The Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)

CL12 The Arizona RepublicThe Phoenix Gazette Apr. 1, 1992 To Place A Classified Ad Call 256-91 1 1 Help Wanted Help Wanted 8300-lndustrial Help Wanted 8444-Office Clerical Help Wanted 8444-Office Clerical Help Wanted 8490-Restaurants, Help Wanted 8630-Sales Help Wanted 8630-Sales Help Wanted 3175-Administrative Professional Help Wanted 8555-Phones Sol, Survey Help Wanted 8490-Restaurants, Clubs Lodging 8555-Phones Sales, Survey Clubs Lodging CNC ExperCNC Operator Programming not nec. Salary based on exp, 796-9702, 8-2pm Office Clerk, busy phones, filing, copying, lite typing, Immediate opertng, wl (rain. 9574677 AGE 16 UP PT ofc work, 5-8pm, also wk end. NE Phx.dpndble 971-0169 FOOD SERVICE MANAGER ESCROW OFFICER Needed for busy office.

Most have rninimumof two years Part time File ClerkRecep- As a minimum must be diet BUSINESS Development Person needed for fast growing commercial finance company. Experienced with local finan-. cial community. Sales, marketing and loan development experience necessary. Send resume: P.O.

Box 16006, Phoenix, AZ 8S011 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WEEK SALES Average 1300 wk to start for first 30 days while training. more for the right people. If you expect more out of life than you are tionlst busy law office. IQT lecnnican. coniact Linaa CLERICAL SUPPORT East Vallev Various Openings eaaaaaaaaaaaaadaaaaaaa STOP! IF YOUR JOB ISN'T BE-COMING TO YOU, YOU SHOULD COME TO US.

WE HAVE IT ALLI CNC Lathe Operator, must be able to operate, set up 8c program. Night shift, good pay, unlimited overtime. Those who cannot program need not apply. Apply at 1402-AN. 26th Ave.

Noon to cranaan a. assoc. 835-7072. AA Energetic KITCHEN, BROILER SHORT ORDER COOKS needed for Sconsdale Galleria restaurant. Exp In food service req.

Apply daily after 11am, top fir of Scottsdale Galleria at Bitter Root Cattle Co. (Scottsdale Rd Camelback). Bring COPY of drivers lie. 8. Soc Sec, card.

A 5343 N. 16fh St. Sulte'tOO. Immediate opening for Exp'd 174; 100 a Aima BreaKiasi a. uinner look.

Ap 345-2036 NO FEE tot ply mm n. 2rn Ave. 975-8787 FURNITURE SALES Only those that want to work 81 make money need apply 5855 N51sf Ave, Glendale Guaranteed Excellent pay, geinno, 1 win reacn you a ous. that can provide financial Independence. If Interested call Mr.

Wells 943-5536. ITALMex Rest needs working Mar or partner, Cooks, Prep CNC MILL Mln 5 yrs exp programming 8. set-up matsurras CAD CAM wauto CAD. Sky Arizona, 17464 25th Ave a. lasmer.

yti-jtau hourly comm cash bonuses. Exciting professional atmosphere. Full time Income AM-PM Servers, Room Attendees, Housem*n, Apply Quality Inn (1-108. Elliot). DO YOU NEED MONEY NOW? Immed openings wkly Hourly or commission No exp.

nec. 7-3 Mon-Frl 894-1700 Tempe location AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Leading Scottsdale Invest InsideOutside Sales Rep Unique marketing program, yrs experience req. 841-4012 POSITIONS AVAILABLE Sec'vWord Processor Data Entry Recep'tLlght Typing General Office If you are looking to work for several prestigious companys In the Phoenix Area and have 6 months or more experience call 602-275-0116 we are continuously Interviewing for these positions Temp Express Of Phoenix Call 275-0116 DAVENPORT- Exp, Setup Operate. Own tools. Sal DOE.

ment Banking, firm. Hiring with part time hours. WE SELL FUNI Exp'd telemarketers, real estate exp a plus! Call for Interview, 277-2900 ATTRACTIVE adult dancers, wait staff, big Mile High Club 1926 W. Deer Valley, 780-8502 LA PINATA REST, Now hiring exp'd manag training stock brokers. Candl.

dates se ected wi II be thosi or Asst. Escrow officer. Excellent salary benefits package. Call Sue tor Appt. Arizona Escrow Financial Corp.

3700 N. 24th 130, Phx, Az 85014 954-2629. All replies strictly confidential LOAN PROCESSOR Mortgage broker expanding processing staff. Seeking experienced Conventional processor. FHAVA experience helpful but not mandatory.

Must be highly organized wlfn strong people skills. Top dollar compensation plus bonus for closing. Medical benefits. For confidential interview, call raig 258-5766 (pvt extension) Apply lo-na 11040 2lst Ave ers bartenders. Apply at INSPECTOR, must be familiar most Interested in the finance career.

Must hp hriaht. npr. 3330 N. I9th Ave, M-F 2-4. BAKER Needed.

Must have 2 years experience. Apply at Winchells, 27 Ave ortlien. CUSTOMER SERVICE WOMEN $7.00 PER HOUR WITH BONUSES Due to recent expansion, we have 10 Immediate openings in our Telephone Hosiery Order dept. No experience nec -we train. 7am-lpm or This is a salary bonus position with profit sharing medical insurance.

Metro-Center area. 861-0616 ext 10 An experienced Appt. Setter to start. Reliable, dignified position with an opportunity to grow. Rapid advancement for producers.

Markatel Inc. 248-0008 wan aspecisoi oarrerr Inspection paper work. Must CMM exp. Day shift, good pay, lots of overtime. Apply at (402-A N.

26th Ave. 1 sonable willing to fearn. No exp In finance req'd. College helpful, personal Interview deciding factor. Call Mr.

Kramer Franklin-Lordlno, 947-6262. Barmaids for small beer 8, wine bar. AMPM PTFT No exp nec. Phx 233-9686 INSIDE SALES Macintosh peripherals, Maior manufacturer of Mac storage memory products Is seeking 2 qualified inside sales reps to sell to reseller corp. accounts In Seattle the Northwest territory via phone from Phoenix.

Macintosh experience, sales experience a MUST! No entry level applicants, please! Base salary, commission, benefits Includes health, dental, 401 K. Call Grant for Interview 437-9907 EASY SALES Inbound Only. FTPT. Apply M-F 9-lpm. 7021 N.

56th Ave. LINE Cook, experienced preferred. Apply in person, 3626 E. Indian School Rd. PLASTIC pipe manufacturer PT mornings Secretarvrecep tionist.

Typing, computer, light bkkpng, good people skills. Call after 4pm. Scottsdale Design Studio 947-179 7 BROWN DERBY TEMPE TdKing appiicanons tor a sod i phases of operation. Extruder LINE COOK Apply, after mon-fri COCO'S 2740 North Lane (near Metro) ATTENTION ALL PROS Promotion room needs top guns. Pay weekly, 17 commission, no reserves.

Guarantee $. Nice comfortable office. Ca Phoebe 968-1619. operators, maintenance, Q.C. inspector, blender operator.

Line Cooks, Pantry Help, Bqt Servers, Room Service 8, Bus Persons. Apply in person 2-4pm at 4400 S. Rural located In IMMEDIATE OPENINGS PT SECRETARY 20-25hrs. flexible, Macintosh exp a must, call Marnl 350-1320 Appiv in person G8.S nous-tries, 2547 Jackson Line Cook exp only, breakfast, lunch exp. Start Immed, good pay.

TatumT-B rd 996-2202 MGR TRAINEE $18K Nat') finance co! Career training! Recent business degree sales ability! Xlt advancement 2 raises 1st yr for aggressive indiv! Call Ruth, fee Snelllng Snelling 277-1818 tne bmbassv suites Hotel Telemarketing NO SALES FT l-9pm; PT 9am-lpm, l-5pm 8, 5-9pm. Start working REACH more qualified appll- International real estate firm cants with PUBLICGA looking for exp comm'l sales 1 Kt! ATTN: TELEMARKETERS Experience not necessary. hour projected. FTPT. Call Mike, 944-7771 TOMORROW ZETTE classified adverflsinj ertising.

