-f '1M 11G ST. PETERSBURG TIMES SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 1982 1 tit uisfVwISne. ABrtmfTti 1 411 UfirurBrth1 -BeftiTnWtt 41- Uifwriett4)J A-WrtfmTfitt 411 UtrtdfllltiV- AWrtWeBtS IB 411 UBlrISt)g ABrtftlRtl e) PttfllllkOjfJ 4tMfr1ll)l4 ill Mwwumi AttrtmmH 411 VwhnimH AHtiiBBB MOVE ST 945 Lari IJtK ll.N.M. Imc. illlmo IBR.
7rwTMutnro ONLY 149 per WEEK 10G ST. PETERSBURG TIMES SUNDAY MARCH FIVETOWNS-Laraa IM. HI I ML, Frml urcti. MB IW, 14, 1982 occueanCY 327-9-1, CLEARWATIR MALL AREA-Beyview Gardens, emc, IBr, ete 40; Ifcv. iUL IrtilOTmtrTrY.MfrTPl Cable TV AIR Conditioned GULFCLAIR APARTMENTS.
1 Bedroom. Laundry. Adults, no pets. Airi. m-m til Best.ur.nt iBUrBmOBt INDIAN PASS APTS.
Adult Rentals 1-2 from $20 Intend wllh Gulf Access 55-5444 44t AWXHllCtt 4S7. Mmkil Itttzrunwati ali BUfbaak eja. Kieviieniv pjojsn. Oil TV, Booli, sum, Hl-fl Al 00aars Mlec tee. 9we mumtuOf ftfr'-t IBB 1195 A $211 No eats, 04-7274 llth Hi- spacious ltr.
115 INDIAN ROCKS BEACH-Verv large 2 bedroom WATERFRONT APT. Florida room with fireplace. $475 mo. Annual only. 392-2266 ED C.
WIDEMAN REALTY INC. REALTORS 599 SemllWH BlyJ, AmUmcm Ipf me. H4-427. ges CLEARWATIR-NE, Deluxe IBR, Btath. drverwuher.
adults ontv. no SOUND System, Shure VA300. com' APPLIANCE SALE TV-MICROWAVE 40. 4-PPlllflCet RANGE, Corning, copoertone, luto-matic mm cleaning, ptrftcl condition. 3M.
515-7237 RANGE-Eleclrlc, while, Self- ORGAN-Thomts. 2 Manuals mdud mo Bench, Good Condition. $350. 522 GULF PORT 2M Garage Apt. Air, METAL LATHE fryer, grill, meal grKtdgr, tJlr.
GATEWAY- 1 ft Bedroom. Private Pali. Children ft Pet welcome. Ibr in im i nmiii ttt iw 6ATEWiMet lA-POOl, jLM9N cflteAncv pleta. 0 channel head, 2 column speakers, monitor speaker.
Shure hi wim m-mi m-irn NO QUALIFYING NO OEPOSIT! radxJM cleen, steam heet, economical, parking ARJ3 fM-40i TAMPA refrlo. Buv-Tl CIGARETTE AihlM-reoosMSSed STEEL BUILDINGS Manufacturer of First Quality CAPITAL APPLIANCE INC. 33 SEMINOLE BLVD. SEMINOLE. Near Bay.
But. iJate, B-47I INDIAN Rocks Batch-IBR Clean I WEEKLY $21 MONTHLY REFRIGERATORS RANGES WANTED CASH NOW FOR APPLIANCES Trade ins up to 1300 or Cath Outright. No purctiaM necessary 5M5 Haines Rd. Appliances Ml-1747 ORGAN-Wurinzer electronic unmet Hid to tin a month. Maid service.
PESO mike, many extra accessories, highest offer over I WOO. 596-2276 PAPER PLATE MAKER Federal 21 column. Like new, tike RENTAL PURCHASE PLAN AVAIL. mm, HIOOEN LAKE ft WHITE LAKE IBR Apt! $270 2BR $310 4iai4 atm Elefex $10,000. Mr Sprite.
Unused. $300. Cat Edith, Next to Sunshlnt CenMr. Lucerene, Steel Buildings offers cMarspan-full Reduces, emerges, cost MINK'S TV Bum CLEARWATER Selenlreyt-tteVlM2 litnfiii--rjinB VB burner, opt. Hth Avo color-5 yr per so.
AlfTWit gew if MSWOtHf SH-m, GATEWAY MALL AREA S. laraa MR 2 bath. Ground TELEPHONE answering machine RENT A 2 BEDROOM APT. Everything you want in a new apartment TV NEW RENTALS ORGAN- Yamaha 315U 2-Keyboerd SALES i SERVICE Example: 50x100x14, $17,33. FOB apt KANut- eiecinc ln, while, Code-e-phone 700, 2 hour toe, new PtBeli, Rhythm taction.
Leslie u. wwwr, tn mt SH-OIH H4-4W NO DEPOSIT NO QUALIFYING Plant. Jewell BuktHng Systems, Inc. floor. $3.
Afte, nice effev. Ground liton 75. 327-07: SHARPENING equipment, Bel Sharp-AO, belt sender, many Items, like new. 1095. 321-W7 1 ly rtbuttt, warranty.
$250. 596-2276 mm i-9307 DISSTON Plata erae-laree 2 BR cor TV, RedH, Electric, Frlgidaire, self P. O. Box 37, Dotes, N.C. 2034 Tot Free 1-000-021-7700.
Ext. 321 19.00 Wk, Mo. Fret Belt RENTAL PURCHASE PLAN 4mtidUAtt over pevmen'i pr ii-ei DONUT equipment, screens, mixer, ovtn nl complete bakery raiwnt twilo. uieil. dessert printers.
New $25,000, P.A.- Shure Vocal Matter, E-V15' ner apt. Waking dhlanct to shopping si day COMMUNICATK3MS- TABLE Saw, 10" Rockwell, good GATEWAY- Meeem IM, Air, Bus, COLOR TV cash only LUCKY'S TV RENTAL 3II-4JH ww rwrw, am $4, 144-4424 davi AXLEY BROS. SAWMILL INC. cleaning, avocado, good condition, SI SO. Sit-Mft RANGE- Electric.
While. IT Very haM mobUe Phone. VHF, 4 crystals $210. After 50m. 525-05110 NO APPLICATION FEE! HO HlW.
CwhlM ffvf'B ill. Roam WHk Uu4 PA Syslem- $325 mo. Kings Arms Aptt. 471 3th Shure Head, Fencing Material Siding. Rough TV- NOTICE TENNIS vouf voau en service.
1 diaraart tfOO. 301-0915, eccesso Her 797 rlet. TOOL cabinet and box. Ron around, $350M1t ay, Hi mum rm, Cut lumber order. Regular I etc GBfden Apartments 135 wr WEEK tuo OcsLP TEMACE OMfcJM 76-W0 S10 GULFWrcoeVs Holel.
Lovely commercial. $300, 531-1500 tUL. rnnAMnn tllM Nl IHJ AMATEUR Radio Gear- Cottn, 3B. 3K-3, 312B-4. 44 RANGE-Gai, apartment slie 175.
Haystack BAYSIDE va. DOWNTOWN I Oedroom, I Oath it A key Cypress, Pine Lumber, Cypress Mulch i Pint Mulch. 11300 42nd St 27 Avt N-774. 7 Bedroom tew COLOR TV'S $79.99 Mon-Sun aaji only. 5247 Park (HlUr 1lMm Delicious Food, Assume loan.
$14,000. Payable $532 PEAVEY-PA system, mixer, 41 high Vacuum Form machino-24x30, 3 sett Preallao buedlna. Be-utffi Choice I ft I BR 'm FamDy and Aduft Sections t-M Unit Bay Dr. Larao 51-9449 Rmt, Known For Alto Special Diets. sesame neies -4e4if from J44-25I5 N.
Largo (Southeast Corner of Honey Wim. te-79t, Jft roointi 129 mo. acts wUh a conveniences. Ouisimd Color, TV-Sony IJ" TRS 00 Modal III UK, lower molds. 327-3311.
ttt-tno eves 10HP AIR COMPRESSORS OnoBotosfefU.S. 19 2770 Roosevelt Chvfr. 531-5854 1H coolers, wermers, PIANO-1904 Baldwin Grand 50 327-1017, MI-OfM evenings. RANGE- gas, while, apt size, Hird-wick, excellent condition 170 522-OWt RANGE, GE, electric, white, wln-dow, ovenminute limer. $120.
343- ,) l-ffH See Cat Pet 347-9530 for elo. lVson- mm me security system. Near every rrwig MM, software. $900. Can 525-5791 ovens, ranges, steam cookers, ice adullt.
no pels. 522-4 42nd Ave I 37m Jl-J nebuw. tsiso 501-3422 GIANT t.V. system-color, dlaga-nol screen, hardly used, $750 5M- Entertainment Center RCA XL100, Cost 11600 Now $300. 725- HOME SPEAKERS $4 Mr Factory Direct TO YOU! IBR From (37.
ttudM sot worg- TV-ZENITH 13" COLOR SO Galon Tank. 2 Stage, 3 Phase GRANVILLE Ceurl-33. Levftj roomv 9BR due-ix t75 mo. 022-7W3 Room, air. CULTURED Marble tela, 4 over-run tubs, $175.
Vtnitv top seconds, $21 MOBILE Telephone. Coal $1500, first $550 Cart: 525-0444 anytime PIANO? una niiB-- ilw- In Hack 11996 447-3227. PRlVATE-rponi7 bain, knen serv, REFRIGERATORS RANGES WASHERS DRYERS 'Clean, like-new appliances 'Free Two Year Service Policy 'Expert County-Wide Service 'Free Delivery Set-up 'Financing available 'Trades Welcome 'Same Day Delivery 'OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK HAINES ROAD APPLIANCE REPOSSESSED. Originally 1599 at Pick uo payments. $11 month.
4077 Over-runs slightly more. Wii ALL BRANDS USE0 PIANOS mtchlnes, nenny penny oww plus many more Items, enough equip- 3wholsome mtalt, rtts.nlts HEATH SB-220 cyparutients S36-2746 REFRIGERATOR- lVj cubic ft, side HILTI DX3M-0M0. HUH DX35-5I50 Al for M4-T3M BILL HAIL'S tin, fl. Mon-Fri. Atlantic tey-ifilar 091-1071 $350 dtp, Includes ut, 525-0175, Marble Produclt-201 22nd SIS.StPttt PRE 0WNED COLOR TVS (nuksr I YAESUI 101EE digital readout from S260 FAMILIES VefLCOME Pl-ryground, Close to Schools 3 to 12iVkNithUase 9-5 P.M.
443-0671 SENCO T-MaHor, Hke new, $250. Ask 1 Buy, Set, Rent, Tune Rebuilt THE PIANO MAN Craftsman Since 151 Lit, brand new con- mam STEEL BUILDINGS- New futv eoulped. Heooiiaow nwi' SAL AD BAR -txctlltnt cononlpn, speaker DI04 mike. $ex. 197-2977 Extra clean, many with remote.
urn aT.nt. me EFFICIENCY (215 PER MONTH VimaWft expenses ltdy, homt cooking, laundry, trensporlalionn 392-4043 Unattembled. 2.400-10,000 sq. ft. 301-Wl.
mT rnTkW IP $450 HAM SB104A. exlres. on air 301 leicher Rood (K. -ksy of -Tichoet) large, Ha. WOCH MtvwQtBMtrt, let.
