[PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (2024)

  • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (1)

    @raphwolf10 дней назад +4

    I can't believe they didn't make like giant robotic fists armament. I think that would have been pretty damn cool. Feels like a miss since we already have a bunch of floating fist cosmetic stuff. Maybe they'll add one later.

  • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (2)

    @RinrinFran10 дней назад +3

    I wonder if we'll fight purple pepsiman with a MARS dps check phase or smth.

  • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (3)

    @dero43785 дней назад

    how do I change color of the MARS system?

  • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (4)

    @jesusdiaz43056 дней назад

    I feel like combining the Nidhoggr and Scylla main weapons are the best bet for Slayer mains who move around a lot. Nidhoggr’s normal and weapon action abilities seem like an inverse of the Gunblade so that’s perfect as-is, and the Scylla seems great for dealing with mobs. Its normal attack quickly recovers pp at range, and we can quickly move around the field when we need to stay mobile. 🤔

  • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (5)

    @ZeroTwo-oni-princess10 дней назад +6

    Lol. Can't wait to get my hands on it, though. the point system thing does kind of get me worried Like, how much do you literally have to farm to Max out everything? and do these things always drop or do the knot? I mean, is it a RNG? Because if it is yeah, that right there says it all. If it's RNG, you'll be 0 Lord, don't even want to think of it. But all in all, it does look like an awesome system. And I can't wait to get a hold of it to try it out for myself. Thank you all for putting out these videos. Appreciate it.

    • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (6)

      @wongsetsuna10 дней назад

      If its anything like the dark blast upgrade in PSO2 base, you are going to need to farm ALOT

    • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (7)

      @Kromlech0610 дней назад +1

      I believe one of the interviews said it costs more material for a skill point the more skill points you have. So yea, don't expect to max out the tree any time soon.

    • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (8)

      @ZeroTwo-oni-princess10 дней назад

      yes, I agree Depending on how everything is working when the game updates RNG may be involved with those points as well. And you're going to look at a metric book ton of grinding. It may turn some people off about it as well, but we. can only wait and see how it actually going to operate when we get our hands on it. And it goes live. So here's hoping it won't be as hard as we think it is.

    • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (9)

      @zarkraycsu50698 дней назад

      Suena (SUENA) a casual... casi apesta a CASUAL. XD. Gente floja que no le gusta esforzarse, que luego salen a llorar porque no pueden maximizar las cosas en un par de horas. Por eso muchos juegos hoy en día son tan m...da, por gente quejumbrosa que no quiere esforzarse y las compañías en su mediocridad ceden a sus lloros.
      Que se ponga el saco al que le quede.

  • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (10)

    @RIzzlessMF9 дней назад +1

    They suddenly got me playing again.

  • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (12)

    @nova_crystalis9 дней назад


  • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (13)

    @fenriswolf13439 дней назад +1

    Us my friend....they gave us a railgun

  • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (14)

    @THIZZAVELI10 дней назад +4

    I just thought about what's gonna be locked behind AC scratch tickets. You know they gonna do it. Most of the coolest and best stuff is locked behind them. Bet they have a booster that helps you level them up faster. This game would be so much better and keep people around more. If they simply made at least half of the scratch stuff avaliable as unlocks. Or do like they did in the older games. Where some unlocks were secrets that you'd have to discover them.
    Wonder if we can get like 4 mars together and do an ultimate attack? Like the linked mag blast😮

    • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (15)

      @blakwater77710 дней назад +2

      Most AC scratch items are sold in the personal shop market by players. Just do ship 1 or 2, Ship 3 and 4 prices get out of hand. AC just saves you grind time tbh.

  • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (16)

    @KamenKami6 дней назад +1

    PSO Universe SVU weapons.

  • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (17)

    @Ars-Nova25810 дней назад

    I can’t wait for this.
    I want to see how it looks when attuned to my character’s color scheme and I hope it has alternate Photon Colors too.

  • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (18)

    @mazhigigikamiludin138310 дней назад

    I'm worried that my graphic card may crash when multiple people activate their MARS at the same time, especially in the 32-man zone. 😑
    And will there be skins or stickers for Mars?

  • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (19)

    @NivaOranir10 дней назад +2

    it reminds me of the dark falz forms in base PSO2 but theres more customization

  • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (20)

    @ninj4xninj44810 дней назад +4

    Omg I wanna jump back in NGS I feel like I'm way too far behind now smh

    • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (21)

      @harleyducote598210 дней назад +3

      Never too hard to get caught back uppp

    • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (22)

      @blakwater77710 дней назад +1

      Yeah you can catch up in a couple of days.

    • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (23)

      @philipedesouzasantos120110 дней назад

      It's actually too easy to be stronger at the moment....

    • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (24)

      @soulrpg427310 дней назад +1

      Come back Fam it’s worth it

    • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (25)

      @OscarSanchez-vo9dx9 дней назад +1

      I was gone for about a year and just now getting back in I feel so lost but an event is going on so getting new gear isn’t too much of an issue

  • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (26)

    @KorgCrimson6 дней назад +1

    ya know. Its kinda sad that SEGA keeps taking a dump on EN creators, and leaving them to use the scraps from the JP Creators the way they do. They act as if they can't give EN creators a translated video when they absolutely can. They just don't care, and tbh. I find it pretty rude.

  • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (27)

    @lord-REDACTED-6 дней назад

    I'm a simple man. I hear X-peshally, I stop the video.

  • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (28)

    @jecbunsoPG10 дней назад

    Present! 🐼🥰🐼🥰🐼

    • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (29)

      @jecbunsoPG10 дней назад

      2:14 i love hydraaa😍😍😍

  • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (30)

    @NinTheLost10 дней назад +2

    This game is cooked, maybe it’ll be worth in 4 years from now

  • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (31)

    @grninrengkudemnslayer715310 дней назад

    When the Mars come out I'm not going to use it I'm sticking with basic weapon bravery and fighter because I'm old school that way and I'm keeping it old school for me but thanks for telling me that

    • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (32)

      @FeignJurai9 дней назад

      It's kind of like saying you're not going to use Photon Blast... But it's probably not going to completely cripple your DPS.

  • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (33)

    @GHOSTTEAM-po4dw8 дней назад

    I don’t care about the Mars stuff I’ll skip it like i have done with everything else i don’t care about which as being most of the content and changes they have done to NGS over the past 3 years the game just keeps getting more boring and uninteresting and people keep saying it’s the same as the dark blast or it’s the same as the big robot suit from the base game when those are more interesting and motivating and are a lot more fun and enjoyable then the mars stuff everything they have added to NGS has just being boring and uninteresting and not fun or enjoyable it just feels like for the past 3 years of content and changes in NGS that there just trying to make little kids that aren’t old enough to play PSO2 happy instead of making adults happy that’s how there update and changes and content and story as always feels to me and that’s why i just don’t care about what they add to the game anymore

  • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (34)

    @THIZZAVELI10 дней назад +3

    Wow, with the relase of mars. I'm guessing we are in the true end game. Looks like NGS could be ending soon. This is like episode 5 in base with the dark blast release. Im kinda happy in a way. Hopefully this means we will get an actual all new PSO game. With up to date engine and better server. Would love to see this live service crap go. Pso was never meant to be like a elder scrolls type of online game. It's supposed to be a full game with add ons later. At least a 3 year life cycle of updates. I wish they would go back to the OG pso verse. Or better yet, merge pso, psu, and pso2's universes in one game. Great idea for pso3. Pso 3: infinity falz saga😂

    • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (35)

      @mramisuzuki696210 дней назад +6

      PSO~NGS is in the PS1 and PS4 universe already.
      They don’t need to merge anything.
      PSO cost money per month to play so it was a live service/sub.
      PSO2 and NGS use the freeium/cosmetics systems that have been around years.
      The MARS system marks an end of the service like buff? That doesn’t make any sense and your “end of” service time frame would still take 4 years to complete.

    • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (36)

      @seymourcarson10 дней назад +2

      Like what?…..
      No. lol

    • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (37)

      @no.notfromRDR10 дней назад +4

      I don't understand.
      If people hate ngs so much why do they still bother with it?

    • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (38)

      @mramisuzuki696210 дней назад +2

      @@no.notfromRDR 1. because people like being right.
      2. There is a way to fail up with being a doomer content creator and smaller/niche content is easier to be a big fish in a small pond.
      3. Your general 80iq complaints.
      4. Over emphasis of the poor choice of not bring Base over in a more organic way.
      5. NGS was a Sonic tech demo truthers.
      6. Launch was terrible, but it was 3 years ago and it easier to justify why you’re mad about the game you play.
      7. NGS is actually a unique game experience and people don’t want admit it.
      8. The game does have a large coomer population and people don’t want to be part of. Since SEGA doesn’t mass ban these people, because they are “whales” and they only care about whales.

    • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (39)

      @no.notfromRDR10 дней назад +3

      @@mramisuzuki6962 for me I actually like how the game is.
      Of course it could be better but at least is not forcing the players to always have the best gear to make new contentor or push p2w like most mmos. Which is also funny because people praised base for not being like other mmos and now are bashing ngs for not being like other mmos

  • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (40)

    @blakwater77710 дней назад +9

    They are definitely forcing us to play Leciel because no one chooses it. It just isn't that interesting or fun. Why gate new items behind old content?😢

    • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (41)

      @mramisuzuki696210 дней назад +12

      LC is pretty fun especially since they buffed the buffs you’re a lot more powerful and clearing the map is easier in pugs.

    • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (42)

      @blakwater77710 дней назад +6

      @mramisuzuki6962 It was fun 6-8 months ago. But I'm glad you enjoy it. I just wish for more maps with a different theme other than another Halpha with buffs or a YuGi OH rip-off card game. We still have an empty open world where the only challenge is a Malevolent spawn.

    • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (43)

      @mcflyjediguy771910 дней назад +3


    • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (44)

      @soulrpg427310 дней назад +1

      LC is fun omg…. Y’all players will never be satisfied.

    • [PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (45)

      @philipedesouzasantos120110 дней назад +4

      @@blakwater777 It's kinda funny... we are playing an open world game with no open world content.

[PSO2:NGS] MARS System Overview (2024)
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