BUSSER Experienced, for mand fine dining. Cal agenTs. 24J-V 155, jonn or bop. day. To Gour-1 935-1515 dancers Hrcomm tips Rumper Rm 3614 McDowell 278-5313 V2.2UU reaaers every Help Wanted 8340-Mechanical DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA DATA ENTRY Numeric data entry operators needed for great co A AD SPECIALTIES place vour employment advertising call 256-91 11.

Outside JOIN WORLD OF VIDEO National sales reps (2) needed to estab new acct's. Repeat orders secured. Xlnt salcomm 276-7776 Company Will Train You AZTEC TEMPS 6560 N. Scottsdale Rd, G107 Scottsdale, AZ 85253 483-2000 MOBILE PARK ASST MGRS, Ive near Blythe. Salary housing.

Send resume to MHP 307 W.2nd St, Mesa, AZ 85201 CARROW'S 2026 N. 7th Street Now hiring Cooks, Servers Cashier. Apply in person. EARN S6-S8 HR. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA $300,000 Revolutionary mktg concept breaks US business record million 1st yr.

Our people are earning astronomical incomes. 10 people have already earned over $400,000. our top sales person has In the 1st yr. Our stock has lumped from 51 to $10. We require key marketing people to work from home tor the Arizona expansion of the highest paying co in America.

Call for free info. 602-280-9956 ASE certified, Chrysler or Toyota tech, willing to relo noenix in Arizona call toll-free 1 -800-352-5095. Trained ad-vlsors waiting to help you from Monday through Thursday, Friday. with xlnt working condi PAID WEEKLY Monday-Fridav Salary, Bonuses Scottsdale Airpark Loc. CALL NOW START NOW cate in snow low, xini pay, new clean shop.

537-8887 X66 co*ckTAIL SERVERS Shifts Now Available ASE Certified Mech wanted for Luxury conference resort. tions. Blue jeans stereo headhpones OK! Minimum 10,000 accurate keystrokes Recent Ins. claims exp desired. Send resume to: 3135 48 St, 4 Box 31 Tempe, Az 85282.

car care facility, interviews Fr10-2, Sun 9-1 f. 5050 W. Bell Part time Exp'd Assistant for interior design firm. "A people person pref" $6 wcom-mission. Call Bev, 951-81)9 PLACEMENT REP.

A well established technical school is in need of a placement representative for it's PhoenlxGlendale campuses. This nnsitinn rpnnirps pvrpl- NO BUlIWsiNCE 1951 998-9411 INSIDE SALES REPS SEVERAL OPENINGS Professional telephone sales reps needed for long term pos. Enthusiastic assertive people needed to contact former NEED EXTRA MONEY? CALL THE HONEY BAKED HAM COMPANY We are currently hiring for part-time temporary positions for the upcoming Easter holiday. ABOVE AVERAGE STARTING WAGE COUNTER SALES AND Aovancemeni opportunities. Xlnt emnlnvpp hpnp- Ka.

txperience A national telemarketing com panv is now hirlna profes flts. Apply in person at the ASF Cprtifipd Mprhanir Im. mediate work for Big Tires, sional sales reps to start per hour standard or reverse. Base pay plus prod Human Kesources uepi, Mon-Fri 10am-4pm. 7700 E.

McCormlck Parkwav OLonsaaie. ror imo y40-z5J I RECEPTIONIST. Jubilation Hair Styling is still looking for a mature, more stable FT or PT receptionist Tue-Sat Interview Wed, 10630 N. 51st AvePeoria. No calls immediately, wno are motivated to earn great commis- existing customers, exp phone Bales crt a MUST.

Call 993-1888 or apply asap. ASE Tech opening. 2-3yrs shop No phone calls. EOE AAAA $40Kf Nat'l Co seeking LARGEST RV Dealer in Arizona with two locations in East-Mesa has a few entry-level sales positions available now! No experience necessary we will train vou! APPLY IN PERSON ONLY OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS 2661 E. Main, Mesa siuiii.

yai-uioi ory-iyo. exp. must nave own toois. Firestone-Phx 849-8738, Cave career minaea Ai reps. Blaine Wholesale.

423-7070, A PERMANENT POSITION SCOTTSDALE CONFERENCE RESORT creeK wi-vjtu beta WH-4B4U, 10410 31 AVE 417 uction bonus. Our top temporaries are earning $11 per hour! Various lent verbal and written communication skills. Prior placement experience required. This is a full time, salaried position offering excellent benefits. Please contact Jonathan Price at 602-934-7273 or feel free to Fax your resume to 602-930-9606 EEOMF Drug test req rUUD KKbPARATION National multi-faceted mar ketina company needs 12 out RECEPTIONIST needed full or part time hours avail.

Excellent phone skills a must. Prof front office appearance. Apply Galco Int'l Ltd, 2019 W. Quail Ave. 258-4368 going Marketing Reps for PUS I HONS AVAIL SENIORS AND STUDENTS WELCOME AUTOMOTIVE Installer.

Must have own tools. Experience required. 943-3659 AAA Expanding Co. looking for enthusiastic person, neat appearance, must have 5yrs sales knowledge of lani-forial products, mechanically inclined. Warehouse, office exp, typing.

Willing to do physical work along wsales. Clean MVR. Own car 484-0555 insiae saies. rnone exp a Ava S10 Hr. Comoanv bene shifts and days.

Missouri 24th St. Apply at nearest LIGHT in-bound telemarketing, sales, parttime fulltime, pleasant office environment, mature, reliable, clear, enthusiastic voice a must. Call for appt. Mon-Frl 842-4694 fits bonuses. FTPT flexible PHOFNIX (Pierre Pla7fl.

nours. can carol, yty-3i3 South of Thomas Mall, Corner AUTO MECHANIC; Foreign 8. American. Complete set of tools, local refs, neat appearance 8. drivers lie all a must.

416 E. Baseline Rd, 9, Mesa. Success in AZ since 1958 CALL NOW Receptionist, FT, must type 60 wpm, to key by touch, exo w15 line PBX, data entry filing, Nonsmkr preferred. Call M-F 256-2656 location: 316 FLOWER COCO'S IN Scottsdale is now hiring for Line Cooks, Pantry Cooks Food Servers, both AM PM shifts. Please apply in person Mon-Thurs 3-5pm at 4700 Scottsdale Rd RecptOperator $6hr $1300 ot Nortri44tn ana oak GLENDALE (Plaza de Oro, Corner of Olive and 51st Ave.) MESA (706 West Southern Ave, between Extension and NAIL care Co seeks highly motivated person for product sales to salons.

Exp. helpful. Salary comm. Call 997-8081 igmng oonus aner ou pays. ACCESSORIES (automotive) counter salesperson, exp pref.

Trlr hitch, window tint, etc. Apply 405 Main, Mesa EOE can uu-yiU4 I (2 blks So of Osborn) 10410 31 AVE 417 LIGHT in-bound telemarketing, sales, parttime fulltime, pleasant office environment, mature, reliable, clear, enthusiastic voice a must. Call for appt. Mon-Fri 1)42-4694 AUTO Repair shop looking for mature helper. Must have 2 yr exp, own tools, clean license.

Ask for Bill or Joe, 840-4489 PT LEASING Weekends 2 days at apt complex. Must be people oriented have sharp appearance. Hourly wage xlnt bonus. Apply at PB Bell Assoc, 8603 Royal Palm, Suite 210 (just E. of Havden) RADIO PRODUCER for top rated morning show.