Ik Guaranteed. Cheaple colors starling mm 4-comoartmenis, imnnu, LusiTnAKhine. displev meal case. System- Altec Lansing. up.
Below market price! Free list oti ROW Qjw m-im lor Sam, at-ejtg. DRYWALL Folding Scaffold-SlOO. Stanley Screw Oun-S50. S34-300. MAKITA 10" Power Mitre Saw-1200 Ask tor Sim.
534-9300. al $49.95. Black While il $25. TV Music Center nl lh Thlr 177S SU'IUV Coll Tom co-Kt (OH) PIANO EXCHANGE 457, Mirtkal iBSftsjBMfitt m0' Wott- W'-TW, PedesleT heevy duty, (211 i CHAIN Link Fence- In 7i59 mbj pt it s.p.. w-shi TABLES-I ACCORDION; Gelantl lit with case, cludes 1 drive gate.
1 walk each. 32-7125 FREIGHT Damaged Color TVS. Ze QUEENSMARKi 2020 5 Avt N. La. Studio eat $15 good snape.
si5. 544-5104 by side doors. 1125. 343-0053 REFRIGERATOR 17 cubic foot, GE, trosttree, 1310. afler 6pm, 75-4084 REFRIGERATOR-IB cu.ff troslfree, Sears, avocado, excellent condition, 1120.
343-5092 REFRIGERATOR 22' Wards, good condition, 3 door, Olue, $300, flfclffi REFRIGERATOR-Admiral 14' 2 door. Frostfree INS Delivery tree 2 Year Service policy 5205 Haines Rd. Appliances 521-3747 REFRIGERATOR, apt. siie, GE SPOTLESSLY CLEAN! Perfect. 1150.
FREE DELIVERY FREE TWO YEAR SERVICE Policy Buy, Rent, SKI, Trade Pianos from 1195 Select from OVER ISO Pianos! New Used! STEHEO-comblniiton with record player. Beautiful cabinet. $150. 544- Console, I track, pecan Anita ir Pmnev. 1250.
577-4922 STEREO Console, amtm, casutte, $350or $300 If you take down. 393 "WAl nlth, RCA, etc. Over 50 new, used, 477. MOCtllBOfY OlX Twh WlBTOd AMPLIFIER- Roland Jul Chorus 50. rnnieri A Freezers reoos.
Warranty. Selling from I "1 TM4 rfwltm. APARTMENTS Good Shift 4Q. 3J1-93J9 Thai WANTED: MACHINE SHOP M9 home. No overhead, so I can 8, win mmmm mm.
DalrlMFBllflll 535- jg aid $1 no to-mm BASS Rickenbecker accouslic amp. muv bi iv ren7FM WATER? SURPLUS: 2 mtrWt vtnity topt, board rtcks, door tree, tttpltr, or 2Br plus. Large yard, stores 1 hut ir. ting gaa.igH sell cheaper 175up.DeHr l-99e-n57. equipment, m-m, MATURE ADULTS FUU SOCIAL WOGKAM WAU TO GATEWAY MALL SHOPPING CENTER PIANO-Grand, approximattly 521-3747 5205 Haines Rd Peavev cabinet.
Mint. SeMaffer. 535- Commercial ice equipment evallable S7t. omi Wttteut Marti 1ST il. jH-l room Wc.
JMWJM-eHrrn And To3JyB MtKsWti Uixtiry 5IMc*ntThMkB Ovr40 RCA 15" COLOR REPO iAV'FRHOtpTlJ-tU etk, plywood and mice cutoffs veers old. Appraised $0000, Asking T7T PUNCH PRESS, 2 to 5 Ion, model. 110 volts. 37-0770. 0297 Remote control solid oak cabinet, T- rff "tWt i-nxi-4j-ee 404 0th Ayt, 327-W41 CJflfl nau, Mil for 1450.
171-14 '3ej0" An All Adult Community LEASE-lce Machines, Refrigereiors; DRUM SET Ludwlg, 1500offer il-dkeStarcresMl AAS7 STEftl6'-Maenao. console PIANO Ktwal Console, $1000 or but electronic tuning, Originally $79. Balance. $329 or $19 monthly. WHOLESALE no.
1 Walnut $3.00 4I. OHIco oinJ Stoft ewlpmoftl Freeters (Wetk-m or Keecn im. OWtr 023 0443. 094 3525 board ft. Cherry $2.00 ft.
Whitt Oak STeSeo4 nU'gnax'tfonioie, DRUM Set-Rogers, 5 piece. ZHdiien ente Coolers, Air Conditioners. BILL HALL'S VVVW 5205 Haines Kd Appliance 521-3747 AM7 CLUBHOUSE HEATED POOLS REFRIGERATORS WASHERS RANGES 41 acres of pluth kwchcefing PIANO- Ludden Betes Special club. It, PQlr Bob, i ntu mi'WT llllfllll high hat, 2 cymbals. Mat, cut, mi' WALKMAN II, Sony $125.
Perfect! FM, Turntable, Storage. BOOKKEEPING Machine-Burroughs, typewriter 1 computer, ledger i acds reeoav. $750. 544-031 enngue Uprlghl. reslrung $450 044 1 2 BtDKOUW-i from 270 im rail lick Leeseco.
Dirk. Leaseco. BEVELED-Otd Glass, trench doors, REFRIGERATOR-Avocado, 20 cubit', 2 door, frostfree Fridgidaire, 1300. 705-1617 mpculait, $7Q j-7-4Q97 Balh, refrigarilgr, air. $150 mo.
up. Apl. Hot! 0-437 4th Ave 5-4410. Very large rm, ce- Cooking. From $25.
per week. Ma- Toshiba cassette 8, tuner $110. Sanyo ens nil FOUIPMENT lor Hogie Shoo. stained and beveled guss windows. DRUM Set, Stuart 5 pitta, radio recorder $30.
Stereo Outlet. -Magnavox console, mini PIANO. Mason-Hamlin console; Musi trPi0C montelt 734-3645 cymbals, stool, good condition, excel- 4714 Central 31-144. SlMMRvtngAlowtMmW 1 -2-2 BDR. with Den Villas aoe to Everything No Need for Cor (Gas or Electric) CANTERBURY flLUS ADULT RENTALS 1 BodraoM StrtimtS250 I Nojft 1 200 Seminole Larfe 581-9125 Unt for tjeglnnrt, WW, SH 5944 Reconditioned cal glasses; Antique bottles sleigh stat.
WlH ten separate GOOD BUYS on 4 SETS sliding glass doors. 40 41 VfltfKl TO SWOP IBR wllh air S245 met. at utH. I 111 I REFRIGERATOR: Avocado, good condition, 1175, 3M-2344 Evenings REFRIGERATOR, avocado Sears Coldspot. 17 cubic feet.
Good. 1115. Furnishod Aportmonts Available CASH REGISTER Like new. Cask). Model 103ER.
$225. 797-53X 797-939 CASH Register, new Citlo electronic, rtctlptiournil tipts, 3 totals (cash-charge-tax), automatic tax 8, ELECTRONIC 022-4010 Drummtr-Rhythm TV's-from $39.95. M(XX) With tricks, screens. $500 IV. 5M-0722.
207 III Ave Ace. Excentnt, BRESTLES TV Inc Asking takes al. After 4 p.m 321-7442. fADE 6nd6 WR 6AR! Will trade 10 deposit on $93,50 2BR 2oath new walervlew luxury condo LIGHTED SHUFFLEBOARDS ON BUSLINE 1 BEDROOM $285 PALMWAYVUAOE UKUMBAK APTS. PIANO-Old, lata 1000's Kimball.
526-2723 SBt. W4 equalizer. Tuner, turntable, speakers. BIG Screen Projection System, 19" rage apt. Excetent condition.
$235 Covered car woth Minutes to beoches tithing Adutt tocial program Free courtesy voo Now thru vtwitikTtkMT Two sparkling poofs 2 private tennis courts An AthiH Apartnwtt Community 190O-54thAva. South LIGHT Fixluret (051- Unused niTt, mm GUITAR- Electra 335 Copy. Sun Color Television, $400. 525-0537, Eve- Wojlk Shstppiiif 1t SbcINIIV REFRIGERATOR-Compact, walnut finish, office, like new. S175.
Eve- Boxed, $2 Etch. 15 Doors, Unused change, $29 or $29.90 mo 794-1040 ALLISON OFFICE EQUIPMENT mo. cat scon semueti, assoc. CENTURY 71 General Really PIANO- Player, old upright, must Riff) SET. GREAT BUY! I Rm Efficiencies.
Slew), Ref, Dishes, working Sr. Gentlemen Preferred. clean, cel iwwK, gr mm 9th Ave NE-near beech, pay wkly, Amptyfler. Speakers. 1700offers.
525 nlngs. Ask about special limited time discount program for Senior Citizens $3 Etch 4060 42nd Aye. set $400 best offer. 447-7721 for late model car. 047-3041 Mil liap tride m.
24' AngleT cutty cabin, 255 Volvo IO, fully load-ed. tor late modr1 Cfrt cash. 345-3510 25" RCA Color Remote, while wic TennfeC-wt Shu nmgs, 023-1880. REFRIGERATOR -Croslev, one year Large quantities of flH din A sheH. PIANO RENTAL GUITAR-Fender Jaguar Deluxe ker console, swivel.
$395. Call 345- StatiRdapprovod.ffnollasPk 574-454 $10 per Month up. you want to CASH Registers. $75 to $175. NCR 4-driwer, Victor 3, Swede, 2 NCR non-aHc.
All indiv. priced, or special package price. 327-4541. Elaine. Sauna Tiki Hut oio, almond, excellent condition.
1400. TOP OF THE LINE JVC JRS 201 with SEA Graphic Equalizer, Technicks FL23S Auto Turntable, BLK IV 3-way speakers and cabinet. $1400 value for $700. Mint. Bound neck.
$350. 304-1314 seasonal Jmo mm or yrly lease ai Of 300-7530, 567-67: 7-6738 WOODEN kitchen cabinetstainless GUITAR-Ovttion I cut, ml' purchase later, all your rental money applies to purchase price! One of the if SttKcteje Arecrt if S77-5565 COLOR TV $65 4 UP. BAW $19.95 ua. WiHIos Service Sales 021-4040 steel sink. 54" length.
$45. 504-0945 crophona and stand. tictwnl $105, ROOMS BOARD HOTELS 725-4ioiatier mm. matbus. Jataer (I3) 446-300 CLwtl-ntil Ibr uptlalrt, ovtrlook-mo god court, pellets, $33SutH oakl, 54-247 51-1404.
581-4102. VJjfillTit lovei7 elfcy, aTt. S3I-7043. largest selections of new usei pianos in Pinellas County! Piano Ex CEMENT Blocks, 100 unused 0 0 453. Ce RQtllw 4 Equipfrtofil COPIER 3-M secretary II.
Assume payment. No money down. $123.07 mo. for 16 mo. 327-3500.
