. Tedrow tk Richard, Corydon, Iowa. NEBRASKA.

IN the fertile Elkhorn valley a first clans, well improved 160 farm for sale; price, $5,000. Will take soma trade. C. II. Williams, Atkinson, Neb; 812 IOWA.

Iowa Farms Write for my large Illustrated catalogue of IOWA farms from 10 acres up to TOO acres and ranging In price from $40,00 to $96.00 per acre. I have a number of farms 1 can sell on a small payment and carry the ballance on tha land for long time at low Interest- Send for my 1907 list. J. Shriver Winterset, Iowa. 85 OWN YOUR OWN HOME We have a large list of good farms for sale In Webster, Calhoun, and Greene Counties, Iowa, if you want a farm In the corn belt we have it, we can sell you 40 acres up to a section.

Write ua for our list. We also handle exchanges. Woodard Land Company. Gowrie, Iowa. 723 11 ACRES Warren adjoining Nor- walk.

well Improved. 200 acres Beadle South ISO acres under cultl vatlnn. 21 milea from 3 railroad sta lions. For further information call on or address Dr. H.

C. lett. 20 Ltlca Bldg. 0830 WILL SELL MY FARM of 1) acros, lo. rated ml from court house, for $100 ner acre.

Best of land, fair Improve ments, near station. Adjoining land held at $lw per no netier man mine. Address A -244 care Register and Leader. U2 FOR SALE My finely improved farm of 240 acrea In Oeceoia Ia-, at $65 00 rer sere. For terms write owner, D.

Creglow, Remsen, la. 197 TWO SMALL Polk county fruit and chicken tarmo for Near town. Price reasonable. Address Buckejr Qraeber. SheldahL la.

72S A New List For Bale 50 properties In Des Moines both dwelling house and buslnese locations. These have not been on the market for neveral years and are no" listed at prices calculated to effect quick sale. We offer some good Investments in line of extension of the east business district; also a number of desirable small nouses and eeverol good Income firopertles; also 75 lots In a fast grow-ng portion of the city at prices from ISO to $200 per lot on weekly or monthly pavinents. C. M.

Stewart A 107 E. I-ocust. 79 Have You Selected a lot In Woodland Place, J5th to 28th betwe-i Woodland and Center? Some splendid Tots left at $300 to $600 each. $5 cash e.nd $5 a month. Numbered stake with price on each lot.

Covered with beautiful trees, cloae to car line, gas and water; sewer ordered, streets being graned. A Sne speculation; an ideal place to live. PERCIVAL-PORTER 105 W. Fifth. 7 Bargain Sale A 10 room house close In.

lot SOxlSJ, worth $4,000. Make us an offer. Owner wants to go west. Hatton-Mc Cute hen Agency, 808 Fifth St. 071S Special Bargain A fine room, nil new, modern home on Forest near 16th furnace heat, hardwood floors, lot 60x132 feet, cement laundry, excellent bargain, good terms.

Mack Olsen Co. 16-16-17 News Arcade. Both Phones. 0719 Beautiful Natural Shade 200x180 feet, Park Lane, near Ingersoll. one of the very few choice residence tracts left In west part of city.

Bargain for quick sale; might divide. Corn Belt Land Trust Co. ii) Crocker Bldg. 192 Exceptional Investment Fine 13S acres, well Improved, south of air grounds, with railroad running IhroiiKh It. Kino for suh-dividlng or factory sites at low price to close an estate.

Mack Olsen Co. 16-18-17 Newa Arcade. Both phones. 498 FUR SALE Several desirable residence properties at low prices. Can sell on monthly installment plan and payments no larger than rent you are paying will uuy you a pome.

Iowa Loan Trust Co. 795 BF.ST BARGAIN In North Des Molnea. Modern 6 room cottage, fine basem*nt, east front, good shade. Terms liberal. 1314 11th Bt.

818 Wm.Montgomery, Real Estate 214 Cupp Blk. Office phones, Mut 7340-L; la Residence phone. Iowa 845. 07S NICE 7-R. cottage, paved good neighborhood, strictly mod hot water heat, bargain If taken now.

Edwards. ZLa 5th St. 696 TEN room house. 1 block south, 1 blocks west of Highland Park college. Enquire SIX KUuM HOUSE, downtown, only for quick deal; easy terms.

