1. Chinese Herbal Medicine for induced abortion in early pregnancy (before ...
To evaluate the efficacy and safety of Chinese herbal medicine for induced abortion in early pregnancy (before 14 weeks' gestation).
This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of Chinese herbal medicine for induced abortion in early pregnancy (before 14 weeks' gestation).
2. Early Medical Abortion at Home – Home Medication | Hull University ...
19 jan 2024 · Early Medical Abortion is a medical treatment that involves taking oral and vaginal medication to cause an abortion in a pregnancy gestation ...
Introduction about Early Medical Abortion (EMA) Early Medical Abortion is a medical treatment that involves taking oral and vaginal medication to cause an abortion in a pregnancy gestation that is less than 9 weeks and…
3. [PDF] Abnormal Microspore Development Leads to Pollen Abortion ...
Results indicated that the abnormal development of the microspore led to pollen abortion in the mutant, and this could be the reason for its Seedless ...
4. Medical methods for first trimester abortion - PMC - PubMed Central
Medical abortion became an alternative method of pregnancy termination following the development of prostaglandins and antiprogesterone in the 1970s and ...
Medical abortion became an alternative method of pregnancy termination following the development of prostaglandins and antiprogesterone in the 1970s and 1980s. Recently, synthesis inhibitors of oestrogen (such as letrozole) have also been used to ...
5. Assessing causal relationships between gut microbiota and abortion
10 jul 2024 · Our study suggests a genetic causal relationship between specific GM and two types of abortions, improving our understanding of the pathological relationship ...
BackgroundWhile some studies have suggested a link between gut microbiota (GM) and abortion, the causal relationship remains unclear.MethodsTo explore the ca...
See AlsoHenry Colmenares Mug Shot
6. Abortion | Government.nl
Bevat niet: Qi Gen Hu
Women in the Netherlands may terminate their pregnancy, for example, if they have an unwanted pregnancy or for medical reasons. Under the law, an abortion may be performed up to the time when the foetus is viable outside the mother’s body. This is generally taken to mean the 24th week of the pregnancy.
7. Surgical Abortion | Local & General Anaesthetic - NUPAS
A surgical abortion is a safe and simple in-clinic procedure to end a pregnancy. Surgical abortion procedures are provided in our specialist clinics.
Do you require surgical abortion? A safe way to end a pregnancy at our specialist clinics. Find out more about different available procedures & methods used at NUPAS.
8. Early Medical Abortion – In Hospital
19 jan 2024 · Early Medical Abortion is a medical treatment that involves taking oral and/or vaginal medication to cause an abortion in a pregnancy that is less than 9 weeks ...
Introduction about Early Medical Abortion (EMA) Early Medical Abortion is a medical treatment that involves taking oral and/or vaginal medication to cause an abortion in a pregnancy that is less than 9 weeks and 6…
9. [PDF] Abortion in Late Imperial China: Routine Birth Control or Crisis ...
1 jul 2011 · the law” (that is, abortion in general, or just providing one for an adulteress). ... An abortion would have saved Hu Shi an enormous amount of ...