501-014 I if Vk-on Cable Corpoett MinuttjBteMalb CfNTRAUY STEREO System Console. White, IREO 5V! 1 SCRATCH DENT WHIRLPOOL HOTPOINT MAGIC CHEF Savings Up To 40 Off List FULL FACTORY WARRANTY QUANTITIES LIMITED AAA APPLIANCES 4022 54lh Ave. N. 525-3352 Member Suncoast Better $50. GUITAR SALE change.
232 2nd St 023-2005 525- Modern Good Condition. $100. CB. RAOIOS-13), $35 each, plus 500. Nursing fofilitios.
Roitoriurnt Public Golf Course Olympic Pool Tenni Court Vollybll Courtesy Bui REFRIGERATOR Freezer-Sears, 3 door, Side-by-slde, deluxe, large capacity, adjustable shelves 1345. FREE DELIVERY FREE TWO YEAR SERVICE Policy S205 Haines Rd Appliance 521-3747 REFRIGERATOR- Frigedaire, while, side by side, 20 cubic feel, excellent Hotel-Clean lg. rmt. Linens, TV, luft Minute to Beachei Cable TV All Appliance Balconies Patio Laundry HARDWOODS, Rosewoods, ttc. Flrtt misc parts.
733-3117. PIANOS Boocims LOCATED eVBaaciMS 40 OFF ALL STOCK! Charles Bean Music Co 066-0610 R0SEDALE RESTORIUM I I Cooking I I Dowfiri quality, at lengths, scraps 323-0411 COPIER: 3M, Secretary III, high volume; collator. $500; Assume $240 mo. payments (lax credit). 3l-775 MOST CB Repairs $25.
WATTS OUT TUNE TOWN, al 4 locations 527-2933 4000 54th Ave 4531 34th St. S. at Maximo Plaza Ih Ave N. 527-7315 DOOR Screen $35. Storm door $40.
3479 MWI 397-6491 O- Toshiba, receiver turnta-ble, EPI speakers, cabinet, $650 531- 1772 TAPES, I track, 4300. Top names. 500 or more. $.30 each. 391-1KI2 No Pats IBkCV mi SUNG HOME IURS sitting rm, maid wkly, use of refrig, Sr1-in' LAKut rOOm Oil OMCn HI PVT.
nonw ORGAN- 2 mot. old, GuDransen, 25 Both Unustd. 534 8407 AduhRantate 200 Staratxt Driva CUarwater Pinellas Square Mall 521-1003 condition. 1240 347-3306, 397-5247 COPIER- 3M-VAC III, excel. Recent-Iv doted office $595 535-5724 eve SOHD-il Pool, Fishing.
Ntrar shopping, buiKrw, boat dock rwarby. Adjacont to GuKport Boach Distinctive Personalized Cere pedal, paid $12,000. Asking $0,000. an DOORS Patio 4' Thermopane. $300.
REFRIGERATOR-Frigidaire, 12' cu" 1 BR Furn. or Unfurn. AvillaMi Countryside Mall 794-1057 Guffvlew Mall 040-0745 9lh St. N.O. 71st Ave 527-7231 COMPUTER- TRS00, 14k, cassette, excellent S900.negollabte, Kan 461- tlque whit, wllh gold S70-H77 kitchen prlv $25 mg, 447-7011 Unused.
534-0407 COPIER, Saxon PS0, good condition, LArBO- Pvt. lg BRbath 'in 3's faw, CouMwoy BoyDfiye I HE ALHAMBRA Located in beautiful eourtytrd or Godcnurse. Swimming pool, tennis ORGAN-Airllne 0942 DoutM key 443-18211 5. 531-1453 2044 3209-58th StrMt Souttt, Ouitport, rt Mw PIANO, Spinet, Westbrook. dark.
avocado, apl size, clean. 1150. Guar delivered. Frostfrees from $175. ALL STAR APPLIANCES 526-7304 4698-49th ST OPEN SUNDAY 474.
MKMnofY otvJ Tots board. Leslie speakers. $525. 540-2330 excellent condition. Sicrlfict courts, dubheute, dote ft shopping COMPUTER, TRS-00, Business Model II with Printer Moo III.
Several Nursing 8. Convalescent Care 7501 -30th Ave, No. 345-9307 OAK MANOR NURSING HOME DESK-Contemporary style executive. Perfect for 4-oerson conference table. 59W454 TELEVISION 19" Color, excellent pic-lure, excellent color, $100 cash.
321- TLEVlSlON- 19" Color. Perfect! 6 months. $250. Afternoons Vincent 067- tJlEvISION: 25" color console $135. No.
of K-mart on OuK-to-Bay and beaches, overlooking inotan AIRLES-Grtco, complete, good condl Rrlw.l hlh tltama Mi-4994 2 ORGAN ALL MAKES 4 MODELS REFRIGERATOR-Frigidaire 16cu fl. QVilnew Programs. $490Q, 867-1609 Rocks God Court. From $275. PIANO, Stelnwev Studio, mint condl tkin.
pop corn cup. $450 397-5403 Excellent cond. $200. Lanier dictating AL HAVENERS MUSICLANO I I .1 i Business Council 3500 Oak Manor Ln. Ltrgo 50)-94j7 HOT, thtrry wood 17500 042-00? equipment, like new.
1175best offer. Call 595-9457 Deilyweekly, busline, quiet 4 sc.vri rMtystW run, tU3J ARBORS. Chucks. Milling Cutlers. COMPUTER-TRS 00, level CRT, tape player, power supply, no key- 4S3 Countryside MtO 796-2234 REFRIGERATOR-White, runs Piano-Upright.
Make offer. May 30-4095 No frost. Immaculate. Guaranteed 1195. Authorized Dealer.
541-2620 REFRIGERATOR- Frigidaire Frostfree 16', like new, can deliver ST MARK VILLAGE OriNs, Tips, Rotary Tables, Tapping N'SlOE-lBR, Just remodeled: 5990 Ulmerton Rd 536-7001 19" color portable 1135. Both fully 145. 327-1817, 894-0900 evenings. 12800 Venn Rd. Large boyd, 3M-7577 Win pt: 414) 11th Ave ELECTRO Static Platemaker 8, proc 6000 Central Ave 34S-QW1 ViMcmtimtm To Shiro In Palm Harbor 705-2574 ikend TV 541-1 LYNNBROOK partaeilt SmAAt.
(813)345-0750 Heeds, Machines Tooling. Midway. 3099 Utmorton Rd. 577-4947 40K, 5066 xCS Blanc SAXOPHONE-Borltone, Le ester. New $1400.
tell $050. 522-1482 Only COMPUTER TRS-00, model with expansion Interface. $950. 185. 347-6318 ORGAN-Bekfwln Interlude, Fun Ma 5" Magnavox EXTRA LARGE! 1, 2, and 3 bedrooms with all the most wanted features plus private patio or balcony, washer-dryer hookup, outside storage, 4 pools, tennit.
Great location between Clearwaler and Largo. Chvarmb MH i.r Kp.Mmesvi 601 East RoseryRd. just off Missouri, Largo 585-6536 A NST PIOPERTy MANAGEMENT COMMUNITY JACARANDA MANOR REFRIGERATOR, white, side-by-side, 1200. Carpet, ISO. Good condition.
526-7802 Noblel, A. 441-45PP am Lake Artt-WorMng mm wtnts lo thare 3BR house, pvt rm.Mlr 17Smn ulil lnHttt-11-S chine. Like new, 1900. 797-3795 442- Console, excellent condition. GESTETNER- 1120 8, 440 duplicator CABINET Shop Equipment- Rockwell 1 6575.
094-4661. ask for Darrell. Mark VI Sel- SAXOPHONE -Tenor, iiencv, nicety fur- 2950 10" unl saw, 10" radial arm saw, 393-0254 TElEvi i stencil imager, brand new. 536 344: 327-347 mer. $750.
441-0500 4250-64th ST. 544-2405 BfcLLEAIR EAST HEALTH CTR 1150 Ponce de Leon Blvd EPSON MX-00 Printer with Graftrax Graphics. NEW $499. Logical Choice ISION BlackWhite RCA 19" MADEIRA Bch wtterfroni dock, 3hp compressor many misc. items.
REFRIGERATOR-Frigidaire, loo freezer, good condition. 1150. 527-6201 REFRIGERATOR, Frostfree, West-inghouse, fam size, super clean, 1165 FREE DELIVERY FREE TWO YEAR SERVICE Policy ORGAN CLASSES ADULT BEGINNER (Jutt N. of 688 Ulmorton Rd.) Open 9-6; Set. 9-5: Sun.
V-S WASHER 'Dryer, Fridgidaire, apartment size, "Skinny 1200 Apartment size range, $50. 504-5938, 581-2007 4115 ith Avf, j. nt-m I share jar home. TRUMPET, Bundv. excellenl condl lion, with cese.
mouthpiece Hilt, m-fin IBM-Electronic typewriter 75, Blue, 5277 Park St North. 540-3137 Portable, good picture, TElEVisSn; Color, Clearwaler 585-5491 1 NORTH- AST-Young professional to WATERFRONT LIVING lets thon 1 yr, best offer. 391-9775 TIERRA PINES 8175otfar. 733-0024 Good Condition. Sacrifice.
$75. ICL 1501 40 Transaction System Computer 2.5 megabytes disc storage, 2 CLIPPER Concrete Cutter; good con fitly WO, 5-nn share 3Br2Bath colonial homt. CONVALESCENT CENTER JEWELRY SHOWCASES. All Lighted 1-7UO 5205 Haines Rd Appliance 521-3747 $200mo ulil. 530-10pm 0673.
TELEVISION color 25" Zenith TRUMPET, King, good condition, with cast, mouthpiece, $12Sofftr. WASHER, Dryer- GE, Still Under warranty. Sacrifice 1300 Both! 866- 0673. 7425 Ulmorton Rd Laroo 535-9033 CONTRACTOR'S 10" TABLE SAW. REFRIGERATOR, GE, 16 cubic feel, Area- aaiiett Some With Locks, Mirror Doors.
Priced to Sell! 245-M75 1 2 Bedrooms n89-4100 NORTH PASADENA MANOR Nursing Home console, ouai TV 501-1 12" Contractor's Arm Saw. 14" Band like new, 1200. 894-2256 733-0-24 tape carriage drives, l4Kbytes semiconductor memory 256-character display wlH be sold al AUCTION Monday 315 7PM at Auction Houw Male to share 2BR home a PuckoH's Store Fixtures 544-3745 TELEviJlbN-cotor. $75. Very 1430 Pasadena Ave 5 REFRIGERATOR, GE, 16 cubic good Saw, ART'S.
935-4011 TAMPA TARPON SPRINGS-Etticiency aptt SENIORS HIDEAWAY "On Beautiful Pinellas Point" 1 2r 3 btdfooin torts ot 230 SENIORS SAVE 10 NO PETS WANTED Fine Upright Piano WASHER DRYER-Ken more heavy duly, excellent condition. $300. 733- 347-1257 condition Musi sell. 301-3056 foot, gold, frostfree, like new. 1200.
with hnM maid service wkly Phone LOVESEAT, matching chair, beauty 745-7351 Bredenlon DISC SanderGrinder 5" unustd, 540 Seminole Blvd. Largo. 505-1100 0873 evenings GOLFVIEW NURSING HOME 576-2476 home wsame. Child OK. 3 Cott-8125.