B. F. LOuS 207-8 Wainms Block. 0411 FOR BALE All new 8 room strictly modern house, lot COxlTn, fine shade. 1131 W.

rd st 07n NEW 7-R. mod. house; oak floors and finish; built for home. Absolutely first class in every respect. Cash bal.

easy payments. Wilson, 414 Manhattan. 071 REAL ESTATE. A fine 10 room modern house, with small barn, located at 730 W. 19th Des Moines, for sale or rent, cheap.

Also trie large residence and half bicc at N. E. corner of 14th and High St. lot sale at a right price for cash. Also soma of the best farm and stock land In Iowp.

for sale at from $J0 to $66 per acre. Gooa Improved farms at $40 per acre. Call or write W. J. Davidson.

New Virginia, Is. Tit GODBY Wichita. and Cres- t.m. I Rent Estste and Exchanse. S3 REAL ESTATE WANTED.

WANTED 1.000 acres cheup rolling land near town In southern Iowa. Will pay cash and smaller farm. Address, care Register and leader. 0721 FORT DES MOINF.3 REAL ESTATE. Lots bo 6 ou down, l.oo per month.

(See Porter at Depot.) The place for a home. 728 ACREAGE. Urbandale Acreage The right direction from business dis trict; best of car service; 6c fare; low taxes; easy terms of payment; lowest in price. One 6-scre tract, per acre. One S-acre tract.

per acre. Two 2-acre tracts. $400 ner acre Let us show you these real bargains. Corn Belt Land Trust Co, 209 Crocker Bldg. Successor to Frank Hall Land Co.

19J BEAVER Ave, north of Urbsndale car line, three beautiful acres with new nouse seven r.oms; monthly payments get a home with rent money. J. PHILLIPS. Iowa Iian ft Trust Bldg. 193 FOR SALE ACREAGE 8.

Five ajres In fruit nnd pasture with six room house, on Fort Des Moines car line, small cash payment, balance on terms to suit. Edwin Proctor, iisnnatian Minuting CHOICE ACRE on Virginia close to business center, street put to grade, fruit and shade trees set out, low price 1 einiinnimii r.iiiK. HIGH, fine hying lu acres or less on ra nuns, ui viiy, ui vuu. special inducement If you build. H.

H. Lanta, 2nC tih St. 047 CHEAPEST and best acreage In the city east of Park lane and south of Grand Ave. Easy terms. Edwards, 216 5th St 0210 BUSINESS PERSONALS.

ACCOUNTANTS. L. A. WILKINSON, Dea Moines, Iowa. County and corporation worn a specialty BATH AND MASSAGE.

LADY ATTENDANT Turkish baths and eh rooodv. Suite 16 over ll walnut St Mut. phones, office 82. rea. 783S-L.

0821 MESSEUSE SPECIALIST Cabinet bath with salt rub. 624 Good Blk. Hours 10 a. m. to p.

m. CASH FOR TRADING STAMPS, CASH OR PREMIUMS for green trading stampa. Best value for your stamps. East Side Trading Stamp Store. 431 E.

Loc. 0319 PATTERN WORKS. DES MOINES PATTERN A metal patterns, drawings, laeaa aevel nned lnvenions perfected, models, expert mental work. C. G.

Cine. 414 W. Court av. 727 SHOES FOR DEFORMED FEET. A.

HARTUNG, shoes for deformed feet 50 yrs. experience. 10 Grand, D. la. 16 CHIROPODIST.

Ciirni hnnlona bad nails. Dr. Humphries. nvar RjuLcon Bhoa fiLora. WaL Mut JW6-K.

full blood pups. Prices reas-rOinier onbe. H. 817 1th. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE.

J. inn acres of land part highly Improved. 4 housea, 6 bains, free water right for Irrigation, 600 head of cattle Including loo milk cows, teams. Implements, ranch fully equlped. price Will exchange for Iowa south Minnesota, eastern Nebraska or Kansas farms.

Owner will divide "light. HEAT POWER CO. Owner of a Light, Heat Power Co. In good Iowa town desires to exchange an Interest In It for good Iowa farm and turn the management over to the party who exchanges for It. Modern mill, built In lftoi.

within SO miles of Des Moines, price to exchange for land, will add some cash. We have indue, farms, lands, and other property In the Central. Southern and Western States for sale and exchange, and listing new prnjwjsl-tions every day. Central Exchange 506-A Crocker Des Moines, lowe. 12 ljirge room house on the N.