Must have at least 2 years broadcast experience. Send resume to: KF Yl, Employment Office, 631 N. 1st Ave, Phoenix, 85003 country uud) (MM. WATTS LINE SALES COCO'S 9801 Bell Road now hiring Cooks, servers 8, ca-shiers. Apply in person RECEPTIONIST Phones, appts, charts, no exp necessary.

Full time-part time. Hurry! Call Candl. Fee Snelling 8, Snelling 277-1818 NORTHERN Arizona Resort seeking qualified Maintenance Supervisor. Send resume to: PO Box 50143, Phx 85076. Experienced or will trained.

BEST DEAL IN TOWN Call Sam 230-0012 BODY Person, must be exp'd, have checkable references. Must be ICAR. 265-2172 ADMINISTRATIVE SALES IN ARIZONA BE DEBT FREE To find out how, call 1-800-395-7527 for 24 hr rec msg NEEDED Appointment Setters. No exp, will train. Top comm bonuses.

939-2180 COOKS: ITALIAN EXP ONLY FT, Lunch 8, Dinner. Apply 2501 E. Camelback 381-0515 RECE PTIONISTSwitchboard Part time, 25 hours weekly, $6hr. Mesa. 464-0233 NEED A JOB? Up to $6.50 EXPERIENCED MECHANIC Must have own tools.

Not automotive. 243-0026 NOW HIRING Adult dancers, bartenders, servers, bounc-ers. The Candy Store 246-8476 Success in AZ since 1958 no Ki-ri is an equal hourly, no experience necessary, will train. 279-5205 Receptionist busy phones, fif CORVETTE Cafe now accepting applications for: Bartenders, grill cooks 8, food servers Apply between 2 -5pm at National Market Research Firm specializing in Data Collection seeks Manager for Mall facility in North Phoenix. Ideal candidates will have niarket research experience but will train the right person.

Excellent communication administrative skills required, Must be flexible work well under pressure. Position re- quires high degree of respon- sibility. Generous salary 8. benefit package plus bonus. Send resumes to: Nancy Kemmeries, 26009 99th Dr, Sun Lakes, Az.

85248 opporiuniiy employer Bl 18 E3 El S3 19 ing, puoiic coniacr. ben. clerical skills, Call today 279-9966 NOW HIRING adult dancers, servers. Top Solid Gold, Bullhead Cily 768-8787 FRONT END HEAVY LINE Mechanic, 10 years mln exp. 5 day work week 246-498) corvette care 8, Lounge, 6225 Retail MGR TRAINEE Entry Lt Sales Exp Some College Fast Advnc Super Bnfts 15.6- ADVERTISING SALES 5 yr local publication expanding.

8 new SalesSvc positions created. Need personable, stable, mature area mgrs. Training, support, stability 8. terrific commission. 264-1992 EOE DATA ENTRY vv.

uianuier ouuievara RECEPTIONIST Answer multi-line for RB Electric. 780-2216 NEED $'S Best comm deal in town, draw against comm. Average yrly income 40-60k for those who work hard 5 days perwk Exp only need apply. 941-5559 Now hiring adult dancers, bar- SI6.6K z6J-BJ56keypersvc COUNTRY SUITES BY CARLSON GENERAL Service Tech. Oil changes, qualified In general safety car inspections, light service, 2yrs exp.

483-2447 renaers, servers, Bouncers. Burban Flagstaff 774-4887 Immediate Front Desk posi RECEPTIONIST- P.V. law office. Typing required, non-smoker, full time. 996-5227 We offer xlnt pay bonus referrals for xlnt keyers wreverse standard numeric skills between 10,000 8.

50,000 keystrokes, several W. Phx Iocs. Call Susan 242-1826. Tad Temporaries EOE QDQE2BQQBE CHOOSE YOUR OWN HOURS SALES REP-FEE PAID 4yr tech degree w8 credits chemistry-no subs! Sales exp a plus! Send resume-no calls or follow-ups. Snelling 8, Snelling, 3030 N.

Central 808, Phx AZ 85012 attention: Rita GOLF Course Mechanic w2 years experience. Apply in tions available. Experience required. Full time with flexible hours. No phone calls lease.

Apply at: 1660 W. Iliott Rd, 14 mile East of Receptionist, corporate medical office, heavy phones, filing. Call Donna Mon-Fri 244-9500 person Family Golf Center miliums RV PHONE PROS Financial pkg is back! If you make 4 sales a day call now! Cash advance program available. Call 263-7660 iuy b. Mcuonaio, scottsdale Private club seeking PT 8, FT wait personnel.

Apply Tue-Frl, 10am-5pm, The Lakes Club, 10484 Thun-derbird Blvd, Sun City NEED FOUR GOOD SALES REPS For mobile home sales. No real estate license required. TRAINING AVAILABLE. Average $30K first Lamida 944-3135 Ask for John WE'RE FLEXIBLE PART-TIME Full Training Guaranteed VERY PROFESSIONAL FNVIRONAAFNT I- id on fciiion Rd. oil ac High SCHEDULER Dispatcher Data Entry, 2vrs exp.

PT, 5hrsday, M-F. 829-1786. tor cepnng applications CROWN STERLING SUITES is looking for dependable peo Small complex needs boss, J1300 apt utilities. Musi be sharp. Hurry.

Patty. Fee Snelling Snelling 277-1818 PHONE SALES, commission positions. Interviews Frl 10-2, auny-i I.5U5U w. Ben Ka ple to Tin ine toiiowing tun 8, jju per sale, 2 shirts available 8a-2p2p-8p. Call 941-3949 Walking distance from ASU luniv.

Kurau NEW HOURS OFFICE EQUIP SALES adv opty Auto Allow Base to $1400 Bill263-8356keypersvc Independent repair shop seeks qual ASE Cert Line Tech. Good pay, bens for qual per Data Entry Operator needed for North Scottsdale auto insurance office. Smoking office. Call 947-2244 ask for Jeanette PHONE SALES Hourly bonus, weekly pay, exp only, full or PT. 264-1396 Salad Prep Cook, full time nights, xlnt pay.

Call Chris, Pischke's, Scfsdl, 481-0067 Early morning, morning, af THE RAPISTS-Youth 8, Family, for FT counseling position. State cert pref, bi-lingual a. Good salbens. Golden Dawn Cojreetia 3223 1st Ave, Tucson 85719. 888-0111 pan Time posmons: Suitekeeper Lobby Attendant Laundry Attendant Night Cleaner Please appty it persm at 2630 E.

Camelback, Phoenix. SALES 931-3232 ROBERT LUKE SECRETARY $15,600 ANNUALLY Immed opening for self-motivated Individual capable of organizing setting up office In East Valley. Wilf train. Basic computer skills typing a must. Advancement opportunities.

Call Bill 273-1447. son. vvorK v-i-. uan zao-e 104 ternoon, evening, weekend. As our Telemarketing Reore- LUBE PERSON for loc redl- BBBBBBBBl sentative, you would work in OPTICAL Department, mix co.

Min 3 yrs exp Must have some mech exp on equip DancersEntertainers. adult, JC Penney, Superstition a tun, professional environment contacting customers nationwide for major clients earning a great part time must nave lul, onrrs sal neg Send resume to PO Box Professional Sales Pros earn $8.00 $12.00 hourly securing new subscribers for The Phoenix Gazette. Call Mr. McDonald 954-7196. work In a profess'l environment at the aroest.most luxu DATA ENTRY in receiving.

4354, Hhx, 85U80 or call for Apply 10-4 weekdays, Sine Springs Mall, needs FT person, some sales exp. pref. Salary, comm. store discount. Must be rious ciud in me southwest.

money on a scneauie.tnat you appt, 582-5429 Maroware, isuN.sisr Ave. Fyrnllpnt ttinrltinn rnnHitinnc up. t-or connaentiai inrer- Tiffany's Cabaret, 44 N. 32nd DATA ENTRY CLERK 8. CSR view, piease can MECHANICS JOURNEYMEN Secretary-Receptionist, must be able to organize acom-Plished multiple tasks while maintaining front office exposure.