SoH-145. 724-3074 Rent A Piano Before You TELEVISION, color. Excellent pic-lure and excellent color. $70 cash. bars(stitlon) (3), related office equip menl.
electric range, 442-1001 i lejjTll im 3436 10th Ave. St. Petersburg WASHERDrver, Sears, Heavy duly, SAND KEY BEACH To snare with SINCLAIR ZX-01, personal computer with 16K RAM 8. OK basic ROM, INCLUDES: 4 week lessons, mu Included. Practice room.
NOW FORMING CALL: CANNON MUSIC CO. Find Out Your Family's Talent REFRIGERATOR-General Electric, white, good condition, 1120. 823-0863 1250 sel or separate 527-5959 rjoj Beautif*cky furnlthed 1 ft 2 bedroom condominiums for annual Mete. Pool, clubhouse, shutfleboard. Walk le shop HAND BRAKES-10'.
52" foot shear IM oalnn Kettle 753-1194 Mandaw wnnwn U70 595-3065 FLETCHER MUSIC 574-9292 TeVIiVISIONS 19" Zenith BW $35 MAILING. Printing, folding 0, ad MARIA MANOR HEALTH CARE WASHER Dryer. Whirlpool. Heavy TREASulte tsltnd Lrg luxurious wt 4 Pools, Tennis, Saunas, Weight HIGHEST PAID FOR VIOLINS dressing systems. New Steelcese extended.
Has cable for TV 0, cassette hookup with programming maual. 8250 firm. After 5pm, 704-2042 Thurtdoy. 8-4pm 12" GE BW portable $40 Duty. $200 Both, 525-8537, Evenings.
lerfront homepool, mele w11 yr old Calholic Diocese of St. Petersburg 1300 4lh SI. N. 57fcl02J flew. Ail But.
Systems 391-4751 Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins. TYRONE SQUARE MALL 345-9360 HYDRAULIC JACKS- 2 Ton Floor Exercise Facilities, City Bus, Nea SI son, shirt expenses. Costs neogtata PALM HARBOR MUSIC. 704-4240 pin. From $450.
JMC REALTY INC. WASHER- Hoover, Spin Dry. Used, excellent cond. 1169.95. Free delivery.
TRS-00 Model 32K. 2 disk. 11600 ORGAN, Conn console, whitt, excel- AAodels Heivy-dutv. NOW. S169.95 501 RotlfOfTiont Cwtofs OFFICE Equipmtnt- Drifting boardt.
desks chtirs. ttc. 544-0424 HALF-PRICE-1901 Vantage Electric MAe'aVlnl, firm. 090-7094, lent condition. 541-3007.
327-2054 NO FROST-17 CU.FT. 4.73 Cu. ft. freezer. Includes energy-saver switch Ice'N Easy ice cube trays.
Now, ONLY 1428. ECONOMY TV APPLIANCE CENTER Mr Ed's 5208 66th St. N. 544-0773 Equipment Co 544-4301 Beaches; Shopping Center 17" Sears color $75 23" Zenith color $135 25" Quasar color $1(5 23" Admiral color $05 New 1902 Zeniths Now In Stock! Large Sales-Service Yrjl'f St I HU iGufteort) vE'ttoT Gu'fr. Mint condition S200 5f 1-3565 ORGAN, Hammond, AI00, with 455.
VldM KKOrtfr-MUiBfTtOflt tat i care of handicapped gentleman. JOINER Seers Best $275. Air WASHER KENMORE-2 speed, 3 eyes- 5 temp. Perm, press SONY 255 Reel Deck. Originally $350.
Leslie. 11000 797-1574 after 5pm AN elec. kitchen, nearby tithing, beoches, short term leases, Sauna baths, plenty of closets, on bus route, corpetdrapei, walking distance to schools shopping. 3 swimming pools, tennit courts. LOCATION South on U.S.
19 S. (34th St. So.) to Pinolos Point Dy.toBetofenteJmApts. OFFICE Furniture-1 yr old, desk, chairs, tablet, lamps. Copier, minolto 310, HO rn.
for 2 vrt. 794-094 iff rtlrw, HM Compressor, 1 hp. Start Best $29 Mint. Bargain. $150.
522-1154. ORGAN Hammond B3 with Leslie Water Saver 1135 DUPLEX APARTMENT 527-7111 CENTRAL AVE PAWN 021-3474 A TV Mon-Fri Sat 10-2 441, Gordon Trow Utw home wllh lamilv. 323-2001. speaker. $140, 347-5171 BERKELEY SQUARE Free delivery 2 yrs service policy MATCHING DRYER $135 l-BR.
2-BA Conv. to Waiver AAed. LAKEVIEW HOUSE 445-7TH AVE ST. PETE. Moderate rentels include: Meals, Recreation Room, Many Extras.
Air. No Investments, purchases, memberships or other costs. OPEN WEEK DAYS FOR INSPECTION 098-3940 FOR BROCHURE JOINER, 4va, Craftsman, Like New. REFRIGERATOR Norge 16 cubic foot, Avocado, runs good, 1125. 393- OFFICE FURNITURE RENTAL RETURNS LADY to shirt homt with tame BLACK FIELD DIRT-For garden or SEPARATE FAMILY SECTION $275.
525-7714 REPOSSESSED VCR Quasar auto, start 1 stop. Precision timing system, digital counter, instant replay, originally $995, balance due, 1448 or $25 monthly. BILL HALL'S B1-I31I itLtvivunvtseauniui coior, 5205 Haines Rd. Appliances 521-3747 I Ifa' I 1 I ORGAN, Hammond, C-3, amplifier, keyboard, console style, amplifier, Model PR 40, $7S0bett offer, 526- Center. FuHy renovated.
Avail, yrly. $350 ulil. Ca J. Lake, g'li, Aftr strri wim DESK 30x40" from $119 6622. yard.
$5 a yard. 524-4497 solid stale. 1150 170. 025-0774 JWmmmmmM TELEvfslONS-Magnavox WASHER Kenmore, all cycles, rebuilt, guaranteed 1125. color LIQUIDATION TOOL SALE HEALTHY Palm Llgustrum tries Removed from your ytrd Free.
6255. SW. AaofitnTodarkw lnVmrln RMMmATE mwi Shirt AptHome. Fee $35. National 25 25" Zenith 19' porta- A friendly community in the shadow of towering oaks.
OAKBRGDK VILLAGE APARTMENT HOMES All adult living within the quiet, tree-shaded grounds of Oakbrook Village. Two pools and tennis courts. Shopping and bus lines just a short walk away. All this plus a lull schedule of planned recreational activities. VISIT US TODAY! Quality Home Appliances 541-2620 STENO DESK from $149 EXECUTIVE CHAIRS from $5 SIDE CHAIRS from $15 STENO CHAIRS from $49 FILES from $4 HUMPE R0NEY 704-2473 Palm Harbor 704-5394 REFRIGERATORS- Almond, Colds-pot, frostless, dual control, ENER GY-SAVER.
Family size 1295. 5205 Haines Rd Appliances 521-3747 NEW CL0SE0UTS CONTINUES! DRILL PRESSES: ORGAN-Hammond Spinet, series, 7 years old, likt new. BAYOU MANOR VCR REPO ble excel cond $80 each 321-0 TELEVISION-Sylvania; 5' good condition WASHER-Kenmore, HOME GARDEN TILLING Referrals. Anytime. 441-SB77 14 speed (1 few Ml) hp, no.
2 Adult Apartments Discount over 55 yrs. 866-2488 giant trade for boat or snorts car. 1125. 397-0331 Inc. REALTORS 822-2740 (24hrs) Seed bed preparation, soil enrich $995.
391- warranty. Adult Rental Apts. Largo 1 2 BR Apts. from $270 Screened Porches On Busline Walk to Shopping Social Activities 2 Clubhouses 8t Pools Licensed Adult Congregate Living Facility. Planned Recreetion, Speciel Diets.
Cable TV. ALLISON OFFICE EQUIPMENT mm ORGAN (Kawal) ESSODX-lvory pol- WASHER, Kenmore. Good condition. 5ttjCCfTlPJW4a1tftl TBt4l IJ WSit sludenl from Auto start 4 slop, memory, audio dubbing, precision electronic liming system, instant replay. Originally $799.95.
Balance, 1540 or $23 monthly. menl. trench composting 345-2729 4961 NEW in cartons-not floor models fJTTMttpMENTMPT, ish. automatic 522-5405 All cycles. 170.
345-6893 CIEAWATER 74-104 TELEVISION, working well REFRIGERATORS walk unitnnf nwk- 435-42nd Aye. S. jBi seeks home, ftmity-lype elmespnere ORGAN (Lowrev) Model Venus, A-l PHOTO Copier, Albin 1000, good con- Open teeekdoyt 9te, Sat. 10 te 5, Sun. 1 to 5 ORCHIDS-Phtlenoptis collection Approx.
230 plants, most are flowering size, 150 in spike flowering. ..1319 .1219 1239 New. Nieetv turn. 2BR 2 Malesllc Towers Heellh Center DLL HALL'S 31-9711 spjc im. outet.
mtturt, 3i-aey condition, extras. $1500 505-0090 BlaW dltlon $400; 704-0400 Galawav Ma 1 Mack. 2nd floor over WASHER-Kenmore, GuaranteeDeliv 1125. Dryer, Delivered 'Guar. $125 ALL STAR APPLIANCES 526-7304 4698 49th ST.
N. RCA VIDEO RECORDER condition. $50. while, stand, good Pols misc. 704-4230 tor Info.
540 Roy Hanna St Pete, Fla. RANGES DISHWASHERS WATER Heaters 'j H.P. DISPOSERS HAINES ROAD looks pool. No chhorenpett. $55 tea 1255 S.
Pesedana Ave. South Pasadena Phone 301-7301 Short Term Convtlescent Cart ORGAN M101 Hammond Tone-wheel. 251 Leslie Speaker. $1500. 596- (6 hours).
New, In cartons $500. ..1119 New. New. PINE TREE- Free. Mutt be re- Corntll-Stont-929 Tyrone.
347-0049 REAL ESTATE FM RENT SAVIN, Bond Paper Copy Machine, copies on letter or legal size. (Repossessed) Model 755. $145. Tamea Bay Lotting 794-1341 WASHER- Kenmore. Top condition, 4404.
393-7331 Zenith, color, iW, APPLIANCES moved. 1955 29th SI So. 047-4259 1100. 525-4040. ORGAN Organsonlc, INTELLIVISION GAMES We have litem all.
Call For Information. 5205 Haines Rd J2J-J747 PLANTS, indoor outdoor keyboards, $450. 067- Amfm REFRIGERATOR Sears. 18cu', 2 macrame hangers. EUie's Plants 4301 1 175 PinaJta Pt.
Dr. 867-01 78 peddles, bench, 1505. 574-4101 Video Corner 524-3400, 321-2122 TABLE office-34 72, teak oak, $50 321- stereo, turntable, speakers. WASHER Maytag Heavy Duty, Rebuilt 1175. Guar.
Authorized Dealer Quality Home Appliances 541-2620 Door, fcemaker, Excellent HI Ave. N. M.T. Induttriil. $14.50 5 spied, chuck, Vihp $159.95 3 speed, vj chuck, $0 5 speed Pedestal (Floor Mod.) St chuck, rotating tut table vihp, H.D.
bench grinder $42.50 1500 lb. Cherry Picker, (Engine Hoist) $425 4000 lb Cherry Picker, $579 2 ton H.D. garage lack $139.95 2V ton H.D. garage lack $140.75 4000 lb comm'l Air Jack $425 H.D. Engine Stand $124 42 pc.