E. corner of ltith and Pleasant, lot 124xl2H'i. Exchange this for general stock or small city property or sell It cheap for cash. New 6 room cottage on E. 'Sth St.

Will takg a vacant lot as first payment, the balance monthly, or sell cheap for cash. 201 acres on the Interurban to exchange for general stock or city property business, block, clear, to exchange for cheap land. Folcey, 207 Fifth St. For Sale or Exchange Hotel In good Iowa town for Minnesota or Dakota land. Brick store building for land or Income property.

Large farm In Marshall Iowa, for sale. Will take a good irmoli residence property or small farm as part payment. 200 acre Iowa farm cheap. Capital Investment Co. 203 Marquardt Des Moines, la.

193 f*ck 8ALK OH EXCHANiiE-Slce little farm of 72' acres, located Just a half miie from the postoflW at Cherokee, farm comes out to main street, sidewalk within on block of buildings. Will take stock of merchandise up to $4,500 or good cleir income property that rents well. This will make a nice little place for some one who wants to live close uo to one of the best towns In Iowa. Write for further particulars of the buildings and land If interested. C.

H. Woodard, Gow-rie, Iowa 721 For Exchange Controlling Interest In a manufacturing concern doing good business and owning valuable patents. A man who can give his time snd attention to the business can make $10,000 annually. Present own-ctf have other Interests which, absorb their time, farm land or city property would be considered. About $7,000 nec essary.

Address Manufacturer, care of H'-glster and Leader. 9 Highly Improved 200 Acre Farm Near Moines to pxchnngft for larger farm In Western Mfsnourt or Southeastern Kansas. (Must be good land. S. K.

NOLAN 400 voungerman Des Moines. la. 0719 8 room, modern. Iniversltr Place. $3.

son 7 room, new, modern. North Dea Molnea. 8 rooms, hot water heat, $8,600. We can locate you anywhere In the city. Also four good well rented properties clear to trade for Iowa farms.

Have some bargains In flats. Brock Willis, 110 Manhattan Bldg. 0029 EXCHANGE-187 A. 8 miles from Mo-Crory, Woodruff all level, 40 A. In cult.

Bal. tine timber; $1,000.00 inc. Price $30.00 per A. 4 M. to R.

K. 40 A. Wayne Mo. Clear. Price $25 per and 1H0 A.

Cnrlton 2 miles from R. ft. anil town, inc. Will trade 1, 2 or all for mdse or drug stock. Tedrow 192 FOR SALE OR EXCllANdlJ-400 to l.Ooi) unimproved Wisconsin land; price from $10 to $12 per acre; none of It over tr.ree miles from R.

R. Would consider good elevator or anything of value. 1 1 Weizel tk fed Rapids, Iowa. 722 A. In Ringgold Co.

for small stock of mdse. A tine D. M. residence for Iowa land. If you have anything to exchange give us particulars for quick deal.

AMERICAN HEAL KSTATB 4M Good Block, pes Moines, la. 192 WK have several Improved and partially improved farms in Minnesota to exchange for good Income property; come and see us, we will mske you money. Bannister Land all Manhattan Bldg. onix HAVE YOU A LITTLE MONEY TO INVEST? Bee M'p'mirt Fruit Land ad under heading Missouri Lands on want page. It's an opportunity.

19J FOR SALE OR TRADE Fine 125 hbl. milling plant with SO.OHO bu. elevator. Doing big business. Can give a deal if you want a mill.

C-2i5 care Register and Leader. MI WELL IMPROVED 132 acre farm, Wapello four miles of Farson; will take a small stock of goods as part payment. Address, J. H. MoCullough, Milton.

N. Dak; 773 FIRST CLASS ten room residence in excellent location to exchange for partially Improved weftern land. Address. Y-144 care Register and Leader. FINE southern farm, level prairie land, well improved to exchang for D.

M. residence. Box 339. 073 WILL TRADE CASH and small town property or an fo-acre farm In for Des Moines property. What have you? W.

W. Townsend, 228 6th City. 0713 HAVE an excellent section of land In N. E. Brown South Dnkotn, to exchange for drug stock or mdse.