Construction exp preferred, not necessary. Send resume bv 4692 to UCI Homes, 1067 E. McNair Dr. Tempe AZ 85283 ARE YOU READY? Please Address Replies to RepublicGazette Box Numbers as follows: (Complete Box Number in Ad) co Classified Advertising Dept. Washington 275-3095.

able to work evenings 8. weekends. Apply in person Can vou build manaae buper lo wxim unrrs Reg263-8356keypersvc pt TELEMARKETERS Truckina co has rarpernnntv: DANCERS- Exotic. Wait large sales organization STuaems welcome, 4-ypm 264-1396 Distribution Clerk full PT Seeking qualified Individuals for the following positions at resses, No Exp Nec. Scotts-Loc.

$100.0 Or Better A Week. heavy equip. Min 5 years exp MACK, Cummins, fabrication, all facets of repair. Night shift. Good pay for the right positions avai no exo.

neces 1111 ATTN: Used car, truck, boat 1 lie r-nueiiiLidfl. Arizona RepublicPhoenix Gazette sary, will train. All areas of TELEMARKET Day Nite snirt. Must Be 18 DREAM PALACE 437-4691 rne vaney. ys-46 salesmen, positions opening at Phx's best lot, casual attire person Dene.

tut. appiv DIAL AMERICA 894-0264 Mjy a. ura av, Knx am-4pm EMERGENCY Chiropractic arrituae. can tor into y92- DANCERS exotic, adult, big money. Abilene West 267-8218 Outbound telephone sales, if you have a good attitude and can bring your personality thru the ohone, we need vou nas 1 clerical positions 1 iuu sonny.

SecretaryOffice Manager Experienced person desiring permanent home. Computer 8. accounting knowledge a must. Professional appearance, well organized. Salary DOE.

Apply 331-42 at 1121 E.Missouri, Suite 226. 120 E. van Buren Phoenix, AZ 85004 This will enable us to forward your reply promptly OUTSIDE SALES MECHANIC needed Mercedes 8. BMW's, pay DOE, 8150 E. tves lease 269-44 open, t-or into can y56-o4.

A building materials Sales DANCERS 8 HOSTESSES ESCROW ooeninas for Recep Kaintree, Me scrsai AUTOMOTIVE SALES MANAGEMENT professional for a recognized industry leader. This MECHANIC with rerpnt la- to set appointments for a growing company. Paid weekly. 10 people needed now! Tempe, AZ. Call Air Plus 253-6100 PLUS $200 bonus if you can start now' Exp not nec, adult tionist, tscrow secretary Asst Escrow Officer.

No phone calls please. Apply at quar exp. for small British car Maior Metro Mesa Dealer looking for experienced Sales posmon req. an aggressive 8 ambitious indivudal who will expand business shop. Loventry Motors, 224-0627 SECRETARY DISPATCHER Experience In dispatching general office skills required.

Please ca 258-70 37. CLEAR PLEASANT VOICES jjj u5Dorniuu, Founders Title Agency Appivarrer i lam, Blue Moon 2911 E. Van Buren 267-0005 1702 E. McDowell 253-2425 TELEMARKETERS, need 4 managers. Asst.

Mgrs 8, 1-8, Mors with heavv sales experi MOTOR Repair trainee with some driving experience. Not EXEC SFC TOS1B.770 ADMIN. ASSISTANT 65 wpm WP5.1 Front Office Retail Admin. Exp. Pref'd RETAIL SALES LEADPERS0N Exclt.

Comm. Skills Exp. Req'd RETAIL SALES AGENT FRONT DESK AGENT VALET ATTENDANTS Lite phone survey, salary. No exp nec. EveWkend No Selling.

433-1804 Ext 16 Be riahr hand tn expr riirprtnri Day HostHostess, exper ence. Our growth necessitates looking outside our sales staff aggressive people to set service national video accounts. Pay during tr. High comm. Call Elaine 276-7776 auiomotive.

24 juu26 Help Wanted 8222-Computer Personnel SECRETARYRecepl. PT M-F, $5hr. Resumes to: 5202 So. 39 St. 2, Phx, AZ 85040.

vtexican t-oou uisnouts Broiler Cooks wanted at Ma- Tor managers wnn srrong PARTTIME SHOP HELP, 12 Professional appearance! Top skills Word Perfect 5.1! Great oootv! Call Ruth. Fee maintain current customer base. Some out of state travel required. Excellent base sal full benefit pks including: Bonus plan. For consideration send resume refs sal hist, to: V-428 co RG, 120 E.

Van Buren, AZ 85004. cavo Depot Lantina, 300 s. saies proceaure selling experience. If vou are looking for a TELFMARKFTFRS DON'T FOOL AROUND BE SOMEONE SPECIAL! Ash. Top pay clean working huuko weekly, can sun city 974-6676, Sctdl 998-4840, EEO MF Drug test req Snelling Snelling 277-1818 SecretaryReceptionist FT MAKE $15HR up.

Good phone skills dependable. FC BOOKKEEPER, light gen growth position can sell us on your committment, leadership 8, experience, we want to sian nam typing, woranertect a pais, general office, entry level. Contact Denise 952-1455 LUMUINUIIS. Apply Mon-Fri 2-4 pm Macayo sa ys no to drugs EOE RV TECH needed FT for busy dealership. Must have exp uil uunea.

oenu lesume ur cell Hennesy Equip Sales Co, 4346 7th Ave Phx 85013. 277-7268 TELEMARKETERS wanted, Help raise funds bv phone for worthwhile non-profit organi- own toois. oooo pay pen. no exp nec. sinr comm.

Central loc. Mark 277-0055 2038 N. entry Club Dr, Mesa SECRETARY $15K UP Stable co. needs sharp, enthusiastic person. Call Pattv.

Fee DELI, Cashiers, Wait Persons, exp Line Cook. Kibitz Dell, Front Office needs FT, ere- raiK to you. now is tne time. Send Resume To: Management Opportunity PO Box 16490 Phoenix, Arizona 85011 at ve. nn Dprsnna TV a ELEMARKETERSfull or can narry 348-ivib tint Inl reon Knw Snelling 8, Snelling 277-1818 HEALTH SPA ATTENDANTS irLJHMicvci Heavy iiuiics, ASST OPERATOR DP-II FT, llam-8pm.

IBM system 36 operations 8, data entry bkgrnd. Job generation, printing backups, Opportunity to learn AS4O0. Please apply at: Desert Health Resources 10000 31 AvetD-200 or call 371-0936 part time, Tempe or Phx. Dress code, 678-1451. EC TA Receptionist, rypiiiy, iiiiiiu.

ydrn-opm, v-Contact Janice 954-0405 DENNY'S 1 Denny's in the Vallev Idliun Guar Hourly Wage Unlimited Bonus Potential Afternoons Evenings Part or Full-time Permanent Positions Automatic Raises PensionProfit Sharing Convenient Public Transp Two Locations AUTOMOTIVE SALES Rare professional ODnortunl- ruing, aaia emry, must type 65 wpm. Start Immed. 470-1074 Please Address Replies to RepublicGazette Box Numbers as follows: PHONE SALES Per Day. Full timePart time. Morn AfternoonEves." YOU TELL ME.

Draws, Dally Cash. 224-0334 FRONT OFFICE Data Entry 10-Key. Exp only. now hiring SERVERS. We offer paid vac, health plan profit sharing.