Socket Set, $12 40 pc Socket Set $0 14 pc Wrench Set, ft-lV $22 Drive 4 pt Socket Set H-IV4 $22 Milwaukee It Air Drill $39 Va" Air Impact Wrench 250 lb $39 44 Air Impact Wrench 000' lb 1156 1" Air Impact Wrench wextended Anvil $23 excellent, will deliver. $100.. 535-4551. 4725 ATARI Home Video Unit with 3 cassettes. Like new.
$100 value now 1150Offers. 784-6552. Large priv roombath, 3 wholesome meals, laundry, maid serv. Non- mneteCTNEL- LAS CO. RN CORP.
Comfortable 44. fvnttiti kHrtmm i 1 Ave 7220' i. Gar. apl. 3 rmt, car- I I Kitchen 0, Bath.
Clean. 1140; 594-420 444. BuiMlfH MltOfllh, StfBpmW TV-19" Screen, Black While, TYPEWRITER IBM. Electronic 40. 150.
REFRIGERATOR- Sears, Coldspot, WASHER-Mini apartment size, 822-2568 $100. 725-4501 after 6pm Still box, Sacrifice $1.095. 044-2717 side by side, copoenone, excellent ORGAN-PIANO RENTALS "TRY BEFORE YOU BUY" WRIGHT Piano 5823 49th St BIG PANEL SALE CLEARWATER 347-5424, eveswkends 044-4071 Gun S150 84-32? PIONEER Laser Disc Video Player remote control, includes 5 discs. Ex- ii.ino-i meals 6540-4ih St 525-6625 ASPENITE TYPE PANELING 2nd Ave N- 230 Mirror Lake LIVE WITH DIGNITY 1 TYPEWRITER- Remington, electric, telf-correcting. Like new.
Cost over $000. Sacrlflct $350. 144-2717 REFRIGERATORS, FREEZERS ceptional buy, at $425. 531-0773 1ST QUALITY $2.99 Stand. Excellent.
150offer. 360-7237. TV-2S" Color console, solid slate, beautiful wood cabinet, excellent. Sac- rlflce $250, 734-1037. TV's Color, BW, $49up.
Warr. TejeHomtTV W7 5thAveN 323-4403 TV-Large screen projection, good pic- EL SOL RETIREMENT CLUB RCA CC-001 Camera, Studio Quality, HOUSE Modern CornfortaMt.SKur 1 ORGAN, Sarslsa console with bench. Excellent condition. 1300 or best offer lOO's of Wood Paneling In Stock From $7.99. None over $10.99 536-3562 2444-4th St, N.
04-0104 WASHERS DRYERS, All Rebuilt. New: Bearings, Mais, refinished like new. 2 year guarantee 4 year warranty or WILL REBUILD YOURS. Kenmores, Frigidaires, GE, Mavtags. All Heavv-Dutv, 50 for your choice.
Member Suncoast Better Business 2829 26th St 8, 323-3700 Tripod, Accessories Perfect 1449. Retired tdulti; 1BR ft Deluxe Efflc Semi-Retired. Efficiency Apartment SA VE 200 TYPEWRITERS IBM Selectrlcs Factory reconditioned by IBM. Alto 225 llTH AVE NE 023-4401 5W-2MI EXTERIOR PLYWOODS: $5.99 Adult Cert, 3 Meets, Laundry, 24 Hr. ORGAN- Seers, I keyboard, 10 pre 1 Boom Storting At $270 2 BtKaroorn Starting At $310 3 eWdroorri Starting At $400 Vlllos Storting At $465 Family Adult 0, $7.99.
$8.49 8, $10.29. 1500, 535-7330 eve- lure, sacrifice. GUUMO-IAY ClIMWITtl MU NUBSEttT a lEUtm JT RCA VDT 625, special effects, excel- 585-3723 models 50 8, 40. In slock. Rent to IM, KREST But, Mtch, vice, H.R.S.
License. Prlva esemi set chords, expression pedal, bench, EXTERIOR SANDED PLYWOOD: lenl. $600. 321-0177 after 3pm etlremenl Residences-5 locetions wood cabinet, good. $75 393-2302 30 ton Bearing Pratt $54 inavox, 1900, console, re- BETA Anovies: 50 it $30each.
$1500. WORD Processor, Olivetti S24. $1500. WASHER-Ward's, heavy duty, Put your trust in experience. mm $14.99, $10.0.
T-l-11 $7.99 0, $.. T-l-U $9.99 $12.4. 522-5357 control, $599. 367-1211 Eve- i mm WASHERS, DRYERS, RANGES Rebuilt Electronically Tested. 'Free Delivery Set-Up.
Excellent Guarantee, New Whirlpool Appliances In Stock. Member Suncoast Better Business. PAUL W. LONG 344-2056 OUR 16TH YEAR 3311 Tyrone Blvd. REFRIGERATORS (new used), rebuilt washers, electric ranges-LARGE selection! TV stereo components, speakers.
Sales Service. 574-427; 347-5442 ORGAN-Saart 40 chord, double key-board. bench. $200. 347-1211 evenings.
with kllctenbalh. In 'balh fn year old, 1200. 506-4013 evenings. PLUS MANY MORE ABSOLUTE BARGAINSI mote nines. 094-4405 Color Brochure 301-140 eHiclancies Some with air condition rluAM ullk Na i pi wtoJV-m VIDEO Recorder-Portable, Quasar.
yr. color camera. $1450. 705-9745 SUHotol Accommtdttiom ORGANS PIANOS WATER Purifier- Hurley, still in box, HOP. 347-7759; 345-5754 HEAVY DUTY SCREEN DOORS Ing.
Starting at $10. some weekly. TV MAGNAVOX rm Ave. Downtown 3BR. garage, 0 SEE THIS SALE! USED BUDGET FURNITURE Buy Sell Lease M-F Sat.
10-5 DETR6lt h6VL. en.re, Ave INDIAN ROCKS VIDEO parkina.Apt. gat ft water. $250mo. Neat ft cleen.
some turnisneo. full SERVICE Property Memt (Aluminum) $19.99 AMANA MICROWAVE REPO 19" Diagonal Color Portable 2225 NURSERY ROAD 3MW furnished. $140 We hive truckt arriving everyday with new merchtndlM! BAY CITY BARGAIN PLYWOOD New automatic fine tuner, self clean SUNCOAST OFFICE SUPPLIES. 255 44th Avt, 527 YillOQC Sun 124 BALDWIN TUCKER PIANO ORGAN CO. 1150 Cleveland St.
442-0141 Soulhoele. N.P.R. 042-7427 Phone-maid-coin laundry-restaurant $35 wk 8, up when evell. 022-4095 CENTRAL HOTEL, 119 2nd SI. N.
Downtown, across from Maas Bros. $25 week 0, up when avail, 022-3244 VCR's from $555. Blank T-120 from $14.95. For Your Evas Only other latest rental titles. 12700 Indian Rocks Rd, Largo 595-1227 MF 2-7pm St 10-fjpm ing.
Terms. $207. Dual timer system. Stainless steel interior, 650 watts. Balance due, $248 or 115 monthly.
Bill Hall's Ware-house. 504-8173 11 ifWlJS t7 12575 US. 19 Clearwater 535-5055 Mon thru Sal, 0 to 4 In Tamoa Call 259-1104 aamm rnm GEORGE'S APPLIANCES, 3717 49th CHECK US OUT! Corner 49lh SI A 54lh Ave N. REMINGTON 24 electric. Good condi-tlon.
$5.. 347-3024 After 4pm. tntdttrwnf ECONOMY TV Appliance Center 527-7111 IQWSjtSjp 576-5296 4th St. ot 116th Avo. No tee Beit NICE S735 uo 327-597 5272100 St.
Disston i Plaza MOOERN, 4ThVE VE tITCdiwt 177-7710 4042-3 rooms, ball iii ii: mi IM -i. U. Ith VveN, Hew" caVget palm. 1 BR 1175-115: Ibr college $19. 7ttW.J-4J-l H'WLlliLXJ 4TH AVE 414-1 BR newly ei t4l-n- JeMi PfSJ WW MJI BOB BtleeBSWt Potertftfi court 9 wtr wwr" C3ibboMtjf Ami 1 a tmj 'mi 0 CHEZ NOUS APT.
Across St. from Main Library. 'ffl WIL-alr, Urns, Bidet, are AAA construction and pro I Countryside Area Adult Rentals 1-2-3 Bedrooms 1 Bedroom 275 2 Bedroom $305 2 Pools, Tennis Courts, Planned Social Activities. 4 On-Site Laundries. Carports.
Vision Cable. On Bus Line. No Pets REDUCE YOUR MO WIG EXPENSE BY f2M THRU MARCH WITH THIS AD 2220 US 19 N. Sun. 1-5 796-2958 tected by limited access aecurny sn There are na better mihv urn a cnoAialict patio, Ave n-eeee.
lalne atft In St Pet. 1 ft 2BR units V. nOPPna tar immrnedlele occupancy. 'yMfcCKpfe(JeJe opts. Incl.
utlllllet, lir, maid, TV A UP -nun. I I phone, etc. $5 wkly I 4th St 5 615-oev ntanor ewyj, tv, ac. fjiiopis 5WS5Sseay eHMToel C9AMMITT SPAOOUS 1, 21 3 tWdroom 2 Bodroom TewnhouMS Now Offforing Choico of: 3, 6 4k 12 month loose YOUNG FAMILIES WELCOME ADULT FAMILY FOOLS tram $265 mo apartment. $235.
Extra to oeo Htm 135 WEEK UP. -234K40 oom. $275 no pets, wyan Ay s-ftT. IBR duel 5m Ave U. W-Cttan, Modern -tftv.
5 tllOMweekiy. Pel less adults. 004 To AtsVartiM in this wction, paM M4-t70t or S24-S700 1 SfxuiigdOiiagCi CTf emclencles Avt. TSiR Ave Ste-Cemfortebte iBr, uo- ilh TV, Hngnt, laundry Clean, quiet tlairt, air. matt utti pa, outet neejn 2065 N.
Hsflhlanos atarwatBt jKjmv mm. From Sij II III-0H-' Lawn Servicti hom*o Ropairt RoBtiM Sorvicw Excavatkm BHj Sorviot Controt fgMftt Accounting Sorvicw Corptntry owcor, perwi OpeB 7 PoyB QUALITY WORK, SATISFACTION TAXES Accounting Services. Very W000LAWN PARK APTS, The Heppy Sprinkler-new installations milnt. contracts, frtt est. W4-4473 DO 4 ROOMS GET 1 FREE Leonard.
Lie 1 Insured. 323-3920 HOME REPAIR 8, ADDITIONS 20 years in area, 442-4460. LEAK REPAIRS GUARANTEED. 323-0971 DRIVES, Palios, Floors, Sidewalks. 20vrs Exp.
Free esl. Phil. 301-3040 VERY SPECIAL! reasonable rates. 191-7367 COMPLETE Tnclor Service-lot cleerlng sodding. Free est 524-4497 BOBCAT 135Hr.