A. T. Redmon, Box 213, Sioux City, la. 3 TO BUY, sell or exchange lands, city property, farms, merchandise or chattels, write Townaend Realty Modaio la. ONE of the best bakeries in the city, or exchange; cheap If taken at once; will tand Insnection.

P. O. Box 941. 614 FOR SALE or exchange, 80 acres of unimproved land In western Iowa, Address. Iick Box Extra, la.

193 1S6 ACRE Iowa farm to exchange for Iowa farm. R. M. Welch, 27 Clapp Block. 1 Uto ACRE Iowa farm to exchange for Iowa farm, R.

M. Welch, 207 Clapp Blk. Jit! CITY FROPERTY FOR SALE i Beat Propositions Ar Llatod Har Dally. Read Every One. About homes in Des Moines.

We have not got time today to describe a lot of houses to you through this advertisem*nt, but if you want to buy phone or drop in. We ll show you the finest list of houses you ever saw big and little any part of Pes Moines, Price and terms right. Vacant lota all over city. J. C.

Mehan Co. Third Floor Utlca Bldg. 291 To Make Quick Sale JSS Hal Park and elsewhere for low prices. Small payment down, balance long time. Furnish money to build If necessary.

C. Huttenlorher, 6th and Locust 724J FOR SALE Forty University lots between 3th and 38th streets. Cash or small monthly payments. 8e Hunter Bros, (owners), with the Dea Moines Fire Insurance Co. 071 FOR SALE Cash or payments, residence No.

1073 w. 12th; might trsde for larger nronertv. Address Box 77. Patterson, la. 174 IF YOU want a coay home aea No.

1430 W. 11th St. before yot buy. Will make prica righr- i AAAV I I MONEY LOANED ON DE3 MOINES REAL- ESTATE Hatton-McCutchen Agency aue una no we: am Mo.NEY TO LOAN en farm and city teal estate. Low rules and favorable term.

Iowa I nan ti Trust Co. 117 I HAVE money to loan. VV. H. ARNOLD 93 MONEY TO LuAN ON REAL ESTATE-Samson Noble.

Attorneys. Clapp Blk. 7 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS AND SALARY. VERY LOWEST RATES On Chattel or Salary Loans If you borrow 115, pay back .41 a week. If you borrow pay back .60 a week.

If you borrow $36, pay back .65 a week. If you borrow pay buck .75 a week. If you borrow $35. pay back 1.00 a week. If you borrow $40, pay back .1.25 a week.

If you borrow $15. pay hack 1.69 a week, if you borrow pay back 1.75 a week. You get the full amount In cash. No extra charges; no red tape. We guarantee strictest privacy.

20 years In business. A. Adler, 315-313 Utica Bid 0721 We Do As We Advertise We will advance you money on furniture. l.i lion, horses, real estate, or salary, at half the usual rales. We can do this because we have the largest business in the state.

We make long or short lime bans. Private rooms for con-f nil 'tiiui. Rebate if paid before due. "Square treatment" is our motto. Fidelity Loan Co.

Rooms 633-634-635 I'tlca Bldg. 0721 OUR PROPOSITION ON C1IATTICL OR SA1.AKY LOANS IS THE HKST IN THE CITY. This pays both Interest and principal. I weekly on JO I $1.70 weekly on 45 1 00 weekly on. 2.15 weekly on.

60 1M weekly on. 3" 2.26 weekly on. K0 1 weekly on. 36 I 1.70 weekly on. 75 1 weekly on.

40 4 B5 weekly on. ion We advertise our rates because they re the lowest In the cltv. S. Gordon, 517 Walnut St. Room 301, over Krankel Clothing Store 062 Look This Over First This pays both interest and principal: wf-ckly on I $2.

"ft wrrkly on 1 10 Wfpkly on 3ft 2.5') weekly on 75 on 3.S I 3.f0 weekly on 100 other amounts in like proportion. If you are ginK to burrow on your fur-nttur, piino, hordes or nalnry, see ui and pet nur proposition. It will pnv vou. Our is CONFIDENTIAL. Privatft tennis for consultation.

Fidelity Loan I'tlca Fifth Floor. 0711 Get on Easy Street Pecaiipe you have no inal estate security is no resson why you should be tor-ii-rited with several dribs of accounts ayriinpt you. when you can Instantly upon tishing, get of me the whole amount you nd and repay It in sniull weekly or nio.ithly payments, or as It best suits your convenience. AA business strictly confiderltlal. All deuls falrlv and honorably executed, ft.