Apply daily at ty-SMITH MESA NISSAN is looking for Sales professionals otttD 3t5t Ave, vjienoaie WANTED (Complete Box Number In Ad) FOOD BEVERAGE STOREROOM CLERKS NIGHT CLEANING SUPERVISOR Full Time Position, Customer SEC BONUS Gorgeous office! Sparkling personality, type 50 Word Perfect Earn extra money. Hurry. Call Ruth. Fee Snelling Snelling 277-18 1 8 3315 N. scottsdale Rd.

sctsdl. EOE. No phone calls please. wno can meer ine Toiiowing criteria: At least 6 months of local co Classified Advertising Dept. SmallTalk Programmers Experienced Ft Opportunities in state-of-the- DEAD OR ALIVE service Data bniry Experience Necessary.

Good figure aptitude. Vehicle needed to do Arizona RepublicPhoenix Gazette DESK CLERK, needs to be flexible, courteous enthusiastic. Exp.oref. Apply at BW Phoenx 279-4538 Tempe 921-8112 Auto sales experience; Excellent drivino record 1IIIIIHI art ooiect-orientea programming development wan es erranas. t-rienoiy, reiaxeo at- Bl-Llngual (Eng-Span) Req'd Ability to pass drua test: and mospnere.

3nr to start, can i -biro suites, 313 t. Hum Keese Bros. inc. "We Care!" EXP'D TELEMARKETERS tablished 0-0 leader located in North Central Phoenix. am Belief that lots of cars can be MOn-f-n Professional Salesmen Women Only.

Get ready, hottest, fun new product of TYPIST Casual Smoking Office. Mm 65WPM FT S6-7DOE. Bene pekg 16th St.lndian School. Kelly 266-8055 erus unve. sctsai Airpark 120 b.

Van Buren Phoenix, AZ 85004 This will enable us to forward your reply promptly soio in a tougn marker. FT BOOKEEPER DESK CLERK lease sena resume to: PO Box 9302 Gerovicao is expanding IF YOU CAN DREAM HOUSEKEEPING NIGHT Busy office needs computer literate, FC bookkeeper Apply In person only at 1701 part time, exp'd. llpm-7am. $5.30 Der hour. Aoolv in per Phoenix, Arizona 85068 arm we are reaay ro we -come old and new friends eroaaway in vesa HmnBiiniiBBi son.

Phoenix Downtown oooa pnone skins, salary nnp ConH rnenmoc Shef CLEANERS, FT 11 pm- 7 am to oin our new monev- Help Wanted AUTO SALES MCA, J3U N. 1ST AVe. 90's is ready to explode throughout country. Sell direct from manufacturer. Some travel may apply.

This is not a MLM. Extreme, profitable PIC 966-2926 field Company, 4040 Camel- making machine. Forty Percent (40) commis We are lookina for eneraetic. WAREHOUSE CLERK Exc oppty In Goodyear for extb individual waen cleri pacK, ate iui, rnx, az. bsu i Applications will be accepted sions With NO CHARGE YOU CAN ACHIEVE IT! up and coming individuals Help Wanted Enchantment today from 2-4 pm.

Any addi FT entry level receptionist, bACKi! 8260-Domestic be will tional 100 opening: gs listed at that time. OE Best paper in town for e. 1 111111 iiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiinii. saies ortice, xini pnone skiiis, prof appearance, light typing. Resume to Cindy Miles, PO cal skills.

Must type 35 wpm accurately be avail for swing shift hours. 242-1826. Tad Temporaries EOE wno nave a strong desire to succeed. The largest volume Honda Dealer in the southwest Is adding to its present staff of professional sales peo CAMELVIEW DOMESTIC fronts, re oaders and no- 8444-Office Clerical Live- home care assis Box 29020, Phoenix 85038. 6000 East Camelback Road Scottsdale, AZ sales and we accept 5 maior credit cards.

We're tants, salary to J1200mo. FTI.ECAI ASSISTANT Times Are Changing HHQBHEIBBBI Director of Corporate Sales for PROJECTED $2000 A MO (Pd vac. med bnfts incl) Direct sales Derson wanted AAA Organized detail oriented ple, vve oner saianea pay plan, trainina. hnsDital hene- Live-in hskpercook, salary DDE3BBE39DQ position. $2700mo.

3yrs exp, looking for proven professionals who are willing to person 1 tor onice ass position. Exlnt tvoina 8. ohone luji*zuuinu. ri cimuidre, can isi-uu WORDPROrFSSOR for fastest growing pest co. in skills, some data entry.

Prof ju-iD nr5WK, w.Mnr, Exp'd wreferences 996-0882 4 Mar 4 Diamond resorT in spectacular redrock country. Easy sell! Please send resume to: Executive Office, Enchancement Resort, 525 Boynton SERVERS, FT or.PT, days or worx naro ror 3 oavs ana need to earn at least $1,000 a week. We offer: vaney. LaiiMixe, 944-I appearance a must, salary fits, paid vacations, advancement and available demo plan, All applicants must have valid Az Driver's License, good background and professional appearance. If interested call: Tempe corp.

office supports sales reps throughout USA. 2yrs. exp, xlnt grammar 8. Miyrns, idr webi blue lucdlion, nat'l chain, benefits. Restaura uut.

Apply ijaico int. i Guaranteed pay cneckii REALTORS -anvon ko, seaona, az bojjo 2U 19 W. Uuail Ave 23B-4368 B6-3U49, M-h 9-3 ENERGETIC 8, cheerful live-in housekeepernanny. Must be clean, neat, nonsmoking, speak English, likes ean working Environ And So Is TELEMARKETING The future is NOW AA PURCHASINGRec. Dept.

WAITERWAITRESS -PT 30 ment Medical Benefits Available Weekends off DISHOUT Exp'd preferred with Mexican food. Apply 9120 ED STEIN OPENINGS! PT TELLERS base a plus, use WordPerfect 8, Smartware II. Send resume to: WPSS, Box 1740, Tempe, AZ 85280-1 740. EOE. And Non-Realtors 100 $50mo.

PART TIME OK neeos assi. sen motivated, light Typing, xlnt oh. skills a peace or Mind secu cemrai nnon-sun n-ipm. nours a week. Retirement community.

Apply in person, 3014 E. Indian School Rd rity. Our doors are always ennoren animais, aDie to cook, clean, Iron manage house. Must have reliable car 8, AZ drivers lie. Must have must, salary uut.

Apply Galco International Ltd. 201 doormen needed tor new nightclub. Must be 220, Also need 2 attractive co*cktail open, our cnecus are always good. The opportu WAIT HE LP FINEITAI DINING Phoenix ofc 993-0009 BANK OF AMERICA is currently hirina Part-time tellers Help Wanted W. UUail Ave.

Pnx. 238-4368. references. Aim salary, oe- nity to become all you ACCOUNTING Assistant to Exp'd only. 1301 Northern waitresses, ciud piaya.

Ask for the Phoenix Metropolitan penamg on qualifications 530-1746 Mesa ofc 730-3040 oesire ana morem tor K00, B42-U06U controier, Hr. Experience area. We are nokina fnr ex WAIT Staff, eves nights. necessary. Mesa.

If you want to become part 8490-Restaurants, cellent customer service skiiis and extensive cash handling The Affordable Alternative DIAMOND REALTY Arizona 1 Honda Dealership! 274-3800 1521 E. Camelback Phx, AZ 85014 or our money-maKing machine, stop bv or call to Italian exp a must! Apply in person after 3pm at Ambrosi-no's 2122 N. Scottsdale Rd. No phone calls please. DOS Flamingos Mexican Rest.

Bar in N. Sctsdl now accepting applications for bar help, servers, hostshostesses, busers, all kitchen Clubs Lodging ENERGETIC People Needed For Cleaning Service In North Scottsdale. Weekdays, FTPT Car Needed 488-1850 Experiencedloving care giver in our home for infant Monday-Friday. Part time to full ady: Real Estate New Agents experience. Strong sales background desirable.

Prior teller experience preferred. Requires TOTAL flexibility to include working evenings and weekends. Will work un tn 90 Wooll.ev's Suites now accepting Earn S50-S100K Per Year help. exp. req'd.