All types-Dirt COURTESY HOME REPAIR 20 yrs exper. Carpentry, paneling, inlpxl, dogrs, 31-415 i rfii tlSA nu ett-Tl-l 1i430.7tthAve.P. CDAU 0C PROFESSIONAL SPRINKLERS BY GEORGE TRY ME! Plinting WoHpepering. 5lh St' N-2B. Acrltt from WIrrof Fast, guaranteed, member Better mum LAWN SERVICES 8x50' 047-0352.
30-1447. Immediate Service. Reasonable. No work 8, Hauling 544-4474. 527-2209.
ADDITIONS, REMODELING, Garage Conversions, decks, sliding doors. State Certified 8, Insured. 525-2622 Like Hkrarv. Effey. Maturt aouttt.
HOME REPAIRS Satisfaction SK-3W9 54-6500 Soring soeciels. Fret ett 524-593) INSTALLATIONrepeir, Quality work. 2vr guarantee. George Blake 534-8769 rob '90 smell pon Schntiger Sjl-IOIj. DRIVES, Patios, Watts.
Alto Epoxv with River Grevel. Senior citiien Adult garden aptt. 1 ft 2 Bedroom. Wait in shoos, restaurant. Guaranteed! 55-9754.
INCOME Taxes, bookkeeping. Over 25yrs experience. Phone 541-1589 LET a CPA handle your tax 8, accounting problems. Reasonable rates. Call 866-3567 or 360-9340 Additions BOBCAT Hr.
We do my thing driveways. Ins. Free Esl. 544-4741 POWER RAKE! VERTI-CUT! COME LIVE AMONG But. Council.
Lie, Int. 044-1141 SPECIALIZING Hot Ttr Gravel, Shingles. Tile, Free Estimates. Llclns. Quality Is our Middle Name.
544-057 PAINTING CONTRACTOR IntExt. Quality Work. Reasonable Rtttt. SHELTER Construction Co. Excel carpentry: commercial 8.
residential. soeciels. 327-2349. Eves, or Wkndt. busllne.Manaeer on premises.
Pant Wt Can SW-414. FAIRVIEW Sprinkler Specialists. MAC'S HOME REPAIR -Repair Anything. Frtt Etl, dec orated. $325 mo.
Includes utilities. FREE ESTIMATES. CLEARWATER LAWN SERVICE l-724 FofKlng the Trees The Serenity of tr heat, hot water, rubbish Pickup. SPECIAL Concrete $1.45 sq ft, room Fret Estlmele. 544-3744.
Reasonable. Free estimates 822-6496 IW-W. afler 5em. mm n. mmm tv.
mm HOMESTEAD ROOFING 37-0424 Prime Location 1 2 Bedroom Adult Condominiums Now Leasing Selected Units MODELS OPEN CUTTING Grots Hedges, Edglng- eod'iions. root work, 894-4220 Complete Service. Free Ett. 33-4279. BROWN'S Lawn Sprinklers.
Service. Free Ett. on new Inslal. 541-123 iTH JTH, 24 EffCV ft 1BR APIS Private Balconies I 1 3 Pool Cent Haat Alt itAir FENCING INSTALLED Fasl-Efficient-Free Estimates NIAGARA CONCRETE 360-9080 CARPENTRY, decks, doors, windows, plumb, palnl. Mike 33-0100 Etttb 79 REPAIR-No Job Too Small.
Freeetts. Llcint. 522-3544 low prices. 10 yrs, exp, 327-249 LAWN CARE ReisoneWt Rites WW 1155. Set 1 sth ST INTERIOR Exterior.
Avail 7 days. Bj Htyln Htwkt enytlrne 327-l CARL THE PAINTER 343-4021 Free Estimates. LicensedInsured Min. to Beach Clooe to Shopping Bank Nearby DOORS, Locks, Wood rol. Termite Repair.
Free estimate. 895-0494 RENT A HUSBAND- Tired of beg-ging for home repairs? Call 343-2914 MONTGOMERY WARD lOvrs. local exper Free estimates 1 Roofing Company will Install any type of roof for a 20 discount. 021-0154. 525-1057.
SwInwnlftB Peth Clwlr surrounding areai 74-490 -Pfa-fflfalWTf i Mf JA-' Ah. -W. MBBBtttfoBBHfWTDer Tf-------------- 1 TH Walks, Drives, Palios, Porches. Lie InsGuar. Reliable.
360-9000. 30-2140 CUSTOM ADDITIONS CUSTOM REMODELING Residential Commercial By St Pete's Leading Custom Bldr BRUCE WILLIAMS, INC. 9210 4th St. N. 576-3826 Milt Alter 'rtrifi inn" Unme Duir I rna Etfle Ww.
ttOS moyr. HtlaitMC. DRIVEWAYS, patios, sidewalks, UPRIGHT Quality Chainlink Fence. Getes, Repairs. Free Est.
525-7234 FENCING, Chain Link, Installed Free est. No job loo small. 343-9202 TOM HILLIARD Lie. Int. Plinting 8, Pressure Cleenlng.
Inl 1-2-3BR, turn ft unfurn. Central to Small. All Guergnteed. 577-OIH 5463-27th St. South a ii a LAWN ft Tree Problems? Can Florida Lawn Tree Service.
Professional work. Complete lawn care. Fertilize, Pest control, lawn dlseettt, lot work, cleen uphiuling. Comm FRAME, trim, doors, soffit 0. fecie, masonry bar-b-q 734-3900734-4438 ALL KINDS-Masler, 23 veers.
Rees rates Licensed 323-0268 aft 5 ext. free est. T.mp. ciwir jl fete t-ai Ave So. 243-3rms, own electr GULFCOAST Mtrciting-complele pool remodeling.
Make your old pool look new. New tile, marclte eV decks refinished. Free Estimttet 594-0745 Tlx SffTvkftt stone. 8, F. 094-2036 wytlmt PARKING Lots- petios, driveways, Koli Concrete 323-5346 eves GAWPirW API, TffvTI fB Firoplacts PAINTING-Exleriorlnlerior.
Cirpenl-ry Repair. Prompt Fret Ettlmitt. Reliable lemilymen. 31-455 anytime 9-5; Sun. 1-5 52ND Avt.
N. IBR, Clean, uve mo, th Avt. N. 715-2 Room APIs I CT UAI nn IT rmnt UUnrk residential. Frtt etl.
Eves. 525-0100 867-8602 with air Incl. a ufkTtlei. INCOME TAX Expertly Prepered In Your Home. Dltcounl Riles 534-3436 INCOME TAX SERVICES 044-1034 2525 34th SI S.
Open til 9pm. Stucco, sidewalks, petios, driveways. mmmvmx SPECIAL LOW PRICES JOHNS-MANVILLE ROOFING ROOF REPAIRS-tS UP NEW UP Any Job-Large or small Shingles-hot lar-IHe-slate A carpentry. Licensed. Insured.
Mtmbtr Chtmbtr of Commerce. 30 Yeers Exp. Written Warranty Ttrmtl For Fret Etll-mate Please Ca Charles: 8ZJS2 R8.R Ltwncare -I- Powerreking, now accepting yrly eccounts. Llclns. CARPENTRY-Comm'l Residential.
Rough I Trim. Richard. 726-7042 CARPENTRY Licensed, Bonded Insured. No Job Too Large or Smell. Also Roofing.
595-1695, 393-4264. Paaef HaBBlitg No Kp too urge or small, jou-roio MASONRY FIREPLACES. HEATILA-TORS INSTALLED. REAS. FREE ESTS.
8, DESIGN. 34 YRS EXPER. 526-7050 ROY KARNS 57 2437, Clubhouse THE TAX SPECIALIST The Recommended "in Your Home" Income Tai Service. 442-7220. Social activities Close to beaches Exp.
Dependable. Free esl. 347-1150 FREE ESTIMATES Small or Lg. KHchtfts tern Umbcrla Air Conditioning Htating Sorvic WILLIAMSON Heating Air SPRING SPECIAL: Air Cond. Check, 124.00.
Master 894-3773. Aluminum Anything Aluminum Lowest Fec-tory-lo-you Prices. Save DALY ALUMINUM 784-3902 EVERYTHING in aluminum-Screen, glass. Fie rm, doors, windows all Jobs, Welks-Petios-Driveways Floors. Guar Work.
04-745 PROFESSIONAL PAPERING PAINTING-Guaranteed! Senior Clt-liens Discount. PfCk-H-907 its Sorvicw ePool Walk to shopping Floor Covoring POWER RAKE- Inlcudes mowing, tdglng. ftrtlllig. Free Esl. 541-540 POWER Raking $20 up.
Free esl WHY-PUT IT OFF? QUALITY Kitchen Remodeling it affordable prices. Style Creft Kitchens. 524-2033. Evenings. S22-0714.
Nice, le. gfnet. Yrly. Nice, I. efHct.
Yrly. I BR Ibr cottage St. E-Z PAPER HANGING ly carpeted, central heat ft air, uctm oea.Htt uLaot TV Repair-all makes. Free estimates CITY WIDE TV. 023-3103 Tyrone 1 GutfPorl areas 441-7594 pQim CARPENTRY OF ALL KINDS.
M.F STEVENS SON 023-1423. CARPENTRY 8, REMODELING All types, cabinets, counter tops, resurface old cabinets. 443-3271 EXPERT INSTALLATION: Vinyl, Parquet, Ceremic Tile. Licensed. Immediate Service! 541-5909 LEAK SPECIALISTS 822-0026 Aixirhivtuts The Best Concrete Prices Ever! Southern Pinellas Concrete Finishing Free Estimates 044-3754 nth St br, Him, cent.
I I I i Swimming Ptiol Saunas Exercise Room Social Close By: Shiiupimr. Golf and Medical Facilities Professionally Managed Show lime Available TILE, BunT-up I Shingle Repairs. nmWM, HAMILTON RPPFING LiiM 'inmW' SINCE 1947" CUSTOM Painting. Llclnt. Allan 541-3410 THE PAPER DOLLS MASONR Y-Block, brick, ttont, slabs, etc.
Free estimeles. Reasona- repairs. Free estimates 531-3387 E. NOEL FLOORING CO. Showroom.
4541-54lh Ave N. 544-5444 cMt ha. kitchen aswllancei Ihom*o TILE SETTER FOR HIRE 022-4231 Hrtv Rates. 1ST Cltts Workmtnthip BATHROOMS wfixlures from 8100 ALL TYPES NEW ROOFS. Leaks n-paired.
Frtt til. Llc-lnt. JB2-3051 SCREEN ROOMS 8, CARPORTS CONFUSED Lei Us HELP! CONCRETE That PROBLEM! No Job Too Large or Satisfaction assured. Nancy. 577-0543 SOD 29 to.
ft. Instelled-Sprinklers, Cleonupt. Hauling. Jim S22-9741 FLORATAM SOD-Seed. Soil, rock, PtOh' t.
Hwn rengvotjon, 9-15 NO JOB TOO LARGE or SMALL. Lie, free ests. 393-9108 eveswkends REMODELING, Home Repairs. Sr. Citizen Disc.
25vrs exe. Art, 526-0903 priw 9 9431, Floor Finishing BRICK. BLOCK STONEWORK CONCRETE, Anything Aluminum. LEO'S Home Improvement. 39? :0666 References.