ENOLKMAN, Kuom 100 Capital City Brink Building, fast 6th and Locust Sts. 1 AM A YANKEE CARL QU1MB1. OVER 610 WALNUT To loan In salary, chattels, household goods. Everything confidential. No one will know It but you and 1.

la. ph.MMX 0713 Capital Loan Co.209 Clapp Blk Loans on furniture, pianos, horses, eta All business private. Kasy terms. Bom phones. 630 MONEY I OAN KI SALARIED I'EOfLK and others, without security; easy oftices in fiO prlncipnl cities.

Tolrnan. ill Manhattan Hid. 316 tl street. 1025-2S onk rr.rt month a Lnvlh Intel est snd principle on $20. liO VUl' HKL1EVR 1T7 It's just as reasonable as others promise.

WE MEAN THIS If vou v. Ish to borrow on your salary or furniture at rates you can afford to pav call en us. S'i'ATK I.DAN S09 L'TICA BLDG. 0713 nn lurnlture. pianos snd V-'Jbll aii gooil personal securities; easy repayments.

Ira It. On via Co. tll.t Younacrmnn Rlk. 12 FOR SAI MI3C LANEOUS. 100 Typtvvriters 10 to $65 Stock of 6''0 rebuilt and sliRhtly used mncnines mat are to an purposes equal to new at bargain prices.

If you can't call, write for list, prices nnd terms. All makes rented. Kent applied. B. F.

Swaiison 210 5tn Street, Des Mollies. 0718 No More Mosquitoes Mosquitoes are completely routed with our wonderful new discovery. Skat- Pkceto. Send 6c for sample. Lnrce patkane Jfic.

fikat-Skeeto I)e Moines, inwn. 597 FOR SALE- Finest, handsomest driving IiuiM' ill uiwn. hkp weiKm pen' tie, fast; also light road huiritv and harness. I'all 70S Yoilt'Keinian rtldg. Knit SALK-Plano; liinh grade; practically new; will be sold at a great sacrifice; must be sold at once.

I. Friedllch 73 West 17th St. ae JEWfcTT typewriter No. 4, latest model, equal to new, 15.00, ensh or time. B.

F. gwanson 210 utli Dea Moines. 0710 FOR SALE One Fairbanks dormant or floor scale, 3000 lb. capacity, guaranteed good as new. Box 3'J4.

Adel, la. 0721 FURNACES, $75.00 up Installed complete; Ideal heat for old or new houses; satisfaction guaranteed. Iowa Furnace 4011 E. 2d. Mut.

6K-E. 821 SNAP Team ponies, 6 nnd 7. The pacer a fine paddle pony, gentle as lamh, also harness and huguy; two weigh Box ink, Swea City. la. 674 FOR SALE Motor cycle, 1904 model, Marsh, 4 H.

good running condition. Price $i00. P. Tillmoney, I.ed- yard, la. FOR PALE $2,500 stock general mdse.

at big discount for cash at once. Address F-245, Register and Leader, 272 FOR SALE Cue U. S. cash register In good condition, first check for $20,00 takes It. Uox324, Adcl, la.

175 WELL BRl'D. atylish, fust driving mare for sale. Price right, liiilo North Washington St. Mutual 7t'2-L. WHITE CHIFFON HATS.

maaun a new white SAILORS. 819 10 WORK, del A fam. horses, harness spring wagons. Shivers' Barn, rear E13 Grand. OUR HOME-MADE gutter will spout your house to last.

A. V. Nelson, 60S E. Grand. 67 IMADC Is King of all Pianos.

Sold Ml ADC. at 315 7th St. 281 FAMtLY HORSE, surrey, harness, safe. 2M0 Brattleboro Ave Call evenings 173 PHAETON, harness, bicycle, nearly new. sidesaddle, 3M3 Grand.

lady's 171 LARGE soda fountain for sale; cash or easy pay men! a. 314 8th t. W26 TWO trotting bred stallions for aervlce at feed yard 1 1 20 Locust Bt. i 0714 GOOD fireproof Dlebold safe; weight 1.M0. 6" Youngernia Blk.

113 FOR SALE Spider phaeton, good aa new. Phone 1775 Iowa. 0611 HOUSEHOLD GUODS tcr aaltt, 810 3rd street. ttt NATIONAL ELECTRIC SECOND HAND Recently owned and used by Mr. G.