Apply in Join the -1 Government Spe person M-h 3-5Dm at 10155 E. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BANQUET SERVERS ADMIN ASST 2 yrs exp wDisplay-write IV, Lotus 1,2,3. Type 60 wpm, busy phone exp. Call 468-9499. Tad Temporaries EOE appiicanons Tor iri rronT desk clerks.

Apply In person 3211 E.Pinchot, Mon-Fri 8-3 cialists in the valley. Via Linda Bldg Mountain ViewVia Linda or call for Mike Camel GEROVICAP 4115 N. 15th Ave Phoenix, AZ 85015 248-0560 hours weekly and earn an excellent salary of $7.25 hourly. SS DANCERS appt. at jyi-u46U.

Full Service Office SEE THE STARS! Wnrk AUTO SALESPERSON Sell America's Sportscar CORVETTE Earn Big if you have Vette knowledge. Neat, aggressive with dealership experience person needed. CHEVS N' VETTES 3230 N. Scottsdale Road GER0VICAP IS EXPANDING We need experienced TELEMARKETERS To work fronts, reloads and no sales $1,000 SIGN ON BONUS Pros only -if you qualify If you're ready for a change, tired of broken promises, pipe dreams, companies that close down, worrying if you'll ever get your pay check and are ready to start earnina bia "THE TRADITION" Golf Charlies Angels 484-1561 DRIVERS for lunch delivery Mon-Frl. Apply My Mother's Exslstina producers A na time.

LPR cert, non smoker, light housekeeping 991-5747 GENERAL houseworker, live-in. General house cleaning, laundry, iron, cook, serve meals and assist with child care. Observe and monitor play. Dress and assist children to dress, Read and DANCERS Kesrauranr, 4 1 ju n. inn Ave.

gressive agents also Adult private room ASAPH! lvSFRVirF RPPS Please Apply: BANK OF AMERICA 2929 Central Employment-First Floor Phoenix, Arizona 85012 mi Exec Housekeeper needed for 106 rm hotel. Must have super Favors 241-9004 For lona term temporary po PALMER ASSOC Kelp Wanted Be an EMPLOY COUNSELOR YES, YOU'RE HIRED! exp. aiso exp. in cost, laoor inventory control. Send resume to Red Feather Lodge, Box 1460, Grand Canyon, A 7.

sition in Uptown Phoenix for a National Auto parts company. Auto parts knowledqe helpful. Data entry and good phone Telephone sales. Pro's maTurei uxe Keqpie Line to $18,000 up! 263-8356keyper (11 piay games with children, care for clothing and keep room tidy. Accompany children on occassional trips with parents.

Requires 3 months 1 ournamem or work at vallev resorts, hotels, country clubs, if you TUX BLACK WHITES EXP WAITERWAITRESS YOUR OWN PHONE TRANSPORTATION Day, night 8. weekend work available for selected candidates. Call for appt. 861-1200 7330 N. 16th St Suite C-117 AANA Senior Citizens, COUAIWrMVCtUt.

sk reo ren yvu st navp a 2 Locations 4455 E. Camelback E180 7802 N. 27 th Avenue EOE 952-9S88 BOAT Salesperson, Arizona's 8555-Phones Disabled Vets, All welcome. Highest commis flexible schedule and be avail to work occ. weekends.

Call Exper. wait staff for graveyard shift. Carrows Restaurant Bank of America largest ooai oeaiersnip, niring 5 new sales positions to staff new dealership. Sunland Marine, 944-2623 Sales, Survey sion scale in the Industry. immediately tor an appt.

46ui 1 nomas ko. exp in posmon or mo exp as nanny or child monitor. $240.68 per week for 40 hour week with 8 hours overtime EEOMFVH All shifts available. Guar I CMrUKAKftS, INC 230-1200 FAST FOOD MGRS, ASST Immed opening. Office First anteed hourly wage.

per weeK at 1.3 times regular CLOSERS assist, 1 empe, aov computer MOK5 t.vaiiey.immea!Si2.5-$30K 263-8356keypersvc I AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA nouriy rate, uuaimeo appli SALESPERSON NEEDED for 1 store in company. Management positions available. Top commissions paid. Schroeders 943-5885. skiiis, pieasanr pnone voice.

Sidina Coatlna. Exo. Leads Trainees welcome. Come loin our winning teams! CALL TODAY, START TODAY! EastSide FIRST WATCH, an excitina 8, ATTENTION WORD PROCESSORS WE NEED YOU NOW! Keierences. y66-i6 AA Sell roses Top ATTN WANNA-BE'S cants seno resume or appi cation letter with ari hv Ann' 13 financing avaiL Az terr avail.

Call Sam 800-442-3322. rnx NigniciuD, ziyrs ue- igh INSCOI 1 ECTIONS innovative Daytime Restaurant Co, Is expanding at a new 1992 to: AZ DES Job Service, pendabfe-Attractive. 866- Medical office needs you to WANNA be a great TSR? Commision Sales Western 495-9427 Mary, Westside Attn: 32A, Re: 0002743, pg Box 6123, Phoenix, AZ 85005 SALESPERSON for used car lot, must be bilingual. Apply at 2221 W. Van Buren locanon opening mio April.

We are seekina eneraetir Der- MACINTOSH LOTUS coneci ineir money: txp a must! Hurrv! Can Candl. Fee 930-iosi, Tom or Rick WANNA make great money? WANNA love reran at swapmart. irans. req'd. wknds, call 948-6047 money every Give Me a Call This could be the future that you've been looking for.

WE OFFER: Clean working environment 40 commission No Charge Backs OualifiecTleads ASSISTANT MANAGER Restaurant Experience Apply Comida 1307 E. Southern, Mesa. 892-7955 Snelling Snelling 277-1818 wnere vou work? Tnen (Job location: Scottsdale, AZ) Emp. pd ad. Proof of authorization to work in US required MS WORD WP 5.1 (advanced fea sonable Food servers Cooks who desire to work as a valued member of a well organized team where details IN-HOUSE collector for used DEALER FINANCE EXEC.

i Metro Phoenix area SALES (Beauty Salon) Attractive, fashionable person to rep natural products (Aveda) to salons. 1-800-272-3359 itnireo. tures, charts, tables graphs helpful) car iot. Must oe bilingual. Appiy in 1 w.

van tsuren HELP Cook Personal use in you WANNA be with us! 6. base comm-t- fun! more for PT hrs. Resort related business. Real estate exp a plus! Call Rozanne 277-2900 Leasefinance package Outside sales onlv are imporranr. Apply in person 9645 Black canyon Hwy EARN 50 TO 100 PER DAY EVERY DAY PTFT MORN AFTERNOON EVES DAILY CASH $224-0334 eve.

txenange rmora snare A variety of lona and shnrt LEGAL Secretary E. Phx PI SALESEstimator Must have sales and estimatina pvn in Good oav incentives Turn rm nr pus, pooiyy4-444i just in ui uuniap i-j mon-Tn law iirm. tnr 1 empe ooraen WP 5.1, non-smoking office, Wan't to Get ahead? Drivp tn Food Servers, Cook, Bus Help com'l doors, skylights, dock HOUSEKEEPERS succeed? Seek a new chal term assignments available. Full benefits, excellent pay. Call today for an appointment If you have a background working with anv of the eauip other salary uut: 3J-H4B specialties.

oiag I dg U5nwsner5. vrs Italian exp. EOE 264-2184 04U 3 win, 1 empe yoo-BSoti LEGAL Secretary, must have lenge send resume to: Personel. P.O.Box 42060, Phx. Az.