Free eslimtlet 345-3273 eua oi.iitt WRIGHT'S Complete Roofing No Job Too Small. All Work Guaranteed. Lie. Bint. 30 Years Eta.
524-312. WALL Covering, 30yrs Exp. $7rol; Insured. Cell after 12om 574-070 CoeTtrel Small FREE Estimates. 345-017 REPAIRS 8.
REPLACEMENTS FLOOR SANDING 8. VARNISHING Reasonable. Lie. Free Etl. 022-4659 Aluminum Siding DRIVEWAYS, Patios, Sidewalks.
TRACTOR Work- THIing, Lot Mow-ine. Cloan-UP. Tree Work. 522-3052 PROFESSIONAL Gardner- Stoking New Accounts. 77-135 By exp mason.
Reasonable 525-200 MASONRY, Block, Brick, Stone, Carpentry, Cement, Any Site Job. 4-7Q50 ROYKAR.NS. 574-2437, MASONRY REPAIRS. FREE A minor repairs. 544-0101 A beautifully landscaped setting near the Gulf.
Washerdryer hook-ups and cable TV pools, tennis court, and a private lake. The good life at Indian Palms. LARGO a(eax,) CERAMIC TILE Fix Up Old, Install New. Free Estimates. 391-7507 MASTER TILE SETTER-AII Types.
Repair or New. Complete Bath Re-modeling. No Job Too Small. 301-2057 Furnituro mmmmt Oth Ave 3 ream Llclnt, Free Est 544-4474, 527-229. Contractors BuiMon ROOF Leak? Retcommindutlrial.
Final payment after It rains. Gueren-teed. Fret ett. 501-4104: 504-3001 ALUMINUM VINYL SIDING, SOFFIT FASCIA. OR-OOH ALUMINUM 544-5070 Residential.
Com'l Jimmy 574-6552 CARPENTRY, door hanging, penel-ing, masonry, tile, painting. 544-7002 CUSTOM work, resid'l, comm'l. Cebinets, framing, doors hung. Cus mo. Singsec.
B2-79U. HAVE YOU CALLED A PROFESSIONAL? Pinellas Termite I Pott Control Inc. 04-0041, PROFESSIONAL Furniture Refinish-Ino 1 Repair 31-974; 77-5l. Tejja Appliance Repair SHELTER SOUTH INC. For all your building remodeling All Landscaping by Norman Htynet equals proven expertise by licensed professionals.
Guarantees, 534-543 Plant Caro, 5rvfcs 125 mo. istlas en-iW N-Bfncwtcv. 1175 701 uHHIm TOP Notch Tile Mttonry, Tile, blocks, bricks, concrete, Lie 25 fBiNna Yita torn Craft hrs Garaws-Cloawirhi LEAKS OUR SPECIALTY-20yrt tip. Liekit. Free esls G0.K 443-3271 ROOF CLEANING 0, PAINTING WS-W34.
6971 Sumet Drive Seuth PooW St. Petertb-ffj 34S-S53I needs. CHI 397-4470 n.irf CS7.S-U RICHARD HUDE Appliance Service Washer, Dryers, Dishwashers, Gar 31-434 DOORS HUNG, All Phases Carpent- TRIPLE MOVERS Small Moves Our Speciality yrs exuer. 022-4730 or 422-4470 Trot Servico FORMULATORS, INC. Live Plant Renttts-Saiet-Maint.
PLANT PRODUCTIONS- ResComm Fret Estimates. Ca Rick 77-150 Lawti Sorvkot bate Disposals. 30 Yrs Exp. 546-3231 GET READY FOR SPRING Cleen your garage or attic. Very low rates.
Call the rest then call the beet! loMTCTS Donations Delivered Free ry. Low Prices, Free Est. 524-7445. ALL Types, Home Repairs, Rees. Rales.
Free Esl. 596-2228, 094-1306 153 POWER RAKE, trim shrubs, cleanup Hot Ttr, gravel, 25 yr shingle guar repairs Fesl service 37-007 323-0720 1 2 Bedroom ADULTS ONLY (813)397-5578 12100 Park Srminnlr 9th AVE VrTM- -mjrm lawimRSfi, decortttd. Twin beet, kitchen dinette, Hv rm, glass port. Air. heal turn e.n-e nn eats Oaan e-3PM ACE MOVING COMPANY LUND'S LAWN SERVICE.
327-144 Senior citiien discount, m-tito fcvos IBB SIM MM AuflS, Cenvtnteittty tecated 1 Beeroom; 1 Beth. 1 peats, tennis court. Attractively lenoscaeod. Close to US-lf N. 8L-AMCondo.
i bath. Residentiel Commerciel Builder. Stele Licensed fl Insured. Free ett. No job too smiM.
504-004 Docks SCOTT'S TREE Service, 525-5015 TOPPED-REMOVED-TRIMMED Hiuled Awav. Lie. Ins. FREE EST AMITMENTMMIS Affordable Quality Transfer Retiree Discount. 733-030 sm ewewiMjinHH, botwBBn Venn SR Intlsefl Hscki.
596-5741 VISIT US TODAY! Carpet doming A-l PROFESSIONAL TREE SVC. POWER Rake Special $37.50 Incl ler-llllier. Ricks Uwn Service 544-2346 CUTTING, Trimming, Clean-up lobs, fertiine. Get reed for Spring! W4-7051 AA MOVERS' WM Avo. lo.
effeclency LESS Seems Than Most So-Celled Seamless Gutters. Stu's. 527-0304 DECKING Cool Decking 8, Epoxy river rock, PLASTER Patching-no lob too small. 30 vrt. exp.
Free estimates. 022-1037 ALL popcorn cemngs.rtts. Carl Dunn 447-0520 PLASTER-Stucco, Popcorn Ceilings, Epoxv River Gravel. Ed. 541-451 mourns.
Top, Trim. Remove Liclnt. 347-3023 3-D TREE Top, Trim, Remove, Reasonable Rates. Liclnt. Free ett.
ANYTHING! ANYWHERE! Lowes! 541-371 Living rm, din rm, hall, machine shampoo. $29.95. 304-5S50. ext 909 LEE'S Living Room, Dining Room 8. Hell.
Steam Cleaned $29.95 24 hour service 443-4240; 546-9333 WHAT IS A HOME ROOF BLANKET? Ca CASSIOY INSULATION Today find out. 504-1171 Pinekes 45-291 Tampa. 355-744 Sarasota 724-7(55 Inverness uxurv in ctry. 20yrs.Exp. Lic.ins 392-4541 Cleen Up Bad Yards VERY Trip Charge.
Sears, GE, etc. Washers, Dryers, Re frigerifors. Guar. 577-0247 527-3919. 20yrs exper.
Domestic refrig 8 air cond service specialists. All makes. J8.B REFRIG AIR COND. 526-0754 APPLIANCE REPAIR Full service. All brands Radio dispatched County Wide All Work Guaranteed.
Our 6th Year HAINES ROAD APPLIANCES 5205 Haines Road 521-3747 laundry, eertine. But Modern, IBR, ABC MOVING atmot. IBB, IBB Tern. H. from M0, (10 POM ChteOkW 05T, W5eT CALL 24 HOURS A DAY.
823-7540 WriT iS -ifflr Netrl teniT CUSTOM Designed Decks. Immediate installation. Free estimeles 527-4154 Doors I IT- IE mmmM MANLEY'S Trie Experts; trim.lop. Ctrptt Instillation eaaHy. ttc.
fi7-M miLlVlOUARI MULTI-SERVICES of Pinellas Cty. We do almost anvlhlno. 522-5772. CARPENTRY, Painting, Roofing, Ce-nuni Re-airs Odd Jobs. sm.
or Irg. iu-isa TTJ Ca a Veteran! 37-0407: 541-3040 CALL SARGE ARMY RETIRED Bad yards put in shape, trath moved. Mow, edge trim. Beds weeded, power rant 4 tree service. I work myself Lie, Reas 304-5550.
l-4rt-Mt remove. AH phases of free work. Llclnt. Fret Etl.ResComm3l-2507 ANY PLUMBING PROBLEMS 140-044 Port Rlchoy yin i. 1 Piece or Entire House.
Liekit. Call Rust Wilton, 504 5664 Eytt-37-2210 SMALL MOVES, INC. SMALL PRICES. CQurloous, efficient. 04-347 A-l, install, repair Immediate ser vice wguarantee.
Low rates $64-7717 CALL PAT m-3431 RAY'S EXPERT TREE SERVICE Free Ests. Rant. Liekit. 347-6)9 ROOFING FHA-VA Approved. Ll-censed I Int.
Frank Sink. 574-233 WIEDEMANN DOOR 8, TRIM CO. Specializes in Reptecement of wood and Steel Doors, Exterior I Interior. 24-Hr Emergency Service. Call Days, REPAIRS, Remodeling, Sewer Cleen Trimming, topping, removing (IN aatt.
from (M. 4M Ave. 1 Clue. I ett 3 taareem eett. too-ropfn t8wftfw-iM.
STfea5 ftwijtV mc fton now ooon. PfrCoO from ttM. Col PAINTING, Plumbing, Roofing, Elec Cells returned this eve, or before RADIO DISPATCHED Freeests Liclnt, Free estimeles 301-2343 imn iifl.fi ROOFER-Exper. I'll Do You A Good HALLMAN'S Carpet Seles, install; repair. Call Save 522-0075 EXPERT Carpel Installation $1.20 so.
yd- 1 yr Guar. 24 hrs. 444-1035 KINO PLUMBING 544-075 trical. Free Ests. WOM WMmm irnTT't ulMnvsilll-Ma iob tonbio 576-4750.
or Evenings. 527-5235. Asphalt Joe At A Fair Pricg. Rets 123-43 ABC TREE-Cheap Prices, Free Esl Trim, Top, Remove. Lklns.
Reas ROSS PLUMBING 094-315 or too small. We do II aW 301-5520 onopte Firewood. 24-Hrs. 373-1123 loMM Of VtvM -MrVMMB I on US (Mm SI. Tur Catering Guaranteed Service.
Serving SI. Pole Since 134. Repairs, Sewer Cleaning. Resid. or Comm'l.
Large or smat lobs 1 bKVoofn 2 bepTooi, Br-ff jatSVunurn. Ibr. DOORS. General Carpentry, Win-dows. Painting.
Lie; Ins. Jim. 541-4730 DOORS Replaced, Deadboit Locks Instated, Setisfectlon Guaranteed ED KASS 321-1007. I underprice Competition. Carpentry, Elec.
painting. HurMnt. 525-5134. MCQUEEN BROTHERS TREE Svc MOWING, raking, fertilising. Dltcounl lo Sr clllient-wfcmo.
31-4140 Eves LAWN SERVICE-Licented. Fret estimate. Dependable, experienced, mmmtm rn Lrmr 023-543. STUMP'S LAWN CARE 0, Tree Service-cleanups, edging, mowing, Prompt free etllmatat. Lie 544-8045 DUMALA 8, SONS PAVING.
Perking Lots. Treiler Perks, Drives. 391-2269. SUNSHINE Pevlne by DeGeorge Ceilings. Striping, Patching, Sealing auelityfiir prices.
Free esl. 577-004) ACTION MOVING CO. Llclns. L. End.