E. Ellyson, Marquardt Bank; new batteries, in splendid running condition. Great opportunity to purchase excellent car for little money 5500 cash buys it. Riddell Auto Company EIGHTH and LOCUST STS. 0721 CADDILAC 4 passenger, fine condition.

Used very little. Tins macnine win ne sold at a bargain. Owner leaving coun try. Address P-288. Register and Leaner.

VII CLAIRVOYANT. Met- Millar Trance Medium, loc lYirS. miller $oa nth st. nw. located cor.

16th and Walnut Iowa phone 50. 07 BICYCLES. Byrd Repaired W. 728 MQOre ing a specialty. Grand.

EDUCATIONAL. The summer school at the Capital City Commercial College, Des Moines, Iowa, Is now in session. Work in all departments will be maintained throughout the summer. New classes July 29th. Send for catalogue.

EXPERT TRUSS FITTER. TRUSSES OF ALL KINDS. If you have not tried MILES you bave missed fhe comfort of proper truss wearing. 6th and Locust FURNACES. lALUUtl.1.

tior bLASl' for comfort and economy. Crescent Furnace Foundry South 6lh and Madison Sta. Both phones. 730 HOU8EPAINTINQ. S.

HARTEDORP, 916 Walker well known Dutch painter, will deliver you first class in and outside work. Graining a specialty. Ask price. KEELEY CURE. CURES LlyUOK.

Drug and lobacco ha him Sand for free booklet. Long dis tance phone, VV. 4th, Dea Molnea. In. PLANING MILL.

Ml orit7 General mill work. Lets LclllZ. figure on interior finish ings and mill work. Screen doors and window frames a specialty. Office 915 Grand Ave.

72j MEDICAL. Hemorrhoids, Piles, Fistula My work caused me to stand; straining caused plies; was cured without loss of time. $2.50 lor tun mrections Money returned If not satisfied. Box 80J, Esgle Grove, Iowa. 814 PLUMBING.

Chris Nelson at reuaona- Mut i 728 413 8th street. PHOTOGRAPHY. Amateur finishing done by experts, Eromptly and carefully, at lowest prices. ies Moines Photo Materials Co. Head quarters for everything photographic.

730 STAMP PICTURES. MORRid Finest sump pictures. 616 Wal. 730 PICTURES AND FRAMING. nAkliUuN ART CO.

Seventh si PERSONAL. DRUG HABIT The newest discovery and radical cura for drug addiction In the world. Can cure you at your home or my peraonal care. All correspondence strictly confi dential. Address Box M.

Grlawold, la. 83 LAMKS! Ask your druggist for Cnlches. term Pilla the DlHtnond Brand. For Jo years known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. Buy of your Druggist.

Take no other. Chichesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold bv DtiiKttixls evervwhere. 6-4-16 BUSINESS PROPOSITIONS. Brick 1 lie Plant For Sale Modern brick and tile plant in Central Iowa, now in successful operation. will be sold at a very low price sale Is consummated within next thirty days Plant Is fully equipped with up-to-date machinery, good close market excellent shipping facilities, good yard trade, and is a splendid opportunity for good live man.

Capacity, 250 cars per teason of 10 months. Will earn $4,000 par year above fair salary lor manager. Batis factory terms to anyone worthy of credit. Best rensona for selling, but must be sold reasonably soon or will be taken off the miirket. Address J-176 care Register ana 1-eaaer.

0717 A good location for a doctor and part interest In drug store tn Dea Moines for sale very cheap Address L-S4 care Register and Leader. 072 FOR SALE ONE OF THE LEADING LAW OFFICES IN IOWA TOWN 15000. SNAP FOR BRIGHT YOUNG MAN WITH SOME EXPERIENCE. INVESTIGATE. ADDRESS M-263, REGISTER AND LEADER.

175 A PAYING DRUG STORE; SNAP FOR RIGHT PARTY. WOULD SELL PART INTEREST. REASON FOR SELLING, OTHER BUSINESS. Address Register Leader. 771 HAVE IOUA LITTLE MONEY TO INVEST? See Missouri Fruit Land ad tinder heading Missouri Lands on want page.

It's an opportunity. 193 IF YOU WANT a creamery writ A. Kauftman, Lookrldga, Iowa. "NT 0 (I (A.

The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.