85080 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA immed openings, east valley on call, must have Az drivers lie, reliable trans, proof of FRY COOK for SMALL DELI $6-J10HR GUARANTEED EVENING POSITIONS IMMEDIATE OPENINGS AVAILABLE for 12 people! S6hr to start, setting appts. Professional environment. 3744 W. Roanoke 14. 233-1157 above.

excenem skiiis, ivr experience in Pi. 264-2107 SALES Manager wanted for home improvement company. Exp nec. Tempe 345-2888 LAZY WOKILL in NW rf*ckI A 972-6245 Ask Jim or Paula DELIVERYSALESRETAIL auto ins, exp'o rets, BONUS program, paid mileage, Legal SectyAsst, BkCrDr TEMPORARIES, INC. Bilingl a Know E.VIIy 263-8356keypersvc PT oosltinns avail- FULL appiv in person oacKgrouna preierrea.

uptown loc. Call Kathy 242-4998 SALESPERSON Phoenix able at Sun City retirement SALES to SALES MGR Retail Bilingl. Know E.Valley 263-8356keypersvc ADVANCED HOME HEALTH 230-1200 990-3330 Scottsdale Legal Secy. Immed. opening in comm.

restaurant, including kitchen dining room staff ASU MARRIOTT ASU Marriott has Immediate full time part time opportunities available at brand new.prestigious, full service University Club for the following: COOKS PREP COOKS SWING COOKS Cooks-experienced) BAKER (commercial 8. pastry bakery experience preferred) CAPTAINS HOSTHOSTESSES "We Live Up To Our Name!" EARN PER DAY Sales for new Concept Advertising. Full or part time. For more info call 340-9801 BOB Crawford's Unocal needs WANTED can yjj-uij tor interview. Help Wanted 8630-Sales SALESWAREHOUSE Only those that want to work need apply 5855 51 Ave, Gldl growing rnx Tirm, 1- 1 salary neg.

DOE. WP 5.1 must! 80 wpm, filing, trial litlg. exp. pref. Jana 256-7374 Typing, computer tiling person.

Apply 9030 Indian Bend HIRING IMMEDIATELY If your lob Isn't becoming to we accept 5 maior cr. crds Medical benefits available Opener-Closer system Tons of reloads Best paper in town Weekends off Lots of money Guaranteed pay check No exp. training If you're a proven professional and are ready to step up in the world and secure your future with one of the oldest and most well respected companies in the STOP BY OR CALL TODAY! Mike Camel GEROVICAP PRODUCTS 4115 N. 15th Ave 248-0560 325 E. Elliot, 27 Chandler, AZ 85225 602-497-5535 LINE COOKS, Exp'd only need apply Ruby Tuesdays BOOKKEEPER FT you, vou snouio oe coming to us.

Must he ahletn- work ft nrs LEGAL Sec for busy coltn law EARN $7.50 to $10hour selling pastries PT 3 hrs daily. Route avail, eastside. Must be outgoing, personable motivated Call after 10am 486-5060 SALES; FT or PT, prefer exp'd adult, Indian ArtJew- elry background a Hrly St comm. Mr. Robert 947-2781 3510 Bell Rd 6 FT DOsition AR.

AP. PR nrm. Maiure wxini commun a day, talk on phone, survive on S4OO-S700 wk, walk 8, chew Immediate Openings for co*ck AAA-l SALESPEOPLE: Retail iewelry store needs exp'd salespeople, PtFt positions avail. Call Karen 949-3500 HOUSEKEEPER, full time po skiiis. must work wen wai people willingly share all seccler'l tasks.

Start sal S18- for small YUMA company. Computer experience a MUST, Nu-Views a plus. Must be self starter A wnrk jum at the same time. Call jetween 10-2 because we're tail waitstaff, bartenders S. hostesseshosts.

Tiffany's Cabaret, 44 N. 32nd St. (32nd sition for nice Paradise valley Apt Community. Call 996-0207 EEA needs help with all our leads. 2432 Peoria 1345.

Interviews 2pm. 943-9612 SCHOOL 4 Commercial Prod comm sales person, 1150 W. Alameda, 1, Tempe, AZ 85282. 966-7808 lazy too. Ms Dees 944-041 1 $20K.

EOE. Resumes only to: ru dua izyu, mucin ojui I a. wasmngToni zs-wn. independently. Send resume salary reguirements: P.

O. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa LIVE In to care for invalid Female. Exprefs, non smkr AREA Sales Supervisor for ianitorlal company. Must know maintenance of floor care. Salary benefits.

Call 336-0035 OFFICE ASSISTANT Ladies Ladies Ladies bUA 39V30, PhX, AZ 85069 rm era salary. wj-jjt GuysGals $15hr guaranteed bonuses. Door to door setting appts. Call 278-6188 A busy office needs we I or STEREOS, Alarms 8, Acces--sories. Experienced, needed Immediately.

248-8468- IMMED Positions avail, Cooks, servers, bussers, host hostess. Apply at: Marie Callen-ders, 4573 E. Cactus, Phx. Need 12 enthusiastic Pennletn Bookkeeper, PTFT, familiar ganized ottice assistant to do word processing, scheduling Occasional Babysitter, eves wknds, nr 32nd StShea. Must work on the phone.

We sell magazines all over the coun 1 imoemne construction software. Send resume by 4692 to: UCI Homes, 1067 E. nave own trans, 4y4-46 18 try, come work for the pub-sners. Davs 7am -lorn M-F. Team2 pers to manaae Sr.

McNairpr, lempeAZ 83283 IF YOU DON'T WANT TO MAKE AT LEAST $1000wk Don't call this number, 234-2444 care Hm, pvt qtrs S. sSoOmo Guarentee hrlv waae 4- bo pnones, insurance pining, accounts receivable, and data entry. AHCCCS knowledge a plus. Apply at: Community Care Network 7878 N. 16th St.

140, Phx, 85020 EOE WAITSTAFF BUSSERS DISHWASHERS UTILITY CASHIER AM PM, Exp preferred) JASON'S DELI CLERICAL Entry level, ship yj-6yunyj 1-1 16 124-w I ping, pnones, erranas, oraer processing, disk coovina. re Now Hiring! nuses health benefits. Paid day every Friday. No exp necessary. Call Randy, today, start tomorrow 248-7079 EOE Help Wanted quires PC skills.

Reply to Box V-448 co RG, 120 E. Van Jason's Dell Is a maior restaurant chain with 23 units. We are opening our TELEMART Wants Individual wsuperlor telemarketing skills to contact numerous microcomputer HDWSW leads. Start-up sal- ary, commission plus medical. dental insurance.

We're 1 extremely competitive as one of America's ddest largest microcomputer co.s! Call 944-0402 for interview. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA buren, az 83UU4. Successful candidates for newesT location in paradise Valley with over 35 OFFICEASST MGMT Data entry, bookkeeping, light sect'l, some hostess cashier restaurant operations. 25-40 nrs neg Salary comm wexp. Resumes: JoAnne Carrlerl, 1947 N.

Lindsay, Mesa 85213 8300-lndustrial MAINT MECHANIC CUSTOMER SALES SERVICE REP EASY SURVEY WORK No experience necessary! Dayeveningweekends Fulltime Parttime! Call Bob 967-0901 APPT. SETTERS NEEDED TRAIN FOR A NEW CAREER FOUNDRY entry level or mid Person wofflce exo. to be inese positions must: Be experienced in fine dining service Be flexible, weekends Included Have past experience In high volume full service restaurant revei. Appiy uesanno, zsu 1 w. Jackson St, Phx 272-0700 FT, PT.

Pleasant working come trained licensed as a salaried Insurance Sales Service Aaent. Reotilres CRT OFFICE ASST. Computer exp reg'd. Communication org. skills a must.

Send resume to: 2910 35th Ave 6, Phx 85017. OPERATIONS MANAGER conditions. Smoking, nonsmoking areas. Guaranteed salary. Donuses, comm.

Earn Food Service Distributor exp. 8, ability to communicate effectively. Prior Insurance exp a xtnf benefits working cond. Call 266-0513 Nationwide Insurance EOE J300-S5OO wkly. Global Syst 233-2553; 3532 W.