Trucks. Courteous. ViseMaster Card Now Accepted Phone Estimeles. Anytime. 54-033 A MOVING CO 544-3210 Local Statewide Experts.
Llclnt, FAST SERVICE-LOW PRICES Windows, Doors, Poofs, Palios, New Frames Vinyl Repair. 392-427 Baa-ovate 1 Bit 1 eefh an court 2 both fljOrd-Ht upoVhMnlt. AN Cepv tfiMfitt hov ALL PLUMBING-Free Estimeles. Uc. 4 Insured.
We do It remodel-HW rfjfelfl. nW work, 797-3Q7 LET US HELPPLAN YOUR PARTY INTERNATIONAL CATERERS, INC. Service-Qualily-Price Pinellas 461-9498 Pasco 930-4351 Hillsborough 985-3209 Llclnt. Freeests. Firewood.
397-lli TREES-heetthv Palms removed free. Call Rick 54-100. TfTH Drmli menl, modern tcnen, neai-eir, adults, off street parkin, no left, Auto Service! JIMS HAULING 544-4061 SCREENING Lowetl Possible Cost Cat: 544-170. vent or eeetaM tram Ml BR kofti on toy fforn f3M kiwiOel occur-FIIC caefe InslaHallon. Petteti PLUMBING.
Inc. NATURALAIRE LAWN CARE MECHANIC WORK. My home or -TM 7T.1X r.i QUICK SERVICE, ANYTIME, SUBCONTRACTOR with Drywall Texture machine, aveil for Interior finish. Comm. or res.
Price bated on Adutt. Oaan Set ft Sen, tem-Jarn yours. Foreign 1 domestic. -ztn RESCREENING Pools, Palios, Doors. Windows.
Frag Esl. 31-241 CtilitUt For Quick Service 1 Quality Work. CALL, -0yj juiILlb 1 pOTIOt, IMVCOVIfVf Ond MMTfljy MVfflQ EXPERT Typing 8, Trtnscrlbing. My hom*o, RtatCKStbte Retes 522-7254 -mm. FREE Estimete at your home TRASH, FURNITURE MOVING, DUMP A ENCLOSED TRUCK, any-thjna.
anytime. Free esls 574-1447. Sprint clean ups, power rakes, complete lawn care. Frtt estimeles Pro-to-onal service 541-4714: 544-0101 ED'S Lawn Service-Power eking mm Hi. Free estimate.
544-173 PAINTING-25 yrs exp, reasonable, references. Ca Bruno 527-524 MASTER Palnfer-25 years one. Uc. RESCREENING technical, statistical, resumes. auto bod? point 391-325 anytime 10 Off Insurance Claims TILE, Suspended, Sprey Texlure DeGEORGE CEILINGS, 57643338 theses, manuscripts 527-4252: 044-34T4 Porches, Pools Pallet.
Guaranteed. LOWEST PRICES. 544-0472. TRUCK Driver For Hire. Haul Insured.
Neat. Rekebte. 525-012 tfc Exear Free est. 541-5951 Ave. Somtistte.
1 0, 1 eerm eats mm Adutt VMM Ha "ett Services Anyttiina. Anywhere. Ray. 730-100 PRESSURE WASHING-ANY 1 story home roof $45; with excluding roof $25. Mobile hornet $25 574-4247 04w)hta Sonrkei $240 Paints your average 2br house.
COMMERCIAL. Rttldinfltt (rounds DRYWALL-Plester, Stucco. No M) '09 smgl, patching specleHy. 535-W HANGING, Finishing, texturing wads, blown ceilings, patchwork. No Job loo small.
Days 443-4248eves 55-430 HI Ctfm'BCtOfS "THE SUPER CEILING MAN" Makes Miserable Ceilings Beeutiful FREE ESTIMATES. 595-4005 DON'S HAULING-Anything, Anytime. Discounts To Elderly Free Estimates RESCREEN-40 OFF! Pools, Pallet, Porches. Other Work, 25 off. Free Etl: Fret Ptcfcue Delivery.
44-l221 CADY'S-houseweshing mobile i br, i mm "DOLLAR-A-DAY" Plen Avoilable Compl Bookkeeping, All Taxes. Low Cost. Moore Business Srvc 392-4496 PAINTING-Honest. tea euafftv work, All Adult ACE UPHOLSTERY-Speclel lew. low ret.
Your fabric or ours. Pickup QMwjrv, 34 wt -2377 vjuai 24-Hour Service. S27 497. 7 Ji 51 'A homes $24.95 roots. Liclnt 32-447 excetent ref.
Inferenter. Fret ests Comoftt Sefvicos heutng, power rake IHttrtg. Hudtmt Commercial Grounds Maintenance 5223052 DUMP TRUCKS FOR HIRE cross wntuotiofi Setxrote Aduft Family BfCtiet pfBot, tSftTsi CtftjrtBf are jutt a few of our feature you'lfMto liiil Paan 8flay.Rse-deaM COfSHHrh FABRIC CONCEPTS A I CEMENT geat, same ufeXtet aetm. ne.nansew HONEST-Noat 10 yrs. SI Pete Fill dirt.
Top soil, Limerock, She WH detiver Trash haukna. 32-4777 CtmlHmltAh tCmVtTV lMftWmMCmmm FREE ELECTRICAL ESTIMATES No Job Too Smalt Comm'lResld. or 'ndustriil EJ Electric .323 2940 fmDVMT urn Our 35th Year Free esls. 443-4740 Limited Time, 50 Off Labor. Free Ett, PK-UP Dai 392 515 37-7145 m.
Free ett. 525-405 Amrllmt AUreMI ACE PUMP CO. PUMP REPAIRS "ALL MAKES (, SIZES" Mil 4TH COMPLETE tune up $11.95 In home lam aa. Guar. 04-3014: lea-lias REPAIR makes-Timing, tension, naa-e bar wort M.95.
Ca SU-UJt Cloning Sent let LIGHT hauHngmovlng. Trkn trees 9 job too smat, jH etl, B444 KIRK'S Sodding Sad Pitching, Lawn Service. -Stat. 1950. 345-1714 GOD'S LITTLE HELPER-D Lawn Service.
Serine ctMnuef Frtt 1 St 2 Bedroom Apt. from $245 per mo. Annual Fixed Ibte Uuet FATHER A SON tntExt. A Work PAINTING-lntexl I5yrs tup. Free COUMTIVSIM ARC AS Sparkling Touch Cleaning Service Resjdential is our specialty 594-4000 527-8373 RAYDON ELECTRIC 24 HOUR SERVICE FREE EST.
ELECTRICIAN needed? No lob Nn smat. LieIns. Slash Elec, 345-l54 LET VET haul for you. Attics teratet cleaned Reeseneble Cetta TV, Ak CeejL mtw lLkef4MAm.aawlie.wWet1 est. Wk, mo, yr.
Mew, edge, trim; ant. He 17-2414 after 3am REMODELING 8, additions. For fret Iwtwielwice yrjti tettPeyt eves WINDOW wathlng. Exp. profeuional.
Reas. Neat 522-2B9; a-3HFraaest PROFESSIONAL -High rises, tots, hpmet. 24 hours. Free ett. a-t-0103 1 A 2 BEDROOM APTS.
Th Was at Safety Marter, en the hey syfth eoett, tenets court, ctuh retrn. Easy accets ft park, sheiltnt I Watch Ropoif SHOPPING ACKOSS THESTKEET ImfiNrnXBrngt JAY'S HAULING 323-4916 tsjjrntji cjsJLJjeJOJJOJ. WE INSTALL Purslevs SevWe, strip cornatrfe tod. Free ett. 124-8597 yourHktng.
1U Cerneo4Vonnlttl.iuetN. $140 Paints Your House STEVES Lawn Care-Prompt ttrylct, free ett. Rescomm-tc. Member Sun- edBiyamiii i-fisii REMODELING Anything. Anytime.
Roes Fret Ett YE CHde Clock Shoppe-Antique clock repair 000 30th Ave. N. 381-1394 COBCTBtt 3371 coast Better But. Counck 527-077 BEAUTIFY Your Home with Custom Built Cebinets-Counlertops 4, Vanities hyeiuxe 4907 Hh Ave S. 321-3344 CABINETS-refeced $495 up.
Counter -toes 1109 up. 821 977 390-2113 MICA Finish on ok) ceblnetscounter-tops. Panning. Free Ests. 524-3024 COUNTERTOPS, Cebinets, Cover Old, BuHd New.
Work Guaranteed 24 Years Experience, 534-5497. CABINETS Recovered from $595. Countertops from $195, Nu-Look Kilehens. 531-0903 or 822-7420. MODERNIZE your Kitchen and Beth with Custom Cebinets, Vanities and Counter Tops We Build Custom Cebinets for Home or Office.
CAD INDUSTRIES, 54-3045 Beeaarl1-e--alstBe. FANS 8. lightning errestors installed 1. other etecfrlcal work. Bob.
544-5403 ELECTRICAL WORK -Ceiling Fans, OonNtft Lawn Strvtce-yeu'l kt us PINELLAS POINT APAsTfcWTt 2150--hI Avt. S. K7-905 Went builder prices on tppNancit 7TI CALL: AAA 521-1313 BEST CONTRACT PRICES ON: frf rmm, atm PAINTING-waapaeercarpenlry-rooft i me. Urn, on Guar. 393-7647 MIKE'S pressure cleaning palming.
ROCCO'S LANDSCAPING 14 veers experience. Take up old sod, instet new ted, sprinkler system. Instant show place) (Flarfam B-Y'S Moving HauOng-Oaan ga raaes. down to earth prices. 344-233 HAULING-No nb too big, same day service 044-3012 ask tor Kirk etc.
Frtt Cad Dave; 522-207 WINDOW Repair or Replacement Prompt Service. Fret Etl. as-ttw REPLACEMENT Windows Any site, Style or Finish. "The Original Wki- GENERAL Cmn-up. mew, edge.
anal wc unei 0, i COMMERCIALReskfentlel work. sod kniaatd). Reosonobl fm ttt, 173-4-77, Free esl. Licenttd, Insured. 544 6575 ei leef-tl tef Ultee Wt.
FREE Ettlmales. 23-944 "Stan DEPENDABLE Lawn Service Nu Prime 524-1143 CONCRETE Placement-Fret ettl-metes. WotKs, drives, patio 527-7445 DRIVEWAYS 10x40 $49 Free Estimate 021-6579. 023-OW ALL CONCRETE MASONRY Fireplaces, room additions, stone, stucco. Repairs small 544-4347 JOHN'S ROOFING At Types of 59WS81 CONSTRUCTION, Additions, Dees ft" ma.
if. Ml-Tta A4- Ltwn Service- mowing, SOD Ftoratem Bitter Blue end Bahia. Wholesale end retail. Muck and Sand or own. CM 544-422.
WINDOW Replacements, Awnings, Single Hung, Sffders. Free Ett. BROOOSI ALUMINUM 544-570 Cerbueretors, starters, Repairs Roofs. Licensed Insured. Guaranteed.
Frag Ests. 33-233. LrgSma Jobs, Ctrpenfry, Masonry 524-705 ROY KARNS 574-237. ALL AREAS. CHRISTIAN PAINTER -it ta rearendt.
valves, brakes 531-447 9.