Thomas 9 Established company, looking for telemarketing pros. We pay top salary wkly. poKing ror someone witn exp in warehouse mgmt, routing, receiving, managing warehouse people drivers. Must have CDL clean driving We offer excellent benefits combined with a salary com-mensurated with exoerienrp USED CAR PROFESSIONALS ananer luam yyD-aou Customer ServiceMarketing Exp'd Used Car ornfes- lonsavarae FT PT jobs Eve Shifts Average starting wage is Paid Training Cashiers Food Preps Bus Dish Help SandwichMakers Order Takers Apply Mon-Sat 8-6 dally: 12837 N. Tatum Blvd.

482-8000 Across From Paradise Vallev Mall Phx Tucson San Antonio retoro. sena resumes salary requirements to: 1005 slonals souaht. Trpmen- and responsibilities. Apply In person or call 965-65 08, Monday-Friday 9-4, Arizona State University Memorial Union Building, Room 138. EXP'D Phone Interviewers for very busy market research co.

Absolutely no sales. Nights weekends. Apply M-F 9-4 Behavior Research N. 3St. Steve 258-4554 Miameaa, iempens2B2 OFFICERECORDS CLERK.

Only qualified need apply: non-smoker, energetic, hardworking, very pleasant, love working with people, computer skills, bookkeeping experience, typing 70wpm, excellent telephone skills, filing, capable of working on own initiative, good organizational skills. FAX resume with salary history references to 957-6250 or write P.O. Box 32625, Phoenix, AZ 85064 aeueiary lur lasi paceu roup broker. Must be experienced, very organized. aulck learner, able to priori AUTO SALESPEOPLE ARE EARNING $40,000 TO $60,000 PER YEAR.


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA S7OO-S1200 PER WK EASY Men, Women, Students, Housewives wanted for comfortable office atmosphere. Many leads furnished. No selling, lust qualifying. AM or Pffl shifts avail. Call Mr Willis 547-1000 ttu-wi- Please call Bert Martinez SHAMROCK FOODS CO.

BIDDULPH tize work under pressure. Type 65wpm, Lotus, word processing skills a must. Mail resume to: Bromar Arizona, Attn: Diane, P.O. Box 21747, Phoenix, AZ 85036. Skilled maintanence.

Ice JOIN OUR OUTREACH PROGRAM Need Annt Setters fnr MpHlral BARLEYS BREW PUP is Interviewing for Kitchen Manager 1 Dishwasher 1 Part Time Waitperson. Reliable friendly people need only apply. Apply in person Sat April 4, 20 St cal heavy industrial exp Office in Mesa. Xlnt Working gn pacKaging macnine. Xlnt benefits.

Aoolv In per CUSTOMER SERVICE REP For hnsv insurance nffirp Rnnnsps Cond! $6 Guar. son at 2228 N. Black Can Call 827-8988 AMPM Avail. Order Entry-Customer Svc Art publisher seeks the right person to join our quality staff. Data entry, phone word processing exp a must.

Salary negotiable. Apply person 424 Central Ave, 7-12. DON'T PASS UP CHEM. WATTS LINE SALES Experienced or will trained. BEST DEAL IN TOWN Call Sam 230-0012 5017 W.

Glendale Ave 435-2918 yon Hwy, pnoenix. eoe. Dallas Houston Austin Must like talking on the phone, be assertive 8. a hard worker. Patience is a virture a must.

Apply: 6040 N. 7th Street 101. BREAKFAST server wanted, Good wages. Exp'd only need apply. Tlvoli Gardens, Sun City 974-82 24 Looking for honest reliable appt, setters.

$6hr. Ask for Kaycall after 1pm, 279-2224.

The Arizona Republic from Phoenix, Arizona (2024)


Where is The Arizona Republic? ›

Phoenix, Arizona

Is AZ Central the same as The Arizona Republic? ›

AZ Central is a news website publishing content from the daily newspaper The Arizona Republic, published in Phoenix.

How do I temporarily stop Arizona Republic circulation? ›

How can I temporarily stop delivery while I'm on vacation or away for part of the year? Delivery can be temporarily stopped for as long as necessary. Simply visit manage my account or call 602-444-1000, or 800-332-6733 if you live outside the Phoenix area.

What time does The Arizona Republic open? ›

Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm.

Where is the town of Republic? ›

Republic is a city in Ferry County, Washington, United States. The population was 992 at the 2020 census. It is the county seat of Ferry County.

Where is The Arizona Republic printed? ›

The Daily Miracle: The people and presses behind The Arizona Republic newspaper in Phoenix. About 35 people produce eight to nine Gannett daily newspapers and numerous weekly and monthly papers in a 290,000-square-foot facility in Phoenix.

Who owns the Az Republic? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

Is Arizona a Republican or Liberal state? ›

Since the 1950s, Arizona has been considered a stronghold state for the Republican Party, with the party carrying the state in all subsequent elections except 1996 and 2020 (and even then, Democrats won with narrow pluralities).

Is Phoenix considered Central Arizona? ›

Phoenix is located in central Arizona in the Valley of the Sun, surrounded by the McDowell, Phoenix South, White Tank and Estrella mountains. The Phoenix Metropolitan Area comprises several dozen cities, the primary ones being Scottsdale, Tempe, Mesa, Glendale, Carefree and Cave Creek.

How much does Arizona Republic cost? ›

After 1 month, Sunday + Wednesday Print Delivery + Digital will be $19/month, locked in for 1-year. *After 1 month, Wednesday + Friday – Sunday Print Delivery + Digital will be $30/month, locked in for 1-year.

How do I get out of the heat in Phoenix? ›

Here's what people said:
  1. Don't leave anything in your car. Ever. ...
  2. Keep your car cool. Crack your car windows in the summer, get a sunshade for the windshield, park under trees when possible.
  3. Don't touch anything. ...
  4. No bare feet. ...
  5. Look out for your pets. ...
  6. Change your schedule. ...
  7. Keep water on hand. ...
  8. Hibernate.
Mar 27, 2024

How do you beat the heat in Arizona? ›

Check the weather forecast, sign up for heat alerts, and plan heat-safe activities when it's hot outside.
  1. Pace yourself, schedule breaks from outside activities, and seek out shade.
  2. Plan to eat many small meals and snacks rather than a few big meals.
  3. Learn the signs of heat illness.

How do I cancel my Az Republic subscription? ›

You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-800-332-6733. Residents living in California, Georgia, Maine, New York, Oregon, Vermont, and Virginia can cancel online by visiting their Account Management page once logged in to the website.

How do I place an ad in The Arizona Republic? ›

Click here to place a classified ad online to appear in The Arizona Republic and on To place your ad via phone, you may call 602-444-4444, 800-352-5095 within Arizona, or 800-699-0732 outside Arizona.

What time does the White Tanks open in Arizona? ›

May 1 - October 31: Open from 7 am to 2 pm Monday through Saturday.

Where is the Arizona divide? ›

The divide is along Interstate 40 at milepost 190, which is just west of the community of Riordan and roughly 5 miles west of downtown Flagstaff. It's even clearly marked, complete with elevation, by one of our spiffy highway signs, as you can see in this photo.

What was Arizona called before it became a state? ›

Arizona, formerly part of the Territory of New Mexico, was organized as a separate territory on February 24, 1863. The U.S. acquired the region under the terms of the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and the 1853 Gadsden Purchase. Arizona became the forty-eighth state in 1912.

Where is the Fifth Republic? ›

The Fifth Republic (French: Cinquième République), France's current republican system of government, was created by Charles de Gaulle under the Constitution of the Fifth Republic on 4 October 1958.

Where did Arizona stand in the Civil War? ›

The Arizona Territory sided with the Confederacy, while the New Mexico Territory sided with the Union.

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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.